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Hands with tattoo on white background
How much did you spend on your tattoos?W Photograph: Rawpixel/Getty Images/iStockphoto
How much did you spend on your tattoos?W Photograph: Rawpixel/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Tell us about your tattoos and what they mean to you

We would like to hear from people about their tattoos, how much they cost and whether they regret any of them

Whether you’re heavily tattooed or have recently had your first one done, we want to hear about your tattoos and what inspired you to get them. How many do you have and what do they mean to you? How much did you spend on them and are there any you regret and, if so, why?

Share your experience

You can tell us about your tattoos and what they mean to you by filling in the form below.

Please share your story if you are 18 or over, anonymously if you wish. For more information please see our terms of service and privacy policy.
Your responses, which can be anonymous, are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. We will only use the data you provide us for the purpose of the feature and we will delete any personal data when we no longer require it for this purpose. For true anonymity please use our SecureDrop service instead.
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