36 Reviews
Builds up as a great movie but falls flat on the OK category
gabriel_sanchez4 September 2018
Knight Moves starts as a clever movie about a murder investigation over some "Zodiac" wannabe. It's one of those movies where you'll only get your answers at the end-ish.

"End-ish" because, as the movie goes on, it seems like they couldn't keep up with their complicated murder plot, so they pretty much simplify things out.

In the end, an abrupt ending and a bunch of weird fight scenes sour out the movie.
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Ambitious project however flawed!!!
elo-equipamentos18 January 2019
After Highlander series Lambert got an average status and promissing actor who never walk on the top, Knight Moves was an ambitious project as thriller that turn up flawed for many reasons, unrealistic, too complex, endorsed by a really bad screemplay and finally overlong, the idea to revenge through a chess game seems be insane to start, some characters likes Daniel Baldwin's behavior is incompatible with a real cop, although this neo giallo won't disappoint tatally, but the final scenes on flooded basement is too implausible, this little mistakes taken away an auspicious picture, fine and hot sexy scenes neutralize something!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 6.5
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not a good serial killer thriller
SnoopyStyle12 August 2015
In 1972, two boys play in a tournament. The loser stabs the winner with a pen. The loser's life falls apart. The winner Peter Sanderson (Christopher Lambert) becomes a grandmaster. He's a single dad and a womanizer. His latest groupie is found dead. Capt. Frank Sedman (Tom Skerritt) and his loud-mouth partner Andy Wagner (Daniel Baldwin) investigate. Sedman is under political pressure to keep the tournament going. He brings in psychiatrist Kathy Sheppard (Diane Lane) to test Peter and she falls in love with him.

This is trying way too hard to make chess cool. I have no problem with yet another dark serial killer movie. Daniel Baldwin is over-acting. Christopher Lambert is not good. None of the clues get the audience involved. It's a whodunnit in which nobody really cares about.
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Not as clever as the set-up suggests but still an OK genre film
bob the moo16 May 2004
Peter Sanderson is a chess master in town for a major tournament. After visiting her and having sex with her, Sanderson's casual lover is murdered and left in a strange pose. The police suspect him as the person who was with her moments before her death but things are confused when Sanderson is contacted by the killer wishing to play a game with him. The murders continue as Sanderson and the police try to outsmart the killer – however clues still indicate that Sanderson could still be a suspect himself.

There are very few thrillers that would chose to set themselves in the world of grandmaster chess as the basis for their plot, and even fewer that would manage to pull it off convincingly; this film falls into the former but not the latter. The plot only really uses chess as the background so that it can make a rather tenuous link between that game and the game that is played between Sanderson and the killer. This basic plot is interesting enough even if it doesn't really stand out from the basic video-thriller genre that the chess connection suggests it is better than. The chess connection doesn't really work as it doesn't actually fit in with the murders very well – feeling forced quite a lot; certainly the whole chess championship is just a side issue and the film never manages to actually convince that this is a battle of wits, in fact the police do most of the leg work and Peter only occasionally blurts out the odd 'Eureka in the bathtub' line.

The solution is semi-clever in that I realized that the film had tricked me from the first scene onwards, but, despite this fact, the identity of the killer is as out-of-the-blue and you would expect it to be. The film is littered with minor characters who jump out of shadows, appear at suspicious times or say menacing things under their breath, all red herrings of course but most of them are not explained and it is obvious the writer never thought about whether or not they made sense in any context other than them being red herrings. Having said that, the film is enjoyable but mainly as a genre film rather than anything clever or particularly inventive. The lack of a really clever cat'n'mouse game was a letdown for me because of the potential that the chess connection had suggested.

The cast are a fairly average mix that contribute to the feeling that this is a genre film rather than anything particularly clever. Lambert has had a very mixed career and this is just another strange role that he doesn't play that well – certainly the words 'Lambert' and 'chess master' are words that words that don't seem to naturally appear together. Sticking with the clichés of both the genre and Lambert films, we get the obligatory love scene (twice!) that have little relevance but gives the film the added selling point of breasts! Skerrit and Baldwin are better than the rest of the cast even with poor characters – the two of them control each scene they are in and make the film feel better than it is.

