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svh viewport units are not working in mobile in-app browsers like Google Search and Instagram

I'd like to use svh viewport units for the first section of my landing page, and while they work great on standard mobile browsers, they function the same as dvh units in in-app browsers like Google ...
Jesse S's user avatar
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Memory usage section on Safari when debugging iPhone on laptop is empty, how to populate?

I am trying to debug why my website is crashing on mobile (iPhone 13, iOS 17 something), so plugged in my phone to my MacBook laptop and opened Safari. I visit the page on my phone and can see the ...
Alien's user avatar
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there are some strange lines on some of the IOS phones, when my website is loading

see the problem here: ( ignore the glitch property i commented it <div class=...
Abubakar Sherazi's user avatar
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Live activity with activity kit is not refreshin on archive build

I have live activities in one part of application and all i do is start it through singleton which is manager for live activity. Than main app goes to background but live activity start counter. ...
Amir's user avatar
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How to disable iOS autofil and share button on tapping readonly input field

iOS 17 shows Autofil (and Share) option on the top left of the screen on tapping readonly input. This fiddle can be used to reproduce the behavior. <input ...
Abdul Rauf's user avatar
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_systemNavigationAction not working iOS 17

static func jumpBackToPreviousApp() { guard let sysNavIvar = class_getInstanceVariable(UIApplication.self, "_systemNavigationAction"), let action = ...
chungphanngoc's user avatar
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Why canvas size are smaller on iphone 13 then android?

I'm creating a website with angular 16 and using bootstrap 5.3.3. Somethings don't work on iPhone 13 but works on iphone 8. For example, I have a canvas inside a bootstrap column <div class="...
Caio Mendonça's user avatar
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I am observing error while integrating WireGuard into my xcode project from git [closed]

I had followed the steps given in the Wireguard iOS macOS page, but after following the build process steps, and while running the xcode project obtained after these steps, it works fine without any ...
Pravin TS's user avatar
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In-App High-Quality Voice Downloads for iOS Speech Synthesis

I'm creating an iOS app that uses speech synthesis, but for users to use high-quality voices, they have to go to the iOS settings and manually download the voices themselves. Is there a way to allow ...
Umeumeume's user avatar
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How to generate SHA256 hex string from PEM file and implement root certificate public key pinning in Swift for iOS 12?

I have a PEM file of the ISRG Root X1 certificate which I downloaded from and I'm trying to implement certificate pinning in my iOS app. I'm specifically ...
Sajal Gupta's user avatar
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Can camera recording apps access camera function of Iphone while the phone is locked? (but not black screen / sleep mode)

I understand that the black screen limits recording through the iphone's camera. Understandably so. But can apps utilize the camera while the phone is awake yet still locked? I know that the default ...
WhiteHat's user avatar
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Problem visiting a my website in safari browser Iphone >= v.13

When accessing the site from the Safari browser on an iPhone 14, a warning message appears: "Fraudulent Website Warning." This warning does not appear in other browsers or on other devices. ...
Artem Smirnov's user avatar
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When using itms-services://?action=download-manifest gets can't connect with

Firstly I followed this tutorial: to install self-signed certificate on my iphone. I have hosted website and ...
Matthew's user avatar
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SwiftUI Image scaledToFill() takes entire screen width

I'm new to SwiftUI and I'm trying to implement a card : I want the image to be 124 units tall. Everything works fine until I try to add scaledToFill() to the Image. Here is my code: var body: ...
Daniel Bortan's user avatar
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How to debug iPhone 16 camera control button feature on simulator

As said in the topic, I can not find any entry to trigger the camera control button in the iPhone 16-iOS 18.0 simulator. Is it only available in real machines?
Perry Wang's user avatar

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