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For readers interested in natural history, evolution, biology, or any of the life-sciences.

Visit and get ideas for titles that might educate or inspire, then come back to discuss or debate any related issues.

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." Theodosius Grigorevich Dobzhansky

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Lorine Niedecker1 unread / 1richardbsmith, November 2015
Evolve! Message Board56 unread / 56Sandydog1, February 2015
A request for suggestions...10 unread / 10Sandydog1, February 2015
What did Charles Darwin read?2 unread / 2lilithcat, February 2014
The Pilgrimage Begins - Ancestor's Tale43 unread / 43richardbsmith, March 2013
Darwin Day 20131 unread / 1AsYouKnow_Bob, February 2013
The Ancestor's Tale64 unread / 64MartyBrandon, February 2013
Best editions of the Voyage?4 unread / 4Stevil2001, October 2012
Organelles in cellular reproduction12 unread / 12LolaWalser, July 2012
Books for teachers?8 unread / 82wonderY, January 2012
How did Darwin become such a radical1 unread / 1Stephen_Graff, September 2011
Happy Darwin Day!3 unread / 3AsYouKnow_Bob, February 2011
Banded Snails1 unread / 1Bowerbirds-Library, July 2010
Punctuated Equalibrium8 unread / 8FrankMundo, June 2010
the origins of bipedism4 unread / 4amandrea, April 2010
Prefered editions6 unread / 6stretch, January 2010
T. Rex into bald eagle4 unread / 4BillHall, January 2010
Group combination2 unread / 2clamairy, December 2009
Ardi - Oldest hominid skeleton sheds light on human origins1 unread / 1clamairy, October 2009
Richard Milner on his book "Darwin's Universe" / Darwin Lecture Series2 unread / 2IslandDave, August 2009
How to find out if a particular book is out of date?1 unread / 1erniebornheimer, August 2009
Drunken amphibia (joke)1 unread / 1jimroberts, August 2009
Deathblow to Creationism/ID8 unread / 8yapete, August 2008
Wow!3 unread / 3davesmind, May 2008
Are Some IDers Perpetrating a Sokalian Hoax?16 unread / 16Atomicmutant, April 2008
Is Darwinism bad science today?39 unread / 39Musereader, April 2008
Why Darwin Matters5 unread / 5BruceAir, December 2007
A very late retraction4 unread / 4jimroberts, November 2007
Evolutionary Works15 unread / 15maimonedes, October 2007
The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins8 unread / 8peripatetic, March 2007
Darwin's complete works online3 unread / 3keigu, March 2007
Beliefs6 unread / 6psiloiordinary, January 2007
The fight against ID in the UK - an example of what we are up against1 unread / 1psiloiordinary, January 2007
Sanity in Kansas at last!4 unread / 4Atomicmutant, November 2006
An advertisement for a bird group1 unread / 1Mustapha_Mond, August 2006
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