Zach’s ugly mug (his face) Zach Leatherman


  1. 2024 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2024 ×31
  2. IndieWeb Avatar for Web Unleashed 2024: The Best And Worst Parts Of Eleventy (Now In v3) Speakingon October 11
  3. Open Source Needs to be Financially Symbiotic #1📢 78
  4. IndieWeb Avatar for is Joining Font Awesome #8
  5. <heading-anchors> Web Component Project📢 10
  6. IndieWeb Avatar for’s Winging It Live: Web Components Speakingon August 27
  7. The Sneaky Costs of Scaling Serverless #2📢 88
  8. IndieWeb Avatar for v3.0.0-beta.1 is now available!
  9. Improved error messaging for require(ESM) in Node.js 📢 11
  10. The Smorgasbord of Windows Terminal… Windows 📢 8
  11. IndieWeb Avatar for Goes Fully Independent—JS Party #325 Speaking📢 28
  12. I Need Your Help to Make 11ty Fully Independent and Sustainable in 2024 #5📢 306
  13. The Future of 11ty (2024) Speaking📢 23
  14. An Organizer’s Retrospective on the 11ty Conference 📢 45
  15. IndieWeb Avatar for Conference is this week!
  16. IndieWeb Avatar for JavaScript Naked Day every year on April 24 📢 12
  17. Glitch Jams Live 🍓🎏 Ep. 16: Eleventy'ing Speaking📢 1
  18. IndieWeb Avatar for your 11ty Conference 2024 Merch Bundle (Limited Edition)
  19. IndieWeb Avatar for Ink: Unpacking the Challenges and Opportunities in Modern Web Development Speaking73 min Audio
  20. Elevating Video Transcripts as Searchable Content 📢 16
  21. IndieWeb Avatar for Million npm Downloads for Eleventy
  22. Panel Discussion: What's next for Jamstack? Speaking
  23. <hyper-card> Web Component Project📢 18
  24. <webcare-webshare> Web Component Project📢 19
  25. <throb-ber> Web Component Project📢 25
  26. Lessons learned moving Eleventy from CommonJS to ESM Speaking📢 35
  27. <carou-scroll> Web Component Project📢 49
  28. The Good, The Bad, The Web Components #9📢 74
  29. IndieWeb Avatar for the 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good (it’s an 11ty Conference)
  30. IndieWeb Avatar for 2024 Speakingon January 24–25
  31. Exploring the Bounds of Jamstack on What the Jam Speaking29 min Video📢 1
  32. In Case You Missed It: 2023 📢 68
  33. 2023 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2023 ×47
  34. Building a multi-language Taylor Swift fan site (10 Minute Version) (Zach's Version) Speaking10 min Video📢 32
  35. Netlify’s Disingenuous Survey-based Attack on Next.js (and Eleventy, too) #13📢 108
  36. Eleventy v3 with ESM support now on the canary channel
  37. <snow-fall> Web Component Project #19📢 93
  38. One YouTube Embed weighs almost 1.2 MB 📢 90
  39. <is-land> Web Component Project📢 58
  40. <pagefind-search> Web Component Project📢 29
  41. Live Editing an Eleventy Project in CloudCannon with Bookshop Speaking9 min Video
  42. <w3c-banner> Web Component Project📢 5
  43. IndieWeb Avatar for Feedback #11: All about Eleventy Speaking37 min Video
  44. IndieWeb Avatar for 2023: The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components Speaking24 min Video
  45. The Tension and Future of Jamstack #18📢 49
  46. The Infinity Hamburger Menu, now in Web Component form Project📢 34
  47. An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components #4📢 52
  48. A New Technique for Image Optimization: SVG Short Circuiting 📢 40
  49. The Commit that Updated a Thousand Demos 5 min Video📢 4
  50. IndieWeb Avatar for new Eleventy mascot from David Neal! 📢 1
  51. The Squirminal Web Component Project📢 30
  52. <browser-window> Web Component Project #17📢 87
  53. IndieWeb Avatar for Million npm Downloads for Eleventy
