
This group has become officially dormant. It happens. If you want to revive this group, or create a new group on the same topic, see this page.

Do you love to know the ending of the book? Maybe the artificial creation of suspense interferes with your enjoyment of the writing or the characterization or the crisp dialogue or our ability to appreciate how neatly the plot is stitched together. Or maybe you have high-falutin' ideas about how the very notion of the spoiler privileges a narrow selection of narrative structure over other critical aspects of a literary experience.

Or perhaps you just don't care about spoilers !!!!! but you're annoyed by the anti-spoiler !!!!! madness sweeping the land. Come here to rant about the latest manifestations of spoiler !!!!! -in(s)anity.

We can also debate and argue the concept. Or, come up with brilliantly clever solutions to have the anti-spoiler !!!!! -mania not interfere with intelligible discussions of plot, characterization, writing, and so on.

And we can also post spoilers !!!!! People who read books can come and post them here. Maybe you have an early-review copy and you're just bursting to say it but all your friends are like, "No, no, don't spoil !!!!! it for me!" Post here and save your friendship. Anti-anti-spoilers can peruse the spoilers just to have a sense of smug satisfaction every time they post or read a spoiler !!!!! People who don't want to read the book and just want to know the ending? don't want to bother with the over-hyped and under-edited *cough*Harry Potter*cough*, and just want to be able to participate in water-cooler chit-chat? This group is for you.

While it is envisioned that this will be primarily a group dedicated to hating on the spoiler !!!!! concept, we will abide by no hating on actual people. And so, to be kind to the folks who truly (inexplicably) feel a good book can be spoiled by knowing plot details ... please include spoilers only in the messages and not in the topic. (But yes, they may crop up at any time ... so if you hate spoilers, be welcome, but be wary.)

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
survey says ... spoilers are good8 unread / 8Cynfelyn, October 2018
Conversations "about" this book!3 unread / 3lquilter, December 2013
another effort1 unread / 1lquilter, November 2010
article on salon:3 unread / 3Mr.Durick, May 2010
spoilers on CK:Events3 unread / 3lilithcat, March 2010
tag as "spoilers"2 unread / 2LitClique, June 2009
"quotes" as "spoilers"1 unread / 1lquilter, November 2008
Spoiler collections3 unread / 3lquilter, September 2008
the anti-spoilers at LT7 unread / 7DaynaRT, September 2008
the calder saga by janet dailey1 unread / 1eloisamoj, July 2008
Star Wars spoiler7 unread / 7lilithcat, November 2007
but seriously folks8 unread / 8lquilter, November 2007
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