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How to do Perspective Transformation of Image

Suppose I have colmap camera poses, is it possible and how to obtain a new view of input image I (planar object) from a different viewpoint/camera pose using those poses? Colmap camera poses has ...
pkn's user avatar
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Can one predict the location of the unseen point?

My question is quite simple. I have two images, on the first one I know the location of points P1, P2, P3, and P4. In the second image, I know the location of P2', P3', P4', and point Q'. Is there any ...
apraglez's user avatar
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Make plotly 3D chart have its camera position on the depth line going through the origin

I'd like my 3D Scatter chart to launch with its camera looking straight towards the origin of the data's coordinate system, on the ray coming out from the depth vector (0, 0, 1). ChatGPT knows to ...
matanox's user avatar
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Align horizontal lines in projected view of matrix via opencv

I have two different matrices A (shape 5, 11) and B (shape 5, 2). I want to have a projected view of each of these matrices. Unfortunately, the horizontal lines that are separating different values, ...
bearyTheBear's user avatar
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3D Projection: Moving Camera Instead of Object

I'm learning about 3D perspective projection and matrices in python. I've got a pretty good understanding of the basics, but I don't understand how I will take my code which moves an object and apply ...
FlashStopFall's user avatar
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Why gluPerspective gives a result that does not match the formula in the documentation?

Return of gluPerspective differ from formula in documentation Formula for gluPerspective described in IBM-doc and Khronos doc is f/aspect 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 (far + near) / (near - far) (2 * far + ...
Maciej_Adamski's user avatar
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OpenCV Perspective Transform with Reference Object

I'm a beginner with OpenCV, and I'm currently building out a project with a goal to find some relevant dimensions of a building (for now, just width and height in feet). See image below: I added a ...
dukedoug's user avatar
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How to improve precision while measuring using OpenCV python

I have been trying to measure window panes using a reference object (a 3x5 checkerboard) in OpenCV python, but my measurements are off from the real value by about 5-10%. Is there a way to improve the ...
5ymmetric's user avatar
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How to find a four point polygon approximation with OpenCV?

So I have a problem that requires me to get a perspective transform on a series of numbers. However, in order to get the four point transform, I need the correct points to send as parameters to the ...
Mateus Braga's user avatar
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How can I avoid parts of images from getting cut, when performing perspective warping?

I am trying to turn the perspective of an image so that I get a result that gives the front view perspective. I am using cv2.WarpPerspective function. However, on performing warp, some parts of the ...
adarsh subramanian's user avatar
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Keep imgae resolution after undistortion process - camera calibration

I am working on camera calibration using opencv in python. I’ve already done calibration using cv2.calibrateCamera and got the camera matrix and distortion coefficients. I also have evaluated the ...
ir0098's user avatar
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How to get a mask of the pixels that were warped "from no where" in cv2.warp methods?

This code warps my images fine kp1, des1 = self._detector.detectAndCompute(static, None) kp2, des2 = self._detector.detectAndCompute(moving, None) matches = self._matcher.match(des1, des2)...
Gulzar's user avatar
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How to convert 2D points back after applying homography to an entire image?

I am new to opencv and image related geometry. But now I am working some image processing tasks. Here is what I did: Given pts_src, pts_dst, I warped the entire image with cv2.findHomograpy() and cv2....
Jim Wang's user avatar
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How to Segment White Piano Keys in openCV using Perspective Transform

I have a perspective image of a piano keyboard from the left side, like this: I manually outline the four corners of the keyboard and fed it into the openCV getPerspectiveTransform function to get a ...
Abel Tan's user avatar
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Euclidean Distance of 2 points in opencv warped image

I have an image having a scale of cm/mm. I have warped it using cv2.getPerspectiveTransform and then I measure the Euclidean distance between 2 points of the scale. I know that warped images give ...
Saqib Naseeb's user avatar

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