  54. Parity Purchasing Power Price <ppp-price> Web Component Project3 min Video📢 13
  55. <resize-asaurus> Web Component Project📢 22
  56. <table-saw> Web Component Project2 min Video📢 1
  57. Jamstack ZHUZH: a Roundtable Discussion on the future of the Jamstack Community Speaking69 min Video📢 3
  58. IndieWeb Avatar for Freiburg 2023
  59. Educational, Sensational, Inspirational, Foundational Web Development Reading List Project📢 2
  60. IndieWeb Avatar for and CloudCannon: New Best Friends 📢 5
  61. IndieWeb Avatar for Chats: 11ty, Open Source and Funding Speaking64 min Audio
  62. IndieWeb Avatar for Million npm Downloads for Eleventy
  63. IndieWeb Avatar for of Web Components Panel (This Dot Media) Speaking94 min Video
  64. The Next Phase of Eleventy: Return of the Side Project 📢 295
  65. IndieWeb Avatar for 2023 Speaking28 min Video
  66. IndieWeb Avatar for 2023: The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components Speaking24 min Video
  67. IndieWeb Avatar for WebCamp 2023 Speaking29 min Video
  68. 3 Methods for Scoped Styles in Web Components That Work Everywhere 📢 58
  69. IndieWeb Avatar for on Single Page Applications (SPA) #12📢 151
  70. The Eleventy v2.0 Release, a talk at the Eleventy Meetup Speaking📢 31
  71. IndieWeb Avatar for Eleventy 2.0 🎉—JS Party #266 Speaking📢 1
  72. IndieWeb Avatar for Million npm Downloads for Eleventy
  73. Flex Luthor, a Little CSS Flexbox Layout Helper Project📢 28
  74. The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023 #16📢 125
  75. 'Could not find Chromium' with Puppeteer 19 📢 17
  76. A Historical Reference of React Criticism #7📢 250
  77. GitHub’s Open Source Friday: WebC, The Web Components Framework Speaking📢 1
  78. The Magical Eleventy v2.0 Beta Release 📢 41
  79. JavaScript, Community 📢 174
  80. In Case You Missed It: 2022 📢 26
  81. 2022 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2022 ×33
  82. IndieWeb Avatar for Talk Show #593: Zach Leatherman on Eleventy, Mastodon, Twitter, and is-land Speaking59 min Audio📢 67
  83. IndieWeb Avatar for Community Survey 2022 Results 📢 1
  84. Archive your Tweets with Tweetback Project📢 129
  85. The State of Eleventy (2022) in Two Minutes Speaking2 min Video📢 2
  86. A simple plea for Eleventy folks to take the 2022 State of JavaScript Survey 📢 1
  87. Vote With Your Tweet Project📢 44
  88. Use defer-hydration in your Web Components for… well, deferred hydration. 📢 68
  89. IndieWeb Avatar for has a very important voice—WebJoy Podcast №21 Speaking📢 3
  90. OSS is Out to End the Framework Wars—Jamstack Conf 2022 Speaking📢 107
  91. FITC Panel: Front-End Framework Trends with the creators of Qwik, Astro, and Eleventy Speaking
  92. Kelvin Omereshone’s TKYT: Eleventy and WebC Speaking
  93. Nick Taylor’s WebC is neat! Speaking📢 1
  94. Adding Components to Eleventy with WebC ProjectSpeaking📢 120
  95. IndieWeb Avatar for Million npm Downloads for Eleventy
  96. Ryan Carniato: Exploring 11ty with Zach Leatherman Speaking📢 2
  97. Which Generator builds Markdown the fastest? 📢 224
  98. Dear Paul 📢 77
  99. Use esm-import-transformer for “isomorphic-ish” ECMAScript Modules Project📢 10
  100. The many definitions of Server-Side Rendering 📢 67
  101. IndieWeb Avatar for podcast: Eleventy with Zach Leatherman Speaking
  102. IndieWeb Avatar for Million npm Downloads for Eleventy
  103. Eleventy: Build vs. Serverless vs. Edge Speaking21 min Video📢 80
  104. Semverflation: a new software metric proposal 📢 8
  105. Coding Design Systems episode 11: Design Systems with 11ty Speaking
  106. IndieWeb Avatar for full-time on Eleventy—JS Party #217 Speaking
