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About this mod

A balance overhaul to achieve 5 things: improve difficulty (mostly optional now), balance rewards away from passive options towards a variety of active playstyles, make the choice between weapons/starships/multi-tools more distinct and meaningful, slow down progression to stretch out the early-mid game, and a few bug fixes and new game features.

Permissions and credits
No Man's - Prepare TSky Edition

The title is mostly a joke: while by default PTSd does attempt to substantially increase the challenge of combat, exploration, trading, farming, etc. while reducing many "overpowered" income options, you can reduce most of that back down with the in-game Difficulty Settings. Even with the default settings, a number of activities / rewards / costs are actually improved from vanilla, such as Settlement rewards, the loot from most exploration activities, Class upgrade/Pet unlock prices, larger Refiner stacksizes, etc. And much of the mod is not centered around difficulty at all, but instead on improving balance or adding new options.

Goals of this mod

If you enjoy starting new save files, the sense of progression of a new character through the early & middle portions of the game, and start to lose interest once your character has unlocked everything and can do anything easily, and prefer choices without overpowered or underwhelming options, PTSd may interest you. Covering many aspects of the game through a wide range of cost/value/reward adjustments, rebalanced equipment stats, improved enemy combat stats, and a few added features, PTSd aims to:

  • Remove or restrict most "overpowered" get-rich quick schemes, such as market crashing, chlorine refining, Activated Indium mines, scrapping Interceptor ships, etc.

  • Stretch out the early & mid-game so the player is not able to immediately buy any & everything. Generally there will be more time where the player can be "looking forward" to unlocking various tech or features that are currently unavailable or unaffordable.
  • Make buying & using weaker C Class ships or upgrade modules early on more appealing, as the higher class items should be expensive enough to prevent the player from simply always just buying the highest quality options available.

  • Make it more rewarding when the player eventually is able to get higher class starships / multi-tools or better exocraft, or invest upgrades into them, especially since enemies / the environment are challenging enough to appreciate the added ease / convenience they bring. Generally there will be a more noticeable gap between the performance of a fresh Class C piece of equipment, and a maxed out Class S full of upgrades.

  • Increase the base challenge of most combat encounters
  • As much as possible, avoid situations where either one playstyle is so clearly superior to the alternatives that they aren't worth considering, or the inverse where an option is completely underwhelming compared to others. For example, in Vanilla an Activated Indium mine or Fusion Ignitor farm are orders of magnitude more profitable than any other activity, while conversely Settlements, salvaging Crashed Freighters, or rescuing Freighters from pirates typically provide so little reward that it is hard to justify the time taken to do them. In PTSd the rewards of many activities are more comparable, although they each still have advantages or disadvantages.
  • Relatedly, in general reduce the gap between "passive" forms of income such as Extractors/Farms/Frigate Expeditions and "active" income such as exploring, finding & selling valuables, destroying spaceships, completing space station missions, etc. so that "passive" income doesn't completely overshadow "active" income, and "active" play is encouraged more.
  • Similarly, differentiate & balance the Multi-Tool / Starship weapons and Multi-Tools / Starships themselves so that there is no "clear winner" which is statistically superior to all the others. E.G. Why pick the Neutron Cannon when the Scatter Blaster kills everything much quicker? Or why pick a Hauler when you can upgrade an Exotic to just as much storage with excellent stats? Or why pick a Royal/Experimental/Pistol when an Alien Multi-Tool has higher Damage (which also improves mining speed), and the Scan stats provide negligible benefits? In PTSd the various kinds of equipment and weapons are both made more distinct from each other with more noticeable differences in speed, abilities, etc. while still making sure each has a specialty or niche that makes it worthwhile. For example, the Mining and Scan stats for Multi-Tools now directly improve the resources / units you receive when mining/scanning things.

  • Add more ways of steadily earning Nanites throughout the game.

  • Add more ways of obtaining Tritium, Di-Hydrogen & Salvaged Data to the mid/late game.

  • Correct a few Vanilla bugs such as the Ship Agility stat only affect maneuverability while boosting, or supercharged slots making mining lasers mine slower instead of faster, or mining speed being affected by both the Mining and Damage stat bonuses on your Multi-Tool, etc. (Or similarly, add clarification about unintuitive vanilla mechanics to some in-game descriptions / UI).

Changes Made & Reasoning

The individual changes made are too many to list, but here is the "bullet point" version, along with the gameplay reasons for how they help achieve the goals above. Note that many of these changes are designed to work together, E.G. player starship shields are increased, but enemy ship damage and groups are increased even more. The actual individual value changes made to the game can be seen within the .lua files for the mod.
Note: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any changes listing a multiplier, such as "increased by 2.5x" or "reduced to 0.8x," means that value is now equal to (2.5 x [the vanilla value]) or (0.8 x [the vanilla value])

Progression Changes

  • All upgrades modules for all kinds of equipment can now be installed 5x times instead of 3x times, though their strength has been adjusted so that when "maxed out" the equipment should be roughly as powerful as in the pre-Waypoint version of PTSd. This was done so it will take more time / Nanites to find enough good upgrade modules to "max out" your equipment, and to make Tech slots more valuable as you will have more things to install.
  • Thanks to an adaptation of Lo2k's New Milestones, most Milestones now have substantially higher requirements to achieve each rank, and additionally the total overall number of milestones needed to progress through the stages of the Atlas Path questline are also increased. The final rank for most milestones has significantly higher requirements than the previous rank, although you can still reach Overall Rank "Magellan" to complete the Atlas Path without reaching any of the final ranks for any of the milestones.
  • Related to this, more game progression is now tied to the Milestone system, as around ~30 techs/buildables now require either various Atlas Seeds or resources which now require a particular Atlas Seed to obtain (However you can "skip" these requirements by temporarily setting the Crafting Requirements setting in the Difficulty menu to "Free"). These are an assortment of techs & buildables that are especially game-changing or render other options obsolete, which are now effectively "locked" out of obtaining in the first few hours of the game as you will need enough Milestones to unlock the appropriate Atlas Seed recipe(These tech can also no longer be found pre-installed on "wild" starships or Multi-Tools). The vast majority of them require one of the first 5 Atlas Seeds, so after getting 40 Milestones you should have access to almost all tech / buildables. Some notable examples:
  • ○ The specialised hyperdrive techs required to visit Red/Green/Blue stars to obtain their corresponding unique metals are locked behind the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Atlas Seed (8 / 24 / 40 Milestones). Thus, any items requiring Cadmium / Emeril / Indium are likewise locked behind those Milestone requirements. 
  • ○ All Exocraft Geobays require either Cadmium or Emeril to construct, so you must first visit a Red star system to begin using exocraft
  • ○ The Survey Device tech required for finding power / mineral / gas hotspots in order to use the corresponding automated extractors is locked behind Indium.  The PTSd-buffed AMU / Atmosphere Harvesters may be useful for longer now.
  • ○ Many of the more powerful exocraft Radar techs which can locate desirable planetary locations are locked behind Indium, making planetary charts useful for longer
  • ○ Both the Minotaur Radar Array and High-Power Sonar for the Nautilon have been split into a core tech & separate "upgrade tech", the same as how the other vehicular Exocraft Radar techs work. This way the ability to search for valuable locations like Crashed Starships & Freighters can remain locked behind the 6th Atlas Seed with the "upgrade tech", while the simpler locations and ability to scan for nearby plants & resource nodes is available earlier with the "core tech".
  • ○ The various Exocraft techs which fully protect against a specific Hazard are now locked behind Indium, making hazard management & the Minotaur more important for longer. (As in vanilla, Exocraft still naturally slow down Hazard drain by 3x while inside them)
  • ○ The Aqua-Jets tech for landing on water now requires the 6th Atlas Seed, so that the Nautilon remains useful for longer.
  • ○ The techs which allow "free fuel recharging" for exocraft / starships now are locked behind the 6th / 7th Atlas Seed. (Living Ships can still gain Chloroplast Membrane tech at any point from Psychonic Eggs.)
  • ○ The Trade Rocket costs 4x Dark Matter to build, making it a mid-game tech. It also costs 8x as much Tritium to recharge.
  • ○ The Matter Beam tech for the Freighter requires 16 of the final Atlas Seed to build in addition to 16 Salvaged Frigate Modules (or temporarily setting the Crafting Costs setting to "Free"), as it effectively eliminates the entire inventory management aspect of the game.
  • To prevent heavy "sequence breaking" of the various things locked behind Cadmium/Emeril/Indium, or acquiring an S Class starship too early on, crafting the Consciousness Bridge at the start of the Starbirth mission for getting the Living Ship now requires Emeril. This still allows some leeway in making use of the Living Ship's hyperdrive tech as a "shortcut" from Emeril to Indium, depending on how soon you complete the Starbirth Mission compared to gaining more Milestones.
  • Similarly, various starship procedural upgrades now use Chromatic Metal instead of Cadmium to repair. This prevents players from buying & dismantling them to get early access to Cadmium.
  • When starting a new game with the Tutorial enabled, the Creature Pellets recipe is given at the same time as the Hermetic Seal recipe. So while the initial trip to & from your crashed ship still needs to be done on foot, you can potentially ride a companion for the second walk back to your crashed ship and other trips you'll need to make before reaching the Anomaly. These are also useful to distract any hostile predators you encounter during early missions, as you can repeatedly throw them on the ground with a hotkey or feed them to hostile predators directly to calm them down.
  • Meeting the first of Apollo's contacts at a Space Station no longer immediately teaches you the Roamer Geobay recipe. To learn it you can either progress the Base Computer Archives mission chain far enough, house the Exocraft Technician NPC at your base, or purchase it yourself at the Anomaly if you want it sooner.
  • The Scientist NPC now teaches the Medium Refiner recipe instead of the Large Refiner.
  • The "Expanding the Base" mission and its sub-missions have had the items required to hand-in to complete each step increased by 20x for substances and 10x for (most) Products. Since these missions award many useful techs, it should now be harder to power through them all right away.
  • While the recipes for all 10 Storage Container blueprints are normally awarded early on in the base building mission chain by the Overseer, now you will only receive the first 3 recipes. The other 7 recipes must be purchased with Salvaged Data at the Anomaly at increasingly higher prices (up to 4x the normal cost for the final 10th recipe). Similarly, only the first Freighter Storage Room recipe is given for free, and the others can be purchased for 1 Salvaged Data at the Anomaly after unlocking the corresponding Container recipe.
  • Large Hydroponics Tray no longer automatically unlocked by the Farmer NPC, must be purchased at a reduced cost at the Anomaly instead
  • Removed Conflict Scanner and all starship/multi-tool weapon techs except for Pulse Spitter, Plasma Launcher, and Phase Beam from the random tech reward pools. In exchange, added more low-level "utility" techs to the random tech reward pools such as Simple Translator, Shield Lattice, Personal Refiner, Emergency Warp Unit, Instability Engine, etc. In PTSd these random tech rewards mostly come up in the "Expanding the Base" missions, and default to a related upgrade module instead if you've already learned all the techs.
  • Similarly, the Armourer NPC now awards Efficient Thruster & Ablative Armour techs alongside a tech from the random ship tech pool instead of the Cyclotron Ballista and Infra-knife Accelerator techs.
  • To prevent "sequence breaking" the tech tree by getting a Freighter, the Freighter Refiner Room, Galactic Trade Room, and Cultivation Chamber recipes are no longer known by default but can be unlocked for 1 Salvaged Frigate Module (2 for Refiner Room). Their position in the Freighter unlock tree has been adjusted, and they each also have the option to instead be unlocked at the Anomaly for the lower cost of just 1 (or 2) Salvaged Data after unlocking their corresponding "planetary" equivalent recipe.
  • The number of learned alien words needed to advance each stage of the Base Computer Archives mission chain has been increased 5x (vanilla is 3 - 30 words needed for the 10 stages) as words can be learned more quickly in PTSd.
  • Rewards from the first few Space Station missions on a new game are now closer to the standard starting rewards, but with 2~3x boosted chance for Exosuit Upgrade Charts, Navigation Data, Salvaged Data, and Multi-Tool Expansion Slots. (As opposed to in vanilla when essentially the only rewards offered are Exosuit Upgrade Charts with a small chance for Multi-Tool Expansion Slots)
  • The hyperdrive techs which allow warp access to red, green, & blue star systems, the Minotaur Geobay & Exocraft Summoning Station, and the blueprints for Venom Urchin & Albumen Pearl Orb are no longer offered as random / mission rewards (other than the Cadmium Drive from the Armorer in the Expanding the Base quest), and must be purchased instead.
  • Emergency Warp Unit blueprints now also sold by planetary tech shops such as in (Minor) Settlements / Colossal Archives, not just at the Anomaly
  • Distress Beacons at crashed starship crashsites no longer have a chance to teach 1-2 new unknown tech blueprints, and award a related random-Class upgrade module instead.
  • Certain Traveler dialogue rewards are half as likely as vanilla to award a tech-type Memory Fragment vs. an Inventory-type Memory Fragment or other products.
  • Tech-type Memory Fragments (mostly from graves or certain Traveler dialogue rewards) are now 4x more likely to award procedural upgrades vs new techs as before. Thus overall, the chance to get a procedural upgrade rather than a packaged tech has gone from around ~33% to ~66%. Also, certain specific techs which had much higher chances than others have been lowered closer to the average chance, so techs awarded are more random
  • Increase the costs for Tech (between 4x~30x in Nanites), Recipes (10x in Nanites), and useful Blueprints (Often 3x~8x in Salvaged Data) at the Anomaly & Minor Settlements, etc. This prevents the player from simply buying everything they want right at the start, but instead must save up and choose carefully what will be most useful now. Perhaps you will use the Roamer for a while until you save up the 75 Salvaged Data for a Pilgrim/Minotaur. This also incentivizes completing the various story & basebuilding quests which give tech/blueprints/recipes as rewards.
  • The freighter's Scanner Room & Orbital Exocraft Materializer now require either Indium or high-level Atlas Seeds, and take more Salvaged Frigate Modules to unlock. The Scanner Room now costs 3 Navigation Data to scan a star system, and the Orbital Exocraft Materializer can no longer be unlocked at the Anomaly, only from the freighter bridge now.
  • Various other functional Freighter tech / rooms also have increased costs more in line with non-freighter versions of those techs / rooms, such as Nutrition Rooms requiring a Nutrient Processor or Interstellar Scanner requiring a Walker Brain & Hardframe Engine.
  • Increase the costs for higher-class Upgrade Modules, from 2.4x to 7.2x the vanilla price in Nanites for B Class up to S Class (C Class costs 1.2x), with X Class upgrades costing 1.8x vanilla. This should encourage buying & using cheap C Class upgrades while saving up for more powerful S Class, which now cost ~40x more than a C Class, and make X Class mods more appealing. (Note that X Class modules should be sold at any kind of space station to get full value)
  • The cost for "Evolving" Living Ship upgrade modules has been increased along the same lines, but each evolution costs only roughly 67% of the price of buying an equivalent regular ship upgrade module.
  • To balance out the increased nanite value of upgrade modules, the A & S Class upgrades only sell for 0.5x or 0.33x of their value.
  • Similarly, while the price for low-inventory C Class starships is mostly the same, maximum-sized inventory C Class starships are roughly twice as expensive, and much like the Upgrade Modules, higher Class Starships increase in cost even faster than in vanilla, up to 4x or 5x more than C Class for an S Class (Though like with upgrades, starships now have reduced sale/salvage value rate compared to vanilla).
  • Freighters mostly follow this same pattern, although the "low end" for minimum size C Class Freighters has been bumped up from 5mil to 25mil, so assuming you avoid using the initial free freighter, saving up for your first usable one might may take a little bit.
  • Frigates also had their "base" price raised from 2 to 4mil (5 to 6mil for Pirate Frigates, and reduced 10 to 8mil for Organic Frigates, and 200mil to 100mil for unique frigates like the Normandy), although higher Class Frigates only cost a reasonable amount more than C Class. (This is because Higher Class Frigates are already undesirable, as they supposedly are more likely to have poor stat rolls)
  • The base prices for Multi-Tools are mostly the same, but they follow the same pattern as starships with higher Classes costing up to 4x or 5x as much as C Class (8x for S Class Pistols)
  • Thanks to an adapted portion of gExo's Challenge Modpack by Exosolar & Gumsk, your exosuit starts with fewer Tech slots, and the cost for increasing them eventually grows to tens of millions of units for each inventory page. This prevents maxing out inventory right away, and incentivizes finding & using Drop Pods.
  • The prices for expanding Multi-Tool / Starship inventories have also been rebalanced for smoother increases and being more competitive with simply buying a larger version (though still generally cheaper on a per-slot basis to buy a bigger ship/tool than expand it yourself)
  • Cost to unlock additional Pet Slots in the Companion Registry are now capped at 16k instead of 20k Nanites, and rises half as quickly as in Vanilla
  • Exosuit Upgrade Charts are no longer sold in groups of dozens at a time in certain shops and are also more expensive (Now only found in batches of 1~4 or so), and Exocraft/Exomech Scanners can no longer search for Drop Pods.
  • The various Sentinel Hardframe or Liquidator tech upgrades for the Minotaur now each require a Hardframe Engine to install, so that the player must be strong enough to defeat Sentinel Mechs before gaining these techs or completing the "Trace of Metal" quest. In exchange, some of them no longer require Pugneum / Life Support Gel, to stay under the 3-ingredient UI display limit. The Liquidator Mech techs additionally require more expensive components compared to the Sentinel hardframe versions, as they don't require a quest to unlock.
  • Salvaged Glass is no longer normally dropped by Drones, but instead by Sentinel Quads, Mechs, or Walkers, in increasing amounts (with a small chance to be found in Sentinel Pillars also).  Salvaged Glass is also half as likely as vanilla to yield an exosuit / Multi-Tool upgrade when opened. It should be harder to get powerful upgrades from sentinels than in vanilla, as these Sentinels are now more difficult than vanilla. (There is a rare 1% chance for Drones to also drop Salvaged Glass)
  • Corrected vanilla issue of Optical Drill being removed from multi-tool tech unlock tree in the Anomaly