Overall, the title and background suggest a clever game of wits between a chess master and the killer but it doesn't manage to be anything more than an OK genre film. The twist is out of the blue as always but getting there is quite fun and the end result is a film that is enjoyable but quite unspectacular.
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Too long opening, too fast ending
pkpera16 July 2018
Some consider opening scenes about events from past, when they were children, shot in B/W as great. I don't think so. It was too long, slow(ed), over top. And worst, it made it much more predictable.

Direction was fine most of part, script, dialogs, acting not really. I blame mostly script and dialogs for seemingly bad acting. No actor which would pull it much better than Daniel Baldwin, because it was just character written as utterly stupid one. C. Lambert was OK most part, in some scenes seemed away.

Despite mentioned flaws it could be solid thriller, but last 10-15 minutes were really letdown. Extremely predictable, cliche overall, and just 'game over', the end. Still, it was watchable - I watched it on TV some 25 years ago, and now on some better display. I would give it higher rating then, now I'm more mature :-)


C. Lambert: 6

D. Lane: 6

Tom Skerrit: 4

Daniel Baldwin: 5

Director: 7

Script: 4
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A Deadly Game
Uriah436 December 2017
This film begins with a young boy playing in a chess match and then physically attacking his opponent upon losing the game. After being hospitalized he is released to the custody of his mentally ill mother who is told that he must abstain from playing chess from now on. Not long afterward, he discovers blood dripping from the ceiling and upon investigation notices his mother bleeding profusely in her bed and then weakly asking him to help her. But rather than helping, he chooses to open up the night stand by the bed and pulls out the chessboard that he had been deprived of and calmly helps himself to some milk and cookies before beginning a new game. The scene then shifts to twenty years later with a European Grandmaster named "Peter Sanderson" (Christopher Lambert) participating in a tournament when his lover is found in bed totally drained of blood with a sign above her body saying "Remember". And because of his connection to this woman Peter Sanderson is a prime suspect. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an entertaining movie for the most part with both Christopher Lambert and Diane Lane (as "Kathy Sheppard") performing in a fine manner. I especially liked the way in which the mystery was sustained up until the final moments. On the other hand, the way some of the chess players were depicted as being mentally unstable was somewhat overdone. Neither did I care for the rather obvious allusions to Bobby Fischer in the introduction of Peter Sanderson. Even so, I still enjoyed this film and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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Chess champ checks, mates, and becomes a pawn
helpless_dancer9 August 2001
Average serial killer romp, this time through the world of big time chess. Too many slow spots to be called really good: I especially detest those time slowed, useless sex scenes: all that slow motion nipple sucking lends nothing to the program. High tension ending, although not all that surprising.
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Enjoyable suspense movie
michaeljhuman19 December 2011
I like Lambert, and he's the main reason I liked the movie. It's a pretty standard suspense movie. Keeps you guessing at times.

IMDb says there's a factual error in one of his games. They say the problem is that there's a mate in 5, not a mate in 4. I don't agree. It's a mate in 5 for black (if played correctly by both sides, correctly meaning that white plays to avoid mate as long as possible.) The problem I see is that Lambert's coach suggests he can win with a mate in 5, and misses it. But Lambert is playing WHITE. His rook move to c2 is correct, but only in the sense that's the best move to delay an already lost game. The coach seems to imply HE can win the game, otherwise why say "he missed it"? But he can't win, his game is already lost.
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Curious thriller plays like an Italian 'giallo'
Libretio21 December 2004

