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Why Tailwind CSS IntelliSense isn’t working with a CDN link?

No suggestions were coming up in the HTML files. I tried re-installing the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension and tweaking some settings in the settings.json file related to the extension. However, ...
monukd01dev's user avatar
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Visuals Studio Code cannot type in react app

<button onclick={() =>}>Click me</button> After the (greater than key) it wont let me type anymore in vscode. I need to restart it and it is pretty annoying.
ATG's user avatar
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How can I make show some description in my VsCode with tsDoc? VSCode IntelliSense dosen't work

I want to show description that *.ts file's overall description. I wrote comment in top of the *.ts file. Like that. effect-sound.ts /** * @file effect-sound.ts * @description I want to show ...
garam hyeon's user avatar
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Unable to Compile TypeScript React Application with Path Aliases

I am trying to teach myself React, in TypeScript, however I am running into an issue with path aliases. When I try to add a component, Visual Studio Code will identify the missing import and give me ...
Dominick's user avatar
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Why VS Code Suggesting @radix-ui Suggestions

While working in React JSX File, The VS Code is suggesting @radix-ui suggestion. Also, suggest lucide-react sometimes. Is there any way to stop vs code suggesting this suggestions. enter image ...
Sachin Alam's user avatar
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NextJS "is not a function" error when trying to import custom hook

I'm new to NextJS and I'm trying to create a website for which I've started with a navigation bar component, which I want to make sure it's responsive based on the viewport dimensions. Currently I ...
gfcf14's user avatar
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VSCode Autocomplete Issue - Problem with Path Aliases

I am experiencing an issue with the autocomplete feature in VSCode. I am developing a React app and not using TypeScript. After setting up path aliases, the auto-import functionality is not working ...
hky035's user avatar
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Changes to the index.tsx file in React Native EXPO are not saved

Changes to the index.tsx file in React Native EXPO are not saved in the standard project build. Followed the instructions on the official React Native website After making ...
Vokrug Sveta's user avatar
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Prevent vscode prettier wrap jsx attributes which has template literals in it

I found that prettier will wrap my jsx attributes which has more than one template literal to new line. For examples in my jsx file: // before formatted and expected result <DemoFrame html={`${...
Shuo's user avatar
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Unable to use local resource with vscode-resource

Version: 1.92.0 (user setup) b1c0a14de1414fcdaa400695b4db1c0799bc3124 Commit: 2024-07-31T23:26:45.634Z Electron: 30.1.2 Chromium: 124.0.6367.243 Node.js: 20.14.0 V8: OS: ...
user25142237's user avatar
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ReactDOMClient is not defined

I am trying to get started with ReactJS and I have watched a beginners Pluralsight course. I seem to be falling at the first hurdle followin what the tutor is doing. Here is my HTML (index.html): &...
w0051977's user avatar
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Recovery of discarded code from VSCode's Source control panel

Is there any specific way to recover the code which is not commited yet and discarded from VScode's source control history?
Dhyana Dave's user avatar
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tailwindcss background not changing to correct color

There is a feature i implemented in the tiktaktoe wherein if a player wins the game, then the winning box gets green in color and if there is a draw , then all the box becomes red. The feature is ...
Arohan Gurung's user avatar
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Deploying a React application on GitHub Pages

I'm triyng to dpeloy my react application on Github Pages, but my 'npm run deploy' is not executing. This project file is just a test application that is a brand new React App. screen shot of vscode: ...
Nick Ackley's user avatar

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