The Mummy (1999) Poster


Rachel Weisz: Evelyn Carnahan



  • Evelyn : Look, I... I may not be an explorer or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am.

    Rick : And what is that?

    Evelyn : I... am a librarian.

  • Dr. Bey : [stutters in disbelief]  What... How... Oh, look at this! Sons of the pharaohs! Give me frogs! Flies! Locusts! Anything but *you*! Compared to you, the other plagues were a joy!

    Evelyn : I am so very sorry. It was an accident.

    Dr. Bey : My girl, when Rameses destroyed Syria, that was an accident. You are a *catastrophe*!

  • Evelyn : [upon opening Imhotep's sarcophagus and he falls forward]  Oh, my God, I *hate* it when these things do that.

    Rick : Is he supposed to look like that?

    Evelyn : No, I've never seen a mummy look like this before. He-He's still... still...

    Rick , Jonathan : ...juicy.

  • Evelyn : [preparing to open the sarcophagus]  Oh, I've dreamt about this since I was a little girl.

    Rick : You dream about dead guys?

  • Evelyn : [singsong]  Patience is a virtue.

    Rick : Not right now, it isn't.

  • Rick : And unlike your brother, Miss, you, I just don't get.

    Evelyn : [a little drunk]  Ah. I know. You're wondering... what is a place like me doing in a girl like this?

    Rick : Yeah, something like that.

  • Evelyn : You were actually at Hamunaptra?

    Rick : Yeah, I was there.

    Evelyn : You swear?

    Rick : Every damn day.

  • Rick : Can you swim?

    Evelyn : Well, of course I can swim, if the occasion calls for it.

    Rick : [throwing her overboard]  Trust me. It calls for it.

  • Dr. Bey : We are part of an ancient secret society. For over three thousand years, we have guarded the City of the Dead. We are sworn at manhood to do any and all in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world.

    Ardeth Bay : And now, because of you, we have failed.

    Evelyn : And you think this justifies the killing of innocent people?

    Dr. Bey : To stop this creature? Let me think...

    Dr. Bey , Ardeth Bay : *Yes*!

  • Rick : Let me get this straight. They ripped out your guts and they stuffed them in jars?

    Evelyn : And then they take out your heart as well. Oh, and you know how they took out your brains?

    Jonathan : Evy, I don't think we need to know this.

    Evelyn : They take a sharp, red-hot poker, stick it up your nose, scramble things about a bit, and then rip it all out through your nostrils.

    Rick : Ooh, that's gotta hurt.

    Evelyn : It's called mummification. You'll be dead when they do this.

    Rick : For the record, if I don't make it out of here, don't put me down for mummification.

    Jonathan : Likewise.

  • Evelyn : Um... by the way... why did you kiss me?

    Rick : I was about to be hanged. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

    Evelyn : Ooh!

    [gets up and walks away in a huff] 

    Rick : [Calling after her]  What? What'd I say?

  • Rick : The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you want to be playing around with this thing?

    Evelyn : It's just a book. No harm ever came from... reading a book.

  • Rick : That's called stealing, you know.

    Evelyn : According to you and my brother, it's called borrowing.

  • Evelyn : [In a darkened room]  Abdul?

    [no answer] 

    Evelyn : Mohammed?

    [no answer] 

    Evelyn : ... Bob?

  • Evelyn : You lied to me.

    Jonathan : I lie to everybody. What makes you so special?

    Evelyn : I am your sister.

    Jonathan : Yes, well, that just makes you more gullible.

  • Rick : Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.

    Evelyn : The only thing that scares me, Mr. O'Connell, are your manners.

  • Evelyn : Have you got any bright ideas?

    Rick : I'm thinking, I'm thinking...

    Evelyn : You better think of something fast, because if he turns me into a mummy, you're the first one I'm coming after.

  • Rick : [trying to pack Evelyn's things into a suitcase, but, as he's packing, she's taking her things back out again]  I thought you said you didn't believe in all this fairy tales and hokum stuff!

    Evelyn : Well, having an encounter with a three thousand-year-old walking, talking corpse does tend to convert one.

    Rick : Forget it! We're out the door, we're down the hall, and we're gone.

    Evelyn : Oh, no, we are not!

    Rick : Oh, yes, we are!

    Evelyn : Oh, no, we are not! We woke him up, and we are going stop him!

    Rick : We? What 'we'? We didn't read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing, didn't I tell you not to play around with that thing?

    Evelyn : Yes, that's right, me, me, me, me, I, I, I woke him up and I intend to stop him.

    Rick : Oh yeah? How? You heard the man, no mortal weapons can kill this guy.

    Evelyn : Then we're just going to have to find some immortal ones!

    Rick : There goes that 'we' again, y'know I wonder if-

    [Evelyn slams the suitcase shut on Rick's fingers] 

    Rick : Ah!