  107. Speedy Screenshots, or How I Improved the Robustness of the Screenshot Service 📢 11
  108. IndieWeb Avatar for Time Open Source Development for Eleventy, sponsored by Netlify Speaking2 min Video📢 2
  109. Add Responsive-Friendly Enhancements to <details> with <details-utils> Project📢 153
  110. Migrating my 16+ year old web site to Netlify in a few short days 📢 34
  111. Back to the Facepile, Featherweight Edition 📢 24
  112. Trailing Slashes on URLs: Contentious or Settled? #11📢 247
  113. CSS-only External Link Favicons Project📢 96
  114. IndieWeb Avatar for v1.0.0, the stable release. 📢 7
  115. 2021 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2021 ×45
  116. IndieWeb Avatar for Eleventy API Explorer Project📢 28
  117. IndieWeb Avatar for and Match Template Syntax in Eleventy using the Render Plugin Project
  118. How to add Authentication to your Eleventy Site ProjectSpeaking7 min Video📢 52
  119. Recycling Open Graph Images for display on my Web Site Project📢 40
  120. IndieWeb Avatar for New Eleventy Mascot from Geri Coady
  121. The Art of Deception, Lighthouse Score Edition 📢 129
  122. Who Pays for Web Frameworks? 📢 352
  123. The State of Eleventy (2021) in Two Minutes Speaking2 min Video📢 3
  124. IndieWeb Avatar for 11ties: 11 Minute Talks about 11ty on 11/11
  125. IndieWeb Avatar for out to Jamstack Conf 2021 Jammies Award Winners
  126. IndieWeb Avatar for Very First Eleventy 1.0 Beta Release 📢 3
  127. IndieWeb Avatar for Community Survey 2021 Results
  128. IndieWeb Avatar, yet another Eleventy Image Service API Project📢 63
  129. Every Fire Needs a Sparkline Project📢 22
  130. IndieWeb Avatar for Million npm Downloads for Eleventy
  131. Vector? Raster? Why Not Both! 📢 217
  132. Fire SVG animations (SMIL) when the SVG is visible 📢 90
  133. If I work really hard on my Open Graph Images, People will share my Blog Posts 📢 169
  134. Building an Automated Screenshot Service on Netlify in ~140 Lines of Code Project📢 86
  135. Uniclode: yet another demo of Eleventy Serverless Web FontsProject📢 22
  136. Eleventy Serverless, a talk video from EleventyMeetup’s AvatarThe Eleventy Meetup Speaking43 min Video
  137. Rainglow: a demo of Eleventy Serverless Project📢 34
  138. Inaugural EleventyMeetup’s AvatarEleventy Meetup: Hello World (a talk about Eleventy Serverless) Speakingon July 15
  139. Some Antics with BenDMyers’s AvatarBen Myers: A First Look at Eleventy Serverless! Speaking73 min Video📢 27
  140. Eleventy Serverless (Eleventy Cloud) Thus Far 📢 95
  141. Defer generating 400+ pages using Eleventy Cloud and On-demand Builders Speaking8 min Video📢 15
  142. How and Why I Removed 3000 Images from the Eleventy Docs Build Speaking4 min Video📢 1
  143. Powering Netlify’s Community Events with Structured Content (and a preview of Eleventy Cloud) Speaking23 min Video📢 9
  144. IndieWeb Avatar for is Data—Sanity Open House Speakingon March 25
  145. Image Ready v2—Developer Experience @ Eleventy Speaking22 min Video📢 45
  146. A Pandemic By Any Other Name 📢 47
  147. IndieWeb Avatar for’s AvatarBuild IT Better: Architecture feat. jlengstorf’s AvatarJason Lengstorf and zachleat’s AvatarZach Leatherman Speaking58 min Video
  148. Queue Code—“Live” Code without Errors Project📢 55
  149. Unicode Range Interchange Web FontsProject📢 21
  150. This Web Site is a Tech Talk Speaking45 min Video📢 197
  151. IndieWeb Avatar for the Eleventy Super Professional Business Network
  152. Jamstack 101: Getting Started with Eleventy, presented by agilitycms’s AvatarAgility CMS Speaking73 min Video
  153. Barebones CSS for Fluid Images Research📢 238
