158 Reviews
Cross Country drag race
bkoganbing23 January 2013
Before there were Police Academy movies there were these two Cannonball Run films where a whole lot of people did a movie with absolutely no story to it, but looked like they were having a lot of fun. If you could call it starring Burt Reynolds and long time pal Dom DeLuise because they have the most screen time.

It's clear that this cast was enjoying all the overacting they were allowed to indulge in. Except possibly for Roger Moore who rather drolly underplayed his own image as an action hero, James Bond, the Saint, etc. Reynolds did too, to a lesser extent.

You've got to love Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. as a pair of fake priests who copied Richard Nixon's dirty play book in their effort to win The Cannonball Run which when you come right down to it is just a cross country drag race. Reynolds and DeLuise are using an ambulance, the better to fool the Smokeys that they meet traveling west. And for insurance they have a kidnapped patient in Farrah Fawcett and one bat crazy doctor in Jack Elam. Between Elam and DeLuise I have to say it's a tossup as to who overacts the most.

Like The Police Academy movies, the Cannonball Run films are dumb, witless, stupid, puerile, and you will laugh your derrière off.
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What a pile-up....
Mister-615 August 1999
If you're looking for a movie loaded with cars, crashes, 1/8th of the Rat Pack, Adrienne Barbeau's best assets... oh yeah, and Burt Reynolds, look no further than "The Cannonball Run".

It was a hit back in 1981 and no wonder: Burt was on top of his game and we were all young and naive back then. Heck, I have a warm spot for all the rampant stupidity, myself.

All the better that Roger Moore plays a deft parody of his own James Bond persona, complete with an Aston Martin.

If you've seen this film way back when, no doubt you remember it with some fondness. Let's face it: it may not have been on par with films like "The Gumball Rally" or even "Death Race 2000", but in its own way and on its own terms, it works just fine.

A word of sage advice: if you watch this film, skip "Cannonball Run 2". It'll only ruin your good memories of the first. And if you didn't like the original, well....

Five stars. Plus one star extra for adding Jackie Chan for what adds up to mostly as a cameo as a karate-kicking racer. And a half star more for Adrienne Barbeau's fancy work with a jump suit zipper. Altogether, six and a half stars.

Wish she would have made it a seven.
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Burt & Company In Their Element
ccthemovieman-125 April 2006
Burt Reynolds made a fortune in this area with these goofy "chase" movies (this and Smoky and The Bandit plus all the sequels). They featured a an irreverent '70s attitude toward about anything decent with an emphasis on a sleazy atmosphere, all covered up with a lot of humor, and they worked. They worked because they were fast-moving generally fun movies to watch.....certainly not any great works of art.

Cannonball Run had an all-star cast of Reynolds, his good buddy Dom DeLuise, Farah Fawcettt, Jack Elan, Roger Moore, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Farr, Jackie Chan, on and on....pretty amazing.

Reynolds, of course, was Mr. Cool/Mr. Macho.....at least in his eyes. Fawcett and Barbeau meant beauty and boobs whom all men - especially dimwitted cops which Hollywood loved to feature - drooled over. The Japanese were made to look stupid (this was pre-PC days) as were priests (nothing's changed there with filmmakers). The movie is filled with really profound statements such as, "Why do we take all these risks? Oh, just for the hell of it." Yes, words to live by.

Yet, as dumb as this movie can be at times, is does provide a lot of laughs and speaking of that, DeLuise's laugh always made everyone do the same. Sometimes the best part of these films were the outtakes at the end with DeLuise cracking up and Reynolds slapping him!
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Classic 80's
teslacoil-5424512 February 2018
Is it a masterpiece? No. Does it offer a compelling plot? No. Is it just plain fun? Yes!

Another title in the era of entertainment that was best described as "Fast cars, fast crashes, and fast women". The era that produced such films as Smokey and the Bandit, Convoy, and the Dukes of Hazzard TV show. The era that was pointed more at the blue-collar working class than the white-collar office class or the critic.

