45 Reviews
More murders that will need to be investigated
yellowbannanna5 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have read the story about Lizzy Borden. I have watched the few TV shows that they have put on TV and I watched the one tonight that aired. I love the story. Murder Mysteries are awesome. I was on the edge of my seat all through the show. I love the characters, never knew they had a brother. I just hope that the rest will be as entertaining as this one. Not so keen on the music tho, doesn't seem to fit this era very well. I hope that if Lizzy buys the new house, there will be much more to come with her sister as well. I would also like to hear about the "dead baby." It will be interesting to see how she explains the death of her brother and the story line with the dead banker. She pulverized him. I look forward to some good story lines in the future. The character fit the bill really well.
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Bloody hell
porchv24 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
At first I thought it would be a story about Elisabeth Bathory but I was wrong. Completely and wonderfully wrong. I think if it was a story about Bathory it woudn't be an excinting story. The Liizie's personality is fully explore. She is a complete psychopath. Nothing is missing in her personality. She is cruel, remorseless, fell no guilt, incredible seductive, a great liar, manipulative. Lizzie enjoy watch someone else suffer. One of the best Cristina Ricci's performance. Her child face gives a great contrast to character's cruelty. The killings are highly planned by her and carefully executed. If you want blood, this is what you are looking for.
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My critique...
presiterrr-509706 February 2016
The plot started out well but I found the story grew over involved and dramatized to ridiculous lengths. I did not care for the choice of leading lady, Christina Ricci and felt she pulled away from the true character of a person who would be in that position by over dramatizing the character and the series would have faired well if the role had been played by someone who showed more emotion in their eyes and less threat of "constant in your face" attitude". I feel little effort was made. Her elements did not blend well. I did like the rest of the cast. I personally loved the music choices and felt the filming was done well despite some lengthy dark scenes. I thought Miss Duvall did an excellent job and fit the part. This is just my opinion. We are all entitled and the next persons opinion could be totally different. I lived with a person whose personality was flawed like Lizzies and they tend to see saw their personalities. This portrayal was too straight and narrow with little shift. If they do a new season, I hope she works on her part a little more. I know it was tough, but it was the leading role. Beauty only goes so far.
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One of the greatest shows ever made with serious cult status potential
j57j3 January 2020
Ok, I'm exaggerating slightly. It may not be one of the greatest shows ever made, but I ended up absolutely loving it and have rewatched the entire season at least once or twice a year since it came out.

I originally went into this show blind, expecting it to be a more serious, realistic interpretation about what may have happened following the real Lizzie Borden's acquittal. It wasn't. At all. At first I was annoyed, especially as a true crime buff who has long been interested in the actual Borden case. I'm pretty sure I even said to the person I was watching it with, "What the hell is this s***?!"

Then it started to grow on me.

There's nothing realistic about it. It's completely off the wall crazy, campy, bizarre and hilarious. And it's beautiful. A sideways glance or cutting Lizzie in line at the local hairdresser would be enough to get you offed. There's no safety in numbers either, she'll kill you all.

Christina Ricci is absolutely brilliant as a murderous psychopath who you also end up rooting for. She plays Lizzie as both ruthless and vulnerable. She treats murder and body disposal as you would stopping at the grocery store or gas station. Just a routine errand.

In order to fully appreciate this show you really have to go into it with the right mind frame. If you go into it expecting a serious attempt at historical fiction or a high brow psychological thriller, you'll probably be disappointed.

