110 Reviews
Stereotypical and silly, but still in all good fun
Smells_Like_Cheese1 March 2006
Oh, come on, people, was it really that irritating to you? Now, I admit, in no way is this movie Oscar material or the best movie of 2001, but learn to have a little fun. Are you really telling me that you couldn't laugh at the models? They took the movie and made it into a fun ditzy comedy. Basically, it's incredibly predictable, but Freddie Prinze, Jr. is a "fashion" business man who falls for Monica and she does as well. But as she states that she has bad judgment of men, there is a terrible thing she witnesses in an apartment with her "model" roommates and see him commit a murder! Together they investigate to find out if she is going to have a murderer boyfriend or live happily ever after, you make the guess.

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Monica Potter glows, the rest of the film just flickers
inkblot1117 April 2005
Amanda (Monica Potter) is an art restorer for a New York City museum. Needing a new apartment with a miniscule rent, she finds a tiny room. It is located in the spacious apartment of four supermodels! Amanda gets the large closet. When a good-looking man (Freddie Prinze, Jr.) moves into an apartment nearby, the models encourage Amanda to express an interest in him. However, Mandy thinks she sees him commit a murder! What's happening?

Monica Potter is so lovely and charming in this film, one wishes she had a better vehicle. The plot is okay but takes a long time to develop. However, the costumes and sets are great and Prinze and the models make wonderful eye candy, too. One could do worse than spend an afternoon with all of these attractive folks. Recommended as an alternate choice for those who have laughed and cried through two dozen other romantic comedies with mild suspense.
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I'm not saying only women should write rom-coms, but....
MBunge27 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
According to the credits, 4 men were responsible for this story and one of them teamed with another guy to write the script. Add in the director and at least 6 dudes had a hand in crafting this very female-centric film. How do you think that worked out? There are plenty of examples of one man with a singular vision writing a great story about women. Even two fellows combining their talents to spin a yarn about the fairer sex is somewhat common. But when 12 testicles try to create a romantic-comedy with half a dozen significant female characters and a leading man who's barely more than eye candy, the result has all the tenderness of an assembly line and as much charm as a baseball player scratching his crotch.

You can forgive the conceit that Monica Potter is playing an average woman who moves in with 4 fashion models. I mean, this is Hollywood so a standout beauty like Potter is as close to average as their tiny brains can come. You can even forgive the models being played as the sympathetic cheering section for Potter's character, even though they're portrayed as stupid, shallow and materialistic. Though inappropriate for their role, that's far more personality than "best friend" characters usually get in rom-coms. What you can't forgive is how Head Over Heels is clearly broken up into three sections that are practically different genres.

It starts out with 30 minutes that includes almost every rom-com cliché, including the woman walking in on her cheating boyfriend, a makeover musical montage and a romantic misunderstanding. That segues into a half hour parody of "women in peril" flicks, though somewhat in reverse. Here, the woman sees the guy kill someone and then falls in love with him. Everything wraps up with 30 minutes of action-comedy involving international smuggling, fisticuffs at a fashion show and a cunnilingus sight gag. Not a brief one, either. The bit goes on for the better part of 30 seconds in a PG-13 film. That must have been a proud day for the motion picture ratings board.

Amanda (Monica Potter) is an art restorer with terrible judgment about men. When she catches her latest boyfriend cheating on her, she needs a new place to stay and gets taken in by 4 models (Shalom Harlow, Ivana Milicevic, Sarah O'Hare and Tomiko Fraser). Amanda is weak kneed at the sight of a handsome stranger (Freddie Prinze Jr.) who turns out to live in the building across the way, his apartment positioned just so Amanda can see in his windows any time she wants. At first she thinks he's a dreamboat, then Amanda remembers her awful luck with guys and looks for a flaw. He turns out to really be a dreamboat, then Amanda sees him beat some girl to death with a baseball bat. Her horror at that lasts less than 10 minutes and she's back mooning over him, only to eventually discover he has a big secret, just not any one she suspected.

The bottom line on Head Over Heels is that it's badly written in exactly the way you'd expect when 5 or 6 chaps each stick their paws into a romantic-comedy stew. Here's a good example of what I mean. Amanda spends virtually all of the film in the company of the 4 models. They are her support system, her humorous foils and plot devices upon which a lot of the movie depends. Except, when Amanda is introduced to the audience she already has a best friend at her art restoration job, a friend which is then dispensed with so Amanda and the models can team up. Her original best friend is absent for at least 90% of the film and brought back at the end for a couple of jokes. So, why was the original best friend kept in the script? It's the same reason why the story shifts through three different genres. With so many separate creative voices, especially male ones, a single narrative vision could never emerge.

