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Dropdown Menu For Images P5js

I am trying to make a drop down menu in p5js that displays images. I keep running into an error with loading images. When I attempted to troubleshoot and loaded an image in another sketch I did not ...
K-PopCorn's user avatar
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Why does p5.js render colors differently when using point() in a loop vs rect()?

I'm working with p5.js to explore color rendering by creating a dynamic color gradient using the point() function. However, I've noticed that when I use point() to draw colors, they appear lighter or ...
Faerity's user avatar
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Toggling audio in React without re-rendering component

I have built a game using React (and Matter JS and p5.js). It mainly has 2 variables, score (increments everytime goal is hit) and timer (decrements every second). I want music to play in the ...
Worker1432's user avatar
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Creating a flat shadow effect from a circle

I've tried a bit of trig and playing with polar to cartesian coordinates but ultimately getting a bit lost on how to achieve an effect in JS. At the moment I've been using p5.js but open to other ...
Sophie Tooke's user avatar
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How does p5.js instance mode work where the argument to instantiate the object is a function?

I’m having issues understanding how the P5.js instance mode works. The syntax of creating the object seems so different from anything else I’ve seen. We’re instantiating a new object with the ‘new p5(...
ny2cali's user avatar
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p5 perlin noise field can't get streaking

I know that if you have an opaque background, the previous frame appears. My goal is that the previous dots from previous frames will appear to give a streaking effect. However, setting the background ...
Shivam Singh's user avatar
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Reaction diffusion with shaders on WEBGL

I'm writing a reaction diffusion simulation with p5js based on a video and this tutorial. The code so far is this: var vertSrc = ` #ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif attribute vec3 ...
SandWood Jones's user avatar
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I can't make collisions work in p5js with circles

I have followed the instructions of a "TheCodingTrain" tutorial, it describes how to calculate the distance between two circles to emulate collisions. I have a lot more, but this is the code ...
Oliver Riddle's user avatar
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I am having trouble figuring out how to round a number to the nearest ones place in p5.js

I have a game I'm making in p5.js and I am having trouble rounding my health varible to the nearest ones place. I tried using p5.js's round() function ( and it isn'...
Oliver Riddle's user avatar
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p5.js on OpenProcessing, sketch using audio works on desktop but not on mobile

Good afternoon all; Forgive me as I am very much a 'bodger' when it comes to coding so would appreciate your patience with my noviceness! I have made a rough sketch on ...
Alèn Martel's user avatar
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How to find how many parameters of a conditional statement are met?

I am dealing with an issue where I have to return the number of parameters in a conditional statement that are met. Further, I can only use more conditional statements and the return function. The ...
971munir's user avatar
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How to correctly convert images and attach to canvas in p5js?

Currently I'm working on a big project where I'm drawing the shoe model in canvas and using some functions to divide them into segments. Those segments are clickable in order to change the images ...
mrconcerned's user avatar
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Can't access element's properties using DOM in p5.js

I am trying to expand on The Coding Train's Monty Hall Problem demonstration using p5.js, and I am stuck in trying to implement an automatic mode. Everything works fine, except that the background of ...
Ardi's user avatar
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Trouble with reading a noise texture in GLSL

I'm writing a Perlin noise terrain generator with p5js, following this tutorial. The app ran poorly so I decided to rewrite it with shaders, something i've never used before. I started by generating a ...
SandWood Jones's user avatar
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in p5 How to change scalling but keep text size in pixel

I change the scaling to print a geometrical shape. Next to it, I print its name. I use the scaling to make the geometrical shape smaller or bigger. I want the text to follow the geometrical shape. ...
Pierre-olivier Gendraud's user avatar

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