If you go into it for some slasher fun and essentially watching the better looking, classier version of Jason Voorhees add to her body count, you'll probably love it.
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I love this Series!
landcguinn11 May 2015
Superb Series! It comes on too late for me to stay up and watch, so I record it and watch it the next evening. And, I plan to watch them over and over again. I love this Series, and unlike a few others, I love the Soundtrack. The music makes it fresher (more today). My only complaint (and hence the 9 stars instead of 10) is the camera jerking. It is done way too often for me. Hopefully this is not a one-season Series because I am so sick of reality TV I could scream. The cast, for the most part, is pretty terrific. As far as blood and gore, well - the Series is called The Lizzie Borden Chronicles after all. I had no prior knowledge of the Lizzie Borden case, so am not biased as to fact or otherwise, and just truly find this Series a much needed breath of fresh air for TV viewers. Please watch and help keep this Series on for years to come!
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One of the most compelling murder mysteries
theknitbox15 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Lizzie Borden story has always been eerily fascinating and I love Ricci's work so I thoroughly enjoyed watching her in this. In fact, well done to all of the actors in this show.

However, shame that the director chose to ruin such a stellar cast and a compelling story which needs the viewer to follow it unblinkingly. Because I found it painful to watch, and that stressed me out for missing any important split second scenes. Can anyone tell me how they can watch such constant shaky-cam effects without getting cataracts? It's ridiculous. I thought bloodline was bad enough but it's worse here! A limited few seconds of effects here and there is fine but, blimey, not every single second from start to finish!

The music was okay, although rocking about cars and things was sort of absurd. Overall, I did think the soundtrack created a good atmosphere, except when it didn't quieten down when people were speaking.

Such a great story, but with so many fine details and clues which need the viewer glued to the screen, what a crying shame for unnecessary effects which make you miss important scenes. It would have been full marks from me if not for the director messing with what isn't broken.
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This Show is a Must Watch!!!
offlineshadow11 June 2015
I just felt inclined to write a review after watching this mini series. I hope there is another season since I absolutely loved this TV show. The lighting and the portrayal of that era is very accurate with some beautiful apparel. After watching the first episode I was a little sketchy as to watch the rest of the show. However, after the second episode continued, the show only became better and better. The plots were more creative and the story was brilliant. Christina Ricci seems to play this role perfectly with her young innocent yet evil looks.

The soundtrack and filming are very refreshing and different to normal TV shows and therefore adds the spice. I was hooked instantly and watched the entire mini-series throughout the day. Unlike most TV shows, this show manages to make every episode full of twists and action. There isn't a single boring episode throughout. I loved it. I would recommend this TV show to anyone/everyone.

(But if you don't have the patience to sit through one episode. Then this show is not for you)
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jiballini6422 August 2018
It's hard to stay interested when every episode is rather formulaic and, apart from the Borden sisters, the characters are somewhat one-dimensional. A bit of a shame really.
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Excellent TV!
tomasctinoco30 July 2020
When I watched the movie Lizzie Borden took an Ax, I enjoyed it so much that I was hoping for a Sequel. Well... We were given something much more and much better, we got this Awesome series! The writers, directors, and producers did a fantastic job expanding on Lizzie Borden's allegations and took the liberty to fill in the blanks by injecting drama, suspense, and action into this whodunit story. As always Christina Ricci is fantastic.
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Cringy but, endearing
smbrentnall-4994717 November 2019
I'm total fan girl of Ricci's so in some ways I expected this series to be offbeat and irreverent. That being said the choice of rock music is initially baffling, confusing, and off-putting. However it kind of reminds me of Tarantino or what Luhrman did with Romeo and Juliet so it grew on me when looking at it thru that lens. It's completely weird and likely inaccurate but if you enjoy Thrillers, the chase that occurs between Borden and Siringo will keep you intrigued enough to finish this- what seems like- only season of this show.
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I really wanted to like this
bumchin25 February 2016
This series has everything I love - period piece, based on a real person, Christina Ricci! It is lovely to look at with beautiful costumes - but they need to spend some of that costume money on script writers. There is almost no plot. Someone makes Lizzie angry - 5 minutes later she kills that person - over and over again. No mystery, no tension, just anger then death. Predictable and boring.

