
I am trying to make a website for myself in Joomla 5, I am trying to add a phone number block in my contact page but I cant figure it out. I made my contact page using the default joomla contact page ( contact -> contact -> new ..... ). The Default Contact page only has Name, Email, Subject and Message. I am not able to add phone number section in my contact page, can anyone help with this stuff. I tried googling it and searching it on youtube but I didnt came up with the result. i also tried to code it in PHP in the CPanel but it didnt work there either. I dont know how to add custom fields.

I was expecting to get the result. that is working phone number field where someone who wants to reach out to me for queries can leave there phone number and I could contact them .

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sameer man shrestha is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering. Check out our Code of Conduct.
  • Please edit the question to include the code that you are using to try to add the telephone number. Explain also what happens instead.
    – SmellyCat
    Commented 18 hours ago