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4 answers

Reasonably tougher humans against falls, concussions etc

My question is, how do we make humans more able to resist falls(not just free falls, also normal ones and from a "medium" height, 2-10 meters) and be able to move afterwards, at least for the jumps on ...
Blirk's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Bone Decomposition

I'm writing a story taking place in the semi-recent aftermath of a period of Human-Dragon warfare. The main character falls into a pit used during this period by dragons to trap/store/dump prey (...
Sarah Ellen's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Hollow-boned Humanoids

I have a race of humanoids (soarfolk) who, as their name suggests, basically went from normal humans to humans with wings, hollow bones and feathers. Normal humans still exist, and interact with ...
Nathaniel Solyn's user avatar