StarFleetUniverse Wiki

Star Fleet is the Federation Navy. In peacetime Star Fleet constitutes hundreds of armed ships ranging from small frigates of to a small number of massive dreadnoughts. Star Fleet has even more non-combat ships than warships, counting supply, maintenance, auxiliary, and other vessels.

Battleship class[]

Mars-class battleship, (BB)
Ares * Mars * Nebu * Kali * Hachiman * Horus * Tyr

Dreadnaught class[]

Federation-class dreadnaught, (DN)/(DN+)
Federation * Star League * Confederacy * Affiliation * Association * Combination * Konkordium * Agreement * Coherence * Concordat * Directorate * Stellar Affinity * Star Union * Alliance * Stellar Bond * Dominion * Stellar Communion * Stellar Compact * Stellar Concurrence * Consortium
Entente-class guided weapons dreadnaught, (DNG)
Konkordium * Dominion * Entente * Trusteeship * Unification * Solidarity * Stellar Congruity * Stellar Fraternity
Concordant-class plasma dreadnaught, (DNF)
Concordant * Entente
Trusteeship-class heavy dreadnaught, (DNH)
Trusteeship * Stellar Companion

Template:Missouri class war dreadnaught

Napoleon-class Heavy Carrier, (CVA)
Napoleon * MacArthur * Zhukov
Julius Caesar-class heavy carrier, (DVA)
Julius Caesar * George Washington * Frederick the Great
Napoleon-class Space Control Ship, (SCS)
Napoleon * Zhukov * Julius Caesar * George Washington * Frederick the Great
Star Tiger-class fast dreadnaught, (DNL)
Star Tiger * Star Leopard * Star Cougar * Star Lion * Star Lynx (unbuilt) * Star Jaguar (unbuilt) * Star Cheetah (unbuilt) * Star Panther (unbuilt)
Star Tiger-class fast carrier, (DVL)
Star Tiger

Heavy Cruiser class[]