Passive Farming/Mining Changes
  • Frigate Expeditions only yield 0.8x of the units, 0.6x of the Products, and 0.2x of the Substances as vanilla (only 0.1x of Activated Metals). Additionally, they yield Platinum in place of Indium. 
  • For certain Expedition Interventions which give the player an option of paying units, the optional cost is increased 2x. For certain Intervention attempts which fail and then penalize the player by costing units, the cost is increased 4x
  • Thanks to an adaptation of Gumsk's Base Building - gBase by Gumsk, mineral/Gas Extractors fill 0.5x as fast (at S Class), Extractors & Supply Depots can only hold 0.5x as much, and each base you build is limited to 8 Mineral Extractors, 8 Gas Extractors, and 16 Supply Depots. Passive mining is not as easy a way to get rich or flush with resources now. (Note: As a bonus side effect, Extractors round their extraction rate to the nearest multiple of 6.25 units/hour, so it requires a little less precision / finickiness to place Extractors for optimal yield compared to vanilla)
  • Additionally, to prevent any Class hotspot from filling up all attached silos overnight, the difference between different Classes of mineral/gas hotspots has been greatly widened, with C/B/A Class Mineral/Gas hotspots yield reduced to ~0.14x-0.29x (S Class unchanged). While 8 extractors over either an A & S Class hotspot can still fill a full set of 16 Silos in a day (and on A Class can even fill a half-set of 8 silos overnight, for bases splitting silos between 2 or more substances such as for gas & mineral), only S Class will mine fast enough to accumulate significant amounts during a typical play session. B Class needs just over 2 days to fill a full set of silos, or can get a half-set ~77% full after a day. C Class needs ~3 days to fill a full set of silos, or can get a half-set ~55% full after a day. 
  • Since PTSd already restricts Mineral & Gas extraction by limiting how many Extractors & Supply Depots you can have per base, Diminishing Returns for mineral/gas extractors has been disabled, so that hotspot Class is still actually meaningful. (Technically I moved the threshold to activate it 5x higher, but you can't reach that high in PTSd anyways)
  • A number of materials found in mineral deposits are now actually worth more than in vanilla, due to recent vanilla updates over-correcting their prices down from earlier too-high prices:
  • All Stellar Metals (Copper, Cadmium, etc.), Activated Stellar Metals, and Chromatic Metal have had their value increased 1.15x~1.4x, so that they maintain a pattern of the value of each metal raw is 95% of refining it into Chromatic Metal. 
  • Cobalt & Ionised Cobalt have had their value increased ~1.7x
  • Salt & Chlorine have had their value increased ~1.6x
  • Most mineral deposit mines are still much less appealing for profit than pre-4.0 vanilla, and Silver & Gold deposits remain an appealing option for making money.
  • In contrast, the carbon-fueled early-game harvesters (Autonomous Mining Unit, Gas Harvester, Oxygen Harvester) now complete a full cycle 6x / 6x / 1.2x faster. Since they are buggy in vanilla and often lose their contents when reloading or leaving the system, now it should be easier to have them complete at least a partial cycle while you are still in the area in one play session, either at your base or landing on a planet. (I find deleting & rebuilding them each time I refuel them also prevents issues). Added to their descriptions to note their duration time in PTSd and tips for avoiding the vanilla glitch which sometimes clears their inventory.
  • The Antimatter Reactor completes its cycle 1.2x faster, but only yields 0.4x as much Antimatter, and now costs 10 each of Storm Crystals, Antimatter, and a Power-economy trade item to build.
  • Biofuel Reactors cost ~3.5x as much Oxygen and 4x Metal Plates to build, and only last half as long when full (25 hours instead of 50) while still costing the same amount to refill, thus are half as efficient
  • Solar Panels now cost 4 Metal Plates, 60 Gold, & 4 Glass to construct, instead of 1 Metal Plate, 30 Gold, & 50 Chromatic Metal.
  • Batteries now cost ~1.3x Magnetised Ferrite and 30 Ionised Cobalt to construct.
  • Electromagnetic Generators now cost 3x the materials to construct. However they still end up roughly ~3x-6x (depending on hotspot Class) as cost-effective to build in terms of resources needed per kP produced when compared to the alternatives. (Also, B Class power hotspot strength slightly reduced to match the pattern of the other hotspot classes)
  • Stellar Extractors now cost 2x the Silver & Gold, and also cost 6 Gravitino Balls.
  • Automated Trap now requires Emeril, Living Pearls, and larger amounts of Metal Plating to build
  • Settlements provide 4x as much Substances as vanilla, and can "store" 3.6x as much rewards in reserve before you pick them up.
  • Sellable commodity items produced by all Settlements are now worth 30k ~ 100k depending on settlement Wealth, up from 1k~15k.
  • Race-specific items produced by settlements have been replaced. Now settlements of all races have a chance to produce either Tritium or Di-Hydrogen, with the race-unique options being:
  • Gek:Platinum, Cake Batter, or Enriched Carbon(Focus is on items to craft / sell for units)
  • Korvax:   Salvaged Data, Condensed Carbon, or Magnetised Ferrite(Focus is on materials useful for building/crafting/unlocking)
  • Vy'Keen:  Starshield Battery, Mordite, Nanites(Focus is on combat or nanites)
  • Settlements now complete a production cycle of items every 6 hours instead of 20 hours, though the amount produced per cycle is 0.3x as much so the daily output is unaffected. However, this means whenever making a Settlement decision that adds any Debt (which causes the production cycle to reset to 0 once the debt is repaid), you can only lose at most 6 hours' worth of production instead of 20 hours' worth of production. I.E. Visiting your settlement and making decisions more than once a day no longer prevents your settlement from ever producing items; you should most likely be able to collect at least some items every day as long as Productivity > Maintenance costs, and it's more feasible to delay making a Debt-increasing settlement decision until the current production cycle finishes first.
  • Settlement "Expeditions" now award +1 population on success in addition to the normal reward, and only lose -1 population on failure instead of -2, so on average you will likely gain population from authorizing these expeditions. Added note to expedition descriptions to clarify this.
  • Wild versions of farmed plants have had their yield increased to ~1.8x (still lower yield than player planted), to make "wild foraging" more competitive with starting your own farm.
  • Standing Planters cost 5x as much Salvaged Data to unlock, yield 0.5x as much carbon, and cannot be built on Freighters (where they would receive free power). Also, the walls of leafy freighter rooms yield 0.2x as much carbon.
  • Crafted Trade goods made from farm plants have had their value changed between 1x to 0.15x at the highest tier, and the jump in value between each tier has been reduced. Time spent gathering crops, teleporting between bases, sorting inventory, and crafting (ignoring growth time) is still significantly more profitable in units per minute than most "active" activities, but only somewhere in the ballpark of ~5x more profitable instead of 100x. This also makes it less of a "no-brainer" decision on whether to save up the intermediate products to craft later vs. selling some for decent cash now.
  • Various costs & attributes for the various methods of growing crops have been further adjusted to give most of them a beneficial niche when considering costs on a "per-plant" basis:
  • ○  Hydroponics Tray requires less than half the normal ingredients, so it is now the most cost-effective  option in terms of construction cost per-plant, able to grow 50% more than the Large Trays with the same amount of substances. However its power draw was increased +20%
  • ○ Large Hydroponics Tray requires slightly more ingredients to build (1.5x Metal Plates), and thus on a per-plant basis costs 50% more to construct than regular Trays. However its power draw has been reduced -20%, and is now the most power-efficient of all planetary options on a per-plant basis. Thus you can grow 50% more plants than the regular Trays with the same amount of power.
  • Biodome needs many more ingredients to construct: ~20x more Magnetised Ferrite and now also 320 Oxygen (However as it has 16 plots, on a per-plant basis the cost is actually in between regular & Large Trays). Its power draw is 3x vanilla, so on a per-plant basis is nearly double the regular Tray or triple the Large Tray, but are the most time-efficient of all options with the powerful ability to harvest 16 plants at once.
  • ○ Cultivation Chamber & Double Cultivation Chamber use Faecium instead of Oxygen and had their required ingredients substantially increased (1.4x ~ 4x) so that the Double Cultivation Chamber costs 50% more than the regular one on a per-plant basis. They are by far the highest cost to construct on a per-plant basis, but get all their power for free, can harvest 2 or 4 plants at once, and are conveniently located on your Freighter.
  • The "Commodity" crops of Gravitino Host, Venom Urchin, Albumen Pearl, NipNip Buds now have niches to make them more useful. All except Nipnip Buds also yield a small amount of Nanites (8, 12, or 1) in addition to their normal crop when harvested. Their growth times have also been changed (and the construction UI adjusted to reflect this, as well as their descriptions giving an overview of their strengths) so that their strengths are:
  • Gravitino Host - 4hr growth time, lowest units/hour & units/harvest, but highest Nanites/hour.Recipe now requires a Gravitino Ball and some Cadmium instead of Chromatic Metal & Magnetised Ferrite.
  • Venom Urchin - 16hr growth time (so only needs tending once a day), low Nanites/hr & units/hour, but highest units/harvest, so ideal if you only plan to harvest once per day. (Restored ability to view remaining growth time for Venom Urchins that was removed in vanilla)
  • Albumen Pearl Orb - 1hr growth time, low nanites/hr & units/harvest, but highest units/hr. However as it requires hourly harvesting to reach the full potential, the units/manhour is actually fairly low (IE you will spend more in-game time traveling to your farm and harvesting compared to other crops)
  • NipNip Buds - 4.333hr growth time, no nanites, but high units/hr & units/harvest with a good balance between them. While Venom Sac will have ~+50% higher units/harvest, and Albumen Pearl ~+50% higher units/hour, for many playstyles NipNip Buds will likely hit the sweet spot of "best" combination of overall profitbaility.Recipe now requires 3 NipNip Buds and some Platinum, so it will be slower to expand your # of farm plots compared to other crops.
  • These are balanced in order of difficulty of gathering the resources needed to construct the plant, generally balanced to be about ~2/3 as profitable as growing ingredients for the "corresponding" tier of craftable farm products in exchange for skipping all the hassle of actually crafting things (and often getting some nanites on the side). E.G. Gravitino Host yielding profits about 2/3 as high as growing ingredients for Acid, Venom Urchin is ~2/3 as high as Circuit Boards, and NipNip Buds being ~2/3 as high as Fusion Ignitors, etc., although sometimes the balance between units/hour and units/harvest are adjusted towards one or the other. 

Activity Reward Changes

  • The base scan value for Flora, Fauna, & Minerals has been reduced to 0.75x vanilla to balance out the added inherent Scan bonus of all Multi-Tools with PTSd. Thus an S Class Pistol or Experimental Multi-Tool will give an effective scan value of 1.05x or ~1.69x vanilla, before any upgrades. 
  • The scanning speed for scanning new fauna/flora/minerals has been increased ~1.8x to make exploring new planets a bit faster.
  • The Nanite reward for recording new star systems, planets, flora, and minerals have been increased by 2x~3x. Also, "mapping" a location/region on a planet at the randomly found save/navigation beacons gives 10x vanilla nanites. Altogether this should make general exploring more rewarding and viable as an activity, nanites-wise.
  • A variety of "valuable" items found in the wild have had their value increased in order to reward exploring more, or incentivize visiting particular areas (e.g. Underwater). Sac Venom, Albumen Pearls, Vortex Cubes, Gek Relics, Vy'Keen Effigies, Korvax Casings, Inverted Mirrors, and Hypnotic Eyes have all had their value per harvest increased by 2x~4x (Albumen Pearls, Sac Venom, and Gravitino Balls are a special case where in the wild they yield 2x items at 0.5x value each, to maintain balance for their farmed versions). Underwater items such as Crystal Sulphide and Living Pearls have even larger (effective) boosts of 5x or 9x to incentivize underwater exploration even more. The "rare" relics of Korvax Cubes, Vy'Keen Daggers, and Geknip are all boosted by 10x, and the unique drops from advanced sentinels (Quad Servo, Hardframe Engine, Crystallised Heart, and Walker Brain) are boosted between 4x~8x. Hex Cores increased by ~1000x (were previously just 16 units)
  • Gravitino Balls have their value reduced to ~0.4x to 16161 units, but in the wild have a 33% chance to yield 16 nanites in addition to a Gravitino Ball.
  • Vortex Cubes are still worth less than Albumen Pearls, but now have a 66% chance to yield 4 nanites in addition to a Vortex Cube.
  • Storm Crystals have had their value reduced to 0.6x, but now have a 50% chance to yield 8 nanites in addition to a Storm Crystal
  • Certain items (Albumen Pearl, Crystal Sulphide, Vortex Cube) have had their default stack size increased to 10, 15, or 20 per slot, so they can achieve a "per slot" profit to justify using the inventory space to gather them.
  • Increased the sale value of all "geode" style items (Geode<Ferrite>, Geode<Cobalt>, Gold Nugget, Glowing Mineral) by ~2.6x-10.2x so that they each sell for +33% more than opening them and selling their contents (on average).  Tritium Hypercluster & Crystal Fragment were similarly increased to sell for +200% more than selling their contents, as their contents are generally cheaper & harder to get by other means. Now there is a choice of whether you want to break them down for their substances to use for fuel / crafting more valuable items to sell, or to sell them as-is for decent money.
  • To aid in gathering materials for underwater construction, each gem on an underwater Thermal Vents yields 2x Crystal Sulphide, and each "pod" on an Alluring Specimens yields 1x Hadal Core, 2x Crystal Sulphide, and 1x Living Pearl. (As a side effect of another PTSd change, Alluring Specimens no longer get destroyed on "bad reaction")
  • To further encourage going underwater to gather resources, harvesting alluring Specimens are slightly less likely to trigger a "bad reaction" (45% chance from 50% chance), and mining underwater resources is less likely to spawn jellyfish (20% chance from 30% chance)
  • The new interactable objects in Space Stations (Data Silos, Storage Containers, etc.) are now roughly ~5x more likely to yield Navigation Data, can now yield Pure Ferrite, yield ~0.1x as much Ferrite Dust/Pure Ferrite/Magnetised Ferrite with lower chances for higher-tier Ferrite. Units yields have already been increased ~100x as PTSd automatically increases small unit rewards, and the rewards of 10-15 Units from some objects have been changed to Nanites as that is presumably what was intended.
  • Killing planetary creatures now only yields ~0.25x as much "meat" and Mordite, and non-predatory creatures have ~1.5x as much health ("Walking Buildings" additionally have damage resistance, taking only 0.15x damage from the player). Gathering enormous quantities of meat products or Mordite should be a little more difficult, and possibly make the alternative sources/recipes for these items more appealing.
  • "Rock Creatures" / "Living Rocks" now drop multiple Glowing Minerals instead of Meaty Chunks when killed, an extra incentive for doing mining by hand with a laser, and "Robot Antelope" drop 1~2 Industrial-Grade Batteries instead of 1~2 nanites when killed.
  • The consumable plant item found in Subterranean Organic Structures has had some of the possible "junk" rewards such as "Residual Goop" or "Viscous Fluids" replaced with more useful items such as Marrow Bulbs, Sweetroots, or Pulpy Roots. Also increased the amount rewarded for some other items such as Runaway Mould, Carbon, etc. to make these consumables overall more worthwhile & desirable.
  • Replaced the Cadmium/Emeril/Indium rewards from dismantling broken tech consumables found in Buried Caches with their Activated versions to prevent "sequence breaking" before getting the appropriate hyperdrive techs.
  • Resource Depots have better chances to yield the more valuable products, and yield ~2x more Substances for Substance rewards.
  • Ancient Bones and Salvageable Scrap roughly maintain their profitability, but are adjusted so that Scrap provides much more consistent rewards if you are just gathering a few at a time for a guaranteed profit, while Ancient Bones normally yield much fewer units except for rare finds which average out to higher profits than Scrap. This only works when you take the time (and have enough storage) to harvest many Ancient Bone nodes until you happen across some rare ones to make it worthwhile. Also, this is assuming you are taking the time to wait for Sentinels to stop investigating you while mining the Scrap. If you have the speed & survivability to anger the Sentinels and continue harvesting, then Scrap again pulls ahead in units per minute. (However, Scrap is now 0.5x as likely to drop Sentinel Boundary Maps as vanilla, and destroying the components surrounding Salvageable Scrap cores yields Rusted Metal instead of Ferrite Dust and yields ~0.25x as much)
  • Many rare "three star" POIs such as Curious Deposits, Mutant Plants, Organic Rocks, etc. have had their substance yield reduced to ~0.3x-0.75x. Additional, Metal "Fingers" now have a ratio of 2:1 of Gold : Uranium fingers instead of 1:1. However Radon Mutant Plants are unchanged, and Chlorine Organic Rocks are increased 4x
  • Rewards of small amount of units (between 75,000 ~ 500) have been increased by 4x ~125x (larger increases for smaller amounts of units). This includes things such as "Checking Stock transfer," gifts from NPC dialogue, terminals, containers, quest rewards, etc.
  • Rewards for defeating "wandering" pirate bounties that randomly appear in space have been increased by 3x ~ 8x, especially for the more difficult variants (up to 4mil units). This is partially offset by the increased difficulty of enemy ships with PTSd, and the vanilla bug where defeating "wandering" pirate bounties often yields no reward.
  • The units reward for defeating a planetary pirate raid is increased by 1.5x, and additionally awards roughly ~200 nanites.
  • Rewards for defeating spaceships have been slightly improved; Pirates are 0.25x as likely to drop race relics, drop more nanites, and drop better loot for more difficult Pirates, Sentinel Interceptors are ~0.8x as likely to drop Pugneum and now can drop Explosive Drones, Trader & Trader Escort ships can now drop Mind Control Devices, Trader Escorts drops skew towards upgrade modules while Traders skew towards sellable items, Freighter Cargo Pods drop 5x the amount of substances and can now drop Fuel Oxidizers and are 3x ~ 4x as likely to drop Salvaged Frigate Modules (more likely for "smuggler" freighters). Destroying freighters now has a chance to drop Salvaged Frigate Modules, however they only award B Class Procedural Freighter Upgrade Modules instead of S Class. The nanites drops from Trader ships & Freighter cargo pods have been increased by 2x as well. Cargo Pods no longer display their contents in advance, and "Smuggler" freighters in Outlaw systems have reduced Cargo Pod rewards, as they have less defenses.
  • However, while the overall quality of loot from defeating Pirate starships is improved, the ratio of (Tech)/(Arms) Suspicious Packets to (Goods) Packets has been reduced from 2:1 to roughly ~1:2, moreso for weaker types of Pirates. This is to make it harder to quickly gain lots of powerful X-Class upgrades from defeating small gangs of weak pirates.
  • Rebalanced the possible items found in all kinds of Suspicious Packets
  • (Tech) Packets now can also have Pulse Engine & Launcher X-Class upgrades, and both (Tech) and (Arms) Packets can have various upgrades for Exocraft / Minotaur / Nautilon. Since those upgrades don't come in X-Class, they will randomly be C/B/A/S Class, with lower chances for higher Classes.
  • (Goods) packets have the chances to award Repair Kits or Walker Brains reduced 0.5x, various Trade Goods reduced ~0.15x, and the possible amounts for many items such as Trade Goods, Geodes, Larval Cores, Gravitino Balls, etc. increased 2~4x
  • The unsalvageable "mini-shipwrecks" added in NMS 5.0 are now roughly half as likely to yield Suspicious Packets (Tech) instead of Suspicious Packets (Goods) or Anomaly Detectors
  • The rewards for all space/Outlaw station or Nexus Missions have been improved to roughly double the unit / nanite reward at each difficulty tier. Additionally, the rewards scale better with mission difficulty, eventually reaching less low-quality item rewards offered, larger quantity of items in the reward, higher chances for higher quality items such as Storage Augmentation, and chances for Freighter Bulkheads / Emergency Signal Scanners to be offered. The rewards for "hunting Pirates" missions in particular have been improved.
  • Outlaw Station Mission rewards are 0.5x as likely to offer Sentinel Boundary Maps
  • Hardframe Engines have been added as rewards in place of or alongside Walker Brains for some Space Station Missions / Guild Gifts that normally only award Walker Brains. Useful as a slower / less predictable method of getting components for installing / repairing the Sentinel Hardframe upgrades for the Minotaur in PTSd.
  • Inventory-type Memory Fragment (mostly from certain Traveler dialogue rewards) now have a small chance to award a Freighter Bulkhead instead of only Exosuit/Starship/Multi-Tool inventory slots
  • Giving a Traveler 20 nanites now awards ~40 Di-Hydrogen & Tritium instead of units.
  • Turning over the Crew Manifest / Captain's Log from a Derelict Freighter to a Guild Envoy instead of the Scrap Dealer now awards even more faction standing, as well as either 600k or 900k units (Mission log & UI popup updated to note this). (These can also be turned in at Explorer Guild Envoys for some standing as well)
  • Reward for scavenging Crashed Freighters have been improved: increased chances for items such as Salvaged Frigate Modules or Multi-Tool Expansion slots, and a decent chance for Freighter Bulkheads.
  • Opening containers at Crashed Freighters once again has a cost: now requires 10 Chromatic Metal to open each container
  • Rewards for rescuing Freighters from pirate starships: now yields Tritium instead of Gold, increased nanite reward by 1.5x, and additionally awards roughly ~700k units, and a Salvaged Frigate Module.
  • Rewards for rescuing Freighters from Pirate Dreadnoughts now always give at least several hundred Nanites and either Salvaged Frigate Modules or Cargo Bulkheads, with even greater unit/nanite/item rewards for defeating the Pirate Dreadnought. Also, destroying parts of the Dreadnought now can yield loot: Shield Generators now have a chance to drop Starshield Batteries, Warp Drives & Exposed Fuel Rods have a chance to drop Frigate Fuel (50t), Anti-Ship/Freighter Turrets/Cannons drop ~16/~100 Nanites, and Pirate Frigates drop the same loot as "Easy" PTSd Pirate starships.
  • Large Artifact Chests in Ruins now always drop a guaranteed Common rarity Tool in addition to the normal random artifact. This Tool should always be accepted at most Colossal Archive Artifact Vaults. This should make Ruins more worth the time investment, especially with the following change.
  • Colossal Archive Artifact Vaults now always yield guaranteed Rare artifacts in return. Archives don't always accept artifacts, which take up a lot of inventory space if saving them to deposit, so the reward should be large enough to justify the time & effort.
  • Units option to "Bargain for Relic" with space traders cost reduced from 850k to 400k units in most cases (will instead be equal to 1% of the total value of your cargo, if that is higher). This should now make paying units for the relic turn a profit on average instead of overwhelmingly losing money (now should be 40% chance to lose 200-300k, 40% chance to make 0-300k, and 20% chance to make 400k - 1.6 million units), although in PTSd you can always turn a profit if you are able to trade the relic in at a Colossal Archive. 
  • Learning words from Knowledge Stones or Encyclopedias (not NPCs) teaches 2 words at a time, to encourage exploration. Ancient Plaques & Monoliths now teach ~5 words at a time when choosing to learn words from them, to make it a worthwhile option.
  • Added guaranteed substantial Units & Nanites rewards to the Exocraft Technician NPC's repeatable daily mission, in addition to the usual random upgrade module/product reward, to make it more worthwhile. Also, upgrade modules will always be at least B Class, with double the chance for A or S Class, and can award Minotaur upgrades as well as standard Exocraft upgrades.
  • Choosing to "Extract Nanites" at a Manufacturing Facility instead of learning a recipe or making a Multi-Tool Expansion Slot now yields ~4x more Nanites, to make it more comparable to the other options.
  • The "Gassy Pods" you can collect from the common exploding gas plant hazardous flora now give 0.5x as much Oxygen. Now collecting all 3 Gassy Pods before destroying the plant gives an additional ~+250% added Oxygen vs. ignoring the pods instead of vanilla's ~+500% added Oxygen.
  • Green damaged crates now give ~0.67x as much Rusted Metal
  • When interacting with damaged sentinel machinery on Corrupt Planets, you will now only receive a single item. This is to prevent you from otherwise getting full stacks of Salvaged Glass, Inverted Mirrors, Quad Servos, or Walker Brains as in vanilla.
  • Harmonic Scrap wheelbarrows in Abandoned Camps have increased chances of better rewards.
  • Echo Locators droprate from Dissonance Resonators reduced to 0.75x vanilla chance, but droprate from the large Arachnid Sentinels increased to 1.5x vanilla chance, to incentivize fighting them.
  • Vile Queens now always drop 1 Hypnotic Eye & ~250 Runaway Mould, with a 50% chance to also drop a procedural loot item of Uncommon rarity/value. The chance to drop the new bug helmets is now 50%~12.5% depending on how many you've already found, instead of a flat 25%. However, all Vile Queens on the same planet will drop the same loot, so obtaining all the helmets will require visiting multiple planets with Vile Queens.
  • Iteration Ares' daily offer to trade certain items for nanites at the Anomaly should be much more appealing now: Increased nanite reward 2x~10x per item, trades items in batches of 3~10 items at a time, now accepts Glowing Minerals & Pirate Transponders in place of Gravitino Balls & Salvaged Data (so that all accepted items are the result of exploring and cannot be passively farmed/), and thanks to an adaptation of Reikokuu & Babscoole's "Keep Talking Chef", you can now repeatedly trade batches of items with Ares without exiting & restarting their dialogue interaction each time.