Aspect ratio: 2.39:1

Sound format: Dolby Stereo

Filmed on grim Canadian locations by German director Carl Schenkel (OUT OF ORDER), this curious psycho-thriller has the look and feel of an Italian giallo, despite the American setting. All the elements are in place: Christopher Lambert plays a chess grandmaster targeted by a serial killer who leaves obscure one-word messages at the scene of his/her crimes, hoping to draw Lambert into a lethal game of cat and mouse. That the murders are based on well-known chess manoeuvres should come as no surprise to seasoned thriller addicts, and nor should the killer's identity, which is betrayed by a seemingly throwaway bit of business near the beginning of the film (not a spoiler - only the truly attentive will spot it). Brad Mirman's convoluted script bends over backwards to cast suspicion on Lambert throughout (which means it *can't* be him - or can it?), but the narrative is undermined by some poorly-drawn characters, and everyone but Tom Skerritt - as the detective leading the investigation - seems to be coasting through proceedings on auto-pilot. The murders aren't explicitly detailed, and Schenkel goes out of his way to avoid crowd-pleasing exploitation, which rather curbs the film's commercial emphasis. But at least it's never dull, and the climax is reasonably proficient, complete with overwrought thunderstorm and psycho with a mommy complex! Daniel Baldwin exaggerates wildly as a macho cop determined to nail Lambert for the crimes, while Ferdinand Mayne hovers in the background, making the most of a glorified cameo as the hero's blind mentor.
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Game Over!
sol121820 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** It's not as if American Chess Grandmaster Peter Sanderson, Christopher Lambert, didn't have enough headaches in trying to defeat his arch-rival fellow Chess Grandmaster Lutz, Alex Diakun, in the "Tournament of Champions" in the out of the way town of Roxbridge in Washington State. He also gets himself involved in a string of grizzly murders that soon starts to effect his concentration. This leads Senderson to make a number of misplays and slip ups that almost cost him the final, or rubber, match with Lutz.

It's very obvious that the person committing these killings has something very personal against Sanderson besides him being #1 in the world of American, as well as world, chess. Murdering as well as using young and beautiful women as chess pieces in this deadly and bizarre game of chess he's playing has his opponent Chess Grandmaster Sanderson become the #1 suspect in the murders that this lunatic is committing! That's the absurd an illogical conclusion that the towns two top "Keystone Kops", who very probably got their police badges out of a Crackerjacks box, Capt. Frank Sedman & Det. Andy Wagner, Tom Slerritt & Daniel Baldwin, come up with! Even though Sanderson as an alibi, in most cases Sedman & Wagner themselves, for where he was when the murders were committed!

Crime suspense thrillers just don't get any better then "Knight Moves" in just how in your face and brazen it is in manipulating its audience. We know right from the very start that Sanderson is innocent of the crimes that he's charged with yet were, as well as Sanderson, boxed into a corner where it's almost impossible, even if we were on a jury, to be sure beyond a reasonable doubt that he didn't commit them! In that Sanderson comes across so guilty looking, as well as acting, that you suspect that he somehow committed the murders not psychically but through some kind of, by being in two places at the same time, telepathic or OBE, out of the body, experience!

***SPOILER*** The killer leaves clues at the scenes of his crimes to what the real reasons-besides playing chess-for his murderous rampage is all abut that the smart as a whip, in being a Chess Grandmaster, Sanderson should have easily picked up. It's when all the pieces, or moves, finally fall into place it's not "smartly pants" Sanderson who finally figures who who this shadowy killer really is but it's the local police psychiatrist Kathy Sheppard, Dane Lane, who beats him to it! That leads to the grand final in the film as Sanderson and his opponent, the psycho killer, have it out with Sanderson's 10 year-old daughter Erica, Katharine Isabella, as the grand prize. In her being ritually murder with all her blood drained out, like all his other victims, by the psycho killer or rescued by her now wiser and smarter dad, in him finally getting it to who the killer is, Peter Sanderson!
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* *1/2 OUT OF FIVE
bronsonskull7211 July 2003
Christopher Lambert stars as Peter Sanderson a master chess player who is targeted by a serial killer who is killing women and blaming it on Sanderson, Captain Frank Stedman(Tom Skerritt) and Detective Andy Wagner believe that Sanderson is behind it all, while a Dr.Kathy Shepperd unwisely falls for Sanderson in this entertaining yet confusing thriller. The ending while a good twist, is somewhat disappointing. However Knight Moves works fairly well most of the time.
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Could this mean the renaissance of the intellectual
Spike-6526 June 1999
Knight Moves is a film of/for fruitcakes....a little too complicated to be called a Madeira, but heavy enough to take away the hunger pangs. It manages to convey the horror of death without any real murder sequences being shown and is rather Hitchcockesque in places.