Republic Mark I-class early heavy cruisers, (YCA/GCA/CA)
Republic† * Reshadije† * Ramillies† * Revenge‡ * Renown* * Resolution*
† Upgraded to Constitution standards, ‡ Upgraded to National Guard standards, * Lost before NCC numbers were assigned.
Republic Mark II-class early heavy cruisers, (YCA/GCA/CA)
Oriskany† * Warspite‡ * Tuqareg‡ * Stalwart‡ * General Teloma Monora‡ * Amerigo Vespucci‡ * Gaia‡ * Minotaur‡ * Musashi‡ * Monaco‡ * Macao‡ * Constellation† * Goeben† * Eximer† * Columbia*
Other ships of the Constellation sub-class were built but their names are not known.
† Upgraded to Constitution standards, ‡ Upgraded to National Guard standards, * Lost before NCC numbers were assigned.
Republic Mark III-class early command cruisers, (YCC)
Garibaldi * Ulysses S. Grant * Robert E. Lee * Patton * Zhukov * Peter the Great
At least two others were built. Their NCC numbers are unknown.
Republic Mark IV-class early heavy cruisers, (YCA/CA)
Agincourt * Pennsylvania * Port Moresby * Antietam * Concord * Dieppe * Leyte Gulf * Lissa * Midway * Pharsallus * Vimy Ridge * Ypres * Defiant * Nimitz * Murfreesboro * Hastings * Raeder * Arbela
All were eventually upgraded to Constitution standards
Constitution-class heavy cruisers, (CA)
Constitution * Enterprise * Farragut * Lexington * Yorktown * Excalibur * Exeter * Hood * Intrepid * Valiant * Kongo * Potemkin * Bon Homme Richard * Monitor * Hornet * Merimac * Endeavor * Defiance * Excelsior * Eagle * Lafayette * Wasp * El Dorado * Ari * Saratoga * Tori * Krieger * Essex
Alfred the Great-class old heavy cruisers, (OCA)
Alfred the Great * Theodoric the Great * Alexander the Great (unbuilt)
Magellan class old survey cruisers, (OSR)
Lexington-class command cruisers, (CC)
Nimitz† * Raeder† * Farragut * Lexington * Excalibur * Exeter * Kongo * Bon Homme Richard * Lafayette * Essex * at least one additional CA (and at least two of the Republic-class, Mark IV heavy cruiser† were also converted.
Prometheus class strike cruisers, CS
Prometheus * Daedalus * Epimetheus
Yamamoto class strike carriers, CVS
Yamamoto * Courbet * Conti de Cavour * Almirante Lattore
Nelson-class battle carriers, CVB
Nelson * Gorshkov * Sam Houston
Nimitz class command carriers, CCV
Nimitz * Raeder * Farragut
Wolverine-class fast cruisers, (CF)
Wolverine * Stingray * Eagle
Eagle class fast fleet scout, (CFS)
Agincourt-class heavy drone cruiser, (CAD)
Gryphon-class fast carrier, (CVF)
Benjamin class heavy fighter carriers, (CVH)
Benjamin Disraeli * Benjamin Franklin * Benjamin Harrison * Benjamin Netanyahu * Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.
Brazos class interdiction carriers, (CVD)
Brazos * Nile * Volga * Yangtze
Forrest Sherman class heavy fighter carriers, (CAV)
Forrest Sherman * Yamaguchi * Curtis LeMay * Henry Arnold * Omar Bradley
Joseph Butler-class area control ship, (ACS)
Joseph Butler
Gettysburg class heavy command cruisers, (CB)
Gettysburg * Kadesh * Thermopylae * Cannae * Alesia * lsandhlwana * Gravelotte * Tannenberg * Kursk * Coral Sea * Inchon * Khe Son * Golan * Affeld * Austerlitz * Panjsher * Suomussalmi * Rocroi * Poltava * Rossbach * Gaugamela * Vincennes * Basra
Vercingetorix class division control carriers, (DCS)
Vercingetorix * Boudica * Clovis * Surena * Genseric
Kirov-class battlecruiser, (BCG)
Kirov * Australia * New Zealand
Bismarck-class heavy battlecruiser, (BCF)
Otto Von Bismarck * Nathan Bedford Forrest * Nokolai B. Ogarkov
New Jersey-class heavy battlecruiser, (BCJ)
New Jersey * Thunderchild * Nevada (unbuilt) * Montana
Vincennes-class advanced technology command cruiser, (CCX)
Vincennes * Revolution * Paris Commune * Ayacucho * Long March * Krasny Barikaddy * Bunker Hill * Dien Bien Phu * Managua * Alamo * Cinco De Mayo * Cowpens * Masada * Enterprise
Byrd-class galactic survey cruisers, (GSC)
Byrd * Columbus * Darwin * Lewis & Clark * Magellan * Marco Polo * Cousteau * Sagan * Armstrong * Challenger * Columbia * Discovery
Colin Powell-class advanced technology medium carrier, (GVX)
Field Marshall Colin Powell
Sakharov-class advanced technology survey cruiser, (GSX)
Sakharov * Teller * Fermi * Feynman * Einstein
Xanadu-class advanced technology heavy fighter carrier, (HVX)

Fleet Tugs[]

Ptolemy-class fleet tug, (TUG)
Ptolemy * Al Rashid * Swift Tuttle * Jan Oort * Stephen Hawking * Hubble * Dale Fields * Galilei * Copernicus * Keppler * Newton * Cassini * Messier * Halley * Wolf

New Heavy Cruisers[]

Chicago-class new heavy cruiser, (NCA)
Chicago * New York * Dayton * Mecca * Buenos Aires * Kinshasa * Milwaukee * Atlanta * Calgary * Yellowknife * Houston * Savannah
London-class new command cruiesr, (NCC)
Clausewitz * Los Angeles * London * Tokyo * Beijing * Berlin * Philadelphia * Charleston * Toronto
Chicago-class new heavy fighter carrier, (NHV)
Chicago * Dayton * Rene Fonck * Ivan Kozhedub
Crecy-class new heavy drone cruiser, (NDC)
Discovery-class new heavy scout, (NHS)
Discovery * Santa Maria
Ibn Batutu-class new heavy survey cruiser, (NSR)
Ibn Batutu
Manta Ray-class new fast cruiser, (NCF)
Manta Ray
Pompeii-class new division control ship, (NDS)
Pompeii * Tamerlane
Rickenbacker-class new attack carrier, (NCV)
Hermes * Vikrant * Erich Hartmann * Richard Bong * James Edgar Johnson * Rickenbacker
San Diego-class new heavy aegis escort, (NAE)
San Diego

Medium Cruisers[]

