
Includes: philosopher, Philosopher, philosophe, philospher, Philospher, philsopher, phlosopher, Philosophe
Translations: Filosoof, Philosophe

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bit-of-a-list-tiger (45), diana.gabaldon (20), jeshakespeare (15), Mikalina (14), Amicale (13), dichosa (13), sagocreno (13), vegetarian (13), rehpii (12), SeriousGrace (10), Jan_Gray_Collection (9), diwan (9), Polymath35 (8), Wiszard (7), churtado (6), Myriades (5), djclarke (5), FordStaff (5), Caroline_McElwee (5), banlon1964 (5), GSLulos (5) and 823 other members

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