The story centres around chess player Peter Sanderson (Christophe Lambert) and his (possible) involvement in a string of serial killings. Due to his complete absorption in the game, he has already lost his wife and is now in danger of losing his daughter. Although he is the prime suspect, he becomes involved with a psychologist called in by the Police. This role was picked up by Christophe's (then) wife, Diane Lane, who not only coped well with the character, but also with a well-rehearsed bedroom scene. A case of 'truth being stranger than fiction'?

Like many of Christophe's films, this one relies heavily on explaining the psychology of the killer, even if it is only in laymen's terms; but it does deal with complex issues of responsibility and duress. The photography is a juxtaposition of European noir sur blanc and British thriller, with a little American 'home-grown' logic thrown in for good effect. Tom Skerritt is disappointing as the chief of police, a role that he plays woodenly. He is upstaged by his sidekick (Daniel Baldwin). Jeremy is portrayed by Ferdinand Mayne, an actor well known to film-going audiences, with over 120 roles to his credit before his death in 1998.

Although this film was not initially well received, its continued presence on the 'Pick of the week' shelf at the video store proves that it may well become a 'cult' film. It is often in the top-100-rentals slot in many countries and it seems to appeal to a diverse range of people. While some of the supporting cast need acting lessons, its camera work and well co-ordinated plot make this an original and enjoyable 'who-dunnit'...and you really will be guessing to the end.
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Good movie, to keep up the tension!
WARFAIR24 August 1998
Very poor effects but at least you REALLY don´t know who is the killer until the last breath. Rating: 3.5/5
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Now this is one terrible movie...
loddar26 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the last 10 minutes are so terribly written and directed that I just wanted to have it end. Every - and I mean every cliche from horror and trillers was put in that minutes.

None of the characters are likable, but man, they are predictable. The cops are complete morons who don't see a clue when it's right before their eyes. The shrink of cause falls in love with the suspect.

Possible Spoiler ahead (that is, if you've never seen a movie before...)

And don't mention the story. In the beginning, you find out why everything is happening. And it's really hard to wait so long for the "conclusion" if that's what you want to call it - you won't. Is it really that hard to figure that everything in the movie happens because of what happened years before? And while you're there, watch out how many male persons run around in the movie that fit that age and know about chess....
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OK story, but...
teadm1 March 2000
Warning: Spoilers
The film had some suspenseful moments (the finale most of all), but I found the script, acting and direction rather mediocre. Even normally good actors like Tom Skerritt and Diane Lane give awkward performances, and Christopher Lambert's overwrought line delivery is often hilarious.

**POSSIBLE SPOILER** The movie even pulls out the ultimate cliche: thunder and lightning during the critical climax and a killer with a "mommy" complex. Give me a break!. A for trying, C for the results.
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I write sins not tragedies
raulfaust30 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Peter Sanderson is a chess grandmaster whose freedom gets threatened after a murderer of females shows up in the city they all live in. Filmmakers bring all the doubts throughout the story to let spectator curious about who the lunatic may be, which is very classic in the called "whodunit" thrillers. It feels IMPOSSIBLE not to notice how much like 2004's "Saw" this movie does look; in my opinion, it's pretty clear that James Wan has had at least an inspiration in "Knight Moves". Of course "Saw" is a lot more elaborated and well produced than this, but I won't deny this film has brought a nice idea to the genre. Unfortunetaly, there is, in fact, a little of bad acting in this 90's hidden project; nobody seems to be acting naturally in the character they've been given. Maybe a better director or casting director would have made something better about it. "Knight Moves" has, eventually, a good ending that makes you feel a little happy-- mainly because Sanderson doesn't turn out to be the monster that policemen were saying--, so I can state it's a regular thriller, deserved to be seen. Just don't get mad with the occasional bad acting and the poor photography directing and you'll probably have a good time.
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Suspenseful and surprising thriller
gridoon202416 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Knight Moves" is one of the better thrillers of the early 1990s. It has an attention-grabbing opening, it's atmospherically directed, well-plotted (with at least one admirably effective red herring - I was fairly certain about who the killer would be, but I was wrong), it avoids gratuitous gore, and the music score (by Anne Dudley) is terrific. The film almost plays like a precursor to "Seven" and the other "serial killer teasing the police with riddles" thrillers that followed. My only major reservation: Christopher Lambert is not entirely convincing as an international chess grandmaster, which is probably the reason the film does not really focus as much on chess itself as it may appear to at first. **1/2 out of 4.
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Boring rubbish full of poseurs
Lazersetcetera6 May 2004
This film is absurd hokum of the first water.