I adore Christina Ricci but she is just not right for this role. She is not believable as someone from this era. Her speech phrasing is modern as are her movements. I need to write more for this review but this is difficult because this show has so little substance to it. Perhaps I will mention how it's difficult to tell one male character from another because they all have reddish beards.
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The Lizzie Borden Chronicles
stefette-723364 June 2015
I loved this show, for the period it was set in, the sets, costumes, the structure of the plot, just good acting, really Christina Ricci does a fabulous job playing the 'innocent' crazy lady, had my laughing as well as had me sitting on the edge of my seat watching for what will happen next and waiting for the next episode.

My husband doesn't usually like this type of show as it's one that requires someone to sit and watch as well as listen to the script and pick up on all the smaller details but even he got really into this show.

Now, it's no GOT but it holds it's own and I recommend it.
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Good concept imperfectly executed
remittancegirl23 May 2015
Although I was intrigued with the series and there were some nice psychological thriller / supernatural stirrings in the first episode, I quickly got bored of Christina Ricci's one dimensional acting. She seems to have only one setting: unreflective sociopath mode. The script would have benefited greatly from a more complex and nuanced character. Clea DuVall, playing Lizzie's sister Emma, has far more depth and subtlety. Meanwhile, all the bad men are unremittingly bad, cardboard cut-out villains. Cole Hauser's Siringo is suffering from a serious charisma deficit.

Although I'm not adverse to gore, it is being used instead of better scriptwriting as a way to segue into new scenes. It quickly started feeling like an obvious device. I found a lot of the dialogue far too modern. Again, Ricci's very flat, clipped delivery pulls it out of period.

Meanwhile, the props department should have done a better job with their historical research. The flashlight, used by Hauser in his exploration of the schoolhouse, was not invented until 1899 - when the dry cell battery became available.

All of these flaws would not have rendered the series unbearable. It was the soundtrack that fundamentally ruined it for me. There have been series and films that pair historical settings with contemporary music to excellent effect. The Knick (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2937900/?ref_=nv_sr_1) is set in basically the same time period and uses very atmospheric, very modern abstract electronic music throughout the series and manages to make it work superbly well. The choice of music for this series - both the incidental music that was over-dramatic and bombastic as well as the bits and pieces of contemporary rock - became a real distraction that served to distance me emotionally from the episodes. Especially the indie rock with vocals.