Recipe Changes

  • Several simple "infinite loops" that don't consume any "catalyst" resources no longer can give infinite product without consuming something.
  • Overall, refining should no longer be the easiest/fastest way to get materials by a wide margin, although still quite useful and worthwhile.
  • Refining Chromatic Metal with Stellar Metals (Copper, Indium, etc.) to make more Stellar Metals now costs the "proper" amount of Chromatic Metal, so you cannot get infinite Stellar Metals this way.
  • In general, most refiner recipes which take a "desired" substance + a common "catalyst" substance to produce more of the "desired" substance, only yield "reasonable" amounts of the "desired" substance instead of increasing it by ~6x. E.G. instead of in vanilla where 2 Salt + 2 Oxygen = 5 Chlorine, now 2 Salt + 2 Oxygen = 3 Chlorine
  • For these same recipes, in general I have made a trend where using the "low tier" version of the recipe more efficiently produces the "desired" substance, while using the "high tier" version of the recipe is less efficient, but creates the product much more quickly. For example, now 2 Salt + 2 Oxygen = 3 Chlorine in 90 time units, but 2 Chlorine (which is worth 4 Salt) + 2 Oxygen = 4 Chlorine in 60 time units. This makes choosing which version of a recipe to use more meaningful, and indirectly makes mining/harvesting by hand more rewarding, since typically mining/harvesting by hand yields the "low tier" substance (e.g. Carbon), while most refiner recipes will output the "high tier" substance (e.g. Condensed Carbon).
  • The refiner recipes which have been adjusted by the previous two points are: 
  • Magnetised Ferrite ftomPlatinum+Oxygen
  • Magnetised FerritefromFerrite Dust+Pure Ferrite+Silver/Gold/Platinum
  • Magnetised FerritefromFerrite Dust/Pure Ferrite+Carbon/Condensed Carbon
  • Condensed CarbonfromCarbon/Condensed Carbon+Oxygen/Faecium
  • Chlorine  fromSalt/Chlorine+Oxygen
  • Ionized CobaltfromCobalt/Ionized Cobalt+Oxygen/Marrow Bulb
  • Ionized CobaltfromOxygen/Pugneum+Marrow Bulb
  • Sodium    fromCarbon/Condensed Carbon+Marrow Bulb
  • Sodium Nitrate       fromSodium/Sodium Nitrate+Marrow Bulb/Oxygen/Carbon/Condensed Carbon
  • Marrow Bulb   fromSodium/Sodium Nitrate+Mordite
  • Parafinnium/Uranium/Sodium NitratefromFerrite Dust/Pure Ferrite+Sulphurine/Radon/Nitrogen
  • In addition, the following recipes have had their yield:cost ratios reduced:
  • Ferrite Dust     fromRusted Metal
  • Rusted Metal  fromPure Ferrite+Oxygen
  • PugneumfromAtlantideum
  • Sodium Nitrate      fromCrystal Sulphide(now 35 instead of 50, but also is found in 2x quantities so is an overall increase)
  • The following recipes have had their yields increased:
  • GoldfromLiving Pearl(now 125, from 100)
  • Nanites   fromHadal Core(now 75, from 50)
  • Nanites   fromSalvaged Data  (now 20, from 15)
  • Nanites   from Silver + Gold + Platinum(now only costs 10+10+15, from 15+15+25, so that it beats the 35x Platinum recipe)
  • GlassfromCyto-Phosphate + Salt(now costs only 5 of each, instead of 50 of each)
  • Ion BatteryfromFerrite Dust + Silver + Sodium(now costs less than half the vanilla amounts, so it is actually superior to crafting by hand)
  • Also, several refiner recipes for creating either Hyperfuel or Platinum which normally require 250 Chromatic Metal now only require 10 or 15 so that the recipes are actually worth considering.
  • Refining Hypnotic Eye now produces 666 Runaway Mould instead of 50 Living Slime, so it is not a complete waste
  • Refining Residual Goop --> Viscous Fluids --> Living Slime --> Runaway Mould now each complete 5x faster, and Runaway Mould --> Nanites completes 1.5x faster.
  • Also buffed the Atlantideum + Mordite --> Living Slime recipe, as on top of taking an extraordinarily long time, it was vastly less efficient at converting Atlantideum into Runaway Mould than simply using some of the Atlantideum to create Pugneum and make Runaway Mould directly. It now completes 120x faster, and is ~20x more efficient, but makes Residual Goop instead of Living Slime. This makes it a bit more efficient, but require more time & steps than the alternative (Atlantideum + Pugneum --> Runaway Mould)
  • 21 new Refiner recipes have also been added:
  • 100x Tritium  from2x Gravitino Ball+1x Sac Venom
  • 50x Di-Hydrogen   from1x Gravitino Ball+2x Albumen Pearl(These give more options for obtaining these resources from exploring and/or farming, and more uses to these items)
  • 2x Silicate Powderfrom1x Basalt(To give more use to Basalt and a mid-game method of getting Silicate Powder in bulk for building.)
  • 8x Nanites     from1x Navigation Data
  • 50x Nanites   from1x Exosuit Upgrade Charts ( since in PTSd you'll be using fewer of them if you stick to only 40 Cargo slots.)
  • 100x Nanites from1x Quad Servos
  • 200x Nanites from1x Hardframe Engine
  • 200x Nanites from1x Crystallised Heart
  • 400x Nanites from1x Walker Brain(This helps offset the reduced droprate of Salvaged Glass & Sentinel Upgrade modules, so that fighting Sentinels still yields nanites, and gives more uses to these items)
  • 13 recipes for yielding Salvaged Data by refining items which can yield Nanites when refined (Runaway Mould, Tainted MetalLarval Core, Hadal Core, Vile Spawn, Flesh Rope, Radiant Shard, Inverted Mirror, Hyaline Brain, Quad Servo, Hardframe Engine, Crystallised Heart, or Walker Brain) with Microprocessors. This works out to effectively getting 1 Salvaged Data in exchange for 50 Nanites & either some crafting materials or 19k/38k Units (depending on if you buy your Microprocessors on-planet vs. a space station). So it is not especially efficient, but an option for those who prefer to spend some Units / Nanites rather than hunt for Damaged Machinery on planets.
  • The in-game descriptions for any items which can be refined into nanites or Salvaged Data should now note this, as well as notes for Gravitino Balls, Basalt, etc. for their new refiner recipes (As well as in-game hints for "Junk" items that they can be refined into more useful items). The in-game recipe list should display accurate versions of any existing recipes modified by PTSd, and the names of the 24 new recipes added by PTSd begin with "PTSd: " for easy recognition.
  • Refining Radiant Shards, Inverted Mirrors, or Hyaline Brains into Nanites yields only 0.32x, 0.5x, and 0.37x as many Nanites, respectively.
  • Crafting Creature Pellets by hand makes 3 Pellets instead of 5. However, all Nutrient Processor recipes for making Creature Pellets now also make 3 Pellets per recipe instead of vanilla's 1, to make them still superior to crafting by hand. 
  • While Cooking hasn't been covered in depth by PTSd (it's a little all over the place), a "light medium pass" has been done for Nutrient Processor recipes:
  • Recipes which take a substance which is easy to passively collect in bulk to make a cooking ingredient now cost 25x of that substance. This includes all farmable plants into their respective ingredient forms, and Chromatic Metal (for Silicon Eggs).
  • Similarly, recipes for Creature Pellets which use the farmable plants require 5x of each plant, or for the Carbon recipe, 20x the Carbon.
  • Making Marrow Flesh from Marrow Bulbs, or Kelp Rice from Kelp Sacs, or Meat Flakes from Mordite, or Wild Yeast from Faecium, or Crunchy Caramel/Salty Custard/Salty Juice from Salt, or various Ice Creams from Frost Crystals, or Smoked Meat from Carbon/Condensed Carbon, all require 5x of the substance (2x for Condensed Carbon) now.
  • Overall these changes make it more costly to try to produce lots of high-value foods without doing any harvesting of wild ingredient plants or animal products.
  • The new "worm" foods cooked from Flesh Rope have had their value increased roughly 10x to make them actually worthwhile to cook, since many of their ingredients can instead be refined into Nanites or sold raw for large amounts of units. The Hypnotic Eye was moved from an ingredient in the tier 2 "worm" food to the tier 3 food, since in PTSd it is considerably more valuable than the other raw ingredients. Other recipes using Hypnotic Eyes have similarly had their value increased ~2x to compensate.
  • Juicy Grub value increased 6x and cooking it now yields 16x Nourishing Slime, so it is less of a loss to cook it
  • Herbal Crunchie requires 1 more Processed Sugar to cook, and no longer can be made with Geknip instead of NipNip Buds, as that would lose money in PTSd
  • Baked Eggs, Delicate Meringue, & Soft Custard Fancy can no longer be made with Larval Cores, as this loses money even in vanilla. Similarly, the alternative recipes for Cake of the Lost or Abyssal Stew that use 2 Larval Cores / Hypnotic Eyes instead of 1 have been removed.
  • Similar changes to alternative recipes for Cake of Eternal Sleep and Syrup-Drenched Delight to avoid cases where one version of a recipe is significantly less profitable.
  • Some broad rebalancing on the units value of many cooked foods based on their "type"/"main ingredient". Very roughly brings many other foods types closer to the balance point of Doughnut type foods in vanilla, in terms of units value for ingredients used:
  • Sugar Dough foods (Biscuits) value are now 0.55x
  • Pie Case foods (Pies) value are now 0.8x
  • Wailing Batter (Larval Core) foods are now 0.9x
  • Writhing, Roiling Batter (Larval Core) foods are now 0.92x
  • Doughnut foods value are now 1.15x
  • Proto Batter foods value are now 1.15x
  • Ice Cream foods value are now 1.23x
  • Cake Batter foods value are now ~1.28x
  • Thick, Sweet Batter foods value are now 1.25x
  • Syrupy  Batter foods value are now 1.25x
  • Extra Fluffy Batter foods value are now 2.1x
  • Some foods in these groups were individually adjusted if the above changes made them especially over/under valued
  • This rebalancing takes into consideration that Milk & Eggs are inherently more valuable than Flour & Sugar, as they cannot be bulk-refined from farmable crops. Also makes it more consistent that Sticky Honey adds significant value to foods. Cooked food value balance is still pretty loose overall, but many of the major "trees" of recipes are a bit closer together now.
  • Value of foods cooked with fish are balanced around always using the cheapest fish possible. Generally this means that usually only Common (C Class) fish are worthwhile to cook alone in most cases, and usually just Small Common fish if combining with other fish / ingredients. Exceptions for most Uncommon (B) Colossal fish (aside from Giant Sunray) and the various species-specific recipes for species which don't come in Common and/or Small varieties like turtles, squid, octopus, starfish, eels, etc. 
  • 2 new Nutrient Processor recipes have also been added:
  • 2x Steamed Vegetablesfrom1x Aloe Flesh+1x Condensed Carbon(in Vanilla Aloe Flesh & Refreshing Drink are not that useful)
  • 1x Creamfrom1x Refreshing Drink+1x Refined Flour (Makes Aloe Flesh more useful, since Cream is a component of most valuable foods. As a side effect, technically allows for "vegan" versions of any recipes requiring dairy products.)