  154. Don’t Shut Down Your Business! Instead Use Eleventy Image Project📢 165
  155. <video-radio-star> Web Component Project
  156. <seven-minute-tabs> Web Component Project
  157. A little collection of theme-less Web Components Project📢 39
  158. <filter-container> Web Component Project📢 19
  159. <announcement-banner> Web Component Project📢 3
  160. IndieWeb Avatar for at JAMstackTORONTO’s AvatarJamstack Toronto Speakingon January 20
  161. 2020 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2020 ×21
  162. Ruthlessly Eliminating Layout Shift on 📢 161
  163. IndieWeb Avatar for Conference Austin 2020 Speakingon October 13
  164. The State of Eleventy (2020) in Two Minutes Speaking2 min Video
  165. IndieWeb Avatar for and Vue, a match made to power
  166. Eleventy Leaderboards v2 via speedlify’s AvatarSpeedlify Project📢 63
  167. IndieWeb Avatar for’s Creative Corner with the Netlify team Speaking
  168. Netlify’s Merry Band of 1 Million Developers 📢 14
  169. Bulk Generating OG Images 📢 64
  170. The Lighthouse Scores Will Continue Until Morale Improves Project📢 27
  171. I added Lighthouse Scores to my Site’s Footer and You Can Too Project #15📢 267
  172. Use speedlify’s AvatarSpeedlify to Continuously Measure Site Performance Project #14📢 495
  173. Resume/CV on the Jamstack 📢 55
  174. CSS Naked Day 📢 3
  175. Eleventy’s New Performance Leaderboard 📢 54
  176. My Favorite Typinator Macros 📢 2
  177. Eleventy Crash Course with Nick and Zach—NebraskaJS Omaha Speaking
  178. Speaker Spotlight: a chat with Vitaly Friedman Web FontsSpeaking19 min Video
  179. Now Deploying to netlify’s AvatarNetlify 📢 34
  180. A Love Letter to filamentgroup’s AvatarFilament Group 📢 123
  181. Let’s Learn Eleventy! on LWJShow’s AvatarLearn with Jason Speakingon Jan 792 min Video
  182. IndieWeb Avatar for Crash Course with Nick and Zach—NebraskaJS Omaha Speakingon Jan 7
  183. 2019 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2019 ×36
  184. The Origin Story of Container Queries Research📢 137
  185. Building Exclusive Features For Open Collective Contributors on Netlify Project📢 22
  186. IndieWeb Avatar for Talk Show #390: Eleventy with Zach Leatherman Speaking62 min Audio
  187. IndieWeb Avatar for Documentation has moved to
  188. IndieWeb Avatar for Archive’s Web Almanac 2019—Web Fonts Edition Web FontsResearch
  189. Own Your Content on Social Media Using the IndieWeb Speaking📢 132
  190. Making a PWA out of the 1996 Space Jam Web Site Speaking📢 14
  191. IndieWeb Avatar for look back at NEJS CONF, 2015–2019 Speaking📢 74
  192. IndieWeb Avatar for Conf SF 2019 Speakingon October 16–18
  193. I’m Taking Ownership of My Tweets Project📢 60
  194. IndieWeb Avatar for Browsers Walked Into a Scrollbar Research
  195. A Featherweight Facepile Project📢 35
  196. IndieWeb Avatar for CONF 2019 on August 9
  197. Reactions to: An Honest Conversation About Burnout on JSParty 📢 24
  198. Bridgy for Webmentions with Brotli 📢 4
  199. Developing a Robust Font Loading Strategy for CSS-Tricks Web FontsResearch #20📢 168
  200. Week Notes №3 ending 14 Jun 2019
  201. Smashing TV: The Five Whys of Web Font Loading Performance Web FontsSpeakingon June 13
  202. IndieWeb Avatar for fonts and static sites 🌶️—JS Party #79 Web FontsSpeaking67 min Audio
  203. The Crushing Weight of the Facepile 📢 63
  204. Week Notes №2 ending 7 June 2019
  205. Render Snarky Comments in Comic Sans 📢 228
  206. Week Notes №1 ending 24 May 2019
  207. The Co-opetition of Team Web 📢 34
  208. font-display is Incompatible with Icon Fonts Web Fonts📢 108
