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Get Edges between Vertices (outer polygon)

I'm using THREE.JS and I have a this mesh with different surfaces. Of each surface I got its vertices. Now I want to create edges ( connect the vertices with lines). The vertices are in an arbitrary ...
Apbln's user avatar
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Find regular grid cells intersecting arbitrary shaped quadrilateral

I need to find all indexes [x, y] for grid cells intersecting an arbitray shaped quadrilateral, defined by its corner coordinates; grid cells are tiles with 128 x 128 px grid cells have an integer ...
t.ry's user avatar
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Creating a ConvexGeometry hangs the page, in three.js

I want to create a convex geometry hull around a geometry with lots of vertices to make collision detection/ray casting easier. But when I add above 60 vertices to the ConvexGeometry the page hangs. ...
arpo's user avatar
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Creating a tangram with Three.js

I need to create a tangram-like object, in which a user could be able to manipulate the structure, in order to create configurations as those you can see here. I'm trying to understand which strategy ...
Ph1's user avatar
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Math Help: 3d Modeling / Three.js - Rotating figure dynamically

This is a big one for any math/3d geometry lovers. Thank you in advance. Overview I have a figure created by extruding faces around twisting spline curves in space. I'm trying to place a "loop" (...
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