Here is a sample line of the tense dialogue, delivered by Christopher 'The Method' Lambert: "I'm getting pretty close pal, and I'm gonna nail yo ass to the wall!".

It is rubbish this one, watch it for a laugh but it's pretty dull so that might be tricky. Still there's stuff to look out for.

1) Silly second guessing murderer/chess move plot. luckily the crime busting chess grandmaster Highlander is to the rescue. Cue lots of piffle about 'checkmate' and whatnot.

2) Whatever happened to Diane Lane? A very attractive woman indeed, however she is in a shockingly unsexy sex scene with Lambo, all silk curtains over a pristine four poster.

3) There's sundry other boring nonsense. And there's a bloke who looks like Tobey maguire in it but it might be TM, I didn't look so hard.

Not recommended, except ironically maybe.
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Worst of the worst ever ......
merklekranz19 September 2019
I have no idea how much the shills on this site were paid to write positive reviews for this piece of debris, but believe me they had to be on someone's payroll. There is no story, the killings are totally redundant and create zero interest, and make zero sense. The acting is absolutely pathetic, especially by the Baldwin not named Alec. It's like lets try and wrap this ridiculous script around a chess tournament. Tom Skerritt should be ashamed for lending his name to something that could have been thought up in ten minutes, with flash gun killings, lipstick messages, and boredom beyond belief. I lived with the fast forward button, and still can't stand that I wasted any time on this worst of the worst ever. You have been warned. - MERK
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Hidden treasure (everyone mildly interested in mystery/action films should see it !)
timefreezer720 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
During a big chess tournament a chain of brutal murders occurs. The victims are thoroughly young attractive females who are not related anyway . The murder is always executed in a ritual way and the killer leaves a message on the wall of the room (written of course with blood) . The police are puzzled since this clever psychopath is obviously not a freak worshiper of satanism or any other cult . Instead he seems to be a sadistic calculating killer who not only has an unspecified goal but is so hideous that he likes to show himself off and drag the police officers to a cat and mouse game , challenging them to find him . The chief suspect for the gory killings is Peter Sanderson (Christopher Lambert) a player in the tournament. Despite his young age , Sanderson is one of the most skillful and acclaimed professional chess players . Right after the first bloodbath , Sanderson starts receiving harassing phone calls from the killer who not only threatens his life but teases Sanderson to find his identity . Two detectives (played by Tom Skerritt and Daniel Baldwin) and 1 criminal psychologist (Diane Lane) co-operate with Sanderson in order to link the dots and trace the killer . It is quite possible that the insane butcher is an envious antagonist of Sanderson in chess from the past . But who can it be ? Sanderson has played numerous chess games and has faced many famous players . Surely a great amount has obviously injured egos because Sanderson won them but which one of them snapped ? . Unfortunately the threatening phone calls do not narrow the suspicions about his innocence . The police seem to believe that the deaths come as the result of the actions of Sanderson and a partner . What is the truth ?

This is one of the most atmospheric detective thrillers of the 90 ‘s . Despite a no-name director and a no-name writer `Knight Moves' proves that professional filmmaking can be achieved with the talented work of the proper technicians (direction of photography , scenery setting etc) and a well written intelligent script . The plot seems to be a combination of Seven (1995) and The Game (1997) . Seven is reminiscent not only script-wise but the dark , rainy and dreary atmosphere is inherent in the directorial look . Well how do you know ! Knight Moves is actually a predecessor to these movies ! ( I believe David Fincher owes a great thank you to this film ) Just because it doesn‘t have major star power doesn‘t mean it should be left unnoticed . Few people know the existence of this wonderful thriller and in my opinion it is not fair for this little gem to be forgotten or overlooked . It is probably Christopher Lambert ‘s best movie and a setup for many other crime mysteries which followed in the decade . So if you like whodunits I can assure you that this is one of the best samples.

