Bookshelf of the Damned

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From Charles Fort to Whitley Streiber, Yuri Gellar to James Randi, Montague Summers to Katharine Briggs, Ivan T. Sanderson to Erik von Daniken - ufology, alchemy, cryptozoology, parapsychology, skepticism, magick, chieromancy, herbology, New Age, the Old Ones, phenomena, anomalies, witchery, the paranormal, the supernatural, quantum mechanics, creative physics, Discordia, spiritualism, astrology, ancient astronauts, the Fair Folk, and everything else that dwells at the borders of science and religion, where truth and fancy meet --

For everyone who's ever dreamed of finding a copy of the Necronomicon in a dusty basement - or even just a copy of The Lesser Key of Solomon --

We're off the edge of the map here, mate. Unless you happen to have a copy of Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. In which case, would you be willing to trade? I have some lovely Time-Life "Mysteries of the Unknown" volumes here.

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Chinese Ghosts Revisited2 unread / 2BlacksmithBooks, April 2018
What is everyone reading?9 unread / 9Stivf, August 2016
Podcasts - What's good?3 unread / 3boris_balkan, August 2016
Uncommon Geology (hollow worlds, expanding earth, abiotic oil...)11 unread / 11AndreasJ, November 2011
Cryptofiction1 unread / 1cdhtenn2k10, January 2011
Hermetic Library in danger6 unread / 6Nicole_VanK, December 2010
Group picture & what's up?5 unread / 5melannen, December 2010
Who's your favorite cryptozoologist?1 unread / 1melannen, June 2010
Lovecraft9 unread / 9DeusExLibrus, March 2010
New esoteric book club1 unread / 1plutopsyche, January 2010
New Member -- New Discussion?5 unread / 5melannen, September 2009
Favorites17 unread / 17soldulac, July 2009
Crypto-archaeology2 unread / 2melannen, June 2009
Bookshelf of the Damned?2 unread / 2melannen, June 2009
Reviewing controversial books3 unread / 3melannen, July 2007
Just wanted to "freeze the moment" ...1 unread / 1BTRIPP, August 2006
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