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2 answers

How to overflow the images on the previous ones?

I have several images and I want to make a presentation like on Facebook, by unwinding the images on the previous ones : enter image description here Here are my images, they are with a View Drupal 9 ...
eric55's user avatar
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Trying to give this image a round frame, thus eliminating the sharp edges of the image

a group of young people working on their PCs Been trying to add a round frame around this image and eliminate the sharp corners and possibly design the frame
J Arnold's user avatar
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Put image inside paralelogram without curvature

I need put images inside paralelograms. I tried use transform: skewX(45deg) but itscurvature images. How can i do it write? My code : <div class="offers-container"> <div class="red line"&...
Yegor Ivlev's user avatar
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How to fix parent element size after image scaling?

Good morning, I am trying to scale my pictures to smaller sizes on website, but they are occupying the same space as original picture. div {position: absolute; background: green; width: auto; height: ...
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CSS transform: scale not working as wanted

I want to have text directly below an image that I am scaling with transform: scale(0.50, 0.50); The issue is that the height and width of the bounding box of the image don't scale with the image. ...
Mackenzie48's user avatar
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3 answers

css transform scale keep onscreen

I have a series of images on-screen in bootstrap 3 panels (3 per row for large screens). When you click on an image I have it set up so that it applies a CSS class which does a 'scale(2)' on the ...
Raymond Herring's user avatar
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Write from one fixed canvas to another floating

I have an imageCanvas with it's Transform matrix Image = new image(); image.src = //stuff; imageContext.drawImage(Image, 0, 0); var t = imageContext.currentTransform; that is drawn on another ...
Simone's user avatar
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how to affect previous and next images on image hover

I have a problem that I could not solve, I have this html where I want all the images to spin when I hover on one of them P.S: not all the images will have the same speed here is HTML <div > ...
Yahya Hussein's user avatar
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input element generates x and y coordinates of mouse click

I have a need to submit page, and i have chosen to use element to do so with and image that zooms a bit on hover. Due to the weird nature of the question i found nothing of importance about this ...
Ugis's user avatar
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Adding transform to an image blurs it in Chrome

I have an image with a transform applied to it to :transform: translate(-50%,-50%); Only in Chrome this causes the image to be blurry. I've tried different proposed solutions such as setting ...
imrank1's user avatar
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html5 kineticjs with free transform save image to web service

I need to use kinetic in order to transform one image using the anchors. I found this example: I then ...
Dre Williams's user avatar