The cinematography is dark and moody and it helps giving an ominous air to the screen . The sets are perfect for the claustrophobic threatening tone even in scenes with large halls like where the tournament is being conducted . The music and sound effects are also successful and contribute quite nicely to the creepiness of the movie (like the thunders during the storm). Aside from the great direction the basis of the film is a great screenplay with enough plot twists to keep the viewer hooked to the premise . All these surprises build up the tension , leading to a heart pumping final 20 minutes period and deliver a superb climax which you will remember for a long long time . There is a negative point though : Knight Moves belongs to a strange category of films which should be viewed only once and then left with fond memories . This means that your second viewing may come as a great disappointment since you already know what will come . Another minor flaw is that the killer ‘s motive is clear from the very first scene . It is however difficult finding the adult now psychopath and the shrewdness of the director is that he manipulates us to forget the initial scene and concentrate on the twists and the red herrings that the screenwriter has staged for us . It is a truly fascinating modernization of the Hitchcockian tradition as we enter a tunnel only to be `allowed' later to find the light that was always there.

The acting is for the most part passable . Lambert plays solidly and gives a legitimate hero as an everyday guy who gets caught in a paranoid game . He is not the gorgeous poster model or the beefed up tough man . Tom Skerritt plays one of the most wooden and mundane police officers I have ever seen in a film . He is always neutral and cool tempered without catchy gags or profanity . This may render his presence almost invisible , but I believe the realistic approach is achieved here , since most officers are quite indifferent and inert in reality . All they are willing to do is arrive at the scene AFTER the crime and take fingerprints . On the contrary Daniel Baldwin (the most obscure of the clan) is the younger and more aggressive detective and his performance is a pleasant surprise . He believes that Sanderson is actually himself the accomplice who wants to fool them out . He exhales so much anger against Lambert ‘ s character that at many points the two of them nearly duke it out with their fists . It is quite original for a movie of this kind since the detectives usually form a harmonic alliance with the lead (a la Copycat) . Baldwin ‘s and Lambert ‘s stormy chemistry chips in the building of more tension and nerve . Diane Lane is the psychologist who halfway forms a predictable affair with Sanderson . She and Lambert were married at the time and it is funny to see their chemistry transferred on the celluloid . Further than the obligatory love interest Lane performs another difficult task . She manages to survive an underwritten role and she gives the best performance of the entire cast . For once again she proves herself a dynamic personality who captures the audience ‘s attention. At short periods she temporarily becomes the lead herself ! Another exhibit for her pivotal screen presence is `Judge Dredd' . Very few times indeed has Hollywood given us active female roles who are not decorative co – stars . The actor who plays the killer appears shortly (a la Kevin Spacey in Seven or William McNamara in Copycat) but is also quite good. The phone calls he makes with a special voice changer , make him sound like a distorted pervert and will certainly send chills down your spinal column . This is the most scary aspect of the film which pulls up the agony even more . The paranoid is a very sinister person and his chilling voice enhances the demonic threat which suspends above the heads of the leads and every other person who attends the tournament .

It is worth purchasing this exceptional mystery game . It is not simply a popcorn light movie just for the amusement of it . On the contrary `Knight Moves' is a professionally constructed mind trap which has terrifically escalating suspense and an explosive finale . Rent it , see it preferably after midnight and don ‘t forget to dim the lights . The final part of the movie will certainly leave you breathless . A small independent masterpiece `Knight Moves' deserves far more recognition than it has got . If you like crime puzzles this is one of the best you can find.

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Yeah, I guess it was okay...
Lathe_of_Heaven21 April 2007
I suppose I agree with 'Bob the Moo' on this one; fairly entertaining, definitely WOULDN'T have chosen Lambert as a world renowned chess genius, Diane Lane does the best acting, etc. (I know 'etc.' doesn't REALLY work here, but... : ) Anyway, main complaints are the script and direction. VERY good idea and I wouldn't have minded Lambert so much if the bloody direction had been better. I mean, even WITH the so-so script a GOOD director (emphasis on the word 'Good'...) can make anything work, tighten up the story, camouflage the weak points of the script or actors, etc. (THIS time 'etc.' works : )

Could have been a REALLY great, very much like as one misguided poster here states, Hitchcockian film. I WILL say though that the opening scene was done very beautifully; the B&W photography, staging, and mood are excellent. It just would have been nice if the REST of the film had followed suit.