General Difficulty Changes

  • Various individual things not covered in the Difficulty Settings menu which used to be more difficult in Survival Mode but got "normalized" in NMS 4.0 have their base values changed to be back near their pre-4.0 Survival Mode levels. Specifically: 
  • Refining times, Chances of a planet having "low" sentinel activity, removal of "no-sentinel" planets, cargo value levels to attract scans from pirate/sentinel ships, Scanner pulse cooldown & range, how quickly sentinels may spawn near you if none are nearby, Multi-Tool mining laser heating & cooling profile, certain enemy spawn amounts, etc. 
  • Because PTSd raises the base challenge of various aspects of the game, the individual effects of various difficulty settings have been tweaked so that "standard/normal" options for most difficulty options reflects the base PTSd experience, more or less equivalent to playing the previous version of PTSd on Survival mode pre-4.0. Then, changing various difficulty options to "Low/Cheap/Slow/etc." will be an easier version of PTSd, and changing them to "High/Expensive/Fast/etc." will be an even harder version of PTSd.
  • The exact value changes made by various difficulty settings, and an explanation of their effects can be seen in "PTSD Other Difficulty Settings.lua" However, PTSd now updates most in-game difficulty setting descriptions with a more in-depth explanation of their effects, including any relevant numbers or unintuitive side-effects.
  • E.G. PTSd's "Standard" setting for "Survival Difficulty" has the same base Hazard & Life Support drain rates as the previous version of PTSd. This is however several times faster than the Vanilla "Standard" or "Challenging" settings. The PTSd "Relaxed" setting reduces the Hazard drain rate to 33% of the "Normal" PTSd rate (which is in between the Vanilla "Normal" & "Challenging" rates), and the PTSd "Challenging" setting increases it to 150% of the "Normal" PTSd rate.
  • The "Normal" difficulty preset has options set to be a basic "PTSd-Lite", with most of the same settings as the "Survival" preset, but a few keys things made easier (such as incoming damage & hazard drain rate lowered by at least half). Setting additional options to easier, or using the "Relaxed" preset will make it even easier, approaching vanilla-level challenge.
  • The presets for the various "default" difficulty settings have been changed to reflects this. E.G. selecting the "Survival" preset will now set most options to "Standard/Normal" (Since "Standard" PTSd is still more challenging than "Survival" vanilla) and is the "base" PTSd experience, how I usually play & test it. The in-game descriptions of the different difficulty presets should briefly state how they fit with PTSd.
  •  By setting most difficulty options to the "Low/Easy" setting, you should be able to get an overall challenge that is closer to the vanilla range, while still benefitting from all the balance tweaks, improved activity rewards, bug fixes, new features, etc. of PTSd. In particular, if you dislike the smaller inventory sizes in PTSd, setting the Stack Limit setting on the highest will allow all slots to hold more of both Substances and Products, allowing total storage closer to vanilla.
  • Notably, you now should be able to both decrease & increase the Stack Limit settings in-game instead of only when creating a new save. Note that when doing so, you will lose any items from any existing stacks which are larger than the new stack limit, so split your stacks into smaller stacks beforehand and perhaps back up your save to test it out first.
  • Starship Launch Fuel now costs 1.5x Di-Hydrogen and 2x Metal Plating to craft, and comes in ~0.5x the amount from Space Station Mission rewards
  • Starships cost twice as much Launch Fuel to summon than to lift off manually on all "Fuel Usage" difficulty settings. On the "Expensive" setting, this means that without upgrades only Explorer or Shuttle ships can afford to be summoned (apart from the 1 "free" summon you get each time you load your save). However installing the "Efficient Thrusters" tech is enough to allow other starships to be able to be summoned on the "Expensive" setting.
  • Thanks to an adaptation of gDamage - Damage Difficulty Mod by Gumsk, the base damage to the player from all sources is significantly increased.
  • Thanks to an adaptation of Exosolar's Savage Sentinels by ExoSolar & Babscoole, all planetary Sentinels have increased health, firerate, mobility, speed, & aggression in combat. Drones also have double the range on most weapons, so they can attack the player while you are moving or retreating. While they are also more difficult to run away from now due to their increased speed, they will also search for the player for a longer time at the low "wanted" levels.
  • In particular, Sentinel Mechs should have an easier time hitting the player, with longer range, more spread, longer/faster bursts, and increased projectile speed on their weapons.
  • Additional Sentinel spawns have been added, such as Sentinel Quads during Wanted Level 4, guarding Manufacturing facilities & Sentinel Pillars, Summoner Drones guarding Planetary Harvesters, or chances to have slightly more or less Corrupted Drones during Settlement attacks. 
  • Also, passive (non-hostile) Sentinel drones have had their crime vision radius, patrol area, and "investigation" duration increased, and most planets have an additional Patrol Drone to make it more difficult to keep sneaking some mining in around them. 
  • However, this is partially offset by all Sentinel Patrol Drones spawning farther away from the player, which allows landing & moving on Aggressive Sentinel planets without being detected with enough caution / stealth. 
  • Sentinels on Corrupted planets have received particular attention, including revamping the types and numbers of sentinels spawn at different Wanted Levels, culminating in a fight against 3 large Arachnid sentinels with ~5 Corrupted Drone and mini-Arachnids as backup simultaneously. This is intended to be the peak of on-planet combat, on par with fighting a Sentinel Walker, and assumes the player has access to late-game options such as an S Class combat Multi-tool with many upgrades, a Minotaur under AI-pilot, combos of Voltaic Amplifier with stun sources, etc.
  • The health of Dissonance Resonators on Corrupt Planets has been increased 5x, to make it harder to simply use "hit & run" tactics to quickly take them out without engaging with or taking damage from nearby sentinels. 
  • Similar to vanilla, choosing the "Minimal" or "Hostile" setting for "Space Combat" in the difficulty menu will decrease / increase the base Hull & Shield health of enemy ships amount by -20% / +20%, stacking multiplicatively with the "Enemy Strength" difficulty setting.
  • Thanks to an adaptation of Space Combat Reworked - and Larger Space Battles by Xaliber13, all NPC starships (& freighters/frigates) have significantly increased combat abilities such as health, firerate, speed, etc. Additionally, the number of enemy & ally starships in most space encounters has been substantially increased, with greater variation of player Squadron pilot abilities between Class ranks. Also, the boosting speed of enemy ships has been increased to match the speed buff the player can get by diverting power to engines, to make escaping pirates as difficult as before.
  • And thanks to further adjustments to Space Combat Reworked by Estel1, all NPC starships/freighters (both enemy & ally) do significantly more damage to one another. So while enemy starships are stronger, having allied / neutral starships / freighters nearby will make a much bigger difference in battles.
  • The delay between waves of increasing Wanted Levels in space during which you can again use your Pulse Jump / Hyperdrive increased from 3 sec to 12 sec.
  • Additionally, enemy ship difficulty should scale better according to mission / encounter difficulty, with wider variations between "Easy" and "Hard" variations of enemy ships, more types of enemy ship shields/engines, etc. E.G. Now Trader ships have huge, very slow to regenerate shields (6x the size of "Standard" shields), but very little Hull health and handle poorly in space, while their Escort ships have much more HP and very small, quickly recharging shields, and handle very well in space.
  • While the overall chance of Tech Damage per hit is reduced roughly in half in PTSd to compensate for the higher rate of enemy attacks, the chance per hit of Tech Damage in your starship is reduced a further 50% due to the very fast fire rate of enemy ships. The protection against Tech Damage that shields provide while still active is also increased in PTSd .
  • Thanks to gCreatures Predators - Difficulty Mod and gCreatures Predators Frequency - Difficulty Mod by Gumsk, predators are more aggressive towards the player and spawn more frequently. (However, this has been edited to remove the feature which causes planets to replace a certain amount of passive species with predators, in order to maintain "species sync" with vanilla players.)
  • Hungering Tendril / Titan Worm health increased 3x, "Eyeball" Abyssal Horror health increased 6x, and "Anglerfish" Abyssal Horror health increased 3x. "Anglerfish" also deal more damage on the initial "explosion" and spawn more "Jellyfish" when appearing.
  • Vile Queen health increased 2x, helper bugs health increased ~3x, and the range, amount, and explosive AOE of her spit attack is significantly increased
  • Your exosuit's maximum Tech Inventory has been reduced from 60 to 40
  • While I could not edit it directly, PTSd is balanced around only upgrading your Exosuit Cargo inventory to 40 slots instead of 120. This makes using exocraft / starships (with buffed teleporter range) / the freighter for storage more important.
  • Thanks to adaptations of portions of gExo's Challenge Modpack by Exosolar & Gumsk, on a new game start (and when core-jumping to a new galaxy), you start about ~6x as far away from your crashed starship as in vanilla.
  • Additionally, all "Approximate Locations" are 4x ~ 10x farther away from their target locations for missions using the "Target Sweep" function (Use an alternate module in the "Optional Files" section to use vanilla distances instead). Now it should be harder to simply see the target building as you land your spaceship, but instead may need to make use of riding companions / exocraft more often. PTSd also increases the maximum distance away that your Target Sweep Visor will give accurate distance info, so it's less important to start right at the indicated landing spot. If the game places the initial landing spot in a bad location, try saving & reloading the game which should re-roll a new random landing spot. (The 5 "Rendezvous" locations for Expeditions are unaffected, although you can manually change those under the 5 "SurveyDistance" entries in the SEASON_DATA_CACHE.JSON file within your save folder).
  • Thanks to an adaptation of gExo's Challenge, storms are slightly longer and more frequent. On Extreme Weather planets however, they are much longer and more frequent.
  • Tornadoes are more common, and more commonly come in clusters.
  • Hazards (Hot, Cold, Toxic, Radiation) now drain your Hazard protection twice as fast (including holding your breath underwater), and will damage your shield/health more rapidly once your hazard protection runs out. Additionally, the procedural Upgrade Modules for Hot/Cold/Toxic/Radiation which provide full protection for a set time, now only last ~1/2 as long. This makes going into hazard without protective tech/upgrades more dangerous, especially underwater. Also makes the "3x slower hazard drain" from being inside an exocraft more appealing before unlocking the Minotaur. 
  • PTSd uses a weakened version of the new Vanilla feature where your hazard bar drains much slower at the start and early parts of a new game. In PTSd, this means at the start of a new game (up until you have a scanner tech installed on a multi-tool) your hazard bar drains three times as slowly, and then from then until you first reach your starship it drains 1.5x as slowly as the rest of the game.
  • To compensate, all of the %-based Hazard protection tech & upgrades now provide stronger protection: 24% instead of 20% for Shield Lattice, 38% instead of 20% for the biome-specific techs, and 10%~24% instead of 1%~10% for the Class X upgrades (The Underwater %-based protection tech is incredibly strong in particular, nearly doubling your breath time). These %-based tech & upgrades all stack multiplicatively with each other, and the Class X Suspicious Hazard protections gain huge adjacency bonuses (easily doubling in power when fully surrounded). All of them aside from the Shield Lattice also gain enormous benefits from supercharging. Overall this should make dedicating some resources and inventory slots to preparing for hazards more important & useful.
  • It takes 1.5x as much substances to recharge your Hazard & Life Support bars, and the procedural Hazard Protection upgrade modules require 2x the substances to recharge. (Running out of Life Support will also damage your shield / health much more rapidly)
  • Additionally, regular starships require 1.5x the Sodium/Sodium Nitrate to recharge their Shields, 3x the Uranium to recharge their Launch thrusters, and 1.25x the Tritium/Pyrite to recharge the Pulse Engine. 
  • Living Ships require 1.5x the substance to recharge their Hyperdrive,, however they only require 0.75x the substance to recharge their Shields or Launch Thrusters. All of these changes should give greater incentive to invest in the dedicated recharging consumable items, which are unchanged.
  • "Regular" charts at a Space Station Cartographer now cost 2x Navigation Data, Settlement Charts now cost 1.6x, and Exosuit Upgrade Charts cost 42 instead of 3 Navigation Data.
  • Most items (Substances, Consumables, or Components for crafting/repairing/installing) now cost up to twice as much to buy on a Space Station as planetside, in addition to any changes below. This includes buying Class X upgrade modules at an Outlaw Station (with nanites) vs. buying off a landed smuggler pilot on a planet.
  • Most Substances cost 20x as much to buy as vanilla. (Tritium is additionally worth 6x as much as vanilla)This means that buying substances (especially from Space Stations) is done more as an emergency or a luxury instead of the primary way of obtaining resources.
  • Most Consumables cost 5x as much to buy as vanilla (the 200 unit ones like Ion Batteries, Life Support Gel, or Di-Hydrogen Jelly instead cost 100x as much as vanilla)
  • Most Components (Repairing/Installing) cost 5x as much to buy as vanilla
  • (A side effect of the above 3 changes is that now the displayed "Demand" for those items will incorrectly be listed as ~half of what it actually is. E.G. the game may display "Demand: -50%" when the item is actually selling for full price (100%))
  • At Outlaw Stations, Goods Packets cost increased by 3x, Tech & Weapons Packets cost increased by 10x, and Larval & Hadal Cores now cost 2x their base value (which was also increased).
  • NipNip Buds now cost 16x their base value to purchase instead of 3x. Starting a NipNip farm either requires a large initial investment, or luck in finding the first few buds to grow.
  • Squadron Pilot slots cost ~1.5x more nanites to unlock.
  • Asking a Traveller at a Space Station for directions to a grave now costs 8x as much Nanites.
  • Emergency Signal Scanners start costing 8mil instead of 5mil (although this is offset in that a Derelict freighter will typically yield more units than in vanilla), and continue increasing in price up to 100mil after the tenth purchase of the day. There is also a small chance for high-level Space Station or Outlaw Station missions to offer one as a reward.
  • Amounts of claimable supplies in the airlock entrance room of Derelict Freighters reduced roughly by half Notably, this includes the 3 Repair Kits normally claimable in the crate now being 1-2 (~1.5 on average)
  • Walker Brains are less common of a gift from Guild Envoys
  • Frigate Expedition difficulty is increased substantially: it takes twice as many "stat points" to reach most of the "star ratings" for fleet strength (three times as many points to reach 5 star rating), and the encounter difficulty of missions has been increased to match (the cap on maximum fleet rating has likewise been increased). Also, missions can appear up to 4 star difficulty rating, not just 3 stars. The 3 & 4 star difficulty rating missions are substantially more difficult than the others, and will likely require highly ranked frigates and significant frigate-boosting freighter upgrade modules to accomplish without risking damage. Like in vanilla, sending a fleet with a star rating at least 2 stars above the difficulty rating of the expedition should always result in no damage to the fleet.
  • The base "Fleet Coordination" stat for Freighters, and strength of the various Frigate-boosting upgrade modules have had their power reduced to ~33% of vanilla. However with adjacency bonuses they still become quite powerful when stacked.
  • You now drop 50,000 units on death instead of 5,000 units. 
  • Repairing the Pilot Interface for a crashed Sentinel Interceptor is significantly more expensive, costing 2x the Inverted Mirrors & Radiant Shards, and also requiring 2 Starship AI Valves. However in PTSd Starship AI Valves can now be bought in Space Stations, or slightly cheaper from Planetary Archives / Minor Settlements, for about 13,000,000 units (would be even cheaper to keep any you've scrapped yourself vs. buying any).  This means that on average a Sentinel Interceptor will cost a similar price in units to a conventional starship of the same size at B/A Class, but depending on the Class you find it could be a better or worse deal.
  • Similarly, repairing broken slots on Sentinel Multi-Tools will now always cost 2x Recycled Circuitry & 1x Semiconductor in addition to the normal cost. Recycled Circuitry can now be purchased just like Starship AI Valves, though Semiconductors must either be found through exploration/mission rewards or crafted yourself,  costing about 1,900,000 in total per slot repaired. It should work out that fully repairing the slots on a Sentinel Multi-Tool incurs a cost roughly similar to purchasing a new Experimental / Alien tool of middle Class with the same size, however like Sentinel Interceptors the cost will be the same regardless of the class of the tool. The main difference being part of the cost must be found / crafted, and that it doesn't need to be paid up front to start using the tool right away, sort of a "buy now, pay later" option. 
  • (If using Repair Kits instead of normal components to repair these slots, each Recycled Circuitry requires its own Repair Kit so as to increase the cost of taking this approach. As a side effect, you will have to enter the full zoomed-in "repairing" UI to see the full list of required components, as the Inventory UI overview only displays the first 3 required components)
  • Greatly increased the crafting requirements for the craftable Voltaic Staff components. Now each of the 3 parts requires at least ~1.5 million units worth of Recycled Circuitry (purchasable from most trade terminals in PTSd), as well as higher numbers of Radiant Shards, etc. This should incentivize instead collecting Void Motes to buy the purchasable Staff components, and makes it less feasible to craft your own Staff just to salvage it for a profit.
  • Increased cost of Rebuilt Exosuit Modules by 2.5x (bought with Void Motes.
  • Overhaul to increase Pirate Dreadnought battle difficulty & rewards, overview below:
  • The battle is more of a true "race against time" / "DPS check" now, with the role of the Anti-Freighter Cannons & Pirate Frigates essentially swapped from vanilla. In PTSd it is no longer feasible to destroy the Cannons fast enough to extend the battle, so the civilian freighter will essentially be taking constant slow damage the whole time. However, you can now destroy most of the Pirate Frigates (the Dreadnought will continually summon replacements once it is down to 2 Frigates) at the start of the battle so that you waste less time taking out the Torpedos, which still need to be continually shot down to prevent the Dreadnought from warping away too soon.
  • In order of increasing difficulty (& rewards), the ways to succeed at a Dreadnought battle are now:
  • A) Deal enough damage (via destroying Exposed Fuel Rods) to cause the Dreadnought to warp away, while the civilian freighter survives, for a "small" bounty. 
  • B) Fully destroy the Dreadnought (can deal some extra hull damage before destroying the final few Exposed Fuel Rods to prevent it from warping), while the civilian freighter survives, for a "medium" bounty. 
  • C) Force the Dreadnought to surrender (by destroying the Warp Drives before all the Exposed Fuel Rods) while letting the civilian freighter die, then demanding a "large" tribute from the Dreadnought. 
  • D) Force the Dreadnought to surrender as in C, but do it fast enough that the civilian freighter survives, then collect both the "medium" bounty and demand a "large" tribute from the Dreadnought (this is difficult to pull off & likely only possible with a fairly late-game setup)
  • Each of the above success methods requires approximately ~1.5x as much damage output / DPS as the previous method, and the units/nanites reward is roughly ~1.5x as valuable (with more rare items such as Salvaged Frigate Modules / Cargo Bulkheads, etc.). However even if you fail, you should at least now get a few consolation items from destroying some Pirate Frigates & most of the destructible parts on the Dreadnought
  • Claiming a Pirate Dreadnought now costs 350,000,000 units instead of being free (still potentially a good deal if the Dreadnought has high slots and Class). However due to modding limitations I haven't found a way around yet, this cost is currently paid each time you inspect the Dreadnought, not when actually confirming the exchange. Added notes about this to the dialogue window to tell the player to use their Analysis Visor instead to inspect the Dreadnought and decide whether to purchase it (and summon their freighter to uninstall any technology first) before making the purchase.
  • Player-controlled Dreadnought Anti-Freighter Cannons no longer one-shot unshielded Sentinel Freighters / other Dreadnoughts
  • Dreadnought battle change specific details:
  • Added a few additional Pirate starship spawns to the battle for a little added hazard, however they essentially remain stationary in a cluster where they spawn and act as a sort of turret/obstacle to avoid due to some sort of vanilla pathing issue.
  • Health for Dreadnought hull increased 4x, Shield Generators/Exposed Fuel Rods/Anti-Ship Turrets increased ~8x-22x, Anti-Freighter Cannons increased ~35x, and Warp Drives increased ~52x
  • Changed Shield Generators in Dreadnought / Sentinel Freighter battles to use the same damage multipliers as starship shields, so anti-shield weapons will work better against them. (added "Shielded" note to their UI name popup in the yellow shield font color to indicate this)
  • Pirate Frigate health reduced 0.5x, but battle starts with 8 instead of 6 initial Pirate Frigates
  • Destroying Exposed Fuel Rods now deal 1.12x as much Dreadnought hull damage. Dreadnought attempt to warp away at 16% remaining health instead of 25% remaining health (this breakpoint can still be achieved by destroying all 10 Exposed Fuel Rods)
  • Dreadnought only summons reinforcement Pirate Frigates when down to 1 remaining Frigate instead of 5. Will now only summon 1 Frigate at a time instead of 3
  • Dreadnought Anti-Freighter Cannon damage to civilian freighter reduced to ~0.89x, Pirate Frigate Torpedo damage reduced to ~0.77x
  • Shield Generators now have a chance to drop Starshield Batteries, Warp Drives & Exposed Fuel Rods have a chance to drop Frigate Fuel (50t), Anti-Ship/Freighter Turrets/Cannons drop ~16/~100 Nanites, and Pirate Frigates drop the same loot as "Easy" PTSd Pirate starships.
  • Fixed UI countdown for Dreadnought warp to display accurate time remaining, which doesn't actually get increased by destroying Warp Drive likes the vanilla UI shows (apparently a vanilla bug)
  • Reduced units reward for saving civilian freighter back to vanilla amounts, however added several hundred nanite & a Salvaged Frigate Module or Cargo Bulkhead reward alongside them. Demanding tribute from surrendered Dreadnought units reward increased 1.75x, added ~1,300 nanites, Salvaged Frigate module, & Cargo Bulkhead alongside it