It certainly wouldn't hold up to Lawrence of Arabia, Citizen Kane, or any other masterpiece, but it isn't trying to be that. It's just trying to be a fast, fun film that loads of people can enjoy.

Instead of a 5-star wine with a 5-star steak in a 5-star restaurant, this film's more of a greasy burger and fries in a roadside dinor. They both cannot be equaled objectively, but they're both 10/10 stars in their own right.

If I could represent the height of American film, I might choose Casablanca, Citizen Kane, or Ben-Hur. If I could choose a film to show the height of American freedom, to show somebody who wasn't American what American freedom and liberty feels like, I'd choose The Cannonball Run.
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A live-action wacky races movie
Seeing people get away with some of the most ridiculous actions in comedic fashion is always tantalizing. How do they get away with such foolishness? That doesn't happen in the real world as often as this. If only I (as in the viewer) could be that crazy with no problems. This is exactly what this live-action version of Boomerang's Wacky Races (1968) is. It's a movie where rules don't apply to main characters as well as physics, gags and mindset. The movie just can't be taken on a literal level; otherwise, the viewer will not enjoy it.

Joining director Hal Needham in this racecar comedy is veteran actor Burt Reynolds who has also completed several projects in the past with him; so it's no surprise they are in this project either. Co-starring Reynolds is a slew of other well-known actors, singers and models. Playing Reynolds right hand companion is Dom DeLuise who also has an alter ego whom no one seems to understand of how he shows up and exits. Together they ride in an ambulance as a disguise to help them win the race. Accompanying them is their doctor played by Jack Elam who was cast perfectly because of his unmoving left eye. To name a few more, Farrah Fawcett, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, Jackie Chan and even Roger Moore (who pretends he's Roger Moore) all play funny characters.

This is the real strong point to this movie; it's an ensemble cast and if you're a viewer who likes seeing movies with lots of star power, this is one of them to see. The story however, written by Brock Yates isn't anything special. The plot is about a bunch of wacky racers doing what they can to win and really that's all this movie needed. It does give a back-story to Reynolds' character and DeLuise's alter ego but it's nothing to be real interested in. As for the comedy parts of the writing, that is a slight bit stronger than the story itself. However, that also doesn't mean every joke was funny. There were some places there just were not funny enough when it should have been.

Each actor has their own thing going for them and it's because of that, that they all don't rely on the same thing to make a joke. Again, my favorite was Jack Elam playing the doctor. God he was a laugh! And surprisingly, the score provided by Al Capps did a decent job as well. His tunes may have not been longer than a good 30 seconds, but it did evoke the right feeling of the movie, which was lightheartedness. One thing that did bug me was how politically incorrect and sexist everything was though. I understand that it this time it wasn't taken seriously and I also understand that this is partially what helps make the film effective in a comedic sense but unfortunately, in today's age, it can be offensive to some who are closed minded individuals.

There isn't a story to fall back on which can leave some people feeling empty. But if you're looking for a film with a lot of star power, fast vehicles and various sparks of clever comedy, then this goofy car race just may hit the spot.
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Comedic Cross-Country Fun
torstensonjohn29 July 2019
If you take an all-star cast, supped up cars and trucks, and writing that was classic of the 80's, you end up with the comedic juggernaut The Cannonball Run. Having big names like Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLuise, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Farrah Fawcett, Sir Roger Moore and throw in the likes of Adrienne BarBeau, Jackie Chan, Mel Tillis, Terry Bradshaw, Jamie Farr, Jack Elam, Peter Fonda, the laughs and fun are upheld with the entire film.
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The Mother of all road trips!
jrb-81 July 2005
Burt Reynolds, Hal Needham and crew capitalized on the success of the first two Bandit movies, threw in some hot babes along with recognizable stars for a blast of a film. Who needs plot with all the eye candy? Also, you can tell that everyone on screen's having a blast doing this movie which adds to its enjoyability. Having the original Rat Pack reunite in these films perhaps signaled a passing of the torch to the new Rat Packers of that time, lead by Burt Reynolds. Being from Pittsburgh, Terry Bradshaw's involvement fueled his fan support as this was made after he won his fourth Super Bowl. This movie inspired my friends and I to take off on two cross country road trips. Although we could not find any spandex Lamborghini babes we almost had as much fun as these guys!
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And I was SO sure that this was a good film.
BA_Harrison28 November 2007
The Cannonball Run, an all-star caper about a bunch of ne'er-do-wells competing in a trans-American road race, is one of those films that I have had fond memories of ever since seeing it on its original release. So re-watching this film after many years was going to be a real treat - or at least I thought so. Isn't it funny how time affects your memory?