  209. IndieWeb Avatar for Engineering Düsseldorf Web FontsSpeakingon May 16
  210. The Scoville Scale of Web Font Loading Opinions Web FontsSpeaking📢 30
  211. IndieWeb Avatar for tellerrand—Düsseldorf Speakingon May 13–15
  212. Google Fonts is Adding font-display 🎉 Web Fonts #10📢 123
  213. IndieWeb Avatar for Omaha Speakingon May 7
  214. Navigate directly to a GitHub Issue
  215. IndieWeb Avatar for Quick Tip №8: Trigger a Netlify Build Every Day with IFTTT
  216. IndieWeb Avatar for Quick Tip №7: Fetch GitHub Stargazers Count (and More) at Build Time
  217. Download a Twitter User’s Profile Image
  218. IndieWeb Avatar for your own Blog from Scratch using Eleventy
  219. Get all Font Sizes in use on a Web Page
  220. 2018 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2018 ×30
  221. IndieWeb Avatar for Draft Podcast: On Tour @ #perfnow 5/6 Web FontsSpeaking21 min Audio
  222. Don’t Stop Learning Frameworks 📢 76
  223. IndieWeb Avatar for I Use JavaScript to Load My Web Fonts? Web FontsResearch
  224. Happy Birthday Eleventy! 🎉 📢 13
  225. The Five Whys of Web Font Loading Performance Web FontsSpeaking46 min Video📢 5
  226. IndieWeb Avatar for; the Web Performance Conference Speakingon November 8–9
  227. A Group of Web Font Repaints is called a Michael Serif Web Fonts
  228. The Problem with font-display and Reflow Web Fonts📢 23
  229. The Font Loading Checklist Web Fonts📢 23
  230. TalkScript Episode #14 Speaking34 min Audio
  231. Concatenate Conference Speakingon August 10–11
  232. IndieWeb Avatar for CONF 2018 on July 27
  233. The Life Expectancy of Digital Content
  234. The Simplest Web Site That Could Possibly Work Well
  235. Obnoxiously Readable Responsive Text with Viewport Units Web Fonts📢 1
  236. preload with font-display: optional is an Anti-pattern Web Fonts📢 27
  237. Import your Disqus Comments to Eleventy 📢 5
  238. “The Compromise”—a Modern but Compatible Font Loading Strategy Web Fonts📢 33
  239. Passing the Lead NebraskaJS Organizer Baton
  240. Google Open Source Award for Eleventy
  241. imaging-heap, Measuring Responsive Image Efficiency Project
  242. It’s Dangerous to Go Stallone. Take Glyphhanger Web FontsProject📢 13
  243. “A letter about Google AMP”
  244. IndieWeb Avatar for Fonts are ▢▢▢ Rocket Science Web FontsSpeaking47 min Video
  245. Introducing Eleventy, a new Static Site Generator Project
  246. IndieWeb Avatar for London 2018 Speakingon February 7
  247. Making a Simple Web Site with the Simplest Static Site Generator, Level 2—Adding Filters 📢 1
  248. Making a Simple Web Site with the Simplest Static Site Generator, Level 1 📢 1
  249. spider-pig Searches for Nodes that match a CSS Selector Project📢 65
  250. Airing Out 2017’s Dirty Laundry
  251. 2017 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2017 ×23
  252. 23 Minutes of Work for Better Font Loading Web Fonts📢 41
  253. IndieWeb Avatar for Omaha Speakingon November 14
  254. Managing Font Loading CSS Was Painful—Not Anymore Web FontsProject
  255. A Collection of Web Font Loading Recipes Web FontsProjectResearch📢 1
  256. FOIT vs. FOUT, a Side by Side Comparison Web FontsProject📢 13
  257. A Historical Look at FOUT and FOIT Web Fonts📢 112
  258. Web Standards Podcast #85 Web FontsSpeaking86 min Audio
  259. CSS-Minsk-JS Speakingon September 10
  260. The Ten Twitter Commandments Speaking
  261. The Web Font Loading Glossary Web Fonts📢 4
  262. I made a style guide for my personal web site and you should too. 📢 3
  263. IndieWeb Avatar for CONF 2017 on July 21
  264. Font Aliasing, or How to Rename a Font in CSS Research📢 16