Monica Potter is adorable, Freddie Prinze Jr. is generically handsome and Head Over Heels at least makes consistent attempts at being funny. A lot of those attempts are old hat and some are oddly crude, but a few laughs make it through. Yes, the characters are all morons and you don't actually care what happens to them. Reasonably appealing stars and an honest effort to entertain can sometimes be enough, however, and that might have been true here. The tripartite fiasco of the plot is what ultimately dooms this motion picture.

This isn't as annoying as most bad rom-coms. That's not enough to make it worth anyone's time.
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Incredibly funny if not taken too seriously
Mirax11 August 2001
I'll admit it: it's utterly embarrassing to watch this movie with another human being. I was embarrassed when I laughed uncontrollably at things numerous reviews had told me were idiotic humor. Well, this movie is idiotic. It's also adorable romantic comedy, with a funny and somewhat original premise . . . at least, it's cobbled together from original premises, like the "Rear Window" setup where Amanda thinks she witnesses her obsession across the street, Jim, murdering someone. Freddie Prinze Jr is completely irresistible, and Monica Potter's somewhat one-note nice-girl cuteness is made palatable by the insanity of her four supermodel roommates and her practical lesbian friend. Watch this, laugh hard and don't be embarrassed, because this movie, even at its most poorly scripted moments, is earnestly trying to make you laugh, unlike most of today's prefab romantic comedies, whose earnestness is sheer manipulation. Plus, only a small percentage of those have Freddie in them.
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Help, I'm drowning in bad dialogue!!!
ukchemee4 March 2001
The title says it all. I felt like crying out in the movie theater, "Help, help - I'm drowning in bad dialogue". Whoever penned the script should be ashamed of themselves. The directing was something out of a middle school play. I really wish I were kidding here. While the two leads MAY have an ounce of skill, the directing quashed it altogether. The rest of the actors... well, let's just hope they didn't quit their day jobs for Hollywood. It scares me that people pay money to see movies like this repeatedly. Anyone who enjoyed this movie needs to seriously re-evaluate their tastes. For a better time, sit in the movie theater lobby and listen to other people's conversations. At least you'll get some decent dialogue.
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..you can't help but laugh.
qball_8220 June 2001
I knew absolutely nothing about this film when I walked in except that it starred Freddie Prinze Jr., and I wasn't really looking forward to it. I'm happy to say that it was a pretty entertaining film and I have seen much much worse...

There are some genuinely funny parts and the "stereotypical" models provided the most laughs. It shares a lot in common with Miss Congeniality in how the pretty girls are depicted as ditzy and just all-out stupid...obviously it's not supposed to be a realistic portrayal, but you can't help but laugh.

A lot of people seem to be paying this movie out big time, I just wanted to add a positive comment. It's fluff, expect nothing more.
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One Big Mess (spoilers)
TheOtherFool22 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
My girlfriend warned me for Potter's movie 'I'm with Lucy', and Prinze Jr. isn't the greatest actor alive (as we all know), but I still decided to give this one a chance... I regret I did.

The story starts as Potter finds her boyfriend cheating, and her looking for another place to live. Now this is where the movie makes a mistake. Normally, I'm not that big on complaining about small details in a movie but when the movie sucks, I have to comment. What happened?

Potter's character decides to live with 4 models, who apparently need her 500 dollars a month for pocketmoney... but why? As we progress in the movie it shows these models live for free, get thousands of dollars for their modelling and when they have a $1200 dinner the check gets picked up by some boyfriend... Just a mistake? Well, an annoying one.

Then let me talk about a second mistake. It is a pretty depraved one. First of, we see Potter attacked quite sexually by a dog. And it's intented to have a sexual meaning. It really made me sick. Not nearly as much though as the comments of the 'Australian' model, who talkes about her uncle playing charades (or something) with her, completely naked. Such stupid jokes about phedophiles and incest I find hard to take in what is a romantic comedy. So please, next time, take them out.

