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How can I load an image to an ImageView without reducing its original size, while scaling it down to the dimensions on the ImageView?

I can load drawable into an ImageView, and save it afterwards. But the saved image is smaller in size than the original one. I suspect it is the size of the ImageView. How can I load an image into an ...
Karim Nasser's user avatar
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vis.js Timeline does not apply CSS style to show the images of the items in the right size

A question for vis.js timeline (Setup: Mac Monterey 12.5.1, Chrome 122.0.6261.94 Official Build(arm64). I try to set the size of an image in the "title" of all items. For this, I use HTML ...
user7665853's user avatar
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Load large image from Flutter Image Picker plugin?

I want to limit the image size by 1920x1080 for loading large images using Image_Picker. If I don't specify the max size, I get the image size as 4000x3000. If I specify the max size as 1920x1080. I ...
jdevp2's user avatar
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output and target Tensor size error MONAI

what im trying to do is to apply a model that analyses dicom images with segmentations, for the segmentations i simply used itk to "paint" a certain zone of the dicom images (512x512x84) ...
Juan Herrera's user avatar
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The border of a table td won't extend to a picture

The border of a table td won't extend to a picture. Pictures will be uploaded. (I use VS Code but it also didn't work in other environments) body { background-color:lightblue; ...
Tigerhint's user avatar
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Image should shrink but not grow above it's natural size

I want an image to shrink but not grow above it's natural size. The solution given here is working fine: Make an image width 100% of parent div, but not bigger than its own width However when using it ...
Sempervivum's user avatar
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Problem with PS Insights: Low-resolution images and inadequate contrast

I'm facing an issue with PageSpeed Insights on my website and I would need your help to resolve it. The PageSpeed Insights report shows two problems that I'm trying to address: "Displays images ...
Agustí Pardo's user avatar
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How can I export this very large image in Google Earth Engine?

It is giving me an error when trying to submit the task : "Request payload size exceeds the limit: 10485760 bytes." What can I change to be able to make it exportable, and relatively quickly....
Mas's user avatar
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Resize picture in a userForm to a percentage from the original image

I'm trying to fit the size of my images inside a UserForm and I want to reduce the size of the images loaded to a certain percentage from the original size. Currently an image looks like here: The ...
OneTwentyTo's user avatar
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How to make image smaller on desktop size screen

I am doing my project and was struggling really long with setting up my header image and to make it responsive, when finally I've done that it looks great on mobile and tablet but on desktop screen is ...
moni_maj89's user avatar
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Sizing Image inside Word Document using Openxml SDK .Net c#

I added an image to my generated word document using openxml sdk, but iam not able to size that image to word document full width respecting the image ratio. How can i get the word document width? And ...
Dongsi Dängsi's user avatar
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Change size of Bullet Images in CSS

that's the code list-style-image: url("") ; I was expecting it be of small size like that of a actual bullet but ...
JANVI MALHOTRA's user avatar
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Find out width and height of an Image in C# [duplicate]

I am currently trying to get the Size and reshape my rectangle to the actual size of the image (width and height). However when i use Image.Height or Image.Width its always 0. The picture that is ...
fblechinger's user avatar
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Set image random width and height in javascript

I wrote this script that choose a random bird family, and everytime you click the canvas it place an image of the bird type at a random place on the canvas. I want to make it so the size of the bird ...
Doudoumoumou's user avatar
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scrapy get image size without downloading

I want to get image size without download, is it possible? image1 url: def ...
epope's user avatar
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