    Evelyn : Listen we've got to do something! Once the creature's been reborn, his curse is going to spread until the whole of the earth is destroyed!

    Rick : And is that my problem?

    Evelyn : Well, it is everybody's problem!

    Rick : Evelyn, I appreciate you saving my life and all, but when I signed on, I agreed to take you out there and bring you back, end of job, end of story, contract terminated!

    Evelyn : Oh, that's all I am to you, a contract?

    Rick : Ok look, you can either tag along with me or stay here... and try to save the world! What's it gonna be?

    Evelyn : I'm staying.

    Rick : Fine!

    Evelyn : Fine!

    Rick : Fine.

    Evelyn : Fine.

    Rick : Fine.

    [leaves and slams the door] 

    Evelyn : Ooh...

  • Evelyn : You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance.

    Beni : [laughing]  Really? They do?

    Evelyn : Oh, yes. Always.

  • Evelyn : [after destroying the museum library]  Oops.

  • Evelyn , Imhotep : Death is only the beginning.

  • Rick : [to Mr. Henderson]  This door doesn't open. She doesn't come out, and no one goes in, right?

    Mr. Henderson : Right.

    Rick : [to Mr. Daniels]  Right?

    Mr. Daniels : Right.

    Evelyn : [locked in the bedroom]  O'Connell! Jonathan!

    Rick : Let's go, Jonathan.

    Jonathan : Oh, uh, I thought I could just stay at the fort and, uh, reconnoiter.

    Rick : Now!

    Jonathan : Yeah. Right. We're just gonna rescue the... Egyptologist.

  • Evelyn : We must stop him from regenerating. Who opened that chest?

    Mr. Henderson : Well, there was me, and Daniels here. Oh, and Burns, of course.

    Mr. Daniels : And that Egyptologist feller.

    Rick : What about my buddy, Beni?

    Mr. Daniels : Nah, he scrammed out of there 'fore we opened the damn thing.

    Mr. Henderson : Yeah. He was the smart one.

    Rick : Well, yeah, that sounds like Beni.

  • Evelyn : Oh, my God. It's a... it's a sarcophagus. Buried at the base of Anubis. He must have been someone of great importance. Or he did something *very* naughty.

  • Evelyn : The map! The map! I forgot the map!

    Rick : Relax. I'm the map. It's all up here.

    [points to his head] 

    Evelyn : Oh, that's comforting.

  • Evelyn : [about O'Connell to Jonathan]  Well, personally, I think he's filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit.

    Rick : [walking up from behind]  Anyone I know?

  • Evelyn : Oh, for heaven's sake, girl, it wasn't that good of a kiss, anyway.

  • Jonathan : [Jonathan hands Evy a strange box]  My whole life, I've never found anything, Evy. *Please* tell me I've found something.

    Jonathan : [Evelyn opens the strange box, inside lies an ancient map]  Jonathan?

    Jonathan : Yes?

    Evelyn : I think you found something.

  • Jonathan : Let's see what our friend the warden believed in.

    [starts looking through the warden's pouch. Suddenly he cuts himself on something] 

    Rick : What?

    Evelyn : My God, what is it?

    Jonathan : A broken bottle. Glenlivet, twelve years old! Well, he may have been a stinky fellow, but he had good taste.

  • Evelyn : So, what exactly is this man in prison for?

    Warden Gad Hassan : Well, this I did not know. But when I heard you were coming, I asked him that myself.

    Warden Gad Hassan : [to workers in Arabic]  Hurry up!

    Evelyn : And what did he say?

    Warden Gad Hassan : He said he was just looking for a good time.

  • Evelyn : Keep him busy.

    Rick : [being thrown against a pillar by Imhotep]  No problem.

  • Evelyn : Where are they taking him?

    Warden Gad Hassan : To be hanged. Apparently, he had a *very* good time.

  • Evelyn : There's only one person I know that can possibly give us any answers.

    [sees Ardeth Bay with Dr. Bey] 

    Evelyn : You!

    [the men draw their guns and point them at Ardeth] 

    Dr. Bey : Miss Carnahan. Gentlemen.

    Evelyn : [about Ardeth]  What is *he* doing here?

    Dr. Bey : Do you really want to know, or would you prefer to just... shoot us?

    Rick : After what I just saw, I'm willing to go on a little faith here.

  • Evelyn : Mr. O'Connell, can you look me in the eye and guarantee me that this isn't all some kind of a flimflam?

  • Evelyn : I will give you one hundred pounds to save this man's life.

    Warden Gad Hassan : Madame, I would *pay* one hundred pounds just to see him hang.

    Evelyn : Two! Two hundred pounds!

    Warden Gad Hassan : [to hangman]  Proceed.

    Evelyn : Three hundred pounds!

    [cut to scenes between Rick, the hangman, and the warden, then come back] 

    Evelyn : Five hundred pounds!