Back again to the story and Amanda, Potter's character. One day she meets Jim (Prinze Jr.), and (surprise surprise) falls for him. It turns out he's the neighbour across the street. They meet again at a party, once more on the street and... fall for each other. Why? Erm... dunno. But it fits nicely in the story I guess. Now all this happens during the first 30 minutes. So you know there's gonna be a mix-up, a surprise, something that's gonna drive the two lovers out of each other. Is it an old boyfriend? A secret from the past? No, this is where the movie takes quite a different turn than all those other romantic comedies... (TAKE WARNING, SPOILERS BEGIN NOW)... One night, Amanda sees how Jim kills a woman across the street (well, at least, that's what she thinks).

Now, this is where the movie can go two ways. Either Jim IS the killer and it turns out to be a thriller kinda movie, or he isn't (and we all know it) and it's just a goofy comedy. But the movie doesn't decide... So we hear Jim talking about how 'the girl isn't a problem anymore' which can be interpreted a thousand ways. So we just don't know.

But then, the key moment in the movie. Amanda finds out the woman she thinks she saw really was murdered, so she knows (well, she thinks she knows :)) Jim is the killer, and she confronts him... and finds out he ISN'T, but an FBI agent pretending. So we, the public, only think for less than 10 seconds he really is the killer... this is all the excitement the movie offers. As we say in Holland, it's neither meat nor fish (I love that expression). So let's just think what would happen if Jim flat-out said: 'yeah I killed the b*tch'. Now, this would have fitted his role. Us at home would really think he IS a killer. Excitement. Now THAT would be an OK movie...

The rest of the movie is just a silly wrap-up of a bad thriller kinda movie (Miss Congeniality comes to mind). Only good part is that the end is at a fashion-show by Alfredo's... I really hope that's a tribute to Hitchcock (and his Rear Window). For the rest: yuck! 2/10.
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Not exactly critically aclaimed but not as bad as they say.
triple815 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS THROUGHOUT: Despite how much this movie is disliked, I'm a fan. I cannot help it, it's funny! There's this fun quality to it and Monica Potter is so talented(as good as Sandra Bullock-that's quite a compliment), and the models are SO funny. I am a big fan of romantic comedies but hate vulgar humor so this movie doesn't make an 8 for me, simply for that reason. If not for the vulgarity of some of the humor it probably would have, because this is a fun, zany modern romantic comedy. I love the party atmosphere, the spoofs on models(though these models MADE The movie.) Unfortunately for Fredy Prince Jr., while he was good, it was the females, in this movie that stole the show. Monica Potter is wonderful, the models are goofy yet so likable, always up to something and there's a bit of sex and the city in this. I could see women liking it more then men even though there are A lot of pretty women featured in this. But there's so many BAD romantic comedies out there. At least this isn't boring.

I happen to HATE bathroom humor in movies. The movie really made an error in some of it's scenes and that is why it only gets a 7 from me and not an 8. I think the movie was trying to appeal to EVERYONE, (the teen crowd, the over 21 clubbing crowd, the chick flick lovers, fans of pure slapstick, etc etc). The movie should have made up it's mind what type of movie it was. In spite of the disgusting, ridiculous few scenes thrown in, I liked this so much it surprises me! Usually any movie that has this kind of humor would not get a 7 from me.

But there's just something about this. It's FUNNY and it's funny immediately, and I'm not talking about the bathroom humor(the first half of this is better then the second.). You just start laughing and keep up. It'll never make it into my favorite romantic Comedies(thanks to those above mentioned scenes) but it's still a fun movie.
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Freddie is craptacular
sittler27 August 2002
I think video stores are going to have to reserve a spot for "Freddie Prinze" movies. A Freddie Prinze genre movie would consist of terrible jokes, bad acting and an awkward/predictable plot-line. Being par for the course, "Head Over Heels" has all these in spades.

