DigitalOcean Companies

5 Day Agency Lift Off Challenge 🚀

Created for freelancers, developers, early-stage, new, and accidental Agency Owners struggling to get to consistent $10k months. 

5 Days Of Value-Packed Content plus 2 Live Training Sessions with Brent Weaver all for free

Here's What You'll Get Each Day

DAY 1:

  • Imperfect Action
  • Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset
  • Value vs. Commodity
  • Leading vs. Lagging Indicators

DAY 2:

  • The purpose of your website is…
  • Landing Page Templates & Examples
  • Hero Video Examples
  • Agency website example 1
  • Agency website example 2
  • Agency website example 3

DAY 3:

  • What services and/or skillsets are you starting with?
  • Research and select services in demand
  • Develop core offerings with maximum appeal
  • Map out the delivery process and timelines

DAY 4:

  • Importance of predictable lead flow for agency growth
  • The Problem…
  • The Opportunity...
  • Leads Plays are a UGURUS concept
  • CRM Light
  • MarketMap Template

DAY 5:

  • How to get to $100k in revenue 
  • Agency rate spectrum 
  • How to keep expenses low 
  • Transitioning from freelancer to agency owner
  • Gaining stability and recurring clients
  • Implementing scalable systems
  • Example agency case studies

Plus 2 Live Training Sessions

Live Training Session #1


5A Framework To Attract Leads

Live Training Session #2


The Sales Framework To Land High-Value Deals

Meet Your Host

Brent Weaver is a digital agency industry veteran who started his first agency at the tender age of 17. Initially, he subscribed to the 'anyone can be my client' philosophy but soon became overwhelmed with project-to-project work, inconsistent leads, and financial hardship.

After successfully transforming his agency into an 85% recurring revenue powerhouse and eventually selling it, Brent's mission expanded. Using his frameworks and processes, he helped several other agencies reach 6 and 7 figures. Over a decade ago, he established UGURUS to teach agency owners how to attract leads, close high-value deals, and delight clients using frameworks and processes.

Today, Brent Weaver is on a mission to empower 10,000 digital agency owners to go from amateurs to PROs.

Brent Weaver

Hear From UACADEMY Members

"Love UGURUS! More than anything, I needed to dedicate time and focus on my business (rather than just my clients). While that's still not easy, your program's structure, team, and resources provide the perfect environment for that. After getting to know you, I was confident that signing up for UGURUS would be a good call for me and my business. However, I'm rarely surprised that a service is much better than I expected - but that is the case with UGURUS! The team that I've interacted with like Abby, Oscar, group members, etc are just fantastic.

Great job building this nice oasis for agency owners who want to improve and grow their businesses!"

-Jeffrey M.

"TEN sales calls booked from my ClickUp partnership between last week and this week. Three have turned into paid discovery projects so far!"

-Anna B.

"UACADEMY has continued to exceed our expectations in terms of the quality of mentorship and content, as well as frameworks for growing our agency. We wouldn't be where we are today if we hadn't discovered UACADEMY.

The changes have been quick and impactful, and we are so happy to be part of the community."

-Kelsey P.

"Just closed my first high-value deal using the UGURUS method."

-Naomi T.

"Without UGURUS, I would've closed my agency months ago and had to find a full-time job. Last week I signed my two biggest projects to date."

-Angela W.

"Closed my first client as a direct result of working with UGURUS."

-Matthew D.

"Thank you to all mentors who have run trainings on sales and proposal documents.

In the space of 1.5 years, I am now on version 5 of my proposal document leveling up each time from what I've learnt.

I am getting bigger and better clients each time and upleveling my business.

It is now time to take it to a whole new level in the next 12 months, somewhere I have never been."

-Divian M.

"I just sold my first 10k+ website project going through the full "UGURUS process".

-Raphael S.

"We use what you've taught us in our client conversations and rooms, almost daily. It changed our mindset. We are moving the needle a little bit at a time but we are starting to see the value."

-Megan S.

"I absolutely love this program and my mentor has been great. The whole process of onboarding and launchpad has been very rewarding, informative, and life-changing. I really appreciated the amazing advice you provided in the Get Leads Now program. Every UGURUS Zoom call I've attended has been so informative with practical knowledge and tips. I am so happy I am a part of this program."

-Shamaia V.

"I've been reflecting on this past year and I just wanted to say how grateful I am for all of the mentorship and direction I've received from UGURUS. There are so many moments with mentors that have transformed my business, most notably last Fall when Marama and Barbara helped me decide not to take a full-time position at a university. I've made double the offered salary this year and it's been my favorite of the ten years I've been in business.

All to say, thank you for all of the thought and time you put into generating and enhancing this community for us. It's such a gift!"

-Liam L.

"I closed the first big deal in-niche today, after following all your precious advice!"

-João M.

"I've had a great start to the year with 7 calls booked. I've sat down and presented the proposal, with 2/3 signing! Thanks for your advice and support. Just waiting on the follow-up from the 3rd, as he needed to take it to the business partner."

-James C.

"Just wanted to say I think you've done such a great job with Ugurus. I've done so many of these things that I feel completely jaded by them and too cynical to make anything work. You've managed to build a platform that challenges my cynicism and genuinely offers value to my business."


"Before UGURUS, my business had been experiencing growth. I was winning 90% of the proposals that I was putting out, but I knew I was leaving something on the table. My average contract was between $5-10K. After just two calls with Brent, I had the confidence to turn a $3K proposal into an $18K contract. Now, just over two months into the program, I’m still winning 90% of the proposals I’m delivering, but the contract prices are now $10-15K and some even $25-30K. I wish I had found this program sooner."

-Rory S.

"Just sold another roadmap!!!! I have now converted 3 of the last 4 leads on the new plan!"


"February 2024 has officially been our best month ever!"

-Justin L.

"This group, the collective ideas, the knowledge, and the community are fantastic"



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