Instead of the laugh-a-minute, stunt-packed classic that I recall enjoying immensely as a kid, I was shocked to find that the film is in fact a rather tedious, poorly directed, mostly laugh-free effort saddled with mundane action. Apart from some stunning cars, and a few stunning women, The Cannonball Run actually has little to recommend it.

Not nearly exciting enough (the car stunts are limited to a few unremarkable jumps, skids and crashes), nor funny enough (the desperate non-PC humour making light of schizophrenia, drink driving, stammering, abduction, racial differences, the law, and drug and alcohol abuse), director Hal Needham's chaotic comedy rarely gets into gear, and repeatedly stalls when it does.

With an improvised feel to every facet of the film, The Cannonball Run gives the impression that much of it was made on the fly. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover that Needham got his cast, crew and cars together first, and worried about the finer details (like a script) once the shoot had begun. The director and his Hollywood pals probably had a blast making the film, and I would like to say that the sense of fun is infectious. But it isn't.

To be fair, a few moments did manage to make me smile - Jackie Chan kicking biker ass, Adrienne Barbeau's cleavage, Jack Elam as a drunken proctologist - but the majority of the film left me massively disappointed.

The Cannonball Run gets a star for the kung fu, one for the babes, one more for the freaky doctor, plus a bonus star purely for nostalgia's sake. A not-so-grand total of 4 out of 10.
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Cannonball Run rules!!!
wolleks-112 June 2006
Captain Chaos, The Rat Pack, Terry Bradshaw and Mel Tillis! Burt, Roger Moore, and Mr...um...Foyt! Some say this isn't a masterpiece, there are no digital effects or Oscar nominated performances. Please! It's just fun watching some of the greats who have passed on and some others who were in their prime having a blast doing a movie that makes little sense and that's just the way I like it. I promise you will laugh and you won't know why, but you won't care! Great movie for anyone who wants to have a beer with his friends and watch a funny, pointless, silly movie. Unfortunately, I also recommend Peter Jackson's King Kong for the same reasons.
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Keep on Moving
DavidToner14 October 2015
Burt Reynolds made a fortune in this area with these goofy "chase" movie. If these are the kind of movies you like, then you won't be disappointed. Cannonball Run had an all-star cast of Reynolds, his good buddy Dom DeLuise, Farah Fawcettt, Jack Elan, Roger Moore, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Farr, Jackie Chan, on and on....pretty amazing.

Yet, as dumb as this movie can be at times, is does provide a lot of laughs and speaking of that, DeLuise's laugh always made everyone do the same. Sometimes the best part of these films were the outtakes at the end with DeLuise cracking up and Reynolds slapping him! To me the out takes were almost better than the actual movie. If your just looking for a few laughs and some 80's cars then this movie is for you. If your looking for plot and depth, then keep on moving.
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Reynolds Regretted Making "Car Crashes Are Funny" Films
quitwastingmytime29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The man was capable of so much more. He was truly great in Deliverance, in Boogie Night, and in his final film.

But in that same great final film, he came to terms with his life and career. He regretted going for the easy cash in simple minded action films like this one.

There was a backlash against Reynolds' films. Mother Against Drunk Drivers pointed to him as the worst example of films promoting reckless, often drunken, driving. The small town in Texas I grew up in the 70s had lots of teens trying to imitate him. That meant driving reckless when bored on the weekends. It also meant lots of accidents, injuries, even deaths.