Jim (Prinze) is the object of affection of Amanda (Monica Potter) who meets her Prince Charming after his Great Dane he's walking assaults her at the park. She falls in love with him, so much so she feels it necessary to spy on him in his apartment across the way with her telescope. There, she sees him murder a woman with a baseball bat and then cover-up the body. But does she call the police like a normal human being? Of course not. Why? Because he's Freddie Prinze, the boy with an infectious smile that can transcend even murder. From there, the misunderstandings and "hilarity" ensue. "Head Over Heels" tries to cash in on the toilet-humour, which can be funny (see "Dumb and Dumber"). But the writers can't even get the cheap laughs right. For example, there's a scene where Amanda and her model friends (don't even get me started on them) sneak into Jim's apartment while he's out to see if they can find anything that might explain the horrific scene she witnessed. Surprise!! Jim comes home unexpectedly and the girls find themselves trapped in his shower while he takes a number two - a disgustingly smelly and loud number two. There's just something that doesn't sit about a romantic lead taking a dump, even if it is supposed to be a comedy. Mind you, it was a pretty good metaphor for this movie.
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Good solid comedy
jerzeygrl31 January 2001
Freddie Prinze Jr. & Monica Potter play "normal" people falling in love, amidst NYC's fashion scene. He's a fashion consultant & her new roommates are 4 up-and-coming models. Yes it's definitely a chick flick, but the movie is actually VERY funny. The models: Shalom, Sara, Ivana, & Tomiko play it way over the top and it works. I laughed out loud so many times, the people behind me kicked my seat... Freddie Prinze Jr. redeems himself, you don't catch him acting in this. I'd see it again in a minute!!
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Typical, Maybe too typical
Quinoa19843 February 2001
Cliched to the bone with all the dumb surprises knocked in, Head Over Heels is just what you would expect in the January-February season. The film stars the undeniably charming Monica Potter as an art person who moves in with models (there are moments of slight satire on models) and soon she falls for a regular guy (Freddie Prinze Jr.) but is not sure he is all he is cracked up to be. Starts out just fine with some funny moments, but takes a deep sea dive type of plunge into idiocy that isn't the type of funny, Beavis and Butt-head comedy, but just the ridiculously idiotic. Not that good. C
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Nice movie to watch with your girlfriend
chris-2369 May 2001
This is a very ordinary movie. Nothing really surprises you, however, it is still good fun, the acting is not bad at all, and it makes you want to hug someone. I recommend it to anyone who wants a soft and easily digested movie.
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romantic comedy,screwball comedy,farce,all rolled into one
disdressed1214 November 2007
this is one of the better romantic comedies i've seen in a while.for one thing,it has quite a few laughs.but i think that's because it's also a farce and a screwball comedy.i liked the slapstick scenes they threw in.i thought they were very effective.the dialogue in the movie is also great.there are some very witty scenes.it's also a mystery movie of sorts.Monica Potter and Freddie Prinze Jr.play the two leads in the film.both are instantly likable,(at least in this movie,at any rate)as are their characters.i don't feel this is your standard romantic comedy.it has other dimensions to it,which you'll notice when you watch it.i expected the movie to be average,mildly amusing fluff,but i'm glad i was wrong.there are a few moments where it is a bit slow,but for the most part,things flow along at a decent enough pace.for me,Head over Heels is a 7/10.
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Terrible! No wonder it went unreleased for so long!
walker.donald5 April 2001
This was easily the worst movie I have seen since Godzilla. There were a couple of funny parts, but over all the movie was painfully dumb, and not in a funny way. I saw it for free and I almost left part way through. Pick any movie on the video wall randomly and there is a very good change that you will enjoy it more than Head Over Heels. Did I mention I hated it! The movie felt like it had been edited to pieces (which it probably had been in a desperate attempt to improve it, or at least make it shorter, but sadly not short enough).
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Cute movie, for someone in the mood for slapstick, physical comedy.
TxMike25 December 2002
I predicted the "critics" would review this film poorly, and I was right. If I were a professional (paid) critic, I'd feel obligated too. But as a fun film to watch for sheer entertainment, my wife and I thought it was a hoot. The plot isn't terribly important, but it involves an FBI agent (Prinze) trying to solve a diamond smuggling crime ring while falling for a pretty art restorer (Potter). It would be a very straight and un-funny film without the four models!!

Potter's character needs a new place when she finds her boyfriend cheating on her, so finds what amounts to a large closet with a window for rent at $500 a month ("cash, please, if you can") in a luxury apartment that is given to four models. They like to rent out the "extra room" for a little spending money. But these models are funny, say the darndest things, fall over things, into things, and generally make the slapstick part of the film work. Along with a Great Dane that runs and knocks Potter down every time he sees her - except the last time!

