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Uncontrollable MySQL ibd datafile resizing

My mySQL database has quite a number of columns (aprox. 750). Besides mostly DECIMAL(13,2) also some short CHARs, INTs and aprox. 25 columns of CHAR(150). The number of all rows is approximately 27,...
Gorazd Petrovič's user avatar
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file size limitation for upload in django

I want to limit the size of uploaded files on the site and I want not to work with forms and handle myself with html and input tags. What should I do to get the file from the input type file? I made ...
vahid khazaei's user avatar
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Jenkins pun pipeline via API and pass a file as a parameter

I want to run the pipeline via the REST API from the script. This pipeline contains stashedFile parameter. If I use Jenkins UI, I just attach the file from my PC. But I want to use the REST API for ...
regular's user avatar
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How to get file size for Huge file(10GB) in c++?

I tried to get file size for 16 GB txt file. but I got different size with real size. who can help me? HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; long long FileSize; FileHandle = CreateFileA(...
liu ziaoming218's user avatar
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Java if-else statement to print file/directory size; large file size (1 GB<) printing issue

I'd like to print file/directory sizes in Java, however for files larger than 1GB I cannot. For example, when I check a file with ~1.3 GB it writes 0.000 TB, this is shown on the debugging screenshot. ...
Thend's user avatar
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Discrepancy between the size of file created and size displayed by du -sh [duplicate]

I had to create a random file of 10GB size, which I can using dd or fallocate, but the size shown by du -sh is twice the one I created: $ dd bs=1MB count=10000 if=/dev/zero of=foo 10000+0 records in ...
Tarun Gupta's user avatar
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How does the df command calculate "used space" in percentage?

Here's the output of $df -k / Filesystem 1kB-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda2 470306374 94552036 351788872 22% / Shouldn't it be (Used / Available) * 100? But the result ...
Haxän's user avatar
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Java compare size of files

I dont get why the value of diffSize is never used here is my method: public static long diffSize(String File01, String File02){ //get path to first file File file = new File(File01); //...
KATCHAW's user avatar
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Resize Image Height and Width Flutter

How to resize image height and width from image picker and save it as a file. I tried decodeImage and copyResize then encodePng but I have issue it blocks ui thread, is there another way? [UPDATED] ...
mhmd's user avatar
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Currently how big is it for R?

I have a question regarding: how big is a file for R currently? I had some configuration changes on the computer that would be upgrade, but I notice that R did not benefit from that. I went from ...
j_3265's user avatar
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Folders weight more than files inside (six times)

This question is not about programming, but about the explorer and files. Just I don't know where else to ask. My laptop has two disks, one of them is 1000GB HDD and the other is 256GB SSD. I need to ...
Beholder's user avatar
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Why did the removal of a UNIQUE constraint reduce the size of my database to less than half?

Here's an example that reproduces the results. The database goes from 144.4 MB to 60.6 MB. My UNIQUE column typically contains several paragraphs of text (e.g. 500 words). import sqlite3 import os ...
Jakub's user avatar
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How do I add a CLI argument to find files >, <, or = a given size?

I am basically trying to have three arguments for CLI user input: Folder path <, >, or = File size With these arguments, I want my application to fetch information for all files in the folder ...
Oreo5's user avatar
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How to get the equivalent file size of a json object in Python? [duplicate]

I am writing a python object with json.dump. But I want to only write objects that would not exceed 10KB file size. How can estimate the size of an object before writing?
Exploring's user avatar
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loop over file and get file size of url request - python

i am trying to run a simple loop over a .txt file that contains a number of url download requests for files. ultimately, i am after knowing the file size of these url requests. when i execute the ...
tycho-bro-hey's user avatar

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