8 Reviews
Madcap black comedy by cinema bad boy Dupontel storms box-office
prescottjudith19 November 2013
Zany, black comedy, 9 Mois Ferme, is on track to becoming one of 2013′s surprise top earning films in France. It was written, directed and stars French cinema bad boy Albert Dupontel and has attracted over 1,500,000 cinema-goers so far with no signs of running out of steam.

The film is the simple story of 40-year-old, unmarried, high-powered judge Ariane Felder (Sandrine Kiberlaine) who lets her hair down at the firm's New Year's eve party only to discover six months later that she is pregnant. Not only is she unable to remember what happened on the evening in question, she has no idea who is the father of the child. Worse is to come when a DNA test reveals he is Bob Nolan (Albert Dupontel), an ex-con who was recently arrested on a grisly murder charge and goes by the name of the 'eye gobbler'.

From this unlikely scenario, Dupontel has crafted a hugely enjoyable, high-energy comedy held together by his chemistry with Kiberlaine and a storyline which is both outrageously funny and surprisingly touching. In press interviews, Dupontel has said he originally wanted to make the film in English with Emma Thompson in the lead role. Fortunately for Kiberlaine that project never saw the light of day.

She shows a deft comic touch as Felder, a lonely career-woman who spends most of her life in a tiny office dealing with a list of heinous crimes. She has reached the pinnacle of her career by remaining coolly detached from her clients and is horrified to discover the pregnancy which presents a serious obstacle to her dreams of becoming an high court judge. On the other side of the fence sits Bob Nolan, who was abandoned by his mother and shuttled from one reform school to another before inevitably ending up in prison. These two well-honed tales of the perils of modern living have been ingeniously cross-fertilised by Dupontel. who demonstrates that, despite the vast intellectual and cultural gulf that separates the two characters, they essentially suffer from the same sense of isolation and loneliness.

While Kiberlaine is the Ice Queen who gradually melts, Dupontel alternates between the "Honey, I'm home" madness of Jack Nicholson in The Shining and a childlike vulnerability which is oddly engaging

This is humour at its darkest. – there are amputated limbs, a lunatic forensic scientist and one character is regularly clobbered with heavy objects. Alongside a winning cast of supporting actors, Oscar winner Jean Dujardin turns up in a hilarious cameo as a TV translator for the deaf with his own individual style of sign language. Ex-Monty Python Terry Gilliam also makes a short appearance as a Hannibal Lecter-like serial killer in a spoof TV report. It's been a disappointing year for French comedies but it looks like Dupontel's madcap film has pulled off an eleventh hour unexpected rescue mission.
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quite fun, but strange ending
ssto2 April 2014
i like this movie, liked it a lot. it was very funny, the kind of absurd situations fun, typical for french cinema. some faces there are worth remembering, and also some very funny lines. generally very good production and short, but good story; unfortunately the end was lacking. actually very very lacking to the point it takes away all the pleasure of watching the movie

pretty much my vote is of 6.5 instead of 8 because of the ending. could've been much more entertaining and with a really solid conclusion, but well, had fun anyway

recommend for watching? yes
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Hilarious. A great way to spend 90 minutes.
elidezagon4 November 2013
I loved Dupontel in Odette Toulemonde. He is more than brilliant here. The story, albeit completely unlikely, is funny, silly, smart and just a great movie you can only come out smiling. Both principal actors do a marvelous job and you will not be disappointed. See it and laugh. Ypu will also get a few cameos. The Artist's Jean Dujardin makes an appearance as the funniest, nonsensical hearing impaired translator on the local TV news channel and Terry Gilliam has a cameo too. I am usually not into French film, even if French is my mother tongue, but every now and then, such as les Ch'tis and a few others, this gets top comedy rating. Odette was also a masterpiece. I think I will go check out Dupontel's other films. Enjoy!
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disgusting sense of humor
chikolad14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I could hardly lauth at a person whose legs and hands were cut and eyes were eaten out. Can you make a joke out of it? No problem for the director of this picture.
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Playful, incredibly witty and over the top, yet still touching and endearing. A superb, original comedy, like only the French can make them! Magnifique!
imseeg10 February 2020
Very playful and witty direction. Great original story. Despite all the humour it is still quite touching and endearing at many moments as well. And it has got great editing, photography and soundtrack, for those who like those finer technical details. I DO!

