People/CharactersJudah, son of Jacob

People/Characters by cover

Works (95)

The Abingdon Bible Commentary by Frederick Carl EiselenGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Whole Bible-Volume 1-Genesis through Deuteronomy by Adam Clarke43:1-10
Africa Bible Commentary: A One-Volume Commentary Written by 70 African Scholars by Tokunboh Adeyemo 43:1-10
Archaeological Commentary on the Bible: From Genesis to Revelation by Gonzalo Báez Camargo43:1-10
Beacon Bible Commentary, Volume 1: Genesis through Deuteronomy by G. Herbert Livingston43:1-10
Bible Commentary: A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, Vol.1 -Genesis - Esther by Robert Jamieson43:1-10
The Bible Exposition Commentary: Old Testament (The Pentateuch) by Warren W. Wiersbe43:1-10
Bible Knowledge Commentary (2 Volume Set) (Bible Knowledge Series) by John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck43:1-10
The Bible Knowledge Commentary : an exposition of the scriptures [2-volume set] by John F. Walvoord43:1-10
The Bible Knowledge Commentary Law (BK Commentary) by John F. Walvoord43:1-10
The Bible Knowledge Commentary: The Old Testament by John F. Walvoord43:1-10
The Biblical encyclopedia : a collection of notes explanatory, homiletic and illustrative forming a complete commentary on the Holy Scriptures especially designed for the use of ministers, Bible students and Sunday-school teachers by James Comper Gray43:1-10
The Broadman Bible Commentary - 12 Volume Set by Clifton J. Allen43:1-10
The Broadman Bible Commentary, Vol. 1 by Clifton J. AllenGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Calvins Commentaries (22 Volume Set) by John Calvin 43:1-10
The Christ in the Bible Commentary: 4 Volume Set by A. B. Simpson43:1-10
Christian Workers' Commentary on the Old and New Testaments by James M. Gray43:1-10
Christian Workers' Commentary on the Whole Bible by James M. Gray43:1-10
Clarke's Commentary:The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments with a Commentary and Critical Notes (6 Volume Set) by Adam Clarke43:1-10
Commentary on the Holy Bible, Volume 1: Genesis-Job by Matthew PooleGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
A Commentary: Critical, Experimental, and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments, Vol. Two, Job - Malachi by Robert JamiesonGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
The Concise Bible Commentary by James M. Gray43:1-10
Daily Bible Commentary Genesis - Job by Arthur Ernest Cundall43:1-10
The Dartmouth Bible by Roy Bullard ChamberlinGenesis 37:26-27 ∙ 38:1-26 ∙ 43:1-10
The Didache Bible: With Commentaries Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Ignatius PressGenesis 37:26-27 ∙ 38:1-26 ∙ 43:1-10
Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible by James D. G. Dunn43:1-10
Ellicott's Commentary on the Whole Bible by Charles John Ellicott43:1-10
Ellicott's Commentary on the Whole Bible, Volume I: Genesis to Numbers by Charles John EllicottGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
The Essential Everyday Bible Commentary: With the Complete Text of the New King James Versions by Warren W. Wiersbe43:1-10
ESV MacArthur Study Bible (Hardcover) by John MacArthur 43:1-10
ESV Study Bible by Crossway BiblesGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
The Expositor's Bible Commentary [Complete] by Frank E. Gaebelein43:1-10
The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 1: Introductory Articles by Frank E. Gaebelein43:1-10
The Expositor's Bible Commentary: Genesis-Leviticus (Expositor's Bible Commentary) by Tremper Longman IIIGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
The Five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (The Schocken Bible, Volume 1) by Everett Fox43:1-10
Genesis [2-volume set] by G. Charles AaldersGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy by Roy Gane43:1-10
Global Bible Commentary by Daniel Patte 43:1-10
The HarperCollins Study Bible by Wayne A. Meeks 43:1-10
High-lights of the Bible (A Bible commentary for laymen. Genesis-Nehemiah) by Ray C. Stedman43:1-10
Holy Bible by Adam BroombergGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Holy Bible (New International Version) by NIVGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version)Genesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Holy Bible : Revised VersionGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Holy Bible: English Standard Version (ESV) by ESVGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)Genesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Interpretation : A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by James L. Mays43:1-10