Ragnorok-class medium cruisers, CM
Ragnarok * Gotterdammerung * Doomsday * Armageddon * Emory Upton * Geronimo * Thomas Picton * Chief Manuelito * Joachim Murat

Light Cruiser class[]

Texas-class light cruisers, (CL)
Texas * Carolina * Kashmir * Wales * Zaire * Bavaria * Lorraine * Valencia * Apulia * Tyrol * Macedonia * Muscovy * Sinai * Anatolia * Suffolk * California * Isfahan * Saskatchewan * Hokkaido * Sinkiang * Jahor * Mindanao * Tasmania * Gran Chaco * Alaska * Finnmark * Flanders * Zaparosche * Tanganyika * Leinster * Oaxaca * Patagonia * Falklands * Normandy * Lithuania * Bosnia * Connecticut * Florida * Okinawa * Gallipoli * Quebec * Grenada * Mississippi * Virginia * Oklahoma * Kurdistan * Kamchatka * Refugee * Sanctuary * Madagascar * Alberta
Normandy-class commando cruiser, (CMC)
Normandy * Okinawa * Gallipoli * Quebec * Grenada
Ney-class escort cruiser, (ECL)
Harry Lee (Unbuilt) * Scharnhorst (Unbuilt) * Ney * Crassus (Unbuilt) * Koniev * Patton * Wisconsin (Unbuilt)
Zaire-class minesweeper, (MS)
Zaire * Valencia * Tyrol * Isfahan * Jahor * Mindanao * Flanders * Zaparosche
Viking-class light survey cruiser, (CLS)
Viking * Voyager
Refugee-class hospital ship, (CLH)
Refugee * Sanctuary
Gran Chaco-class light drone cruiser, (CLD)
Gran Chaco * Bosnia
Mississippi-class medium carrier, (CLV)
Mississippi * Virginia

War Cruiser class[]

Kearsarge-class war cruisers, (NCL)
Kearsarge * Reliant * Alabama * Repulse * Renown * Prince of Wales * Mutso * Nagato * Gneisenau * Scharnhorst * Prinz Eugen * Vittorio Veneto * Littorio * Caio Duilio * Dunkerque * Richelieu * Strasbourg * Rivadavia * Moreno * Minas Gerais * New Mexico * Iowa * Missouri * Kortenauer * De Ruyter * Naken * Glorie * Defence * Pervenetz * Meko * Vosper * Groton * Ramadan * Aliyah * Assawari * Michigan * North Carolina * Mikasa * Olympia * Piorun * Warspite * Kirishima * Rurik * Saguenay * Valiant * Visby * Aradu * Wasa
Discovery-class new scout cruisers, (NSC)
Discovery * Santa Maria * Calypso * Crockett * Tasman * Leonardo da Vinci * Leonov
Laffey-class new escort cruisers, (NEC)
Laffey * Clifton Sprague * Leon Kintberger
Cautious-class new minesweeper, (NMS)
Cautious * Meticulous
Kaga class new light carrier, (NVL)
Kaga * Kiev * Hosho * Princeton * Veinticinco De Mayo
Azov-class new drone cruiser, (NCD)
Azov * Grozny * Gromykii * Sverdlov * Varyag
Clausewitz-class light command cruiser (CLC)
Clausewitz * Sun Tzu * Jomini * Tacitus * Mahan * Clancy * Coyle * Webber
Hoffa-class light tactical transport, (LTT)
Hoffa * Reuther * Solidarity * Gompers
Ise-class heavy fighter transport, (NVH)
Emperor Marcus Aurelius * General Joe Stilwell * Admiral Maarten Tromp * Admiral George Baron Anson * Field Marshal Viscount Allenby * Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau * Air Marshal Hugh Dowding * Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke * Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell * Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg * King Baldwin IV * Colonel Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck * Marshal Ferdinand Foch * Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley * Mogami * Ise * Hyuga
Triton-class new aegis cruiser, (NAC)
Triton * Amazon * Brazen * Ranger * Hoerner * Chernavin * Soult * Henry H. Arnold * Carl Spaatz * Kenneth Walker * Chuck Yeager
Hermes-class new strike carrier, (NVS)
Hermes * Vikrant * Clemenceau * Garibaldi * Tblisi
Wainwright-class new escort cruiser-R, (NER)
class new commando transport (NCT)
No identified ships
Andes-class patrol carrier, (CVP)
Andes * Sierra Nevada * Hindu Kush * Urals
Falklands-class scout carrier, (CSV)
Falklands * Ie Shima * Wake * Betio * Kiska * Malta
Aradu-class new light plasma cruiser. (NLL)
Aradu * De Ruyter * Glorie * Kirishima
San Martin-class new fast light cruiser, (CA)
San Martin * Simon Bolivar * Pancho Villa