There are scenes that make you wonder why anyone thought they were funny. Martin and Davis shown throughout the film as drunk driving at 120 miles an hour. It's like telling kids it's fun to play Russian roulette.

And some parts are pathetic. We are supposed to believe the same two Rat Packers, in their 60s and scrawny, can beat up a gang of bikers a third their age? It's as sad and desperate as hearing an aging rocker sing about high school. What a horrible end to great careers.

Overall as action or comedy, it's so so anyway. Like Dukes of Hazzard, a lot of posing as rebellious. Self destructive behavior isn't being cool.
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one of my all-time favourites!!!!!!!
gotfong4 February 2006
Okay, realistically speaking, it is not "excellent" in the grand scope of cinema history...It has virtually no plot, for example. But it's hysterically funny and just makes you feel happy all over. Could it be Sammy Davis Junior and Dean Martin paired as drunken priests in a red Ferrari that makes it so great? Is it the doctor of mysterious origin ("Don't you EVER tell me where you found him!" who seldom needs more than his middle finger for an examination? Perhaps it's Mr Uh, Mr Uh,...Foyt! No, the greatest reason for watching this film is for the sheer joy of experiencing Dom Deluise in orange spandex saving the world...and don't forget! "Hamsters are a big responsibility!"
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After 36 years still enjoyable!!
elo-equipamentos9 January 2018
This kind of comedy is very silly with a dream cast running cross country with several funny situations, both actors Reynolds and DeLuise is usually fine, Roger Moore playing Bond's character doesn't add too much, Fawcett had her worst acting ever, the older Martin and Sammy is badly damm, however we have Jack Elam, yes in best shape yet and Adrienne Barbeau who enchants us with a good looking tigh outfit, in the end DeLuise made a joke who rose up the level of the movie, look this funny scene!! It's didn't means waste of time after all still very enjoyable!!


First watch: 1986 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 6
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First rate stars at a car chase caper in which all-assorted drivers dash at highly illegal race
ma-cortes29 March 2010
An unusual assortment of pilots converge for a cross country automobile race where breaking the rules and chaotic car chases are part of the game , and everybody competing for a grand prize in less than legal rally. In the car race participates the protagonists, McClure( amiable Burt Reynolds in similar role to 'Smokey and the Bandit' films) and his sidekick schizophrenic Victor (Dom Deluise who turn in moments into Captain Chaos) disguising themselves as paramedics, a duo posing as priests(the Rat-Pack ,Sammy Davis, Dean Martin) , two Chinese (a racer Jackie Chan and engineer Michael Hui), two Lamborghini sexpot babes (Adrienne Barbeau, Tara) and of course Roger Moore in a James Bond character-alike and several others. Along the way they elude police , crash into road-blocks, and meet-up with a number of roles.

This race chase caper is full of witless comedy with tongue in cheek, noisy action, Kung-Fu fighting, gratuitous star cameos and many other things. This nutty film with extraordinary star-studded cast achieved a huge Box-office hit, one of 1981's top grosser, in spite of its brief amusing moments and ridiculous, embarrassing situations. Most interesting for plethora of cameos as Peter Fonda, Valerie Perrine, Jamie Farr, Jack Elam and many others . At the end there are out-takes such popular and usual subsequently. It's followed by a languid sequel, less than illustrious its predecessor, with similar actors and artist equipment , adding more explosive girls as Marilu Henner, Catherine Bach and Susan Anton, furthermore more Rat Pack as Frank Sinatra and Shirley McLaine. Booth of them were badly directed by the ex-stunt Hal Needham. Other films dealing with mindless cross-country wheel spinning , are the following : ¨Cannoball(1976)¨ by Paul Bartel with Robert Carradine, Mary Wonorov , Joe Dante ,¨Death race 2000¨ again by Paul Bartel with David Carradine, Silvester Stallone, Simone Griffith ¨Gumball rally(1976) ¨by Chuck Bail with Michael Sarrazin Gary Busey and Raul Julia, among them.
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Fatal flaw
myronpro19 February 2002
The movie was amusing despite its script but there was one major screwup. At the beginning of the race all of the competitors punched in their start time and took off one at a time. At the end Captain Chaos and Adrienne Barbeau have a footrace to the finish to punch in their times. The only problem is that Adrienne punched in at the beginning of the race at least 2 minutes before Dom Delouise and Burt Reynolds did. Chaos still had at least 2 minutes to punch in at the end and still win the race.... Also while the crowd is joking around at the finish line 3 cars pull up and screech to a halt; Jackie Chan's car, a taxi and Roger Moore's car. But Moore was standing in the crowd joking around. Who drove up in his car?
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Decent all around car movie
speedfreek1617 February 2007
I rented this movie on a whim cause it had cars in it, and was about the Cannonball Run, plus an all star cast. I have to say i was somewhat disappointed with this movie, while it is a comedy, there wasn't much car based action and the best of it was at the start of the movie with the intro credits with the Lamborghini being chased by the cop car.

