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Custom UIView; do stuff when view's size is below certain trash-hold

I have a custom view that I add dynamically to another (image)view that is within a scrollview. Therefor the image size will vary based upon the (initial) zoomscale of the scrollView. So, basicly I ...
DeveloperSammy's user avatar
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Storyboard doesn't accept some sizes for UIView

I have made a view like this: To make the divider lines, I am using UIViews with small heights. Now , the problem is that the storyboard doesn't accept some heights for my dividers. For instance, ...
HemOdd's user avatar
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How to get image to cover entire UIView?

I have this code below that places an image on a view. The problem is that creating a fixed height and width does not work when transferring from iPhone to iPad. I would like the code to transfer the ...
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Swift: how to arrange buttons according to width? All equal spacing apart?

Ok, so I have an array of buttons that I size in width (with sizeToFit()) according to the text assigned to them - meaning a button with "StackOverflow" as its title would be longer than one with "...
blue's user avatar
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How to change a UIButton size and position through code not storyboard

Ive been messing around trying to change the size of a button in my storyboard scene through code, but every time I load the scene the button size is unchanged. I've tried changing the frame size of ...
Chris Hutchison's user avatar