Destroyer class[]

Saladin-class destroyer, (DDM/DD)
Saladin * Genghis * Darius * Alaric * Sargon * Xerxes * Pompey * Kublai * Suleiman * Etzel * Tamerlane * Alexander * Hannibal * Ahriman * Rahman * Adad * Hashishiyun * Azrael * Hamilcar * Shaitan * Ares * Pazuzu * Hiawatha * Atilla * Zoroaster * Golda Meir * Brigham Young * Sadat * Czar Alexander IV * Skanderbeg * Charlemagne * Daniel Morgan * Lysander * Israel Putnam * Eisenhower * Suvarov * R E Lee * Thutmoses III * Leonidas * Marius * King David * Nebuchadnezzar * Jean Bart * Arthur Pendragon
Hermes-class scout, (SC)
Baden-Powell * Hermes * De Gama * Dianna * Gordon Cooper * Bridger * Carson * Yuri Gagarin * Cody * Revere * Yang Liwei * Bowie * Crockett * Barents
Czar Alexander IV-class guided weapons destroyer, (DDG)
Shaitan * Sadat * Czar Alexander IV * Suvarov * King David * Jean Bart * Tecumseh
Kublai-class destroyer leader, (DDL)
Genghis * Kublai * Zoroaster * Lysander * Leonidas * Marius * Nebuchadnezzar * Arthur Pendragon
Atlas-class destroyer escort, (DE)
Atlas * Minerva * Agamemnon * Pericles * Scipio Africanus * Ajax * Cerberus * Oberon * De Zeven Provincien * Reprisal * Canada * Jervis Bay * Neptune * Sirius * Halsey * Nagumo * Collingwood * Chernavin * Donitz * Bernadotte * Murat * Rokosovsky * Timoshenko * Ptolemy * Aggripa * Von Steuben * Hamilton * Old Dessauer * Schwerin * Travis * Joan of Arc
Kenney class destroyer escort-R, (DER)
Oldendorf * Kenney * Kincaid
Viraat-class destroyer light escort carrier, (DDV)
Two Moons-class fast destroyer, (DDF)
Two Moons * Konigsburg (unbuilt) * Wotan (unbuilt) * Thor (unbuilt) * Brunhild (unbuilt)
Prince of Wales class advanced technology destroyer, (DDX)
Prince of Wales * Lexington * Kongo * Essex * Republic * Potemkin * Macedonia * Alliance * Australia * Ticoga * Alexander * Hood * Constellation * Zhukov * Excalibur
Buford-class advanced technology guided weapons destroyer, (DGX)
Buford * Chamberlin * Hancock
Donovan class advanced technology scout, (SCX)
Donovan * Gehlen * Casey * Dzherzinski * Canaris * Thompson

War Destroyer class[]