The movie seemed to drag out in places, especially at the start, and not a whole deal of focus on the cars themselves. It's not all bad, the character interaction and the comedy was top stuff, enjoyable movie for that, but for a movie to do with an across country race it did lack in the action department with the cars, yeah there is a couple things thrown in here and there for good measure, but never really did much for me.

Good comedy, but even that could of been better slightly, the doctor had so much potential but was rarely used. If anything Farrah Fawcet was one of the redeeming qualities, but even her character wasn't used greatly, not that it mattered as she was more eye candy *and also bringing the movie's rating up slightly for me ;) and she had her high beams on at the start of the movie too hahaha* Lastly, while Jackie Chan was in this movie, he barely had any interaction at all with any of the other cast

Overall a relatively enjoyable movie i could watch many a time, but had a lot of potential in many areas to be better. A classic? well that's purely for you to decide, but for me, i'm not so sure
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Not as bad as I freared
aramis-112-8048801 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This tale of a cross-country race (from CT to CA in 72 hours) has a phenomenal cast (circa 1981). I expected a lot of cardboard characters, but in fact the film takes too long setting up the characters--and many still come off as cardboard.

Reynolds stars. Frequent Reynolds co-star Dom DeLuise is his co-driver, and Dom needs a stronger hand than Hal Needham to keep him from going over the top, which he does too frequently. They are accidentally joined by Farrah Fawcett, looking even more lovely than she did when leaving "Charlie's Angels" four years earlier. Though the film contains no actual nudity Farrah wears a sweater at one point that perfectly shows off her . . . Ahem . . . Attributes.

High points (apart from Farrah's): Jack Elam's crazy doctor. The wall-eyed actor Elam steals every scene he's in. While good use is made of his eyes, he never falls into the trap that often killed Marty Feldman, who thought his eyes were enough for a joke. Elam is always inventive and his crazy doctor always does the unexpected.

Then there's Roger Moore. He's also crazy, a nice Jewish boy who believes he's . . . Roger Moore, international celebrity. It sounds like a one-note part but he's actually given some clever bits, including appearing in every scene with a different girl (the last girl he's with has the best line in the movie).

"Cannonball Run" is wonderfully politically incorrect. The prime beneficiary of this is newcomer (to American audiences) Jackie Chan, who is able to show off some of his martial arts prowess. Jamie Farr is a hoot as an Islamic Arab prince, who today would have vest bombers in the theaters. And George Furth plays a whinging bureaucrat (in the mode of William Atherton the later "Ghostbusters") who lives to put an end to everyone's fun.

Low points: 1) Two NC rednecks played by football player Terry Bradshaw and stuttering singer Mel Tillis add nothing to the movie, especially not humor. 2) Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr., perhaps the last of the all-round entertainers who can sing, act and do comedy and who are as comfortable onstage as they are in front of a movie-camera, don't even seem to be trying. They are the two most talented members of the cast, and two of the eldest; they who should be showing the youngsters how to do it right, but they are abysmal. If you want to see this movie because you're a Dean or Sammy fan, do yourself a favor and remember them as they used to be. 3) Adrienne Barbeau's only contribution is, every time she's stopped by the cops, to unzip her skin-tight suit and show off her cleavage (just enough to get by without an "R" rating). If that's all you want, rent "Swamp Thing" instead.