General Balance Changes

  • Supercharged tech slot bonus is 1.2x instead of 1.25x
  • Many generic sources of Substances now yield 0.8x as much, and Minable objects in particular yield ~0.57x as much (Miniable objects benefit from potential increases in yield such as the Optical Drill tech, supercharging the Mining Laser core tech for 1.2x yields, or PTSd exclusive bonuses to yield from your Multi-Tool Mining stat)
  • Optical Drill bonus resource yield is 1.33x instead of 1.5x since it can be supercharged to increase this. Still stacks with the PTSd feature of increased resource yields based on MT mining stat to end up over 3x total yields with a good S Class Pistol and supercharged slots on both the Optical Drill & base Laser tech.
  • Reduced the bonus Multi-Tool mining yield during Radiation Storms from 2.55x to 1.9x of normal substance yield.
  • Similarly, the Sub-Light Amplifier bonus to Pulse Jump Speed reduced to 1.2x from 1.3x.
  • Reduced the speed/distance of "Melee-Boosting" to around ~0.66x of vanilla. 
  • However to compensate, Rocket Boots have received several improvements:
  • No longer "auto-jump" when landing/touching terrain while holding spacebar
  • Increased the speed, height, and duration of the Rocket Boots effect to roughly ~1.3x-1.5x Vanilla levels. The height increase means it should be much less common to unintentionally "land" prematurely and cut your flight short when trying to Rocket Jump on flat terrain.
  • The initial "jump" of activating Rocket Boots only depletes the Jetpack Tanks 0.75x as much as vanilla, though they now deplete 1.3x more quickly for a short period while flying after the initial "jump"
  • Rocket Boots should now be superior to even the vanilla Melee-Boost for general movement (at the cost of depleting your Jetpack Tanks more quickly and taking up a Tech slot) but still slower overall than Exocraft or a very fast pet (if using the Companion Riding Improvements mod), especially over longer distances.
  • However, all these changes to Melee-Boosting & Rocket Boots are contained within "PTSd Rocket Boots Changes.lua" if you wish to easily remove them
  • Thanks to an adaptation of Exosolar & Gumsk's Market Stability"market crashing" is no longer viable. The maximum possible variation for prices due to Supply & Demand or Economy is normally now between ~80% and ~115% of an item's base value. (In vanilla prices could be between 20% and 300% due to Supply/Demand, and between 70% and 180% due to Economy). However during a Trade Surge the maximum selling price increases to ~130% of an item's base value. Also, selling items by the player only has ~1/30 as much influence on Supply/Demand as in vanilla. (Additionally, since as mentioned above all Substances / Consumables / Components now always cost several times more to buy than to sell, you can never turn a profit by bulk purchasing / reselling them.)
  • Thanks to an adaptation of Inventory Rebalance by jackty89, with the "Restrictive" stacksize setting as the default, the pattern for both Substance & Product stacksizes at all difficulty settings is:
  • Exosuit = 1x, Exocraft = 1.5x, Starships = 2x, Refiners = 2x, Freighter = 4x, Storage = 4x
  • This should help make ships/vehicles more appealing for actually helping haul/carry things rather than doing everything yourself. 
  • The increased stacksize for Refiner input & output slots should make doing bulk refining much less of a hassle also. I.E. You can now place 2 stacks of items from your Exosuit inventory into a Refiner / Nutrient Processor at a time (You can press "X" while hovering over an input slot that already has items in it to keep adding items). Medium & Large Refiners can now be built 4x each in a nearby cluster (still unlimited amount per base, as long as you put a little spacing between clusters)
  • Additionally, the "Standard" and "Harsh" setting now are about ~2x and ~0.6x the "Restrictive" values.
  • Oxygen Recycler bonus strength buffed from +10% to +36% (Game patch notes claim this was buffed in Waypoint, but it never was). The recipe for installing Oxygen Recycler now takes 1.5x as much Oxygen, 3 Ion Batteries, and 1 Hermetic Seal (so if doing the tutorial, you must first reach your ship and the 1st building to craft one)
  • Thanks to an adaptation of Unique Exocrafts by jackty89, all Exocrafts are significantly faster (roughly 1.5x, but 2.4x for the Nautilon), with a wider variation in attributes such as boost duration/recharge time, or vehicle jumping force (The Nomad in particular can catch incredible airtime now). Vehicle fuel usage rate has also been slightly reduced. This should make vehicles more appealing as an alternative to just always using the ship or jetpacks (or Minotaur jumpjets).
  • The exception is that the Minotaur has had its fuel usage rate increased 6x to make the fuel techs actually worthwhile on it. However it still has the best fuel efficiency of all exocraft even with this change.
  • Exocraft Cargo inventory is 0.33x ~ 0.7x as much as vanilla, and Tech slots have also been slightly reduced. However the Pilgrim & Nomad have an additional supercharged tech slot to make up for their small inventory size.
  • The inventory size of Storage Containers has been reduced from 50 to 30 slots.
  • "Medium" wealth star systems now have a 2% chance to Spawn S Class ships (up from 1%), and "High" wealth systems now have a 3% chance (up from 2%).
  • Thanks to an adaptation of gMech - Exomech - Mech Improvements by Gumsk, the Minotaur Exomech walks twice as fast, handles better, has a bigger/faster jump, and takes 1.5x as many hits before having tech damaged when using the AI pilot tech (to offset the more aggressive sentinels in PTSd). However, in order for other Exocrafts to maintain their use for "travelling long distances quickly," the jumpjets on the Minotaur take more than twice as long to recharge.
  • Minotaur Bore holds ~0.9x as much charge, and recharges half as efficiently. (still more effective than Terrain Manipulator in both respects)
  • The Minotaur AI Pilot tech now costs significantly more Wiring Loom, Quantum Computers, and an Energy-economy trade item to build, to offer "costly" option vs the Trace of Metal mission's "combat" option for getting an AI-piloted Minotaur.
  • The Crate/Barrel Fabricator base-building items have their construction recipe costs increased, requiring significantly more Antimatter, as well as an Atlas Seed item from the beginning/middle of the Atlas Path mission line, making them no longer "early-game" items right at the start. The cost to unlock their recipes is also increased.
  • Thanks to an adaptation of ExoSolar's Super Ship Teleporter by Exosolar & Babscoole, installing the starship Teleport Receiver tech will increase your starship's inventory interaction range to 800u instead of just 150u (in-game description updated to note this). This allows your starship to help fill the gap of not having a decked-out Freighter or maxed exosuit early on.
  • Thanks to an adaptation of Reduced Launch Cost 2.1 by Lexman6 & maintained by Lo2k, the base take-off fuel cost for starships is 41% fuel instead of 50% fuel. This means that without any other upgrades installed, installing the "Efficient Thrusters" tech on any type of starship will allow you to make 1 additional take-off per refuel. (In vanilla, only certain starships would gain a benefit from this tech without additional upgrades, or refueling via Uranium).
  • You can no longer mine rocks/plants on planet surfaces / underwater with starship weapons (As a side effect, explosions will no longer damage rocks/plants).
  • All (legal) Trade goods now have stacksizes of 10 instead of 25, so that having lots of inventory space (ideally in a ship for bigger product stacksizes) will be a big benefit if doing bulk trading.
  • All Illegal Trade goods now have stacksizes of 5 instead of 25,  but are worth 3x as much as vanilla. (This is because Outlaw Stations only sell illegal goods in small batches of ~2-10, and giving them smaller stacksizes but higher value is roughly equivalent to increasing the stock available at each station.)
  • The markup for Illegal Goods in non-Outlaw Systems is now +100% value instead of +166% value.
  • In addition to Exosuit Upgrade Charts, Navigation Data is also now only sold in small numbers in shops, and Space Stations no longer sell large amounts of crafting/trade alloys such as Aronium.
  • Guild Shop items have been reworked:
  • Only some basic supplies at the lowest rank are free
  • All other items are either useful or tradable items / upgrade modules at a -20~85% discount, or items that can't normally be purchased, but at a high price
  • Donatable items are now generally either more valuable or more difficult to acquire, although some of them will grant significantly more "standing" than in vanilla. Notably, the Explorers Guild no longer accept Ancient Bones, but now accept a wider variety of procedural items such as ones found from digging up buried caches / plants, or Crew Manifests etc. from Derelict Freighters
  • "Standing" rewards for a race or Guild from procedural Space Station or Planetary missions have been doubled , and Outlaw Station mission reward standing has been increased 4.5x (other sources of "standing" rewards unchanged, such as space battles, rescuing stranded pilots, dialogue choices with NPCs, etc.)
  • Amount of "standing" required to reach each Reputation Rank for all races, Guilds, or Outlaws increased 3x (Autophages are unchanged). Alongside the above change, this makes donations to Guilds for "standing" relatively less effective than they are in vanilla.
  • The price to upgrade the Class of Starships / Multi-Tools is reduced to roughly ~75% of vanilla cost (Multi-Tool upgrade costs reduced a further 50% since they are much cheaper). This is to help them compete with the increased Nanite costs for many other items / services.
  • The Wonder Projector costs 0.5x as much Salvaged Data
  • Purchasing a random chart now costs 20 nanites instead of 25
  • The value you receive when trading in a starship for another, or scrapping it at a salvage terminal, is now 40% instead of 70% of the starship's value. This is mainly to offset the overall increased starship price/value with this mod, which might otherwise make salvaging crashed starships too profitable. Even with this reduction, many crashed starships will yield significantly higher profits than vanilla.
  • Scrapping ships can no longer yield Activated Metals, but instead can potentially yield TritiumDi-Hydrogen, Gold, or Magnetised Ferrite
  • Starships are less likely to usually be found with pre-installed Deflector Shield upgrades, but instead a more even mix of various kinds of upgrade modules. Similar change for Multi-Tools no longer usually having Mining Laser upgrade modules pre-installed, etc.
  • NPC Frigates encountered in space have an 80% chance to be purchasable instead of 60%.
  • You continue to receive the "Easy" version of Frigate Expedition missions (with the lower "Easy" level rewards) up until owning 5 Frigates instead of 3, to compensate for the increased difficulty of missions.
  • The # of expeditions required for a Frigate to rank up has had it's spacing reversed: now fresh low-rank Frigates start off needing 8 expeditions to rank up, and by rank 5 only need 3 expeditions for each rank up. This is try to tip the balance away from low-rank Frigates always being the no-brainer choice to purchase, as now they will be a longer-term investment when for a little extra you could purchase a mid-rank Frigate to start getting powerful right away. Additionally, due to the increased difficulty of Frigate Expeditions, you will likely be completing fewer Expeditions per day initially, further slowing down the growth of fresh Frigates. Buying a "bad" high-rank Frigate early on should be more appealing, as it may allow you to complete more expeditions per day than you otherwise could, and will grow faster than fresh Frigates.
  • Freighters have +35 Cargo & -6 Tech Inventory slots maximum capacity compared to the new "Default" of 30 Cargo, 40 Tech, but more initial Cargo slots and 2.2x increased Hyperdrive Range bonuses at Class S (with larger bonuses at lower Classes for smoother progression), and should be able to reach ~10k ly when maxed out.
  • Black Holes move you ~3x as far towards the Galaxy Centre / Core on average, though there is also more variation as well. (Between 16,500ly ~ 28,500ly per jump). This should make reaching the Galaxy Centre without relying on Portals several times faster (doable in under 30 min travel time).
  •  Starship & Living Ship Hyperdrive upgrade "Warp Cell Efficiency" bonuses halved. Notably, the effective bonus on your ship is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 100, so a single Hyperdrive upgrade by itself will not affect your overall Warp Cell Efficiency. 
  • However, installing an odd number of Hyperdrive upgrades is not always wasted, as with enough Supercharge slot & adjacency bonuses you can push the total bonus up to the next multiple of 100, with the maximum possible Warp Cell Efficiency using 1/4 of the normal fuel amount when using the Hyperdrive.
  • In order to keep Suspicious Packets costing a high amount of units from Outlaw Stations, and a reasonable amount Tainted Metal from Scrap Dealers, without making them sell for too many units when sold at space stations, most numbers involving Tainted Metal have been tripled (amount reward, price of Scrap Dealer items, amount needed to refine into nanites, stack size). This should keep Tainted Metal at the same value as before, with the side effect of Suspicious Upgrade Modules & Repair Kits being cheaper to buy from Scrap Dealers.
  • While PTSd generally ignores the Twich/Expedition rewards, the unique expedition reward ships & tool, Golden Vector, Utopia Speeder, Starborn Runner, Iron Vulture, and Atlas Sceptre, are now redeemed at Class C with much smaller Cargo & Tech inventory, in line with normal small Fighters / Multi-Tools in PTSd (or small Hauler for Iron Vulture). This means the player now has the option to use them with their unique models without affecting game balance, by trading in a matching C Class Fighter for them, and then deleting the free tech that comes with it. However if the player wants to redeem them like in vanilla, they can just temporarily set costs to "Free" in the Difficulty Settings and upgrade the Class & inventory slots back to normal at a Space Station.
  • Similar to the above point, there is an optional toggle at the top of PTSd Rewards Remixer.lua to make all starships & multitools rewarded from Expeditions & Twitch streams come as C Class with small inventories instead of their vanilla Class (set to false by default)
  • Instead of having both Sentinel Exosuit upgrade modules and the new Autophage Exosuit upgrade modules offer the same possible stat bonuses, they have been differentiated: Now only Sentinel Exosuit upgrades offer Shield & Health bonuses, and only Autophage Exosuit upgrades offer Jetpack & Stamina bonuses. (This feature can be toggled off at the top of "!PTSd Procedural Upgrade Adjustment.lua") Thus they now lean into separate roles for combat or exploration. The Life Support tank size & regen rate bonuses for both have been reduced to 0.75x effectiveness, as you can "double up" on those now
  • Pre-damaged slots on crashed starships or broken non-Sentinel Multi-Tools (most Multi-Tools including Royals from Sentinel Pillars, but NOT Sentinel Multi-Tools from Abandoned Camps) now have a 75% chance to also cost some Cadmium/Emeril/Indium to repair in addition to their normal costs (roughly ~25%/~25%/~25% chance for each metal). They also have a chance to cost an additional 1-2 Wiring Looms and/or 2-3 Recycled Circuitry (purchasable in many shops in PTSd, and as with the Sentinel Multi-Tool broken slots, you will have to enter the full zoomed in "repairing" window to see the actual amount of Recycled Circuitry required to complete repairs). However due to how damaged slots are placed, the actual chances in practice depend on the inventory size of the starship/Multi-Tool, with larger inventories having progressively "worse" chances than smaller inventories, so larger sized inventories have higher chances to require higher amounts, cost, & rarities of components to fix. E.G. A smaller sized Multi-Tool could have damaged slots with ~20% overall chance to require Indium, and the total repair cost could be increased by ~1.5 million units in PTSd, while a larger sized Multi-Tool could have slots with a ~40% overall chance to require Indium, and a total repair cost increased by ~5.5 million units in PTSd. Normally repairing a crashed starship can be far more preferable to buying one if you're not picky about the looks & type, especially with the increased prices in PTSd. This still allows salvaging them for profit or using them yourself, but should make it a bit more difficult & costly to fully repair something right when you get it, and further increase the value of Repair Kits, which can be still used instead of the Indium, etc. (Can be changed in "PTSd Tech + Upgrade + Recipe + Blueprint cost Rebalance.lua" with the various SLOT_DMG entries)
  • Starship Reactor Cores can no longer be found as rewards from missions or from freighter or defeating Pirate Dreadnoughts. However, now when extracting customisation modules from a starship (e.g. Wings, but not when salvaging into generic scrap), you will also receive a Reactor Core matching the class of the starship. You can also now extract Reactor Cores from Shuttles & Exotic starships in the same way, although since they cannot be customized instead of customisation modules like Wings you will just receive some generic scrap worth ~300,000 or ~500,000 units, respectively. (Unfortunately this does not work for Interceptors, and fortunately won't be done to Living Ships either)
  • The purchase price for B/A/S Class Starship Reactor Cores is increased ~4-5x, such that building a B/A/S Class starship costs the equivalent of what you would pay in PTSd to upgrade a C Class starship up to that Class. E.G. an S Class Reactor Core costs 8,000 + 16,000 + 32,000 = 56,000 Nanites. However unlike upgrading the class of a normal starship, you can get up to a -20% discount on the nanite price of Reactor Cores from your Standing with the local race. C-Class Cores have their price reduced to 0.5x instead, since you will already have some from gathering the parts to build a starship in the first place.
  • The selling price of most Starship Reactor Cores is reduced to ~0.17x, which works out that selling one yields around ~67% of the nanites you would have gotten by instead scrapping the same class of starship for parts and selling all the upgrade modules.
  • Maximum discount at space station tech shops from high Standing with local race is now -20% instead of -50%
  • Reduced the % chance for Cargo Scan Deflector / Neural Shielding to scramble a Sentinel / Pirate hostile scan on each attempt from 50% to 30%. However since you can make multiple attempts during each scan(easier if on a hotkey), using it 2-3 times will still have an overall ~51%-66% chance to work by the end.
  • Exo-Skiff now requires Cadmium and larger amounts of Salt, Crystal Sulphide to build, and Exo-Skiff cold storage reduced from 60 to 30 slots
  • Increased the crafting costs for all Fishing Baits, especially for higher grade baits. They all now require increasingly large amounts of either raw or cooked fish, so that you cannot sustainably use the highest quality bait forever without sometimes using lower quality/no bait or Automated Traps to replenish your "bait fish" supply.
  • Reduced average waiting time between fish bites/catches and to approximately ~0.7x, and reduced the window where you can catch a fish after it bites from ~2 seconds to ~1 second.
  • Improved the bonuses to fish quality for all kinds of bait (including using food as bait), especially Spicy Chum and Bionic Lure. Specialized Baits (Mealworms, Bionic Lure, Dangling Orb, etc.) now also give small improvements to fish size chances, not just fish quality. Weather/Time based baits now give nearly the same rarity boost as Spicy Chum, and should be ~1.5x - 2x as effective at attracting their respective weather/time based fish. The pattern is that Mealworms / Spicy Chum / Bionic Lure each increase your average units or nanites profits while fishing by roughly ~1.4x / ~2.1x / ~2x compared to the next lowest tier of bait (or no bait in the case of Mealworms) when considering the units cost of bait. E.G. using Bionic Lure gives roughly double the units or nanites profits compared to Spicy Chum.
  • Additionally, Diurnal & Nocturnal raw fish now have a 1.15x multiplier to their units value, and Storm-only raw fish have a 1.3x multiplier to give a little incentive to seek out these harder to find fish or use their targeted baits.
  • Added clarification to the in-game descriptions for the various specialised baits on their relative bonuses to rarity & size, as well as noting the weather/time based baits only work during their relevant weather/time of day.
  • Slight adjustments to fish size chance based on sea depth for smoother transition of Medium size fish appearing and less Small fish in deep waters
  • Greatly increased units value of raw fish (from 5x~12x vanilla value depending on rarity) to be more competitive with other activities for earning units such as collecting Storm Crystals, Ancient Bones, etc. Raw fish no longer have increased sale value on space stations. Fishing in 90+ depth waters with Spicy Chum can beat the units/minute profits of collecting Gravitino Balls with an upgraded speedy Exocraft, though still a bit below Salvageable Scrap / Ancient Bones (using Bionic Lure instead will roughly double this).
  • Nanite value for releasing Common (C) & Uncommon (B) fish reduced to ~0.33x, Legendary (S) fish nanite value increased 2x. Added clarification to UI that releasing fish yields nanites based on rarity.  
  • Automated Traps should now take ~2 hours per catch instead of ~1 hour, and can only hold 0.5x as many Common / Uncommon fish per stack. Automated Traps can now be built 9x per planet, but still only 3x per base or nearby cluster. Added to description for Automated Traps to clarify that they will trap fish from various depths regardless of where you place them 
  • Corrected vanilla issue where Rusted Launcher upgrade modules from fishing had higher Boost Speed 

