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VSCode PHP Xdebug in remote server ignoring breakpoints

I'm trying to debug my app in a remote server. The remote server is a QNAP NAS, runs Apache and has Xdebug installed. 99-xdebug.ini [xDebug] extension = xdebug xdebug.mode = debug,develop xdebug....
Daviid's user avatar
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Problems using Xdebug

I'm new to using Xdebug. I followed the procedure indicated on the site PHP Version 8.0.9. I placed the php_xdebug.dll file in the "ext" folder. Here are the lines I added to my ...
Vince59178's user avatar
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How to debug a php file in a WordPress plugin via VS Code & Xdebug?

In my WordPress plugin, there is a PHP file called app_setup.php. I want to debug it in Visual Studio Code. So I do as follows: Install WAMP Server on my Windows Server. Create a virtual host at 127....
alancc's user avatar
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Why can't I debug my PHP code on docker with VS Code using Xdebug v3?

I am trying to build a small environment to test PHP debugging in docker with Visual Studio Code. My idea is to create a model that I can use for the several PHP systems we have here at the company. ...
Rafael Rodrigues's user avatar
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PHP Xdebug outputting stack trace error for no reason

I'm running Ubuntu 20. PHP 7.4.33 (cli) (built: Feb 14 2023 18:31:23) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.4.33, Copyright (c), ...
user3559233's user avatar
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VSCode setting "debug.inlineValues:on" is not working for inline debug in PHP

I am debugging PHP successfully with Xdebug in VSCode. But I want to inspect the variables inline, like in PhpStorm: I've configured VSCode with the following: "debug.inlineValues": "...
nacesprin's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code debugger not launching browser window or displaying variables

I'm running a debugging session in Visual Studio Code. I was expecting two things to happen that didn't. For a browser window to open when I launched 'run and debug'. To see a list of variables and ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Should debugging with VSCode + Local + Xdebug throw 14K+ Problems?

Disclaimer: I'm new to development, so it's possible this is normal. I've written some code I'd like to debug. I've followed like five tutorials on integrating Xdebug, local, and VSCode to all play ...
impactmechanics's user avatar
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How to debug PHP using VSCode IDE in Ubuntu

I need to debug PHP code using VS Code IDE. We can debug PHP using Xdebug. So I tried a lots to setup Xdebug for debugging but I failed to use Xdebug using VS Code IDE. PHP is 8.1 Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS ...
Harsh Patel's user avatar
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I configured everything, but VSCode debugger is not working, why?

VSCode debugger is not working. I installed everything, and my configuration is : Windows 10 Pro WampServer 3.2.9 (working well, with a green icon) PHP 8.1.11 (I use this one, but I have other PHP ...
Sam's user avatar
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Xdebug 3 "Cannot evaluate code without a connection" when using readline()

I am using Visual Studio Code and have installed Xdebug 3. I am trying to run the following code: <?php print("Please enter something:"); $something = readline(); print($something); ?&...
Curtis_L's user avatar
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Setting up Xdebug in a VSCode instance attached to a docker container

I want to set up a development environment for WordPress which supports IDE debugging through Xdebug and is contained in a docker container. I'm working from WSL2 / Ubuntu 18.04 I'm using a MySQL ...
maja's user avatar
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Recently updated VS Code + PHP XDebug - Disable 'auto expand data' arrays/objects

A recent update (not sure which, I updated yesterday since cancelling updates since end last year) of Visual Studio Code changed behavior of PHP Debug from XDebug (or even with PHP Tools extension ...
CvRChameleon's user avatar
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I can't get xdebug to start, it doesn't stop at breakpoints

I really need your help... I've been trying to do Xdebug on my VSC for 2 days. I have reinstalled the wamp 20 times and nothing. I have changed the php.ini 100 times and nothing. Nothing in the xdebug....
Alfredo Villa's user avatar
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How can I make Xdebug to connect to 9003 with first VSCode instance and to 9004 to second VSCode instance?

I have same workspace opened in two instances of VSCode. I am debugging PHP. One is listening on 9003 and one is listening on 9004. I can change port to other than 9003. For example like below: xdebug....
shakeel's user avatar
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