Then there's Burt Reynolds, as usual thinking he merely has to show up for women to swoon. No wonder his promising career tanked. He wasn't a bad actor but he made some dogs (and I hate insulting dogs by comparing them to some of Reynolds' flicks).

It's hard to believe this movie came out the same year as the subtle, beautiful drama "Chariots of Fire" which was about another sort of race.

I sound like I hate the movie, but apart from the low points, "Cannonball Run" is actually brainless fun. It has no serious pretentions and that's refreshing.
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Jack Elam
csimpkins5322 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a silly yet funny and enjoyable movie. It is the kind of silliness that requires the viewer to be in the proper mood for it to be truly appreciated. The film sports a great all-star cast including a very stunningly beautiful Farrah Fawcett. It also includes Roger Moore driving an Aston Martin complete with all the goodies, spoofing his James Bond movies. Watching the out takes as the credits roll indicates that the cast and crew truly had a ball making this flick! Jack Elam, in my opinion though steals the show in his absolutely hilarious turn as a demented, weird looking, drug addled doctor. I see his performance as being the funniest character in the movie.
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Golden Harvest bankrolled this picture? Part one.
Captain_Couth20 June 2004
Cannonball Run (1981) was one of those road race movie genres that was reborn during the mid 70's. The first of them was released by New World Pictures and it was the entertaining Cannonball, starring David Carradine and the Roger Corman players. A few years later Hollywood and Golden Harvest teamed together to make a washed up Hollwood stars road film about the mythical cross country race called The Cannonball Run. Yes, this film has more wash-ups and has been than you can shake a stick at. It looks like a who's who of former and future stars of Hollywood Squares. Golden Harvest produced half the film and they used their stroke to put in the company's two biggest stars Jackie Chan and Michael Hui. The problem is they play Japanese race car drivers. Japanese race car drivers who speak cantonese?!

But the ring leader of this motley crew is old Burt Reynolds. Yes, him and Hal Needham made this film to please his Smokey and the Bandit crowd. Needham should stick with directing stunt scenes and leave film-making to the professionals.Not as bad as the later films in this series but not quite that entertaining. Stick with Cannonball for some fun

stuff. If you must watch every single out of work or fading star in Hollywood ham up the screen then this one's your cup of

tea, others beware!


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a fun filled race across the US
chvylvr808 March 2002
The Cannonball Run has been vilified by many critics over the years but I love this movie and have been watching it ever since I was little. This movie is what happens when a bunch of movie stars who just happen to be close friends in real life decide to make a movie just for fun. The plot is simple enough, race from one end of the country to the other for a million dollars and avoid the law on the way. The cast is jammed with big names and just about everyone in the movie that has a speaking part is a star of some stature. This movie is simply great fun and has a lot in common with the rest of director Hal Needham's films,i.e. Smokey and the Bandit. I can't really say that this film is full of great acting because the entire cast horses around through the whole movie. Jackie Chan makes his first appearance in a American movie with this film and both Hal Needham and writer Brock Yates have cameos. Don't expect a lot in the way of plot or acting or effects or anything like that and just enjoy the ride. The outtakes at the end of this and Cannonball Run II are hilarious and it makes it more fun for me anyway to know that this movie was just like a big meeting of old friends. Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. are great as Blake and Fenderbaum respectively. Burt Reynolds and Dom Deluise anchor this film (they're the main characters)and the give and take between these two make them one of the best comedy teams I have ever seen. Bottom Line: Buy this flick, drag it out every once in a while, and have fun watching it with family or friends. A truly fun movie to watch.
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Documentary based on true events
Shaolin_Apu25 May 2005
I started to watch this movie as a joke. I don't remember whom I specially wanted to annoy with that, but after watching the film several times I began to like it. I expected nothing from it but it gave me pleasure in sarcastic way – I've seen many better films than this, but this one is also better than many 'quality' films.

