
Works (141)

Échanger les peuples: le déplacement des minorités aux confins polono-soviétiques, 1944-1947 by Catherine Klein-Gousseffnot in English Common Knowledge
1917 : La Russie en révolution by Nicolas Werthnot in English Common Knowledge
1917. La Russie et les Russes en révolutions by Alexandre Sumpfnot in English Common Knowledge
Alexander I: The Tsar Who Defeated Napoleon by Marie-Pierre Reynot in English Common Knowledge
Alexandra Kollontaï. La Walkyrie de la Révolution by Hélène Carrère d'Encaussenot in English Common Knowledge
Alexandre II : Le printemps de la Russie by Hélène Carrère d'Encaussenot in English Common Knowledge
Alexandre Nekritch. L'Armée rouge assassinée , 22 juin 1941. Traduit du russe par Marie Bennigsen. Préface de Georges Haupt. [Suivi du Dossier de l'affaire Nekritch.] by Alexandre Nekritchnot in English Common Knowledge
Une alliance improbable. L'armée française et la Russie soviétique, 1917-1939 by Georges Vidalnot in English Common Knowledge
Les bolcheviks prennent le pouvoir: la révolution de 1917 à Petrograd by Alexander Rabinowitchnot in English Common Knowledge
The book of Pogroms. Pogroms in Ukraine, Belarus and European Russia during the Civil War Period of 1918-1922 by Lidia Miliakovanot in English Common Knowledge
The Book Thief by Markus Zusaknot in English Common Knowledge
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevskynot in English Common Knowledge
La campagne de Russie by Nicolas Dujinnot in English Common Knowledge
Cape of Storms by Nina Berberovanot in English Common Knowledge
Le clan Mikhalkov: culture et pouvoirs en Russie, 1917-2017 by Cécile Vaissiénot in English Common Knowledge
Comparative Politics Today: A World View by Gabriel A. Almondnot in English Common Knowledge
Comprendre l'ancien regime russe: Etat et societe en Russie imperiale : essai d'interpretation (L'Univers historique) (French Edition) by Marc Raeffnot in English Common Knowledge
Comprendre la Russie by Viatcheslav Nikonovnot in English Common Knowledge
Le crépuscule des tsars : Journal (1914-1917) by Maurice Paléologuenot in English Common Knowledge
D'une perestroïka à l'autre: l'évolution économique de la Russie de 1860 à nos jours by Jean-Louis Van Regemorternot in English Common Knowledge
Decouverte Gallimard: Le Grand Siecle Russe D'Alexandre Ier a Nicolas II (French Edition) by Wladimir Berelowitchnot in English Common Knowledge
The diary of a diplomat in Russia, 1917-1918 by Translator) de Louis (Camilla Sykes Robiennot in English Common Knowledge
Le dilemme russe: la Russie et l'Europe occidentale d'Ivan le Terrible à Boris Eltsine by Marie-Pierre Reynot in English Common Knowledge
DK Eyewitness Travel Guides: Russia by Inc. Dorling Kindersleynot in English Common Knowledge
Dnevnik imperatora Nikolaya II by Nicolas IInot in English Common Knowledge
Le drame des Romanov by Michel de Saint Pierrenot in English Common Knowledge
DÉMESURE RUSSE (LA) : MILLE ANS D'HISTOIRE by Georges Sokoloffnot in English Common Knowledge
Emperor Nicholas II and his Family by Pierre Gilliardnot in English Common Knowledge
The End of Tsarist Russia: The March to World War I and Revolution by Dominic Lievennot in English Common Knowledge
Les enfants de Staline by Masha Cerovicnot in English Common Knowledge
Entre le marteau et l'enclume: La fabrication d'une hégémonie partisane dans la Russie de Poutine by Clémentine Fauconniernot in English Common Knowledge
Europe et Russie: un passé pour quel futur ? by Michel Nazetnot in English Common Knowledge
Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s by Sheila Fitzpatricknot in English Common Knowledge
La Fin tragique des Romanov by Pierre Lorrainnot in English Common Knowledge
Forever in Your Embrace by Kathleen E. Woodiwissnot in English Common Knowledge
La frontière épaisse: aux origines des politiques soviétiques, 1920-1940 by Sabine Dullinnot in English Common Knowledge
Géopolitique de la Russie by Jean-Sylvestre Mongreniernot in English Common Knowledge
Géopolitique de la Russie: approche pluridisciplinaire: [actes du colloque, 20-21 novembre 2017, Institut catholique d'études supérieures, la Roche-sur-Yon] by Anne Pinotnot in English Common Knowledge
Gouverner et nourrir: du pouvoir en Russie, XVIe-XXe siècles by Tamara Kondratievanot in English Common Knowledge
La grande migration la Russie et les Russes depuis l'ouverture du rideau de fer by Anne de Tinguynot in English Common Knowledge
La guerre civile russe by Alexandre Jevakhoffnot in English Common Knowledge
La guerre de 1914-1918 sur le front russe by Serge Andolenkonot in English Common Knowledge
Le général de Gaulle et la Russie by Hélène Carrère d'Encaussenot in English Common Knowledge
Géopolitique de la Russie by Revue Hérodotenot in English Common Knowledge
Herodote nø104 : géopolitique de la russie by Revue Hérodotenot in English Common Knowledge
