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Album Of The Week: 38 16th Sep AOTW Week

HARVESTMAN, the psych/folk/ambient project of Neurosis’ Steve Von Till, arises with its most exploratory and ambitious works to date, a three-album series titled Triptych, with each installment coordinated for release on specifically chosen full moons this year. The first, Triptych: Part One, will be released on Von Till’s own Neurot Recordings on April 23rd with the rising of the Pink Moon. Triptych: Part One was recorded and mixed at The Crow’s Nest in North Idaho by Steve Von Till who creates the movements using guitars, bass, synths, percussion, stock tank,…
Explore Explore

Soundtrack for the day

July 30
Album of the day DAY
A great introduction to the tripped out world of Ghost Dubs, and the perfect lead up to the birth of 'Damaged'.
Explore Explore

Chemical Version

Soon Over Babaluma

Soon Over Babaluma
no internal structural frameworks. runs on helium.
an observation platform.

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The Blimp
Soon over babaluma