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How to rename or remove file name with weird quotes and slashes in linux

When I run git status I get: Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) "\231" "\231\217\373\275\235Y" So I ...
jlcv's user avatar
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Lost previous commits and .git folder (all hashes lost) [duplicate]

TL;DR: I deleted the .git directory, recreated it with git init, then did a git commit, then did a git push using --force option and overwritten the remote repository with an empty one. So as a total ...
newbie pete's user avatar
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how can git commit -a work after i remove a file from index

Suppose I have tracked file empty.txt. Now I remove file from working directory using rm empty.txt . Now I am removing file from index using git rm empty.txt and now file should be untracked since I ...
Akshay Malik's user avatar
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What happens if I delete a file on a git branch using sudo rm -r from the file system locally

I deleted a file using sudo rm -r when on a dev branch locally . Now I can still view the file on other branches but I don't quite understand it fully. Also I think I have lost the file on the master ...
NoobC0der's user avatar
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How do I remove a folder, but keep all subfodlers and files, only in one git branch?

I am setting up a git branch that needs to have a different directory structure to the rest of them. The files are all the same, however, they must essentially all be moved a level up. There are a lot ...
Gremious's user avatar
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How to use previous commit state in git and not present on same file?

I modified some project files(profilePage.js and profile.js) and then added them to commit, but I didn't push as I had a backup to delete. Then I accidentally deleted profile.js through powershell ...
Shivam Rai's user avatar
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Git - rm: unrecognized option `--cached'

I added dist to my .gitignore but it was added to the tree in some other way. I'm trying to remove it and clean up the tree using: rm dist --cached But am getting the error: rm: unrecognized option ...
tnoel999888's user avatar
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git rm -r removed "ignored" files. how can I get them back using git?

Edit: I was able to recover my files from the trash, so I don't need a solution, but I'm interested in knowing how to recover using git (since it created the problem) and why any git operation would ...
L. Blanc's user avatar
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How to git rm files that are on remote origin but not in local?

I have some .swp files that were created by my editor and committed previously by accident. Now I want to merge into master, but need to get rid of these files. I tried to delete them from my ...
Canaryyellow's user avatar
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Trouble removing oddly named files from github repo

I have recently acquired a couple corrupted files in my github repository. I have deleted them from my host but I'm having trouble removing them with git because they have messed up names. They show ...
Conor Patrick's user avatar