Ortega-class war destroyer, (DW)
Humberto Ortega * Nelson Mandela * Barzani * Khalid bin Sultan * Zamora * Gemayal * Vo Nguyen Giap * Ahmed Jabril * Manuel Perez * Pena Ben Ben * Walid Jumblait * Mohammed Aidid * Eduardo Dos Santos * Robert Mugabe * Xanana Gusmao * Ali Mahdi Mohamed * Fadlallah * John Garang * Villalobos * Zviad Gamsakhurdia * Premadasa * Turabi * Ardzinba * Hun Sen * Tongogara * Enrique Bermudez * Holden Roberto * Taylor * Buthelezi * Gringo Honasan * Pundy * Carroll * Laurent Nkunda * Eamonn De Valera * Kim Jong il * Chaudhry * Talabani * Hersi Morgan * Chissano * Abamail Guzman * Iskandarov * Joe Slovo * Omar Jess * Chilingutila * Jonas Savimbi * Haile Mengistu * Afonso Dhlakama * Dudayev * Abdul Gafur * Prince Johnson * Nasrallah * Ocalan * Prabhakaran * Rabin * Ibrahim Rugova * Sangak Safarov * Saddam * Y Peng Ayun * Kenyatta * Zarqawi * Ariel Sharon * Foday Sankoh * Haile Selassie * Leonard Wood * Roland * William T Sherman * Nobunaga * Toussaint Louverture * Spitfire * Cardondelet * Hurricane * Phil Kearny * Turner Ashby * Kutusov * Wiquini * Chickamauga * Aetius
Beharry-class commando war destroyer, (CDW)
Private Johnson Beharry VC * Leigh Ann Hester * Smedley Butler * Douglas Munro * Cota * Urquhart * Maxwell Taylor * James Gavin * Sosabowski
Massoud-class war drone destroyer, (DWD)
Massoud * Hekmatyar * Yunis Khalis * Najibullah * Rabbani * Mojadeddi * Dostam * Taliban * Dadullah
Sam Donaldson-class war destroyer scout, (DWS)
Sam Donaldson * Phil Donahue * Rush Limbaugh * George Will * David Brinkley * Peter Jennings * Vladimir Pozner * Tom Brokaw * Rather & Chung * Regis Philbin * Piri Reis
President class war destroyer destroyer escort, (DWA)
Presidents Bush * President Yeltsin * President Gorbachev * President Reagan * Prime Minister Thatcher * President Nixon * President Mitterand * President Kravchuk * Prime Minister Landsbergis * President Marcos * President Galtieri * President Hillary Rodham Clinton * President Assad * President Ramos * Chairman Shevardnadze * President Cristiani * King Sihanouk * Prime Minister Shamir * President Ulysses S Grant * President John F Kennedy * President Abraham Lincoln * Thunderbolt * Mustang * Wallace McIntosh
Begin-class command war destroyer, (DWC)
Menachem Begin * Yassar Arafat * Tudjman * Khieu Samphan * Tony Blair

Battle Frigate clas[]

Ramius class battle frigate, (FFB)
Ramius * Prien * Tanabe * Enright
Ramius class battle frigate, (FBD)
Ramius * Prien * frigates converted to FBDs retained the name of the frigate.
Tanabe class battle frigate escort, (FBE)
Bryant class battle frigate, (FBV)
Starseeker class battle frigate, (FBS)
Starseeker * Starsearcher * Starhunter
Cutty Stark class battle frigate transport, (FBT)
Cutty Stark * Hazardous Journey * Dangerous Passage
Tanabe class battle frigate, (FBR)
Escort frigates converted to battle frigate-Rs would retain the original frigate name.

Frigate class[]