But, don't get me wrong, there are a LOT of other FAR, FAR worse films out there...

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She was a black haired beauty with big dark eyes and points all her own sitting way up high.
bombersflyup22 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Knight Moves is a pathetic film, with poor acting, poor dialogue and no substance.

It's a weak serial killer film just throwing in chess, because chess is just so cool. Lambert and Baldwin are awful. Sanderson not assuming it's the kid who stabbed him with a pen in a chess match, is beyond stupid. Lane's character falls in love with Sanderson rather quickly, based on nothing at all.

We weren't in love oh no far from it, we weren't searching for some pie in the sky summit. We were just young and restless and bored, living by the sword.
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Excellent Suspense Thriller
Lechuguilla1 April 2004
A psychopath uses the game of chess as a blueprint for a series of brutal murders, in this stylish 1992 film directed by Carl Schenkel. Cinematography, sound effects, scary music, and sparse dialogue combine to create an atmosphere of terror, suggestive of the "giallos" of Dario Argento.

We see the killer's black gloved hands; we see the flashlight shining in the darkened room of the next victim; we hear the killer's breathing through a mask. And in these scenes, absence of dialogue amplifies the surreal, menacing presence of the killer.

Suspense scenes alternate with scenes of mundane normalcy, which gives the viewer a chance to select the murderer from a pool of suspects whose behavior appear more or less normal. But beware; there are plenty of plot twists and false clues. The whodunit element kept me guessing and unsure; the film's suspense kept me fully engaged.

Acting quality is average. Diane Lane gives perhaps the most convincing performance of the bunch. My main criticism is the screenplay. In any murder mystery, the viewer needs enough information to have a fair chance at solving the whodunit puzzle. But in "Knight Moves", crucial details are left out. Also, several characters are poorly defined; we know almost nothing about them. Moreover, in several key scenes, the behavior of one of the main characters is not credible, given the story's underlying premise.

As a result, it's going to be almost impossible for the viewer to identify the killer, based solely on the plot. A script re-write, with more emphasis on character development, combined with the deletion of superfluous scenes would, I think, have made for a more satisfying whodunit puzzle.

Even so, I recommend "Knight Moves" as a most frightening and spine-tingling suspense thriller. For maximum effect, try watching it alone, in a mansion, at night with the lights turned out, during a thunderstorm.
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Pretty stale, mate
Cosmic_Horror29 August 2021
A total dumbass' version of a gripping psychological thriller. Tackles all the thriller tropes without actually making the tackle, just glancing blows all the way down. Christopher Lambert is playing this like he knows the answer to a secret, but he doesn't, he's just mugging through the whole thing and playing it every different way but good.

Startlingly long at almost two hours, this tumbles through so many possibilities and finally settles in on such an eye-rolling conclusion that it's almost an instant recommendation for movies to play at a bad movie night. Bad entertainment quality keeps you chugging along the whole time.

1.5 stars with a glowing recommendation from me.

Watched as my 2nd part of the Night Moves / Knight Moves back to back feature.
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Ambitious/potential but lacks overall.
philipphoerning28 May 2024
I remember watching this film in the 90s and early 2000s. My memory was that i liked the movie and that ir was a nice suspense thriller. As of 2024, me rewatching it: the director started off really great, it seemed he had ambition to uplift the movie with a more cinemstic touch instead of a rushed low-budget feel. Anyhow, the whole movie is a drag, a real drag. The movie could have easily cut 30mins short without losing much of the story. The final "reveal" is not a surprise, i didnt remember the end at all. Christopher Lambert has undeniably a screen presence rarely a lot of actors has but other than Highlander and The Fortress he never really had much "hits". You can watch this movie if you're a 90s fan and never watched it but its not going to be a "cult movie expierience". I think its biggest flaw is really the screenplay, too much, too little, too long.
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