  265. Laissez-faire Font Smoothing and Anti-aliasing Research📢 15
  266. Quick Demo: Animating on an Oval Path 📢 2
  267. Wait, WebP is actually worth it. Research📢 10
  268. What Are You Excited About? Speaking
  269. Selecthor: A Better way to Learn and Demo CSS Selectors Project📢 6
  270. Randsom: A Random Web Fonts Ransom Note Project📢 4
  271. Bernie Tweets Project
  272. IndieWeb Avatar for Video Screencasts #152: Font Loading 57 min Video
  273. IndieWeb Avatar for Talk Show #247: The Performance Equation 72 min Audio
  274. In Case You Missed It: 2016
  275. 2016 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2016 ×17
  276. No @font-face Syntax will ever be Bulletproof, Nor Should It Be. Web Fonts📢 1
  277. faux-pas, Detecting Faux Web Font Rendering Project
  278. Lazy Loading Web Fonts Is Probably Not What You Want Web Fonts📢 8
  279. Separating Fact from Fiction on the Internet Speaking
  280. IndieWeb Avatar for Wanted to Type a Number Research
  281. IndieWeb Avatar for CONF 2016 Recap on August 26
  282. Beyond Code #4 at NEJS CONF 2015 3 min Video
  283. A Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies Web Fonts #3📢 264
  284. IndieWeb Avatar for Position Sticky 10 min Video
  285. Web Fonts for President 2016 Web Fonts📢 10
  286. The Web Fonts: Preloaded Web FontsResearch📢 13
  287. Trying out a new Font Stack 📢 1
  288. Web Font Anti-pattern: Data URIs Web FontsResearch📢 18
  289. IndieWeb Avatar for Versatile 2KB of JS 25 min Video
  290. A Story About Proxy Filters
  291. Critical Web Fonts Web FontsResearch📢 7
  292. In Case You Missed It: 2015
  293. 2015 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2015 ×19
  294. The Infinity Hamburger Menu Project📢 5
  295. Using Custom Fonts Responsibly, an Akamai Animated Short Web Fonts5 min Video
  296. Frameworks, not Blameworks
  297. A Brief History of that Time You Used Web Fonts—SmashingConf Barcelona Web FontsSpeaking48 min Video
  298. The Performance and Usability of Web Fonts—Velocity New York City Web FontsSpeaking42 min Video📢 2
  299. IndieWeb Avatar for Group is Agency of the Year at Net Awards
  300. A Hypocrite’s Guide to Public Speaking 17 min Video📢 16
  301. IndieWeb Avatar for #166, NEJS CONF 2015 69 min Audio
  302. IndieWeb Avatar for CONF 2015 Recap on August 7
  303. Smashing Book #5 Web Fonts
  304. The Mitt Romney Web Font Problem Web FontsResearch📢 12
  305. The Performance and Usability of Font Loading—Velocity Santa Clara Web FontsSpeaking39 min Video📢 1
  306. Tech Meetup at the White House 3 min Video📢 7
  307. Compatibility Tables Compendium 📢 9
  308. Better @font-face with Font Load Events—SmashingConf Whistler Web FontsSpeaking48 min Video
  309. Flash of Faux Text—still more on Font Loading Web FontsResearch📢 3
  310. Performance and Responsive Web Design (2015) 67 min Video
  311. IndieWeb Avatar for we use web fonts responsibly, or, avoiding a @font-face-palm Web FontsResearch
  312. In Case You Missed It: 2014
  313. 2014 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2014 ×14
  314. The Making of Web Fonts19 min Video
  315. word-break Podcast #1 49 min Audio
  316. IndieWeb Avatar for See the Wizard, a Wonderful JavaScript Feature Test Web FontsProject
  317. A Font Family Reunion Web FontsProject📢 12
  318. IndieWeb Avatar for @font-face with Font Load Events on Dev.Opera Web FontsResearch
  319. The Perfect GIF 12 min Video📢 7
  320. W3C Status Banners Project📢 20
  321. IndieWeb Avatar for A Flexible Tool for Responsive Tables Project
  322. A Frugal and Simple Guide to Putting Lights on your Bike 📢 1