Burke-class frigate, (FF)
Burke * Hornblower * Perry * Takagi * Drake * Jellico * Churchill * Beatty * F D Roosevelt * Lehman * De Gaulle * Teddy Roosevelt * Graf Spee * Tegethoff * Fletcher * Spruance * Hipper * Tanaka * St Vincent * Zhadanov * Kondo * Guderian * Dunnigan * Ushakov * Ernest J King * Lutjens * Montgomery * Villeneuve * Rickover * Donitz * Mallory * John Paul Jones * Togo * Harwood * Rommel * Doolittle * McClusky * Jason * Dewey * Degrasse *Suffren * Senyavin * Hosegawa * Shaw * Chadwick * Chaka * Cetshwayo * John Fulton Reynolds * Piet Heyn * Fitz John Porter * Buford * Longstreet * Stand Watie * Auchinlek * O’Connor * Martin Luther King * Yi Chun * von Manstein * Colonel Lawrence Chamberlain * Stonewall Jackson * Schwartzkopf * Chief Joseph * Sitting Bull * Sheridan * Meade * Duke of Marlborough * General James Wolfe * General Louis-Joseph Montcalm * General Sir Arthur Currie * T.E. Lawrence * Harry Truman * Kelly Johnson * Moshe Dayan * John Wesley Powell
Sir Edmund Hillery-class scout frigate (FFS)
Sacagawea * Zheng He * Frobisher * Shackleton * Sir Edmund Hillary * Tensing * Stanley * Livingston
Kurt Student-class commando frigate, (CFF)
Kurt Student * Richmond Turner * Orde Wingate * Skorzeny * Kripney * Roger Young * Sulaco * Higgens * Colonel Matthew Broderick * Sgt 1st Class Gregory Cardott
Buford-class frigate, (FFG)
Buford * Longstreet * Stand Watie * Auchinlek * O’Connor * Martin Luther King * Yi Chun * von Manstein * Colonel Lawrence Chamberlain * Stonewall Jackson * Schwartzkopf * Chief Joseph * Sitting Bull * Sheridan * Meade * Duke of Marlborough * General James Wolfe * General Louis-Joseph Montcalm * General Sir Arthur Currie * T.E. Lawrence * Harry Truman * Kelly Johnson * Moshe Dayan
Barry-class escort frigate, (FFE)
Barry * Hardy * Yegorov * Smirnov * Seguin * Bonham * Davout * Grouchy * Allam * Boyington * Chenault * Commodore Edward Preble * Commodore William Bainbridge * Admiral Jacob van Heemskerk * Isaac Hull * Milius * Niels Juel * Richard Bolitho * Stephen Decatur * Themistocles * Ernest E. Evans
Takagi-class escort frigate-R, (FFR)
Takagi * Fletcher * Spruance * Kondo * Lutjens * Langsdorff * Moore * McCaffrey
Freyberg-class plasma frigate, (FFL)
Freyberg * Yi Sun Sin
Drake-class drone frigate, (FFD)
Drake * Tanaka * St Vincent * Dunnigan * Doolittle * McClusky * Degrasse
Wary-class minehunter frigate, (FFM)
Wary * Detailed
Wells Fargo-class priority transport (FFT)
Wells Fargo * Pony Express * Flying Cloud
Orient Express-class VIP transport, (FFP)
Orient Express * Bob Hope * Bing Crosby
Langley-class escort carrier, (FFV)
Langley * Zuiho * Zeppelin * Moskva * Principe de Asturias * Richthofen * Argus * Lydia Litvyak * Katya Budanova * Joachim Marseille * Oswald Boelcke * Werner Voss
Flying Dutchman-class forward carrier resupply frigate, (FCR)
Flying Dutchman * Moonshine
Mitchell-class advanced technology frigate, (FFX)
Mitchell * Mack * LtCol Oliver North * Byng * Mathews * Dreyfus * Kimmel * Rickover * Ralph Hayles

Corvette class[]

Flower-class corvette, (VT)
Astilbe * Bluebell * Clover * Dahlia * Echinacea * Forsythia * Gardenia * Heather * Impatiens * Jasmine * Kalanchoe * Lantana * Mimosa * Nastuttium * Orchid * Peony * Quince * Rose * Snapdragon * Trillium * Ulex * Violet * Wistera * Xique * Yarrow * Zinnia.

Police ships[]

Janet Reno-class police flagship, (FLG)
Janet Reno * Gianello
Callahan-class police cutter, (POL)
Bailiff * Bobby * Constabulary * Deputy * Dragnet * Gatekeeper * Gendarme * Justice * Lawman * Militia * Mountie * Pacifier * Peacekeeper * Peacemaker * Peaceofficer * Posse * Summons * Texas Ranger * Trooper * Tucker * Lt Oleg Babak * Behan * Callahan* * Deckard * Alejandro Dominguez * Morgan Earp * Virgil Earp * Wyatt Earp * Doc Holiday * Holmes * Kojak * LeBeau * Mackie * Malloy * Magnum * Mark Majors * Masterson * McKeehan * Elliot Ness * John Oliver * Osterhout * Darius Quimby * Texas John Slaughter * Richard Simms * Sipowicz * Sorenson * John Walsh * Watson * White * Williams * Willis * Jimmy Wilson * Drebin * Nordberg and about 130 others.
Marshall-class police carrier, (PV)
Marshall * Sheriff
Bolander-class lght police carrier, (POV)
Bolander * Ballard * Stivers * Russert * Pembelton * Brodie * Lewis * Giardello * Munch * Crosetti * Bayliss * Felton
Police frigate, (PFF)
Names unknown
Police corvette, (COR)
One prototype built
Police destroyer, (PDD)
One prototype built
Hawkeye-class scout cutter, (CUS)
Hawkeye * Falconeye * Wolfeye * Tigereye * Rogers * Hammerstein * Onandolog * Mitch Boyer * Lumbee * Woodward * Bernstein * Continuun
Swatter class police commando cutter, (CCU)
Swatter * Corbin * McKinley
Drone cutter, (CUD)
Brewton * Davis * Kersey * Jerry Nelson
Escort cutter, (CUE)
Philistine * Assyrian * Dragoon * Musketeer