It feels like a low budget, Baz Lurman series with more gore and fewer Hollywood stars.
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darlenam4 May 2015
Love it. Christina Ricci is awesome. All the cast play their characters so well. This show keeps me on the edge of my seat & I can't wait for the next episode. Hopefully it'll be renewed for another season. I watched a preview of episode six & I'm anxiously awaiting for next Sunday night to see what happens between those two. I have a theory of what might happen but I'll keep that to myself. This show only gets better. I'm glad Christina decided to play the part of Lizzy Bordin. I watched the movie and out of all the "Lizzy Bordins" I think she played it the best. I can not say enough good things about this show. All the actors just seem to flow together, so much that you would almost forget that you are watching a TV show. The actors make the scenes seem so convincing. Keep up the good work & please renew another season.
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I want season 2!!!!!
thesparad13 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVE this show. What sucks is that no one knows about it. Everyone I talk to about this show has no idea about it. Then when they watch it the absolutely love it. I think what's hurting the rating of this show is the fact that it's not advertised as much. Mainly because not too many people watch lifetime. It is a GREAT show, it just needs to be advertised a bit more. If Lizzie Borden merchandise was sold in a store like HotTopic then this show would probably blow up. I can see this show being really big if it was advertised the right way. Also, it's hard to find on the lifetime web site. I literally have to do so much navigating to find the show. As a web designer and graphic designer, I know that of people have to do a lot of navigating on your site to find something then they tend to give up and leave the site. This is something that the company should figure out how to fix. After the series ended and they stopped advertising the show (which the should never do. All shows should be advertised year round) I couldn't find the show on their site at all without doing a lot of searching. Not good. If the show was advertised like Bates Motel (which the two shows are very good and comparable) then the show would do a lot better.
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people are WAY OFF ignore the haters we're late but glad we purchased the series Ricci was BRILLIANT the whole cast LOVED IT!!
joiningjt30 July 2022
First off we thought we might have had a bad purchase because episode 1 was a little slow but KICKED a little at the end but then episode 2 happened and it was all hell break lose from there!! It was absolutely balls to the wall's fun it had it all action murders bribes gun fights knives and a BRILLIANT performance by Christina Ricci the type where shes an absolute murderous villain and you root for her!! We loved Miss Duvall as well as a matter of fact every single actor was spot on not 1 performance was average they all were way above average I cant for the life of me understand the 6.9 and how some morons gave this under a 7 what the hell were they watching?????????? Bottom line folks its not going to be a documentary about the life and times of Lizzie borden it's taking the premise we all have and then make that into an ENTERTAINING STORYLINE that lasts for 8 episodes which this did perfectly we were so addicted we did it in 1 day and will do it again and again and again!!!!! BRAVO to the WHOLE cast and crew I'm sorry were late but we LOVED THIS SHOW!!!! ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! RICCI AND DUVALL YOU BOTH WON AN EMMY FROM US!!!!!!
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It kept me interested.
wksk7 April 2015
There isn't much about the plot that will make you be on the edge of your seat, but it's enough to keep you entertained for an hour. It's just about Lizzie and her sister trying to live their lives after Lizzie's murder trial, where she was found not guilty of killing her father and stepmother. All in all, this isn't the kind of show that you'll be making a priority to watch, but it's not a bad show to watch if you're just flipping through channels. Christina Ricci does a great job playing Lizzie Borden. Christina Ricci is a timeless actress. I don't think she's aged in 20 years. Clea DuVall, the actress who plays Lizzie's sister, Emma Borden, also does a great job.
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Murder with a subtle smirk.
jscott-2548026 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I added The Lizzie Borden Chronicles to my watch list a few weeks ago, but when I found out it was a Lifetime show I put off watching it until I had nothing else to watch. I had really low expectations and perhaps that is why I love it so much. I feel like some of the negative reviews about the show are taking it too seriously - I will admit that, sometimes, the soundtrack brings a question mark to my mind, but I never feel like it takes away from anything. It's just how the show is and if you aren't trying to critique it, it's no big deal. I love the way that Christina Ricci portrays her character and, sure, it may be predictable in that you know she is going to kill the people that cross her, but that's what is awesome about it... She is so calm and "all-knowing" and selfish and just enjoys it all with a smirk. I'm about half way through the series, but I can tell you that I can't wait to get home and continue watching it. It has a plot - her plot is killing the people that get in her way or tick her off and I enjoy every gruesome moment of it.
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The Entirely Fictional Lizzie Borden Chronicles
mmsarah2 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
None of the events are even vaguely close to things that happened in Lizzie Borden's life. The show starts up after Lizzie was acquitted of the murder of her father and stepmother, and apart from being ostracised by the community, I can't find anything suggestion that the events are true. I'm not sure why they bothered using Lizzie Borden's name as the story they're selling has no bearing on her life.