  323. Pastry Box: Impostor Syndrome
  324. Bulletproof Icon Fonts—CSSConf Web FontsSpeaking26 min Video
  325. IndieWeb Avatar for, an unobtrusive alternative to input masks Project
  326. IndieWeb Avatar for Accessible Icon Fonts Web FontsProjectResearch
  327. A Few Retired Projects Project
  328. 2013 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2013 ×12
  329. In Case You Missed It: 2013 📢 3
  330. Domain Swap: A Google Chrome Extension Project📢 1
  331. The Elusive :target Feature Test Research📢 2
  332. Impostor Syndrome 7 min Video📢 8
  333. A Nodecopter Informercial (at HOW Conf)
  334. A Sliver of What I Learned at JSConf 2013
  335. You Should Follow Fewer People on Twitter Project📢 9
  336. Performance and Responsive Web Design (2013) 61 min Video📢 5
  337. is Dead, Long Live 📢 40
  338. Tool or Die, a Web Developer’s Workflow Speaking59 min Video📢 16
  339. Side Projects (at Awesome Camp)
  340. A Web Developer Fumbling with Social Media 📢 12
  341. 2012 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2012 ×6
  342. IndieWeb Avatar for, Faster & Lighter Social Networking Widgets Project
  343. IndieWeb Avatar for in Responsive Web Design (2012)
  344. IndieWeb Avatar for http://f2em.comA Front End Engineer’s Manifesto ProjectSpeaking📢 12
  345. CSS3 Job Transition 📢 3
  346. Let’s get parseIntimate. Project
  347. Placeholder Title for Article about HTML5 Placeholders Research📢 11
  348. 2011 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2011 ×11
  349. Deferreds and a Better Geolocation API 📢 3
  350. A Mobile Web Divided 📢 2
  351. Progressive Enhancement (at jQuery Omaha)
  352. FitText + BigText: A Tale of Two Plugins Web Fonts📢 6
  353. Pragmatic Progressive Enhancement 📢 1
  354. HTML5 vs. Native Applications, The Presentation 📢 7
  355. Raging Netflix Queue, a Google Chrome Extension Project📢 8
  356. The JavaScript Testing Challenge Winner 📢 3
  357. Et tu, X-UA-Compatible? Research📢 3
  358. BigText Makes Text Big Web FontsProject #6📢 81
  359. An Update to The JavaScript Testing Challenge
  360. 2010 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2010 ×12
  361. The JavaScript Testing Challenge 5 min Video📢 8
  362. Faking Onload for Link Elements Research📢 3
  363. ALARMd is now on Github 📢 4
  364. Maiden Voyage of the DOM Sailbloat Project📢 1
  365. A Race Against Time Pickers 📢 1
  366. Point, Charset, Match: Character Encoding in JavaScript Web FontsResearch📢 2
  367. Internet Explorer Array.sort Unreliable Research📢 13
  368. If the Menu Fitts, We Must Acquit 📢 8
  369. CSS 3 Text: A Tale of writing-mode Woe Web FontsResearch📢 3
  370. Trash that “Back to Top” Link 📢 8
  371. The 24 Clock on ALARMd 📢 3
  372. DIY Webdings—CSS Sprites using @font-face Web FontsResearch📢 39
  373. 2009 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2009 ×9
  374. Don’t Give Up on Internet Explorer Yet 📢 3
  375. Device Independence on the Open Web 📢 3
  376. Quick Performance Tip: jQuery and addClass 📢 2
  377. Adobe Reverts Flex Store to Open Web
  378. Performance Caveat with jQuery Selectors and Live Events Research📢 14
  379. Jonathan Sharp at The Ajax Experience
  380. ALARMd Unix Time Format for 1234567890 Day
  381. Registration Forms Suck, Let’s Mitigate Suckiness 📢 4
  382. Scare Your Visitors with this JavaScript Gravatar Plugin Project📢 6
  383. 2008 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2008 ×25
  384. DOMContentLoaded Inconsistencies (in Browsers and JavaScript Libraries) Research📢 1
  385. jQuery Bug: IE reports incorrect $.browser.version 📢 3