None of the acting is great, but it is all OK. The dialog is snappy and funny most of the time. Film fans who enjoy "Dumb and Dumber", "Happy Gilmore", and "High Heels and Low Lifes" would probably also enjoy "Head Over Heels." I rate it "7" of 10 for sheer fun.
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Freddie should have stayed a teen dream
bkoganbing6 February 2014
Head Over Heels is a comedy misfire if ever there was one. It has some interesting moments, but in the end a rather stupid plot defeats all the players involved. That and the premise that fashion models must be brain dead as well as beautiful to qualify for the job.

Monica Potter who works restoring paintings at the Metropolitan Museum Of Art gets an opportunity to move in with four fashion models who apparently on everyone else's dime and sublet a room in their swanky apartment for a little extra spending loot. If you add up all the working brain cells that the four have you might have one functioning brain.

She also meets Freddie Prinze, Jr. who's also in the fashion game and she can see right into his apartment and sees one night him commit a murder. Now how could this sexy guy be a murderer. Well ask such charming characters as Ted Bundy and if he were he'd tell you. Potter decides to investigate Prince which includes a wild night of sex with her model onlookers.

If this was Prinze's idea of an adult role he should have stuck to films like Summer Catch and being a teen dream for a bit longer. The film is highly embarrassing for the players, I feel for them.
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This movie wasn't actually that great...
MeloDee29 May 2007
Yet, I found myself laughing. Perhaps it can be attributed to a possible chemical imbalance at the time or not enough sleep, but I enjoyed it.

I suppose the reason why was that I immediately began to recognize it as a parody. It isn't meant to be realistic or serious.

Amanda Pierce's beginning dialogue is what immediately caught my attention. She was always attracted to the wrong guys, who, when caught in the middle of cheating, would say "This isn't what it looks like".

As a result of one too many heartbreaks, she tried to envelope herself in her work, which was restoring old paintings. That's a profession you don't see very often in the movies, but it was fitting for Amanda.

What can I say? I feel a little guilty, but the movie was "cute" for lack of a better word. Monica Potters and Freddie Prinze Jr. had good on-screen chemistry.

Though again, I repeat- the movie isn't realistic, serious, or deep. So if you're not in the mood for fluff? You'll probably want to avoid it.
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A mild comedy
Spanner-215 February 2001
A mild comedy with Monica Potter as a young woman who moves in with a group of struggling models and falls for fashion exec Freddie Prinze Jr., who may or may not be a murderer? Sounds far fetched and it is, but the film is still somewhat entertaining and never boring. Easily forgettable though. GRADE: C+
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It's a fun movie!!
mybnanny11 January 2006
I liked the characters as well as the actors. It was a fun movie, I thought it far fetched in a lot of areas but the actors I think made the movie fun with with their portrayals.Monica Potter is a great alternative to the love story objects of affection, such as Ashley Judd,(who I do Love) and Julia Roberts. They are approaching the age where they can take on more intense roles, and then who does that leave us? Brittany Speers or Lyndsay Lohan, "YUCK" to them both. I hope to see more of her in future films.

I loved the song at the end,"Roller Coaster" but I can't find it anywhere, could some one please post where I can get the sound track or the album with that song.
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She certainly DID call the cops
pulliamrl17 December 2006
I cannot criticize negative reactions to this film, but there is a charm that Freddie Prinz possesses that no movie maker has yet capitalized upon. He COULD fill the shoes of Cary Grant IF someone with actual intelligence could write a script suitable for him.

My reason for posting this comment is that someone -- in going over the plot -- said the girl did not call the police when she allegedly witnessed Prinz's character murder someone (behind a curtain...so she only saw shadows).

She most pointedly and assuredly DID call the police. One of the key plot points for this section of the film is that the police DON'T TAKE HER SERIOUSLY.

I'd be able to take a condemnation of this film more seriously IF the reviewer gave some evidence of actually SEEING the film
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Great Mid-week fodder
thekarmicnomad21 August 2012
I picked this up from a free trial of a movie channel on a random Wednesday evening. I thought it was perfect.

The film has a wide range of comedy from witty sarcasm to toilet humour. The characters (especially the models) are blatant stereotypes but they are not portrayed in a malicious way allowing you to get attached to them. The plot is fairly basic ( a mix of 'Shes all that' and 'Rear Window') but has just enough substance to keep you from drifting off.

Sterling performance from Monica Porter, production, lighting, sound track etc. all to standard.

