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How to stop mouse events through CSS ::backdrop

I'm exploring replacing some JavaScript modals with native HTML and CSS only modals using the new Popover API and I've noticed that pointer-events like hover and click are propagating through to the ...
anthonyryan1's user avatar
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Popover on Table Cell Depending on the Value

I am currently developing a website (with Flask) that features a data table containing abbreviated codes for some values. My goal is to have a popover on these cells to have the full meaning in the ...
Pilot640's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 popover html content

I am using Bootstrap 5 popover and it could not show the HTML content that I need. I followed this link as a solution: How to add html tag attribute in bootstrap 5 popover setAttribute()? It was ...
newbie coder's user avatar
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same html popover on different elements positioned in different places

I have a dropdown that I wish to show/hide using html popover API under many different elements. The problem is that popover uses id to detect the target, obviously I can't use one id on multiple ...
lilpigboy's user avatar
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data popover not showing up in modal

I have the following popover buttons in multiple areas of my pages. With onmouseenter and onmouseleave the popover is working just fine placing the info/tip popover next to the button/icon that was ...
rolinger's user avatar
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Close popover with HTML & popover api only?

I'm working with the new HTML Popover API and I was wondering if there was an HTML solution to closing the popover when clicking on one of the anchor elements inside the popover? <button ...
hjaber's user avatar
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How to position a popover in css

.container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-evenly; } #products-list:popover-open { width: 200px; height: 100px; position: absolute; inset: unset; margin: 0; } ...
Joey's user avatar
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Popover API: Event bubbling not working on beforetoggle event?

Background Referencing the MDN documentation on Popover API: (not to be confused with Bootstrap's popover). I have multiple popovers, ...
SaintFrag's user avatar
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CSS make an absolutely positioned HTML element opaque without setting background color

I have HTML that looks like this: <html> <head> <style> .globalpopup { margin: 0px; padding: 2px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; background: inherit; } </style> </...
Joshua's user avatar
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How can I check if a html popover is open?

With the new popover API, is there a way to check with JavaScript if the popover is currently open? <button popovertarget="pop">Trigger the popover</button> <div popover id="pop">...
Philipp Gfeller's user avatar
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popoverTargetElement does not cross shadow boundaries

The new Popover API, when used declaratively, does not work across shadow boundaries. This is a limitation when creating reusable web components that encapsulate some logic and also use a popover ...
Philipp Gfeller's user avatar
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How to use popover with React.js [duplicate]

I am Trying to use HTML popover with React & typescript function AlertWindow() { return ( <> <...
Abinash Karmakar's user avatar
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Popover API: How to stop the popover from closing

When using the popover API, I would like to, when light dismiss occurs, stop the popover from closing, and run custom js to remove the popover from the screen. Is there a way to do this? I tried to do ...
Rogier de Ruijter's user avatar
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CSS transition animation not working for popover attribute

While testing the new popover attribute, I tried to apply a transition for toggling it. This does not seem to work. Is this by design or is it a bug? The opacity is applied, but the transition is not ...
Philipp Gfeller's user avatar
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How to make clickable popover disappear if I clicked outside of it

I have this popover contain some info and URL to another page so when I clicked on it it's open, but when I click outside of it it won't disappear, `<i class="bi bi-question-circle text-...
kinan's user avatar
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