The film is all about some stars gathering together and having a good time. Everyone adds into the film his/her own ideas with nothing really to be taken seriously. Most people will watch this film because of Burt Reynolds, who is probably the best actor for this kind of films. He and Dom DeLuise are not really Laurel & Hardy, but are still funny. This may probably not be the best Burt Reynolds film, but will be one of his most popular works anyway.

Many viewers will also like the bad guy of the movie, Mr. Foyt, who hates cars and is totally against the whole Cannonball Run. My favourite is however Farrah Fawcett who manages to produce some good one liners like "Are you one of those volley-ballers?" but will be corrected "Cannonballers?".

I still keep watching this movie even if it remains for me as a joke. It's really not a good movie but isn't bad either. It's strength and cohesion lies in its harmless having-fun attitude without any special references. Some of the jokes are bit stupid but as nothing here is meant to be taken seriously, this film remains for me a portrayal of some easy-going early 1980's.
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Painful to watch.
fataltourist26 August 2001
Absolutely horrible. At first I though a team of monkeys had written the script. Then I realized that there probably never was a script. Very painful to sit through. A bunch of stars spout off some unfunny lines which are made even worse by downright awful comedic timing and editing. You do get to see a little of Jackie Chan doing some kung fu fighting. Other than that the outtakes during the end credits is the only entertaining portion of the film.
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All-star madcap race to California
filmbuff-362 September 2000
This film is best summarized as a live action version of Wacky Races. Burt Reynolds leads on all star cast of freaky drivers competing in a no-holds-barred race competition called the Cannonball Run. The standouts in this film are Roger Moore who seems to enjoy spoofing his own James Bond character, Jackie Chan as a kung-fu foreign race champ, Jack Elam as the twisted doctor riding along in Burt's ambulance, and Jamie Farr as a mad sheik trying to show Islamic superiority by defeating his opponents.

This is not a movie to be taken seriously, especially with Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. cruising around dressed up like priests. There are a lot of good stunts and chase scenes in this movie, as well as a long brawl towards the end with all the Cannonballers against a gang of bikers, led by Peter Fonda!

To quote the Brain Gremlin from Gremlins 2: "Check it out one time, won't you!" You won't be disappointed.
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"You know what I like best about trees?"
utgard1426 February 2014
"All-star" comedy about assorted characters competing in a cross-country race. The main stars are Burt Reynolds and Dom DeLuise. But the cast is full of Burt's friends, as well as the likes of Roger Moore, Jackie Chan, Peter Fonda, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr. Of those, Roger Moore is the most fun. The best part of the film for me is Adrienne "Boom Boom" Barbeau's cleavage. I also love the Valerie Perrine cameo. Farrah Fawcett is Burt's love interest and her nipples are erect throughout the whole movie. She wears no bra, of course, which she was known for back then. Every time they have a tender scene, Farrah's headlights are on bright and you can't help but giggle or drool or a combination of the two. Her tree fascination is pretty cute stuff, though.

It can be unfunny at times, especially when DeLuise is doing his thing. He's an acquired taste. I know Burt thought he was hilarious. I also know Burt had a drug problem back then that no doubt colored his judgment. Also worth mentioning is that several of the participants in this race drink (a lot) and drive. Doubtful that would happen today in a frivolous movie like this. I guess this is one case of times changing for the better.
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WOW What a disappointment!
mm-3914 May 2003
I was excited about seeing this movie. When I was in grade 6 I wanted to see the king of burnt rubber Burt Reynolds. This movie is based off the Cannonball, and the Gumball Rally. A big budget, and big name actors alone can not make a movie. Great idea but no script. The first movie I saw on the VCR was this one, I waited 2 years to see it, and my sister's boyfriend Blake was right this film is flat. 4/10
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