Don't expect to have your mind blown or injure yourself laughing. Do expect a good solid rom-com you can relax and grin too.
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Silly rom-com Tough to mix with Rear Window
SnoopyStyle2 November 2013
Amanda Pierce (Monica Potter) is an art restorer. She moves into an apartment with four models (Shalom Harlow, Ivana Milicevic, Sarah Murdoch, Tomiko Fraser) after she finds her boyfriend in bed with a model. She falls for the next door neighbor Jim Winston (Freddie Prinze Jr), but she sees him commit a murder Rear Window style.

Monica Potter is trying to break into new territory as a comedian who does pratfalls. She isn't very successful. She's a good looking woman who has specific skills. None of it makes her a comedian. The models are ridiculous. The saving grace is that they are all fairly likable actors. The rom-com has some good potential but they switch over to Rear Window pretty quickly. The Rear Window stuff gets into the way.

The flip side is if this was going for a Rear Window rework. Then it'd be better to skip all the silly comedic stuff. And the ending goes seriously dark. How does that work?
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Heartwarming, hilarious, romantic, and touching romantic comedy
Catherine_Grace_Zeh19 January 2006
HEAD OVER HEELS, in my opinion, is a heartwarming, hilarious, romantic, and touching romantic comedy. If you ask me, the way that Jim (Freddie Prinze Jr.) and Amanda (Monica Potter) met was pure magic. This was because they were walking along and minding their own business. Plus, it was love at first sight. A lot of people have said that this is one of the worst movies they've ever seen, but I strongly disagree. This is a great movie with terrific performances from very talented actors and actresses. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say, "This is a perfect movie to see with the one you love!" Now, in conclusion, to all you Freddie Prinze Jr. or Monica Potter fans that have not seen this heart-warming, hilarious, romantic, and touching romantic comedy, I highly recommend it! When you see it, prepare to laugh and have a good time.
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All in good fun
Enchorde15 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: Amanda has the worst judgment of men. And home early from job she finds that her latest choice is cheating on her. She moves out and rents a room in apartment with some models. And across the street lives Jim. For the first time ever, when Amanda meets Jim she feels her knees buckle under her. Is Jim the one? Amanda certainly believes so, until she thinks she sees him murder another woman. The cop doesn't believe her, and there is no proof, but Amanda obsessively launches her own investigation. And she must be done by Saturday, she got a date with Jim.

Comments: A rather typical romantic comedy who does it by the usual steps. But there are a few unusual steps, or maybe I should say falls, that gives a little edge. Most of the time it is average. It is your run of the mill every day evening romantic comedy. Something to watch with one eye. But don't let your mind wander too much, then you will miss these gems. Like when Amanda meets Jim for the first time. Or the clumsy Australian model Candi that keep having these small accidents. Those gems make me like it.

I just wish it would refrain from trying to score these really juvenile points. Maybe that's why Amanda moves in with three models and not three accountants (no offence, all accountants). I can accept that. But these poop jokes? Oh, grow up.

Apart from those fortunately few moments, it is actually rather good. Totally OK for an evening in front of the TV (but not so good I would rent it).

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Toss This Film Head Over Heels in the Trash.
anaconda-406585 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Head Over Heels (2001): Dir: Mark Waters / Cast: Monica Potter, Freddie Prinze Jr., Shalom Harlow, Sarah O'Hare, Tomiko Fraser: Exaggerated mess about wrong impressions and curiosity that leads to trouble. Monica Potter preserves portraits and lives with four brainless supermodels and they believe that Freddie Prinze Jr. murdered someone in the apartment across the way. She goes undercover with the brainless supermodels to find out whether this seemingly sweet guy is a killer. Mark Waters directs this crap half-heartedly and the reference to the great Alfred Hitchcock masterpiece Rear Window is obvious but the difference is that the Hitchcock film is engaging and suspenseful while the Waters film is merely stupid. Then we are given the Russian mob plus toilet humour complete with sound effects. Potter plays an idiot with weak knees who is constantly saying the wrong thing. She is featured in a scene where a dog jumps her from behind and appears to be humping her. This cannot be her best moment. This also ranks in a long list of terrible performances by Prinze Jr. whose identity will surprise no one. The four supermodels are also a bad distraction of complete overacting. None of them are given an ounce of personality and they greatly subtract any credibility every time they open their mouths. Absurd comedy should be tossed head over heels into the back of a garbage truck. Score: 2 / 10
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