The Interpreter's Bible, Vol. 1: General and Old Testament Articles, Genesis, Exodus by George A. ButtrickGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
The Interpreter's Bible: A Commentary in Twelve Volumes by George Arthur Buttrick43:1-10
Irwin's Bible Commentary by Clarke Huston Irwin43:1-10
The Ivp Bible Background Commentary: Genesis-Deuteronomy by John H. Walton43:1-10
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament by John H. Walton43:1-10
John Wesley's Commentary on the Bible by G. Roger Schoenhals43:1-10
Joseph and His Brothers: The Stories of Jacob, Young Joseph, Joseph in Egypt, Joseph the Provider by Thomas Mannnot in English Common Knowledge
King James Version Bible Commentary by Edward E. Hindson43:1-10
The KJV Parallel Bible Commentary by Jerry Falwell43:1-10
The Layman's Bible Commentary (Complete) by Balmer H. Kelly 43:1-10
Layman's Bible Commentary Vol. 1: Genesis thru Numbers by Dr. Tremper LongmanGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
The MacArthur Bible Commentary by John MacArthur 43:1-10
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible, Volume 1: Genesis to Deuteronomy by Matthew Henry 43:1-10
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry 43:1-10
Matthew Poole's Commentary on the Holy Bible 3 Volume Set by Matthew Poole 43:1-10
The Moody Bible Commentary by Michael Rydelnik 43:1-10
The Navarre Bible: Pentateuch (The Navarre Bible: Old Testament) by University of Navarre 43:1-10
The New American Bible by Catholic Book PublishingGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
The New Bible Commentary by Donald Guthrie 43:1-10
The New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament by Daniel DurkenGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament by Daniel Durken OsbGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
New Commentary on the Whole Bible: Old Testament Volume by J. D. DouglasGenesis 37:26-27 ∙ 38:1-26 ∙ 43:1-10
New International Bible Commentary by F. F. Bruce 43:1-10
The New Interpreter's Bible [Complete] by Leander E. Keck43:1-10
The New Interpreter's Bible Commentary Volume I: Introduction to the Pentateuch, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy by Leander E. Keck 43:1-10
The New Interpreter's Bible, Vol. 1: General Articles on the Bible; General Articles on the Old Testament; Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus by Walter BrueggemannGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
NIV Compact Bible Commentary by John H. Sailhamer 43:1-10
Notes on the Old and New Testaments, Explanatory and Practical by Albert Barnes43:1-10
The One Volume Bible Commentary by John R. Dummelow 43:1-10
The Oxford Bible Commentary by John Barton 43:1-10
Pamphlet Bible series; a commentary and complete text of the Old and New Testaments by Neil J. McEleneyGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
Peake's Commentary on the Bible by Matthew Black 43:1-10
Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Supplement Series, 334) by Ken Stone 43:1-10
Quicknotes Simplified Bible Commentary Vol. 1: Genesis thru Numbers (QuickNotes Commentaries) by Dr. Tremper LongmanGenesis 37:26-27,38:1-26,43:1-10
The Sermon Outline Bible, Volume 1: Genesis - II Samuel by W. Robertson Nicoll43:1-10
The Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary 10 Volume Set by Francis D. Nichol43:1-10
The speaker's Bible by James HastingsGenesis 37:26-27 ∙ 38:1-26 ∙ 43:1-10
Theological Bible Commentary by Gail R. O'Day 43:1-10
Thru the Bible, Vol. 1: Genesis-Deuteronomy by J. Vernon McGee43:1-10
Thru the Bible: Genesis through Revelation by J. Vernon McGee 43:1-10
The Transforming Word: A One-Volume Commentary on the Bible by Mark Hamilton 43:1-10
The Wesleyan Bible Commentary (7 Volume Set) by Charles W. Carter 43:1-10
With the Word: The Chapter-by-Chapter Bible Handbook by Warren W. WiersbeGenesis 37:26-27 ∙ 38:1-26 ∙ 43:1-10
The Women's Bible Commentary by Carol A. Newsom 43:1-10
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary by Charles F. Pfeiffer 43:1-10
Zerr Bible Commentary Vol. 1 Genesis - Ruth by E. M. Zerr 43:1-10
Zondervan NIV Bible commentary by Kenneth L. Barker 43:1-10
Zondervan NIV Matthew Henry Commentary by Matthew Henry43:1-10