The French are really good at making comedies with a heart, with believable characters, whom one can sympathize with. And however bizarre this story might sound at first, it is still credible. Comedies often get underrated, but it takes lots and lots of talent to write and direct a real good comedy.

There are terrific acting performances by all actors involved, but of course the prize for best acting goes to renowned actress Sandrine Kimberlain. She is masterful. Such a lovely actress, who can act seriously and still be hilarious.

The story: a conservative judge, whose record is impeccable, accidentally gets pregnant by a serial killer. The plot of this movie is to die for! When I started watching it at first I could NOT believe this story could ever be remotely credible. But it is, in a comical way of course. The stories' twists and turns kept surprising me from the very beginning to the end!

French comedy gem! Brilliant (subtle) direction. Witty. And touching. What more could I wish for! I feel good!
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Excellent comedy with delirious touches and superb acting from the leads
adrianovasconcelos7 April 2020
9 MOIS FERME opens with a preposterous charge against Alibert Dupontel of cutting a man's limbs and gouging his eyes out. Even more outrageously, a prim and proper judge (Sandrine Kiberlain) falls pregnant and learns that she, usually a withdrawn, sober and sexless judge, actually actively sought sex during a drunken New Year's night, and the sperm donor was none other than the eye-devouring monster Robert Nolan (Dupontel).

Despite some touches bordering on the delirious, the film manages to retain a respectful approach to the issues of maternity and paternity, and its heart is in the right place, largely thanks to a masterly direction by Dupontel, who also acts as the male lead.

Top notch photography, very unusual comic screenplay.

Strongly recommended.
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Enceinte Vincent, pas Albert
writers_reign29 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As far as I know Sandrine Kiberlain remains separated from husband Vincent Lindon, a fact I find sad as they are not only two of the finest French actors currently working but also two of my personal favourites and I can't, as it happens, recall seeing either give a bad performance. On the positive side they do have a daughter together and this enables me to indulge in the word-play above (enceinte is not only the French word for pregnant it also forms a true rhyme with Vincent) in order to write about a film whose basic premise is that Juge Kiberlain, a woman for whom the expression 'sober as a judge' might have been coined, is persuaded against hew will and indeed wish to join colleagues for a New Year celebratory drink which leaves her with no memory of the next few hours and totally bemused to find herself slightly enceinte some six months later with absolutely no idea of how, where and more pertinently who. This last is quickly resolved when hardened criminal and jailbird Dupontel, brought to her office for questioning, recognizes her and marks her card. From then, of course, the film has only one way to go and we are invited along for the ride. I, for one, found it a pleasant trip; a long-time admirer of Dupontel especially away from the 'bad boy' pourris that is his own personal albatross - has no one seen him in, for example, Fauteuils d'Orchestre, for God's sake - and I was pleased to be able to shake his head at a recent screening of the film. Kiberlain, as always, was a delight and it was pleasant to spot a Celia Johnson lookalike in the shape of Miche Bernard-Requin. The only jarring note in fact came from Terry Gilliam, invited on stage by Dupontel, who sycophantically overpraised director Dupontel's extended opening shot as if totally ignorant of Awesome Welle's definitive opening to Touch Of Evil.
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Incredible French dark comedy
martinpersson9712 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This incredible piece of French filmmaking, by a stellar director, and featuring an incredible cast for the ages, is definitely yet another testament as of the provice of these kind of French comedies, if one is into that.

The actors all do an incredible job, conveying the sense of somewhat of a romantic comedy, but in a darker, emotionally bizzare, and ever wacky form. Very nuanced, emotional and funny, career defining, and accompined by a stellar script. Expertly written and paced.

The cinematography, cutting and editing is incredible, very beautifully put together, an in line with the director's style, accompining the tone of the film splendidly.

Overall, definitely an incredible and very much recommended film, depending on what your views are on the genre!
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