    Warden Gad Hassan : [looks at her]  And what else?

    [puts his hand on her thigh] 

    Warden Gad Hassan : I'm a very lonely man.


    [sighs in frustration] 

    Dr. Bey : WHY do I PUT UP WITH YOU?

    Evelyn : W-Well you put up with me because I can... I can read and write Ancient Egyptian, and I can... I can decipher hieroglyphics and hieratic, and, well, I am the only person within 1,000 miles who knows how to properly code and-and catalog this library, that's why.

    Dr. Bey : I put up with you because your father and mother were our finest patrons. That's why! Allah rest their souls.


    Dr. Bey : Now I don't care how you do it, I don't care how long it takes, STRAIGHTEN UP THIS MESHIVER!

  • Evelyn : [after the warden has died]  What do you suppose killed him?

    Jonathan : Did you ever see him eat?

  • Warden Gad Hassan : [Rick is hanging from the noose]  Ha, ha! His neck did not break! Oh, I'm so sorry. Now, we must watch him strangle to death.

    Evelyn : [after a pause]  He knows the location to Hamunaptra.

    Warden Gad Hassan : You lie.

    Evelyn : I would never!

    Warden Gad Hassan : Are you telling me this filthy, godless son of a pig knows where to find the City of the Dead?

    Evelyn : Yes.

    Warden Gad Hassan : Truly?

    Evelyn : Yes! And if you cut him down, we will give you... ten percent.

    Warden Gad Hassan : Fifty percent.

    Evelyn : Twenty!

    Warden Gad Hassan : Forty!

    Evelyn : Thirty!

    Warden Gad Hassan : Twenty-five!

    Evelyn : Ah! Deal!

    Warden Gad Hassan : [giving in]  Agh! Cut him down!

  • [Imhotep, fully regenerated, and Beni walk through the possessed crowd towards Rick, Evelyn, Jonathan, Dr. Bey, and Ardeth] 

    Dr. Bey : It's the creature. He's fully regenerated.

    [Imhotep speaks in ancient Arabic] 

    Beni : [translating for Imhotep]  Come with me, my princess. It is time to make you mine, forever.

    Evelyn : For all eternity, idiot.

    [Imhotep speaks in ancient Arabic] 

    Beni : [translating for Imhotep]  Take my hand and I will spare your friends.

    [Rick scoffs] 

  • Evelyn : Have you no respect for the dead?

    Jonathan : Of course I do. But sometimes... I'd rather like to join them.

    Evelyn : Well, I wish you would do it sooner rather than later before you ruin my career the way you've ruined yours.

  • Jonathan : [about a noise]  What was that?

    Rick : Sounds like... bugs.

    Evelyn : [to the warden]  He said bugs.

    Warden Gad Hassan : What do you mean, bugs? I hate bugs!

  • Evelyn : [to Imhotep about his sand storm]  Stop it! You'll kill them!

    Beni : That's the idea.

  • Evelyn : [to Dr. Bey about the map to Hamunaptra]  You see the cartouche there? It's the official royal seal of Seti the First, I'm sure of it.

    Dr. Bey : Perhaps.

    Jonathan : Two questions. Who the hell was Seti the First, *and* was he rich?

    Evelyn : He was the second pharaoh of the 19th dynasty, said to be the wealthiest pharaoh of them all.

    Jonathan : Good. That's good. I like this fellow. I like him very much.

  • Evelyn : I've already dated the map. It's almost 3,000 years old. And if you look at the hieratic just here, well, it's Hamunaptra.

    Dr. Bey : Dear God, don't be ridiculous. We're scholars, not treasure hunters. Hamunaptra's a myth told by ancient Arab storytellers to amuse Greek and Roman tourists.

    Evelyn : Yes! Yes! I know all the silly blather about the city being protected by the curse of a mummy nonsense, but my research has led me to believe that the city itself may have actually existed.

    Jonathan : Are we talking about the Hamunaptra?

    Evelyn : Yes. The City of the Dead. Where the earliest pharaohs were said to have hidden the wealth of Egypt.

    Jonathan : Yes, yes, in-in-in-in a big, underground treasure chamber.

    Dr. Bey : Heh!

    Jonathan : Oh, come on. Everybody knows the story. The entire necropolis was rigged to sink into the sand on Pharaoh's command. A flick of a switch, and the whole place would disappear beneath the sand dunes, taking the treasure with it.

    Dr. Bey : As the Americans would say, it's all fairy tales and hokum.

    Dr. Bey : [lets the map on fire that made him shocked]  Oh, my goodness! Look at that!

    Jonathan : [they got rid of the fire and looks at the map]  You've burnt it! You've burned off the part with the lost city.

    Dr. Bey : It's for the best, I'm sure. Many men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra. No one's ever found it. Most have never returned.

See also

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