Did I mentioned the crappy camerawork?
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Season 2!!!
momslilprincess31 May 2015
This show, at least in my opinion, deserves a season two. It has so many good reviews and a pretty high rating, all it needs is more viewers. Lifetime is killing me right now! They have not said no or go to having more seasons. I can't wait to find out and I hope its a go!It even has a great review from The New York Times. The Lizzie Borden Chronicles, as I said before, needs a lot more viewers. The top viewed episode is the first. If you like this show, tell your friends and co-workers about it. You never know, they may enjoy it as much as we do. Lets help save Lizzie from cancellation! Lets make season two a "go" I hope to see Lizzie, Emma, and the notorious axe soon!
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a true piece of art
Artisticmovielover5 April 2015
As soon as I read that there was going to be a follow up from "Lizzie Borden Takes an Ax" (2014), I became overjoyed. I really loved this retelling of one of the most bazaar events to happen in American history. I really feel that the Lifetime channel had outdone it self and now that there's more coming to the story makes me even happier. This has to be one of the best television events to take place over the past few years! Everything about this was amazing. The actors really outdid themselves. This was such a truly talented cast. Christina Ricci and Clea DuVall are most likely two of the most talented actresses of our time. No matter what part they take on whether its film or television, they blow their audiences away. Ricci herself can take any role and transform it into a work of art. With such a long list of accomplishments behind her at such a young age, there's no wonder why she was the one chosen to preform in this. Ricci and DuVall play truly twisted sisters here and I can't wait to dig my teeth into this series and see what happens next! Bravo Lifetime!
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I really liked it!
lenadimitriou12 April 2015
It's fresh, it has the right atmosphere, I can believe that it may be true! The acting is good, photography is excellent. Christina Ricci and Clea DuVall act natural, they are great actresses and I think they were the right choice for the series. It's easy to tell their characters and their differences. I liked the music, although I was astonished at the beginning. Everyone would expect traditional music of the time and that was a nice change. It gives a boost to the plot of the film. I didn't know anything about the real story, so I can watch the series unbiased. This kind of things used to happen in the past, when women had no other way to defend themselves.Anyway, I love that era and I would give the first episode a shot but now I have to saw that I'm looking forward to the next episode.
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It tries SOOOOOO hard
xhidden994 February 2016
But falls flat. It's all style and no substance at all. I mean wall to wall shaky cam? Seriously is that sill bleeding edge? Extreme closeups that are out of focus? Shots that are under 2 seconds with shaky cuts? And a sound track that's 125 years wrong? We get it. Edgy. But that's only useful if the writing is interesting. It's not. The stories are ordinary and flat. The characters are 2 dimensional at best. Once you strip the flash and noise it could be a miniseries placed anywhere at any time about anyone doing anything. There just isn't anything unique about it. The dialog is weak and you're supposed to understand the Lizzie character is a misunderstood evil super genius. Doesn't anyone do a head check to see who's missing? Ever? Nope. Anyway nothing ever happens every scene is close up two people talking trivial nonsense to each other and there's almost no plot. After a decade of the awful 'Slow Burn' trope we'd think that would be so 10 minutes ago, but no it lives with extreme overkill shaky cam, flash cuts, and a soundtrack from he'll with Lizzie Borden.
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Could see Netflix picking this up for another season or two
empressive4 March 2016
Ricci's portrayal of Lizzie Borden is captivating enough to give the first episode a shot; and if you like it the series only gets better... second episode you get to see Mike from Breaking Bad! (Johnathon Banks). Not to mention the lovely DuVall.

Great writing, well paced, jammed packed every episode, with hints of dexter-like moments... and Ricci is still just as easy to fall in love with even as a demented sociopath murderer.

In her own world, it's almost as if Borden sees herself as a vigilante. As deranged as Lizzie is, she refuses to ever be a victim- through her confidence, indifference to what anyone says or thinks about her, her incredible wit, and by her flawless ability to adapt her demeanor based on the situation. Fascinating to see life in her eyes.

Ricci's best role since 'black snake moan'...

(side note- disregard complaints about the music, some of the score is modern/relatable to viewers.. adds an edgy twist.. so what if the music is not from that time period? )
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Compellingly unpredictable and deliciously horrific!
krs-5655225 May 2015
Lizzie is no ordinary murderous psychopath. Her quiet demure adherence to social convention and propriety is not simply a mask but solidly integrated in her persona. There is a menacing wisdom behind her remorseless executions. Whatever the gore, she is placidly pragmatic as though sweeping the dust from her doorstep. With her world set aright and her family safe, she trundles from one perceived threat to another...creatively and brilliantly orchestrating the demise of her next victims. Christina Ricci brilliantly breathes vivid credibility to Lizzie even imbuing the character with an innocence and superficial naiveté . I feel the cast of this drama excellently executed this (pardon the pun) delightfully macabre work of dramatic art. I do hope we see Lizzie continue her mission through another season ..or more. I am hoping this series does not find itself axed in its prime.
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