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Separate video for the good ending.

The pumps must go on! The people must have their clot dogs!

Okay so today I'm gonna be your guide to the good ending, this will skip any long videos you may have to watch just to possibly miss something skipping along. Please only continue reading if you've already played through the game once at least because ofc Spoiler territory ahead

Now just like normal, you're going to drop into the main control area, here i want you to continue like normal, start that pumps, fix any leaks or blockages that may occur, after a bit you'll have to take the diving cage to pipe A, continue as normal. but when pipeline B gets a major blockage? well this is where we deviate. Now you may have noticed on Cam B there's what looks like a possible crack... It's not. now go down the diving cage and remove the blockage now turn around, you may notice a really small tube that leads even deeper, once you get to i believe 80 meters or until the tube ends you will see [REDACTED] along side a key floating in the water, Take it. Now this is the REALY important part. Go to the surface, make your way back to the main control area and get yourself that premium harpoon gun you've been eyeing up. continue as normal until Pipe C gets a major blockage, go down fix it, after you fix it begin your ascent back to the surface but be sure to turn around with the cage controls to your back an-- [REDACTED DUE TO SUSPECTED FEAR MONGERING. PLEASE TURN IN ANY MEDIA THAT MAY BE AGAINST COMPANY POLICY AND/OR GUIDELINES. COAGULATION STATION THANKS YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION]

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Played your game in a video I really enjoyed it had a great atmosphere and an interesting story I would like to see and know more about the planet

Had a great time playing this game! Kept me on my toes the whole way and figured out the secret without searching it up lol. Also very sick how you have creator content for thumbnails!

Bug: victory elevator can pin you to the wall

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very nice little experience. i do wish there was an options menu and the ability to save though

a bloody great game! i really enjoyed myself, and the gameplay loop isn't boring whatsoever. i love the worldbuilding behind it, the art style, and want to know more about this world. for the company! kudos

Such a fun game. It's definitely a unique atmosphere and concept! Also it was totally worth it to try to find the secret good ending! I wish there was a mouse sensitive slider but other than that I have no gripes with the game. Perfect execution!

Game requires at least windows 10 to run. (createfile2 error on kernel32.dll)

Really nice game and phenomenal execution. Love the atmosphere and style.

(1 edit) (-2)

Really liked how it's made and the whole mechanics and story of it! Click bellow if you want to see the Dark Ending


(I hate the idea of a Clot Dog but I also must try it).

I LOVED this game Iron Lung vibes, I cant wait to see what else you make!! i played this in my 3 scary games video (number 2) and it did not disappoint at all please do play this and show this dev some love!

Love it!

I will not even look at my own blood the same after this!
I liked the whole "living planet" sci-fi story.
It's a challenging game for sure, let alone the grotesque part of it.
Well done!

ngl this game is one of the best i've played so far


Genuinely one of the most complete horror games I've played on, well done!

Loved this! The world building was fun and the gameplay was wild, great work :D

This game is actually fun and I had a blast going through the process of maintining a "BLOOD" Station:

Muito Bom!

Gostei muito da criatividade na escolha da temática do jogo, todo esse contexto de trabalhar em um planeta vivo extraindo sangue é bem legal, me deixou bem curioso pelo resto do  universo do jogo, seria bem legal ter outro jogo explorando um pouco mais a lore do planeta!

I was wondering if you’ll add other languages to your game, if needed I can help with the translation! 

Sorry it took so long to get the video up. This one was special. 

Probably the best horror game I’ve played in a min 
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A 'Bloody' good experience, heh. A few thoughts:

-I found the secret way to survive the Surge Event without calling the elevator, among the other secrets/endings was good fun.

-I was disappointed that I could not disrespect the Clot Grinder.

-It would be great if the game could be expanded upon with more level's/gameplay. 

The premise is that you have 53,000 Kcr of debt, earn 9,800 kcr/h at what seems like 1 hour (or half an hour) per shift. So you'd need approximately 5 and a half hours to pay your debt. Given that there are at least 3 other rigs, it leaves an interesting opportunity to expand on the game for players to work shifts on those other rigs, and/or locations to ultimately pay off their debt.

Either way, good work!

Fun game!

Simple mechanics, an eerie, dark industrious environment. Multiple Endings and SECRETS to be found! Fun back story and Dialog via the in game notes.. Great experience! 

creepy and fun horror game and at least i dont have to worry about my debt anymore

Game Is Fantastic. More Games Like These Please!

Dude I loved this game!

The story was great and don't even get me started on the atmosphere amazing job dude.

Honestly had so much fun with it!

Iron Lung type vibe. Really great on the atmosphere. Laughed at the Half-Life type sfx with one of the clots. Finale wasn't as scary as it could have been, but really decent game. I enjoyed having the feeling of safety in a cage/suit. 

Needs Graphic Settings Runs Like Ass on 1030 GPU

This game was fantastic, easily one of the more polished games I've played on this website, great job! Here's my playthrough if you'd like to watch 

I would rate the game a solid 10/10.
If this is your first and only game, I hope you make another game eventually. I wish this was a paid product so I could support the developers!

I played the game live on my Twitch stream here!
The VOD, by the time you're reading this, shouldn't be too old

iron lung 2 cool

Really nice atmosphere and game. I really like how you made use of the lore to boost the creep factor. Nice job.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

muy buen juego

Really Good Game cant wait to see more


Really like the idea of the game

An amazing game, i love the atmosphere you guys made it feel very creepy! thanks for reaching out on one of my videos as well! 

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