  386. Dear IE6: Please Cache my Images. Research📢 3
  387. Relative URLs including the Domain 📢 2
  388. ALARMd is a Google Code Project
  389. Fight Registrastination. Register to vote! Project
  390. Writing a Front End Engineer’s Resume (or CV) 📢 6
  391. Emulating onhashchange without setInterval Research📢 5
  392. Double Whammy: OpenID and Microformats
  393. Selecting XML Nodes with JavaScript, or the Peril of getElementsByTagName Research📢 8
  394. Javascript Objects are NOT JSON 📢 3
  395. Surnamespacing 📢 3
  396. Don’t Let the Door Hit You Onunload and Onbeforeunload Research📢 10
  397. Forgive My Feed
  398. Rethinking JavaScript Grids and DataTables 📢 1
  399. ALARMd 2 Beta, with Google Calendar Integration Project📢 12
  400. 20000 Leagues Under the API: YouTube JavaScript
  401. Code Like the Big Boys: Flickr 📢 3
  402. Tips for Programming JavaScript Functions 📢 1
  403. Architecture Choices: Callbacks and Events in JavaScript
  404. Yet Another Pretty Date JavaScript Project📢 25
  405. Minor Annoyances with Firefox Development
  406. Specific Inheritance with TIBCO’s General Interface 📢 3
  407. PHP Pretty Date Project📢 6
  408. Online Movie Rental Review – Amazon Unbox 📢 4
  409. 2007 Sparkline representing frequency of posts written by month in 2007 ×47
  410. Quine using XHTML and JavaScript
  411. Faster YUI DataTable with 5 Lines of Code 📢 1
  412. Problems with Looping through window.setInterval 📢 2
  413. enterval, an automatic setInterval chainer. Project
  414. Speed up Including Google Analytics
  415. Obscurity, Security, and Captcha 📢 1
  416. Forward Compatibility and JavaScript
  417. Nursery Rhyme Code Poem [CSS] 📢 1
  418. Nursery Rhyme Code Poem [PHP]
  419. Nursery Rhyme Code Poem [JavaScript] 📢 1
  420. Write More Efficient Javascript in YUI with CSS Selectors Project
  421. Cross Domain XHR with Firefox 2 📢 18
  422. Namespacing outside of the YAHOO Namespace 📢 8
  423. Enlarging your YUI DataTable in 29 Seconds or Less! 📢 3
  424. ALARMd now supports URLs
  425. maLArquee, Bringing Back the Marquee Project📢 4
  426. Using Phing to automate JavaScript and CSS Minimization 📢 3
  427. YUI Code Review: YAHOO.namespace 📢 3
  428. Using DOM Query Libraries in YUI 📢 3
  429. 8 Things the YUI Library Needs to Win Me Back 📢 7
  430. What Sound Does a Cow Make? MooTools. 📢 1
  431. 20/20 Hindsight, a Look Back at ALARMd 📢 2
  432. JavaScript Frameworks and JSF 📢 6
  433. DOMDom, easy DOM Element Creation Project📢 9
  434. Wake up to YouTube on my Internet Alarm Clock Project📢 23
  435. Enlarging your YUI DataTable in 30 Seconds or Less! 📢 7
  436. Screen Readers and Listening at the Speed of Sound
  437. Wash your mouth out with SOAP and the YUI Connection Manager 📢 3
  438. YUI DataTable and You: Making the Marriage Work 📢 7
  439. I-Frame Shims or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 📢 8
  440. JavaScript Code Coverage Tool for Firebug Project📢 18
  441. Google Using YUI Grids CSS 📢 9
  442. Problems with YUI DataTable 📢 28
  443. YUI Button Lite
  444. Logical XOR in JavaScript Project📢 2
  445. Conservative Design Example: Hierarchical Options
  446. Fundamental Problem with YUI Button 📢 1
  447. OMG SOA
  448. Conservative Design Example: Multiple Option List
  449. Conservative Design: Command Line Interface
  450. Namespaces in Ext DomQuery
  451. Beaten to the Spiked Punch
  452. Conservative Design: Option List
  453. Conservative Design Patterns for Form Elements 📢 3
  454. Conservative Design: Hierarchical Select 📢 1
  455. Screen Printing, Fake Interfaces Part 1
  456. Checklist for Web Applications 📢 49