La hiérarchie des égaux: la noblesse russe d'Ancien régime (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) by André Berelowitchnot in English Common Knowledge
Histoire de la Russie : D'Ivan le Terrible à Nicolas II - 1547-1917 by Pierre Gonneaunot in English Common Knowledge
Histoire de la Russie des origines à 1917 by Pierre Pascalnot in English Common Knowledge
Histoire de Russie, par Paul Milioukov, Ch. Seignobos et L. Eisenmann, avec collaborateurs by Paul Milioukovnot in English Common Knowledge
Histoire des coopératives russes et soviétiques, 1860-1930 by Anna Safronovanot in English Common Knowledge
Histoire et mémoire dans l'espace postsoviétique: Le passé qui encombre (French Edition) by Korine Amachernot in English Common Knowledge
Ho danzato sulle rovine by Milana Terloevanot in English Common Knowledge
Hérodote No. 47: Géopolitique de l'URSS by Revue Hérodotenot in English Common Knowledge
Les icônes en Russie by Olga Medvedkovanot in English Common Knowledge
Ivan's War: Life and Death in the Red Army, 1939-1945 by Catherine Merridalenot in English Common Knowledge
Jamais frères ? Ukraine et Russie : une tragédie postsoviétique by Anna Colin Lebedevnot in English Common Knowledge
Le jour où l'URSS a disparu by Andreï Gratchevnot in English Common Knowledge
Journal d'une institutrice française en Russie pendant la Révolution 1917-1919 by Louise Patinnot in English Common Knowledge
Julia Danzas - De la cour impériale au bagne rouge (French Edition) by Michel Niqueuxnot in English Common Knowledge
Koutiepov: le combat d'un général blanc: de la Russie à l'exil by Nicholas Rossnot in English Common Knowledge
Kronstadt, 1921 by Paul Avrichnot in English Common Knowledge
L'énigme russe: pouvoir-économie et société by Natalia Guilluy-Sulikashvilinot in English Common Knowledge
De l'Etat russe a l'Etat sovietique: 1825-1941 (Regards sur l'histoire) (French Edition) by Régis Ladousnot in English Common Knowledge
The last of the Romanofs by Charles Rivetnot in English Common Knowledge
The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II by Edvard Radzinskynot in English Common Knowledge
Lenin on the Train by Catherine Merridalenot in English Common Knowledge
Lettres des profondeurs de l'U.R.S.S.: Le courrier des lecteurs d'«Ogoniok» (1987-1989) by Irène Commeau-Rufinnot in English Common Knowledge
La Littérature russe by Jean Bonamournot in English Common Knowledge
La littérature russe (1948) by Marcelle Ehrhardnot in English Common Knowledge
La Littérature soviétique by Alain Préchacnot in English Common Knowledge
Memories of War by Николай Николаевич Никулинnot in English Common Knowledge
Michael and Natasha: The Life and Love of Michael II, the Last of the Romanov Tsars by Donald Crawfordnot in English Common Knowledge
Naissance de la chrétienté russe : la conversion du prince Vladimir de Kiev (988) et ses conséquences (XIe-XIIIe siècles) by Vladimir Vodoffnot in English Common Knowledge
Nicholas II: Last of the Tsars by Marc Ferronot in English Common Knowledge
Nicholas II: The Interrupted Transition by Hélène Carrère d'Encaussenot in English Common Knowledge
Nicolas II, le dernier tsar by Henri Troyatnot in English Common Knowledge
La nouvelle Russie by Jean Radvanyinot in English Common Knowledge
Okhrana: la police secrète des Tsars : 1883-1917 by Alexandre Sumpfnot in English Common Knowledge
Le péril rouge: Washington face à l'eurocommunisme by Frédéric Heurtebizenot in English Common Knowledge
Peasant Uprisings in Seventeenth-Century France, Russia, and China by Roland Mousniernot in English Common Knowledge
A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924 by Orlando Figesnot in English Common Knowledge
Pierre Pascal: la Russie entre christianisme et communisme by Sophie Coeurénot in English Common Knowledge
Pour une Russie européenne: géopolitique de la Russie d'hier et d'aujourd'hui by Gilles Galletnot in English Common Knowledge
Poutine dans le texte: textes choisis de Vladimir Poutine, de dignitaires et d'intellectuels russes 2001-2023 by siecakozlowskielisabnot in English Common Knowledge
Poutine, l'Ukraine et les statues de Lénine by Dominique Colasnot in English Common Knowledge
Précepteur des Romanov : le destin russe de Pierre Gilliard by Daniel Girardinnot in English Common Knowledge
La Puissance pauvre: Une histoire de la Russie de 1815 à nos jours (Biographies Historiques) (French Edition) by Georges Sokoloffnot in English Common Knowledge
Que reste-t-il de notre victoire ? Russie-Occident : le malentendu by Natalia Narotchnitskaïanot in English Common Knowledge
Quelle russie ? by Collectifnot in English Common Knowledge
Le rapport Nemtsov: Poutine et la guerre by Boris Nemtsovnot in English Common Knowledge
Rebuilding Russia: Reflections and Tentative Proposals by Aleksandr Solzhenitsynnot in English Common Knowledge