Weapon Balance Changes
  • Note that as in vanilla, the listed DPS for weapons / multi-tools shown in the inventory menu is not very reliable, e.g. a starship weapon with a lower displayed DPS may actually do far most "real" DPS than one with a higher displayed DPS.
  • Because core weapon techs typically gain a huge, but unequal boost when supercharged (Usually a +40%~60% improvement to DPS for a maxed out weapon), all core weapon techs have had their attributes divided by the same factor that supercharging multiplies them (this includes the attributes which are better to be low, such as reload time, recoil, or inaccuracy, since supercharging oddly makes those worse by increasing them). Thus most weapon techs start out underpowered, but supercharging them brings them back up exactly to their "default" strength. In essence, this means PTSd is balanced around the assumption that you are always using core weapon techs on a supercharged slot as a matter of course, since they gain so much benefit from them.
  • This is applied to all weapons on multi-tools, starship weapons, exocraft. Also partially applied to all kinds of mining lasers, but only to the damage & heat rate, not the damage tickrate or resource yields
  • Note: As in Vanilla, while most weapons benefit most from supercharging the core tech, Cyclotron Ballista & Blaze Javelin (charged shots) get more benefit from supercharging an upgrade module instead (Neutron Cannon was "fixed" in PTSd to always benefit from supercharging the core tech by making the charge time improve from supercharging). (Blaze Javelin rapid shots benefit more from supercharging the core tech)
  • On the flipside, Photon Cannon and Positron Ejector gain huge benefits from supercharging, having only around half their "default" DPS when "fresh" if not supercharged, though slightly less of a gap when "maxed out".
  • As in Vanilla, most "maxed out" weapons will also have their DPS increase by 1.2x~1.3x when supercharging an upgrade module(if it contains a multiplicative bonus like fire rate), compounding for each upgrade module that is supercharged (Depending on slot placement: often losing adjacency bonuses to move an upgrade module onto a supercharged slot may cancel out some/most of the benefit from supercharging it).
  • However also like in Vanilla, a few weapons gain very little DPS benefit from supercharging either the core tech or upgrade modules once maxed out(only +~10% for core tech, and much less for upgrades/secondary tech). These are the laser or explosive based weapons: Phase Beam/Gazing Eyes, Rockets, Plasma Launcher, Geology Cannon, and Blaze Javelin. These may be appealing as "secondary" weapons or in situations where you don't have extra supercharged slots to spare, since you can still get very close to their peak DPS (once maxed out) without having to use a supercharged slot(s) on them.
  • Blaze Javelin is a special case that actually gets worse DPS when firing charged shots when the core tech is supercharged due to it increasing weapon charge time.
  • Blaze Javelin also gains very little rapid-fire damage from supercharging the core tech, and also gets little benefit from supercharging upgrade modules either. Because of this, its core tech values were not lowered to compensate for supercharging, since it is rarely worth supercharging at all.
  • Multi-Tool / Exocraft / Starship weapons only deal 0.33x / 0.05x / 0.02x as much damage to Depot containers or Doors to Manufacturing Facilities, to encourage dealing with them on foot. Starship weapons only deal 0.2x damage to freighter cargo pods. Starship weapons also deal reduced damage vs. Planetary Sentinels or Walking Buildings.
  • Most weapons for Multi-Tools, Starships, and the Minotaur have had balance adjustments, mainly to avoid "overpowered" options:
  • Sentinel Hardframe Right Arm (Stun Cannon for Minotaur) has had it's charge bar reduced to ~1/10 vanilla size (you can only get about 30 shots per refill), and it costs ~10x more substances to recharge it. Stunning is an incredibly powerful effect to apply to enemies, so I try to restrict its usage.
  • Liquidator Right Arm (Mech Flamethrower) has it's damage increased by ~2x, and damage from upgrades and Fire DOT DPS increased by ~10x, allowing it to be a formidable weapon at close range. (As in vanilla, the listed + damage % bonus on Flamethrower upgrades is incorrectly displayed extremely high for some reason)
  • Most starship weapons have had their cooling rate reduced to ~0.75x and overheat cooldown length increased to ~1.25x (Infra-Knife overheat cooldown increased 7x). Bonuses to heat capacity for most weapon upgrades have been reduced even further.
  • Various bonuses from upgrades have been adjusted both to ensure all weapons benefit from upgrades to a similar degree, and to prevent all weapons from becoming rapid-fire machine guns when fully upgraded.
  • Starship Weapons
  • Starship weapon effectiveness vs. Torpedoes & Freighter Hulls have been adjusted to match their effectiveness against starship Hulls (with an exception of a 0.7x reduction for Positron Ejector vs. Freighter Hulls, since Freighters are a much larger target and thus easier to land shots against)
  • Photon Cannon & Spewing VentsDamage reduced to 0.9x,Auto Aim angle range increased 1.33x.Critical multiplier is now 2x instead of 1.5x.Fire rate lowered to 0.6x, but damage increased proportionally to compensate.Leans more into the "easy to use" role, as the only weapon to be equally effective against Shields or Hulls and is hard to overheat.
  • Sentinel CannonThe Sentinel Cannon starts with about ~85% of the DPS of the regular Photon Cannon, because its higher fire rate gets more relative benefit from the set damage on Photon Cannon upgrade modules. So once fully maxed out, it should have about ~+20% DPS compared to a Photon Cannon
  • Positron EjectorRange reduced to 0.7x,Damage increased 1.05x,Dispersion(spread/inaccuracy) increased by 2x,1.5x the number of bullets (each bullet is proportionally weaker to maintain total damage).Auto Aim angle range reduced to 0.67x. Just like in vanilla, it still deals 100% Hull damage (70% vs. Freighter Hulls) and 33% Shield damage.The max bonuses from upgrade modules for Positron Ejector have also been buffed slightly, including damage increased to ~1.25x. It is still quite powerful but now really requires getting to close range and staying there to be effective, where it can quickly destroy most ships.
  • Infra Knife   Instead of vanilla values, now does 120% Hull damage (110% vs. "Boss" Freighter Hulls) and 40% Shield damage. Now starts with 2x bullets per shot as it did in previous versions, Projectile Speed increased by 1.5x.Critical multiplier is now 1.2x instead of 1.5x.Fire rate increased to 1.33x, but damage lowered proportionally to compensate.In vanilla (pre-Outlaws) I personally miss the overwhelming majority of all shots with the Infra-Knife, now it should be be easier to hit targets with it, and rewarding enough on a hit that you don't mind still missing a bunch of your shots.
  • RocketsInstead of vanilla values, now does 120% Hull damage and 60% Shield damage.Damage increased by 1.25x.Critical multiplier is now 2.5x instead of 1.5x.Overheat Cooldown increased to ~3x as long.Large Rockets Tube tech now also increases damage by 100%, but requires Indium.Greater damage and Critical multiplier but longer cooldown makes the choice when to use it more impactful. The improved tech helps it stay useful in the late game.
  • Phase Beam & Gazing EyesInstead of vanilla values, now does 80% Hull damage (90% vs. "Boss" Freighter Hulls) and 120% Shield damage. Damage increased to 1.4x.Leeches Shields at 0.375x the rate of vanilla. Gazing Eyes upgrade modules give ~0.1 as much bonus leech effect as vanilla, which still allows it to end up with a much higher shield leech rate than Phase Beam with enough upgrades. Gazing Eyes upgrade modules now can have up to 3 different stat bonuses. Note that like in vanilla, the relative shield leech effect is greater the higher the user's max shield capacity is. E.G. A Hauler gains much more shields per second using a Phase Beam than a Fighter does, since it has larger shields and they get restored on a % basis.
  • Cyclotron BallistaInstead of vanilla values, now does 60% Hull damage (80% vs. "Boss" Freighter Hulls) and 140% Shield damage. Damage lowered to 0.9x.Auto Aim angle range reduced to 0.8xFire rate lowered to 0.2x, but damage increased proportionally to compensate, with a larger projectile.Now handles more like a slow-firing mortar, and the top choice as an opening weapon as it strips shields and primes enemies for other weapons with its slowdown effect.
  • Multi-Tool Weapons
  • BoltcasterDamage increased ~1.46xCritical multiplier is now 1.8x instead of 1.5xUpgrade Modules have their bonus Damage increased 4x.Also, the special Sentinel Weapon Upgrade Modules which only work on the Boltcaster no longer give bonuses to Fire Rate, but their Damage bonuses are ~15x larger.It should start out underperforming slightly, but since it is the only Multi-Tool weapon capable of having more than 3 Upgrade Modules it can still eventually become quite powerful, especially if consistently hitting weak points.
  • Pulse Spitter   Damaged increased 1.1xReload time increased 1.2xBurn DOT damage increased 3x and duration increased ~1.4x
  • Scatter BlasterDamaged increased 2xRange reduced to 0.4xRecoil reduced to 0.75xDispersion increased by 2xReload time increased by 1.2x.Critical multiplier is now 1.3x instead of 1.5x.Upgrade Module bonus Damage increased to 2.4xThe Scatter Blaster has a very short effective range, poor accuracy, a low Critical multiplier and difficulty hitting weak points, and a lengthy reload but makes up for it in raw burst damage. (With the highest Recoil for Multi-Tool weapons, as in vanilla it actually greatly benefits from using the Combat Scope, which reduces recoil.)
  • Neutron Cannon     Damage increased by ~1.05xUncharged (Rapid-fire) shot Damage increased an additional ~4x.Charge Time is "fixed" to now be improved by supercharging the core tech instead of made worse (like the Blaze javelin is). I.E. It is now always beneficial to supercharge the Neutron Cannon core tech.Upgrade modules have their bonus Damage reduced to 0.21x.(Class X Upgrade Modules fixed to be possibly stronger than Class S modules like other weapons)Base dispersion (inaccuracy) increased 1.4x (should make it slightly easier to hit multiple enemies at once)  Fuel Usage rate increased 2xThe Neutron Cannon isn't obviously strong, but the generous AOE effect is quite powerful vs grouped enemies such as newly spawned Drones, Repair/Corrupted Drones & their healing patient, clusters of enemies on Derelict Freighters, etc. The AOE also appears to be able to trigger critical weakpoints, so it does well vs. things like Sentinel Quads.
  • Blaze Javelin  Damage increased by ~2xStun effect reduced from 5 to 1 second.Upgrade modules have their bonus Damage increased to 2.5x.The Blaze Javelin as a weapon was never particularly strong, and even with these buffs it still has a slightly lower DPS than most other weapons. However with the increased health of sentinels in PTSd, now it should be able to one-shot regular drones, and on a good enough Multi-Tool with enough upgrades, even repair/summoner drones as well. The stun effect however was much too strong and easy to stunlock enemies, so now it function more as an "interrupt," useful for stopping summoners mid-summon.
  • Plasma Launcher  Damage increased to 1.45xUpgrade Module bonus Damage reduced to 0.7xCharge bar reduced from 20 to 16 shots per refill.
  • Geology Cannon    Damage increased to 1.21xCharge bar reduced from 20 to 10 shots per refill.
  • Paralysis MortarCharge bar reduced from 20 to 8 shots per refill, stun radius reduced from 4u to 3u, stun duration reduced from 3.5 to ~2 seconds. Again, stunning is extremely useful, so this is an attempt to balance it somewhat.
  • Mining LaserCritical Damage Multiplier reduced from 4x damage to 2x damage. Makes switching to a "proper" weapon more important. Bonuses to Multi-Tool Mining Laser heat time, fuel efficiency, and overheat cooldown from procedural Mining Laser upgrades reduced ~-20%. The "overheat" animation for the mining laser now disables it about ~7x longer than vanilla (The UI overheat display still fades in the same time though). This is to incentivize paying attention to the heat bar / investing in mining upgrades, since now you need to wait about 4 times longer if it overheats vs. stopping at the last second to let it cool down naturally (In vanilla it can actually be faster to do the overheat animation than to let it cool naturally). The Mining Laser has been fixed so that supercharging it increases mining speed instead of decreasing it.
  • Hijacked Laser   (Using instead of the Mining Laser, not stacked with it) No longer identical to Mining Laser. Now deals 6x damage (which mines objects 6x faster), and a further 1.25x damage vs Sentinels & Creatures. However, it only yields 0.46x the resources from objects it destroys (before applying Class level, Optical Drill, or supercharging bonuses). It heats up twice as fast (but "reloads" after an overheat twice as fast), uses fuel 3x as quickly, and costs 2x as much to recharge. The high damage but low resource yield means when mining multiple objects in succession, you are still getting more resources per second than any other Multi-Tool, so this could still be worthwhile when mining objects that are abundant & in large groups (Although, for items which always drop a set amount of items like Floating Crystals, Radiant Shards, Subterranean Organic Structures, Salvageable Scrap, etc. there is no yields downside to using the Hijacked Laser as the yield will not be reduced). However, maintaining that high resource per second rate will be difficult since compared to other Multi-Tools you will be spending more time aiming at new objects or looking for them as they get destroyed so quickly, and have to take more frequent breaks to cool down due to the quick heating. Notably, supercharging it makes the fuel usage & resource yield get worse instead of better, unlike the normal Mining Laser, although the damage, heat time, etc. are still improved (the resource yield has been increased in advance to account for how supercharging will reduce it). Overall this lends it to more of a "weapon" role, since it has a DPS in the same range as most other Multi-Tool weapons with the high range & accuracy of a laser. However it still has niche use as a mining laser for bulk mining, though costing much more fuel in the process, and still a bit behind Pistols in resources per second.
  • Runic Lens   (Using instead of the Mining Laser, not stacked with it) While it still has a 1.5x slower heatup time as the Mining Laser, it's other stats are changed even more. It has been changed to now give 1.4x as much resources and deal 0.73x as much damage as a normal Mining Laser. This means that it will yield more resources per object, but still fewer resources per second than Pistols or Sentinel Multi-Tools. (Sort of the inverse of the Hijacked Laser, and without the increased fuel usage either). However the lower mining damage and laser heatup mean that you waste less time aiming at or looking for new objects to mine, and less time cooling the laser down, so the resource per second rate will often be a little higher.
  • Exocraft Mining LaserDamage to Creatures reduced to 0.2x.
  • Exocraft/Minotaur CannonDamage reduced to 0.85x.Critical multiplier is now 1.8x instead of 1.5x (since the AOE effect makes critical hits so easy)

Starship Balance Changes

  • Starship attribute rebalance: Thanks to jackty89 and their Unique Space Ships for help and framework for many of the following changes. The full change details can be seen in the .lua, but the main points are:
  • Starship maximum upgradeable inventories have been reduced; instead of the typical vanilla max of 110/60 for Cargo/Tech, the new baseline is 30/40, although most specific ship types are adjusted as listed below. The lower maximum inventory size also means that it should cost much less to fully upgrade a starship to max slots.
  • Starship Initial inventory slots (for spawned purchasable/crashed starships) have been adjusted to generally follow the same trend as the maximum inventory size for that starship type.
  • All starship initial Boost Speed has been reduced to 0.6x vanilla, however with enough upgrades they can reach top Boost Speeds that are roughly ~1.5x those in vanilla. In vanilla, maxing out upgrades for starship speed could only increase your speed less than ~20% due to harsh diminishing returns, now upgrade modules will have a significant effect on your starship Boost Speed. This also means you can install far more speed-boosting upgrade modules before diminishing returns kick in. A side effect is that the UI will display erroneously low % values for starship boost values on upgrade modules, despite the upgrades actually increasing speed more than in vanilla. 
  • Enemy starship maximum combat speeds have been adjusted to roughly ~800u/s or 1,200u/s for slow/fast enemy starships. This means that a fresh ship won't be able to outrun them, but with enough upgrades even a Hauler should eventually outrun any enemy starship.
  • The difference in speed between Light, Normal, and Heavy-weight starships has been re-tooled. In vanilla the fastest ships were only 15% faster than the slowest type ship with equal upgrades, but now the Space Boost Speed of the Light ships (Explorers, Fighters, Exotics, Solars) are ~50% faster than the Heavy ones (Haulers, Living Ships). Additionally, other speeds such as non-boosting, combat, atmospheric, etc. have been adjusted along similar lines, most notably being Haulers & Living Ships are no longer the fastest in atmosphere.
  • While in vanilla Sentinel Interceptors are a Heavy weight ships with an added ability to hover in atmosphere, in PTSd they have been given their own new weight class of "Abnormal," which is between "Normal" and "Light", while still keeping the hover ability.
  • The new starship "Agility"/"Maneuverability" base stat has been fixed to affect maneuverability at all times (in Vanilla due to a typo it only affect ship maneuverability when boosting)
  • However, because in Vanilla the new "Agility" stat only increases the ship's Boosting Speed without affecting the "soft cap" of 2.5x base speed where huge diminishing returns come in, it doesn't really affect the ship's final boost speed when fully maxed out. Thus, in PTSd the "Agility" stat no longer affects Boosting Speed, only Maneuverability (Again, the final maxed-out Boosting Speed of ships would be essentially the same either way).
  • The new Ship Agility / Maneuverability bonus is tied more closely to ship type in PTSd than to class or random chance, so at C class each ship has half the eventual S class bonus, and the bonus varies by +/- 0.05x at each class. This is since the game already has a mechanic to give random variation to the base speed & maneuverability of any starship, and already gives bonuses to those stats for each Class level. Note that these bonuses are applied to the base maneuverability for the particular "weight class" of ship, IE "Light" ships naturally have higher maneuverability (& speed) than "Heavy" ships. (In PTSd Sentinel Interceptors are given their own weight class in between Normal & Light instead of using Heavy as in vanilla)
  • Supercharging the appropriate tech/upgrades increases Maneuverability by ~1.2x, compounding each time (or a larger ~1.3x-1.5x for Haulers)
  • Most Starships/Freighters have had substantial increases to their Hyperdrive Range bonuses (Especially Explorers & Living Ships). Alongside the increased travel distance of Black Holes, getting to the Galactic Centre / Core "Portal-less" should be much more manageable in PTSd (Reaching the Core from ~700k ly is doable in under 30min with viewable Black Holes and well equipped S Class Explorer).
  • The various Starship Trail techs which change the starship engine trail appearance have had their small bonus changed from Boost Speed (+1%) to Hyperdrive Jump Distance (+10ly). This is because despite the small bonus of an individual Trail tech, in Vanilla the multiplicative adjacency bonuses quickly grew preposterously large, more than doubling Boost Speed with multiple Trails installed next to each other. Adjacency bonuses still provide some multiplicative benefits to Hyperdrive Jump Distance, but a much more reasonable amount (up to roughly ~1.12x Hyperdrive Jump Distance with many adjacent trails). This also synergizes with Explorers & Living Ships, which both have large bonuses to Hyperdrive Range, and the largest Tech inventory size of all starships, so can make the best use of multiple Starship Trail techs to maximize Hyperdrive Range.
  • Starshield Batteries now restore 100% of your starship's shield instead of only 50%.
  • Tweaked the maluses you get to other ship systems when diverting power away from them to be roughly ~2/3rds as much as you would gain when diverting power to them. Most significantly, Weapons take a smaller malus when diverting power away from them (now 0.9x instead of 0.7x). (Note that there currently seems to be a vanilla bug where the Shield malus is never applied for some reason)
  • All starship class bonuses to shields have been increased 1.4x, on top of any changes from vanilla listed in the individual descriptions below. For some reason, by default starship class bonuses for shields only apply at ~71% of the expected strength. E.G. A starship with a class bonus of +100% to shields will only actually have 1.71x more shields than one with a +0% shield bonus. By increasing all class shield bonuses this way, this is equivalent to making the class shield bonuses work at full strength. This allows the different types of starships to feel more distinct from one another, as the difference in their shield strengths will be greater. Most ships have had their Shield bonus at least doubled below, as with how quickly shields deplete in PTSd it takes a big difference in shields to make a noticeable difference. Note also, as in vanilla there appears to be diminishing returns to installing starship Shield upgrade modules, where they quickly become progressively weaker with each additional one you install.
  • The charts below show how various attributes will compare against each other in-game for S Class starships, factoring in all the changes made by PTSd.
  • PTSd Starship Combat Stats chart link
  • PTSd Starship Other Stats chart link
  • *Solar ships have 115% pulse jump speed, -50% pulse jump fuel discount
  • **Interceptor ships have unique recharge materials, base hyperdrive range is 600ly instead of 100ly, -20% pulse jump fuel discount, can hover
  • ***Living ships have unique recharge materials and techs, can visit any star type, has 110% pulse speed (but unlike other ships can’t install tech to improve it), takes no damage from black holes
  • The increases from the vanilla stat bonuses listed below are for S Class ships, and the increases at lower classes may be lower or higher to ensure each starship type has a smoother progression from C to S class instead of sudden jumps. The adjustments also now avoid the vanilla quirk where sometimes a lower Class starship could have a smaller Stat Bonus than a higher Class starship of the same type. Now higher Class starships should always have higher Stat Bonuses than lower Class starship of the same type.
  • Shuttles ("Normal" weight) have their Damage bonuses increased by 1.4x, Hyperdrive Range bonuses increased by 3.7x, and their Shield bonus increased by 3x at Class S. Their new Class S Agility bonus is +15%, giving them ~1,000 Maneuverability maxed out before supercharged slots. Additionally, they now get small bonuses to all stats at Class C (+0.8%~4%, before factoring in the above increases) instead of no bonuses. They have +5 Cargo slots maximum capacity, matching their increased early-game storage. This should make them more viable later in the game as a sort of "Jack of all Trades" similar to how Exotics are in Vanilla, and makes it more comfortable to continue using one in the early game before you can afford the more expensive ships.
  • Fighters ("Light" weight) have their Damage bonus increased by x1.25 and Shield bonus by 1.33x at all Classes, to make them stand out more clearly as the best damage-dealers, but glass cannons. Their new Class S Agility bonus is +50%, giving them ~1,500 Maneuverability maxed out before supercharged slots. They have +4 Tech slots maximum capacity, to potentially hold more weapon tech/upgrades.
  • Haulers ("Heavy" weight) have their Damage bonus decreased to x0.9, Shield bonus increased by ~2.9x, and their Hyperdrive Range bonus increased by 1.2x at all Classes. Their new Agility bonus at all Classes is +0%, giving them ~750 Maneuverability maxed out before supercharged slots. With poor handling and low Damage bonus, it takes a lot of shields to "make up" for a lack of combat-readiness. They have -4 Tech slots, but +25 Cargo slots maximum capacity. They should now have a viable niche as "haulers".
  • Explorers ("Light" weight) have their Shield bonus increased by 3.2x (including small bonuses at C Class instead of 0), and their Hyperdrive Range bonus increased by 2.95x at Class S, so they should now always noticeably beat other ship types of equivalent Class for Hyperdrive Range bonus. They should be able to reach ~8k ly when maxed out now. Their new Class S Agility bonus is +30%, giving them ~1,300 Maneuverability maxed out before supercharged slots. They have +10 Tech slots maximum capacity, to help hold more upgrades & Ship Trail techs to boost Hyperdrive range even farther.
  • Solars ("Light" weight) have their Damage bonus decreased to 0.94xShield bonus increased by 1.5x, and Hyperdrive Range bonus reduced to 0.9x at S Class. Their new Class S Agility bonus is -15%, giving them ~850 Maneuverability maxed out before supercharged slots, and their boosting speed starts around 0.75x other "Light" ships, but is roughly the same once maxed out.  Their Pulse Jump (using spacebar) speed is increased by 1.15x so it will now be faster than other ships. Their Pulse Engine fuel discount is reduced to 0.625x (from -80% discount to -50% discount), and their Launcher Auto-charge bonus is removed, but replaced with a -34% discount to take-off cost (the same as Shuttles). They have +5 Cargo slots maximum capacity, and can now be found with roughly the same range of possible inventory size as other ships, rather than only at the smallest size. This fits them more into a "speedy cargo smuggler" archetype, with their focus being on the best Pulse Jumping.
  • Note that due to the way that Solar Ships have their boosting speed reduced in PTSd, supercharging their Vesper Sail tech will reduce Boosting Speed, while still raising Pulse Jump speed and Pulse Jump fuel efficiency. (Lore explanation: Perhaps a tradeoff for tuning the delicate solar sails to optimize for Pulse travel vs. normal engine travel) However, again due to the diminishing returns of Boost Speed, once the ship is maxed out, the speed reduction from the Vesper Sail becomes very slight, even when supercharged. 
  • Exotics ("Light" weight) have their Damage bonus decreased to 0.7x, Shield bonus increased by 2x, and their Hyperdrive Range bonus increased by 1.7x at S Class. Their new Class S Agility bonus is +20%, giving them ~1,200 Maneuverability maxed out before supercharged slots. To fit their old "small inventory" archetype, instead of a bonus they have -5 Cargo slots maximum capacity. While most other ships have improved even more, they should stay as an appealing all-rounder with a niche of being the only well-protected "combat" ship with the 2nd best Shield bonus. (While Exotics can normally only ever be encountered at Class S, because PTSd allows you to redeem the expedition reward Starborn Runner at Class C instead, the stat bonuses & slot upgrade limits at Classes C, B, & A for Exotics now smoothly progress up to Class S like other starships, instead of being equally high at all Classes.)
  • Living Ships ("Heavy" weight) have their Damage bonus decreased to 0.8x, Shield bonus increased by 1.75x, and Hyperdrive Range bonus increased by 2.7x at S Class, giving them a focus on long-distance travel with the 2nd best Hyperdrive (should reach ~6.4k ly when maxed out) while still OK at combat. Their new Class S Agility bonus is +50%, giving them ~1,000 Maneuverability maxed out before supercharged slots. Similar to their old vanilla stats, they have +8 Tech slots maximum capacity compared to the "baseline". The procedural upgrade modules for Launchers for Living Ships now also boost ship speed, as they do for regular ships. And thanks to an adaptation of Living Ship Upgrades by LazMonk, their base Maneuverability has been increased 1.25x to roughly match Shuttles. While their eventual max speed is still tied for slowest with Haulers, they start out initially faster than Haulers until diminishing returns on upgrade modules kicks in. Also, you can install Teleport Receivers in them, Starshield Batteries can be used to restore their shields, and the mission timers for the Living Ship quests are 8 hrs instead of 24 hrs. Living Ship S Class Launcher upgrades no longer have auto-charging as a bonus, as there is a dedicated tech for that on Living Ships now. Psychonic Eggs now have just a ~10% chance of yielding the Chloroplast Membrane tech (Launcher auto-charge) or Saline Membrane (Water Landing) and ~50% chance to give the Wormhole Brain / Neural Shielding techs instead of it being virtually guaranteed (though as in vanilla, Psychonic Eggs will never yield a tech you already have in an accessible inventory or installed in your active ship). Since Living Ships cannot install the Sub-Light Amplifier, their core Engine tech now has a weaker version of the same effect, at +10% Pulse Jump speed (can be further boosted by supercharging). The nanite price for "buying" additional Living Ships after completing Starbirth is reduced 0.8x. Living Ships had a lot against them in vanilla, so they have received a lot of improvements to make them more appealing.
  • Sentinel Interceptors ("Abnormal" weight) have their Shield bonus increased by 1.5x, and their Hyperdrive Range bonus increased by 1.6x at all Classes. Their new Class S Agility bonus is +80%, giving them ~1,900 Maneuverability maxed out before supercharged slots. This gives them the second best damage and low shields slightly better than a Fighter, but with lower max speed / acceleration and better maneuverability, especially while boosting. They have no inventory bonuses, being optimized for maneuverability instead of storage. Their unique Hyperdrive tech still starts at 600 ly range, but now has the normal warp cell efficiency instead of double. They will start out with the best Hyperdrive range before upgrades or Class bonuses, but quickly lose to most other starships once they gain higher classes and more upgrade modules, ending up roughly tied with Solar ships for second-worst range once maxed out. By forgoing any hyperdrive upgrades and using the generous base jump distance, you can have more tech slots available for other things. Launch cost discount reduced from -50% to -20%. Enough to still make 3 takeoffs on a single tank, but will need at least one other upgrade aside from "Efficient Thrusters" to make 4 takeoffs on a single tank. No longer has innate Launch Fuel recharging without installing special tech. Can now install Teleport Receiver tech, like Living Ship. Removed the 10% bonus to Pulse Jump Speed, so that it remains the specialty of Solar Ships, instead they get a -20% discount to Pulse Jump fuel usage. Like Living Ships, Interceptors can now also use Starshield Batteries to recharge shields in addition to Radiant Shards / Sodium Nitrate, but can no longer use Sodium. Radiant Shard stacksize is tripled since you may need to carry many with you to recharge shields in battle. Since Radiant Shards always refill technology to full charge, the "tank size" for the Interceptor's Hyperdrive & Pulse Drive have been reduced 0.4x, so they effectively only give 0.4x as much fuel to the Hyperdrive / Pulse Engine.

Multi-Tool Balance Changes

  • New Multi-Tool features:
  • Your Multi-Tool's Mining stat now directly affects how much substances you mine, in addition to mining speed. E.G. A Mining stat of +30% means you get 30% more substances than normal (not counting the slow "trickle" you get before you fully destroy the object). This stacks with the "Optical Drill" tech's +33% bonus, or supercharging the base Mining Laser / Optical Drill tech. Also note that this stacks with the 2.55x mining bonus of Radiation Storms, as long as you are not in a cave/building/vehicle when you harvest. Also corrected an oversight in vanilla NMS for how it handles Mining Speed bonuses based on Multi-Tool's type stat bonuses. 
  • Your Multi-Tool's Scan stat now directly affects how many units you get from scanning Fauna, Flora, & Minerals, in addition to your "scan pulse" radius. E.G. A Scan stat of +100% means you get double the normal amount of units for scanning things. 
  • Your Multi-Tool's Damage stat now no longer also increases mining speed, so Multi-Tool types with high "Damage" bonuses but low "Mining" bonuses should be noticeably slower at mining than ones with high "Mining" but low "Damage", as presumably intended. (Technically PTSd causes the "Damage" stat bonus to slow down the "tickrate" the mining laser deals damage at, but since the Damage stat also increased the damage per tick of the mining laser they now cancel each other out)
  • Multi-Tools can only be found with initial slots up to 16, instead of 24~30 in vanilla, and maximum upgradable size is now 24 slots instead of 60 in vanilla. Small/Medium/Large style multitools now have more distinct amounts of initial slots. This allows Multi-Tool expansion slots to retain some use, as you won't be finding any already maxed-out Multi-Tools.
  • A hidden benefit for smaller sized Multi-Tools is that their supercharged slots are more likely to be grouped towards the left half of their inventories compared to larger Multi-Tools. This both makes it more likely to unlock and discover the supercharged slots sooner while upgrading them, but also a little more likely that supercharged slots might be adjacent to one another as there are fewer possible slots for them to appear in. (This same behavior also exists in vanilla, but has been amplified in PTSd)
  • The chart below shows how various attributes will compare against each other in-game for S Class Multi-Tools, factoring in all the changes made by PTSd. "Resources/object" shows how much substances you get per mined rock/tree/crystal/metal finger/etc. and "Resources/sec" shows how quickly you can receive substances while mining, taking into account both how quickly you mine rocks/trees and how much substances each will contain.
  • PTSd Multi-Tool Stats chart link
  • *Sentinel Multi-Tools have a unique Mining Laser variant, Hijacked Laser, explained below
  • **Atlantid Multi-Tools have a unique Mining Laser variant, Runic Lens, explained below
  • Multi-Tool attribute rebalance: As with starships, the values below are the changes from the vanilla stat bonuses at S Class. The full change details can be seen in the .lua, but the main points are:
  • Pistols (Small) have their Mining bonus increased by 2x at Class S, and Scan bonus reduced to 0.7x at all Classes. This sets them up as the best general tool for mining in most situations.
  • Rifles (Large) have their Damage bonus increased by 1.25x, and Scan bonus reduced to 0.75x . This lets them beat Experimentals for damage, but Alien or Royals will still be higher. As perhaps the only tool/ship/exocraft which can become truly obsolete in PTSd, their role is similar to Vanilla Shuttles for ships: Easy to find early on, and start with a lot of slots, but eventually you will find something better.
  • Experimentals (Small/Medium) have their Damage bonus reduced to 0.8x, and Scan bonus increased by 1.25x at all Classes, and now have a small range of possible Scan bonuses at S class instead of a single possible value in vanilla. They won't beat Pistols or Rifles in Mining or Damage, but have the clear best Scan stat of all tools.
  • Royals (Medium) are now different from Experimentals, and have their Damage bonus increased by 1.2x, Mining by 1.65x, and Scan reduced by 0.9x at Class S, and now have a small range of possible Scan bonuses at S class instead of a single possible value in vanilla.  Their final S Class bonuses now put them in a similar spot to vanilla Exotic ships, being a high-level "jack of all trades", although not the highest in any particular stat.
  • Aliens (Small/Medium) have their Damage bonus increased by 1.57x, and Scan reduced to 0.8x at all Classes. They are similar to Experimentals: the best at Damage, and just OK at everything else.
  • Sentinel Multi-Tools (Medium/Large) have their Damage bonus reduced to 0.8x, Mining bonus increased by 2x, and Scan increased to ~1.1x at S Class. This gives them the second-best damage just ahead of Royals, and OK mining & scanning in the middle of the pack, a little ahead of Aliens. However, they also come with the unique Hijacked Laser mining laser replacement, which in PTSd has been retooled into both a potent weapon and unconventional way to mine objects very quickly but yielding fewer resources per object and at a high fuel cost, allowing it to reach the highest resources/second in many situations (Intended to be used instead of the Mining Laser, not stacked with it. See Weapon changes above).
  • Atlantid Multi-Tools (Medium/Large) have their Damage bonus unchanged, Mining bonus increased to 1.25x, and Scan increased to 1.6x at S Class. Now set up as a kind of "advanced Pistol Alternative": Has notably better Damage and Scanning than the Pistol, but a lower Mining stat (and lower resources per second). However, with adjustments made to the unique Runic Lens laser (detailed in the Weapons section above), this means that it will yield more resources per object than the Pistol, but due to the reduced laser damage it will yield fewer resources per second than the Pistol (or the Sentinel Multi-tool using the Hijacked Laser). As opposed to the Hijacked Laser, the Runic Lens will shine in situations where you are mining rarer objects you do not often come across or in small groups (such as Metal Fingers, Mutant Plants, Di-Hydrogen Crystals, etc.) to maximise the resources obtained. And unlike the Hijacked Laser, it has the default fuel consumption / recharge rate and a more forgiving heatup time than the regular Mining Laser. (Intended to be used instead of the Mining Laser, not stacked with it. See Weapon changes above)
  • Voltaic Staff (Large) have their Damage bonus reduced to 0.7xMining bonus increased to 3x, and Scan increased to 1.6x at S Class. Instead of being identical to Sentinel Multi-tools, now set up as a kind of "alternative jack of all trades" similar to Royal Multi-tools: Has slightly better damage than Royals, but lower Mining and Scanning. The damage is still below Sentinel & Alien Multi-tools, the Scanning is still below Royals & Experimentals, and the Mining is below Pistols, Royals, and Atlantids