Le Retard russe (Documents (57)) (French Edition) by Georges Sokoloffnot in English Common Knowledge
Le retour des Grecs de Russie: identités, mémoires, trajectoires by Kira Kaurinkoskinot in English Common Knowledge
Revue Hérodote. N° 54-55 : Les marches de la Russie by Revue Hérodotenot in English Common Knowledge
Rečnik zaljubljenika u Rusiju by Dominique Fernandeznot in English Common Knowledge
Des Rhôs à la Russie. Histoire de l'Europe Orientale (v. 730-1689) by Aleksandr Lavrovnot in English Common Knowledge
The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America by Timothy Snydernot in English Common Knowledge
Le Roman de la Russie insolite : Du Transsibérien à la Volga by Vladimir Fédorovskinot in English Common Knowledge
Les Romanov by Françoise Perraudnot in English Common Knowledge
The Romanovs: 1613-1918 by Simon Sebag-Montefiorenot in English Common Knowledge
Les Russes d'en bas: Enquete sur la Russie post-communiste (L'Epreuve des faits) (French Edition) by Alexis Berelowitchnot in English Common Knowledge
Les Russes de Gorbatchev outine by Marie-Pierre Reynot in English Common Knowledge
Russia (Eyewitness Books) by Kathleen Berton Murrellnot in English Common Knowledge
Russia under the Old Regime by Richard Pipesnot in English Common Knowledge
The Russian Revolution by Richard Pipesnot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie by Pierre Thoreznot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie by Claude Cabannenot in English Common Knowledge
Russie - les cendres de l'empire by Alain Délétroznot in English Common Knowledge
Russie 2015: regards de l'Observatoire franco-russe by Observatoire franco-russenot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie contemporaine by Kathy Rousseletnot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie dans le monde by Anne de Tinguynot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie de l'ombre by Igor Kliamkinenot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie et la guerre by Olivier Entrayguesnot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie et la tentation de l'Orient by Lorraine de Meauxnot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie impériale. L'Empire des tsars, des Russes et des non-Russes, 1689-1917 by Pierre Gonneaunot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie inachevée by Hélène Carrère d'Encaussenot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie médiévale by Jean-Pierre Arrignonnot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie par-delà le bien et le mal: idées reçues sur la puissance pauvre by Pascal Marchandnot in English Common Knowledge
Russie, 1837-1937 by Jeanne Caussénot in English Common Knowledge
Russie, Belarus, Ukraine by Bibliothèque du Voyageurnot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie: approche géographique by Gabriel Wackermannnot in English Common Knowledge
La Russie: dictionnaire géographique by Roger Brunetnot in English Common Knowledge
Russie: l'impasse tchétchène by Laurent. Vinatiernot in English Common Knowledge
La Révolution russe by François-Xavier Coquinnot in English Common Knowledge
Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets by Svetlana Alexievichnot in English Common Knowledge
A Short History of Russia: How the World's Largest Country Invented Itself, from the Pagans to Putin by Mark Galeottinot in English Common Knowledge
Les sites de la mémoire russe : Tome 1, Géographie de la mémoire russe by Georges Nivatnot in English Common Knowledge
Les sites de la mémoire russe. 2, Histoire et mythes de la mémoire russe by Georges Nivatnot in English Common Knowledge
Les sociétés, la guerre et la paix: 1911 à 1946, Europe, Russie puis URSS, Japon, États-Unis by Michel Margairaznot in English Common Knowledge
Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia by Martin Malianot in English Common Knowledge
Statistique et révolution en Russie: un compromis impossible, 1880-1930 by Martine Mespouletnot in English Common Knowledge
Ten Days that Shook the World by John Reednot in English Common Knowledge
Three "Whys" of the Russian Revolution by Richard Pipesnot in English Common Knowledge
Trésors du siècle d'or russe, de Pouchkine à Tolstoï by Georges Nivatnot in English Common Knowledge
Ukraine la vérité historique by Alexandre Wolkonskinot in English Common Knowledge
La vérité sur la tragédie des Romanov by Marc Ferronot in English Common Knowledge
Victor Hugo en Russie et en URSS by Myriam Truelnot in English Common Knowledge
La vie soviétique by Gabrielle Froment-Meuricenot in English Common Knowledge
Yashka, journal d'une femme combattante - Russie 1914-1917: Russie 1914-1917 by Maria Botchkarevanot in English Common Knowledge
Young Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiorenot in English Common Knowledge
L'école primaire divise-- by Hélène Carrère d'Encaussenot in English Common Knowledge