By default PTSd is mainly balanced around using the "Survival" preset and not using the the starship target assist, although of course you can choose/change any of the in-game Difficulty Settings or Controls to make things easier/harder as you like. Also, some of the Recommended Mods below work very well alongside PTSd. Generally PTSd aims to address different playstyles / strategies directly, however there were a few things I was unable to change (although most of these should have in-game reminders in the relevant UI descriptions / dialogue window):
  • If playing on Permadeath, it's highly recommended to still periodically back up your save files, given how it's possible that some of the changes may inadvertently lead to unexpected insta-kills, especially on top of any vanilla glitches.
  • While PTSd has the biggest impact when starting a new save file, it also works on existing saves. If continuing an existing non-PTSd save, several things such as which recipes are unlocked from the start, various inventory sizes, the stats of your existing starships / freighter / multitools will retain their old values. Upgrading its Class (A to S, etc.) will cause it to use updated stats, or you can use a Save Editor to manually change the inventory sizes & stats to match PTSd values, or to forget certain recipes. Also be aware of possibly losing some resources from full stacks if changing to a smaller stack size. 
  • It should be safe to disable PTSd and continue playing the savefile in Vanilla, or even to temporarily disable PTSd and re-enable it later on (Just be aware of how high you have your valuable resources stacked if moving to a lower stack size). 
  • The mod is balanced around not using the initial free freighter. The best workaround I know so far is to just do it on the "honor system": either continually reject the free freighter offers until you buy your own, or accept the initial free freighter, rename it to "No Man's Freighter" or something, and then never interact with or set foot on it until you are able to purchase a new freighter of your own (and then take into account the trade-in value of the free freighter when buying your "real" freighter). 
  • I haven't found way to effectively alter exosuit Cargo inventory, so currently balanced around stopping at 40 Exosuit Cargo slots (only upgrading it 16 times from the initial size of 24) and 40 Exosuit Tech Slots (only upgrading it 35 times from the initial size of 5).
  • Sentinel & Atlantid Multi-Tools are balanced assuming that you are using their unique mining laser alternatives (Hijacked Laser & Runic Lens) by themselves, not stacked alongside the default Mining Laser.
  • I haven't yet found a way to make "normal" Sentinel Pillars work the same way the ones do in the "Trace of Metal" questline, so it is just on the "honor system" to actually defeat the nearby drones / Sentinel Mech before using the terminal to shutdown all planetary Sentinels.
  • Similarly on the "honor system" to defeat the attacking Pirates before docking with a freighter for the reward.
  • I wanted to avoid changing much related to Nexus Missions / multiplayer activities, so again it would be on the "honor system" not to use the free system warp that many Nexus missions start with to gather currently unavailable resources such as Cadmium / Emeril / Indium before you have the appropriate Drive technology.
  • It's also on the "honor system" to use your starship's warp drive to travel between space stations / trade outposts in different systems for doing bulk buying/selling of trade goods / illegal contraband instead of safely using your Freighter's teleporter / hyperdrive and/or Freighter base Trade Terminal. (There is an optional setting in gBase Items BasicX.lua for users to optionally disable the player from constructing Teleporters in bases or freighters. The player can still teleport to their base / freighter regardless. Similarly, there is a toggle FreighterRoomsPlanetside in gBase Items BasicX.lua to control whether you can construct Freighter-only objects / rooms in planetside bases or not.)
  • Since Community Expeditions often change up the normal gameplay progression, sometimes PTSd will "block" progression within an expedition by requiring certain items / materials the player can't get access to in order to build items / tech required to advance the expedition. Generally these are the early Atlas Seeds (Captured Nanode, Englobed Shade, Noospheric Orb, Dark Matter, Dawn's End, Photic Jade), so if starting an Expedition from an existing save you can simply bring these items with you to avoid this issue in most cases. However if you do get stuck, you can try temporarily setting crafting to "Free" in the in-game settings, use a Save Editor to give you the needed items / tech, or temporarily disable the relevant PTSd module while you craft the required item. For most cases with an issue during an Expedition, I believe the only module you should need to temporarily disable while crafting any needed items / techs would be the "PTSd Prices and Tech and Starship Speed and More" module (specifically, to disable the "PTSd Tech + Upgrade + Recipe + Blueprint cost Rebalance.lua" and possibly the "PTSd Resource + Product + Construction Rebalance.lua" .lua files which make changes to tech & item blueprints/recipes). 
  • Finally, as with most gameplay-altering mods, playing in multiplayer when not all the party members are using the same mod loadout makes it likely that you and others will see / experience more different things. E.G. the number / position of enemy sentinels / starships, or the current weather. However, this is all generally the case in vanilla NMS as well due to how it handles multiplayer. Specific to PTSd however, reportedly for certain multiplayer Nexus missions involving Target Sweep, the mission marker locations may not be displayed for all party members. To resolve this particular issue, you can use the optional PTSd Missions and Rewards - No Farther Target Sweep module in the Optional Files section with the PTSd Farther Target Sweep.lua file excluded in place of the default module (or re-pak it yourself with AMUMSS). This reverts the distance from the "Approximate Location" for most Target Sweep missions back to vanilla distances
Current Known Issue:
  • When Multi-Tool Mining Lasers overheat, the UI (in 3rd person mode) incorrectly shows the much shorter vanilla cooldown time, so you will still need to wait several seconds after the overheat bar empties before you can use the Mining Laser again. These changes to the overheating cooldown can be toggled off in "PTSd Weapons Rebalance.lua"
  • When "Recycled Circuitry" is listed as a component to repair a broken slot, you will have to enter the full zoomed-in "repairing" UI to see the actual number of them required, as the Inventory UI overview only displays the first 3 required components and there may be multiple instance of "Recycled Circuitry". This is to make each Recycled Circuitry require its own Repair Kit so as to increase the cost of using Repair Kits instead of normal components to repair these slots.
  • There seems to be a vanilla issue where at a certain planetary location(s) Pirate Raids use their default spacefighting AI & damage levels while targeting the player directly instead of the weaker "Raiding" behavior which targets buildings. Since PTSd increases the damage of Pirates in space-fights, if this issue occured in PTSd they would likely one-shot you if you are caught aboveground/outdoors / outside your starship when they arrive. However, PTSd has disabled them from spawning at the known bugged location (Planetary / Colossal Archive). If you notice this issue occurring at a different location, PTSd has also increased the warning time before so you should have more time to hide before they arrive (Please let me know which building/POI you were nearest to if this happens so I can disable Raids from that location as well). As a failsafe, there is a toggle to completely disable planetary pirate raids at the top of "PTSd Other Difficulty Settings.lua".

Tips & Expectation-Setting

Some general advice for the different playstyle PTSd is aimed at:
  • Both planetary and space combat is intended to be difficult enough that while you should still be able to handle minor threats right from the start, ideally you should be unable to defeat every possible enemy with just starting C class Multi-Tools / Ships and no additional weapons / shields / upgrade Modules. Things such as large groups of pirates, "Hard" level random Bounties / Pirate-hunting space station missions, or Sentinel Mechs / Walkers will typically require much better equipment, tech, and upgrade modules to take down. Avoiding or bribing enemy ships early on is much safer, and the less valuables you carry the cheaper bribing will be.
  • Since the starter multi-tool still comes with 0 bonuses just as in vanilla, getting a better C or B Class Multi-Tool as soon as possible can make a noticeable difference, as does getting a few cheap C Class shield/weapon upgrade modules for your starship at your first space station. In particular since your Multi-Tool's Mining and Scan stats now directly affect the resources & units you receive from mining & scanning, getting a decent Pistol can help a lot early on. And since the adjacency bonuses for many upgrade modules can be stronger than the modules itself, getting 3~6 C Class upgrades positioned well might be stronger than just one or two A/S class upgrades.
  • Dealing with the reduced inventory size can be helped early on by making use of the improved range of the Teleport Receiver which can make your ship act as a sort of "second backpack", or using Exocraft as "mobile storage containers" you can summon to any planet if you keep geobay ingredients on you.
  • Similarly, to help with the increased distance of many "Target Sweep" missions, using either a ridable pet buffed with some recommended mods below,  the buffed Rocket Boots tech, or buffed Exocrafts can help you get around faster. 
  • For collecting larger amounts of resources, since the fully automated mineral & gas extractors have more restrictions and require Indium to start using, you may get more use out of the cheaper PTSd-buffed "fuel-powered" alternatives until later in the game (the AMU, Oxygen Harvester, etc.). Since they all now complete a cycle in 10 minutes (or just hit "C" to half-fuel them for 5 minutes if needed), keeping construction materials in your starship and placing multiple nearby when you land on a planet can collect resources while you do other tasks until you return to your ship. Or, consider having some placed at your home base that you refuel & replace each time you return home to run while you sort out your inventory, tend to crops, run refiners, etc. Especially if you use some short-range teleporters to quickly access multiple deposits. Alternatively, making use of how a Multi-Tool's Mining stat increases yield in PTSd, alongside supercharging the Mining Laser and Optical Drill, and using the Mining yield boost of a Radiation Storm, you can get around ~6x the base substance yield with an S Class Pistol.
  • Higher Ship Class makes a bigger difference in PTSd, as do Pulse Engine / Launcher upgrades if attempting to outrun enemy starships. I recommend first having reserves of Sodium Nitrate / Starshield Batteries on hand if planning to engage in prolonged space combat, as you ship shield will likely go down quickly & often.  The Emergency Warp Unit and Cargo Scan Deflector may be very appealing early-game, as they can let you escape or avoid unwinnable space encounters early on (The Cargo Scan Deflector works on Pirates as well as Sentinels).
  • For both Multi-Tools & Starships, a big advantage of higher Classes in PTSD is the additional Supercharged Tech slots, since for combat having the core weapon tech on a Supercharged slot is almost mandatory to have a fighting chance against many enemies, especially early on.
  • Remember on death you will only lose items in the Inventory of whatever your current mode of transport is, so if your ship goes down, items in your Exosuit or Exocraft will be safe.
  • Similarly, do not expect to be able to complete all 5 possible Frigate Expeditions each day without having high-level Frigates and an assortment of Frigate-boosting upgrade modules in your Freighter.
  • The intention behind removing many of the "quick & easy" money-making schemes while making most tech / upgrades / blueprints / starships more expensive to obtain, is that when faced with a particular item that is currently out of reach, the player might just continue with other quests / endeavors and making do without the item while "saving up" for the item in the meantime. This is opposed to dropping everything else to do nothing but continually grind for the missing resource, which will likely take a while now.
  • Checking in-game descriptions for technology/equipment can be useful, as PTSd adds some clarification to certain descriptions to either explain unintuitive vanilla mechanics or list changes made by PTSd.


While there was a good deal of testing & spreadsheets involved in tuning PTSd, ultimately balance and difficulty are subjective things. However, as explained in the first few bullet points of the "General Difficulty Changes" section above, you can now adjust much of this in-game through the various Difficulty Settings options. Also, since the .lua files for PTSd are provided, you can open them with most text editors such as Notepad++ and change the values to your liking, then run the .luas through AMUMSS to make your personal version of the mod with different values. (Note that running all the default PTSd .lua files through AMUMSS will result in 5 Warnings & 4 Notices, which is expected and can be ignored.)

Certain .lua files such as gDamageX.luaSpace Combat+Larger Space BattlesX.lua, _Extra Savage Sentinels by ExosolarX.lua and PTSd Weapons Rebalance.lua all have a few settings right at the top of the .lua file for quickly adjusting many values all at once, for things like damage dealt / received by the player from creatures/sentinels/starships, and enemy starship hull / shields. A search or grep tool can make finding particular things to change within all of PTSd's .lua files easier, such as grepWin to search all the .lua files for "Biodome" to see & modify how PTSd changes the crafting cost, recipe unlock cost, power usage, etc. of Biodomes.

For users unable to use AMUMSS, in the optional files section there is a version of the PTSd Missions and Rewards module with the "Farther Target Sweep" changes removed.

While the various changes in PTSd are generally designed to work together and not individually, I made it somewhat modular as a last resort for those with any issues with a particular module; it now comes in multiple .paks to be used all together just like before, or you can remove individual modules if absolutely necessary (with the caveat below). E.G. removing the module which increases incoming damage, or the module which increases combat & hazard difficulty.

While the modules are mostly grouped according to similar topics, I'm limited by which files each one affects, so certain topics may have changes spread between multiple modules. E.G. While "PTSd Prices and Tech and Starship Speed and More.pak" makes unlocking crafting recipes cost 10x more,  "PTSd Missions and Rewards.pak" is what makes Manufacturing Facilities balance that out by awarding 10x the Factory Override Tokens.
Please check the individual .lua files to see exactly which changes you may be giving up by removing a particular module. Recommended to edit the .lua files and re-pak with AMUMSS rather than removing entire modules to avoid accidentally removing other changes.


From the wiki:
  • Browse to No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS.
  • Delete or rename the DISABLEMODS.TXT file.
  • Create a folder named MODS.
  • Place mod .pak files into the MODS folder (they have to be in the folder itself and not in any subfolder).
  • Start the game and wait for the splash screen to disappear.
  • If done correctly the game will display a warning just before displaying the selection of saved games.


PTSd will likely conflict with many other gameplay-altering mods, as it affects a wide range of .MBIN files including:


And many others.
However, the .lua files for PTSd are also provided in the download, so you should be able to easily merge this with most other mods by using AMUMSS following these steps for merging mods.

Included Mods

With permission, the following mods have been adapted for balance with PTSd and included as part of it:Increases speed & boost for exocrafts (edited to tone down speed buffs and improve certain vehicle jumps).
Mod framework used as basis for a variety of ship rebalancing
(Edited to reduce base Survival launch cost from 50% to 41%, so the "Efficient Thrusters" tech will let all starships make 1 additional takeoff per refuel)
Allows Teleport Receiver, Economy & Combat Scanners to be installed in Living Ships, increases their speed & maneuverability with pulse engine upgrades. (edited for toned down Living Ship speed & maneuverability)
Rebalances the requirements for earning Milestones (Edited to balance some of the requirements around PTSd settings & pacing)
Increases the health, firerate, aggression, speed, handling, and number of enemy spaceships, and causes most space battles to involve more spaceships of both enemies & allies. (edited for increased health & firerate, lower number of enemy ships, and other adjustments)
Significantly increases the damage that NPC starships/freighters do to each other, both ally & enemies (does not affect damage to the player).Improves sentinel health, attack rate, behaviour, aggression (edited to improve Sentinel Mech behaviour, drone movement speed, drone search time, drone crime vision radius)
(Edited to tone starship Teleport Receiver range down to 800u)
No market crashing, increased exosuit slot prices, farther initial crashed spaceship on new games, longer and more frequent storms (especially on Extreme Weather Planets)
Increased damage taken by the player from all sources
Increases predator aggression & frequency (edited to maintain species sync with vanilla players)
Increases base size and variety of usable parts (edited to reduce extractor rates, extractor & silo storage, limit the number of extractors & silos per base, return some vanilla restrictions to certain planetary machines being buildable on Freighters, and reverted the initial base building radius to vanilla size to avoid hassles from a vanilla bug)
Improves Minotaur speed, handling, and jumpjets (edited to reduce the rate that jumpjets recharge)

Recommended Mods

While there are countless other mods I would endorse, these mods specifically enhance the challenge / balance that PTSd is aiming for:
  • No Danger Marks by Lo2k (No merging required)
Crucial mod which makes planetary threats such as hostile Fauna or Flora actually threatening, encourages situational awareness
Groups asteroids into medium-sized fields with lots of empty space in between them. Helps to have more room for space dogfights.
Aside from improving various on foot / exocraft cameras in general, the much faster "zoom out" when using Waypoints / Beacons / Signal Scanners helps exploration go a bit faster.
  • Fast Fish Release by br4iny      (No merging required)
Allows you to rapidly mass-release fish for nanites without your inventory closing each time. Makes fishing much more viable as an alternative source for nanites.
Makes animal companions perform useful actions often enough to be noticeably helpful and worthwhile
Helps prevent animal companions from despawning when walking too far from them, makes them much easier to steer and faster while riding, better camera control while riding. Makes companions a useful stepping-stone for travel until exocraft are unlocked
While PTSd includes a version of this mod specifically for Iteration Ares, these 2 mods allow you to more quickly trade certain items for nanites or Race Standing, respectively, which can be useful with PTSd's higher nanite costs and Standing cap requirements.Allows you to uninstall the Photon Cannon or Mining Laser from starships/Multi-Tools. Aside from the QoL, this helps you make the most of the more limited inventory slots with PTSd.

Special Thanks

A huge thanks to BabscooleGumskjackty89, as well as the rest of the modders here and the No Man's Sky Modding discord for all their help and guidance for getting into NMS modding, and maintaining the tools & mods to do so.