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Control+Click on EL expression in Facelets not working in Eclipse after migration to Jakarta EE

I recently migrated project from javax to Jakarta EE v10, jdk 11 to 17, and Tomcat 10.1, primefaces v13 In earlier project, when I opened .xhtml files, and pressed control and clicked on any java ...
Himanshu Joshi's user avatar
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Why validation doesn't reset?

I'm trying to reset the error-state from a JSF component. I saw a lot of questions about it, but I would like to try to avoid javascript/ajax if possible. The component: <div class="form-group ...
Pablo Escobarl's user avatar
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Text in Primefaces Tree cannot be copied

I need the data within the tree to be copied for user friendliness. For some reason the text cannot be selected. <p:tree id="tree" value="#{valid.value}" var="var&...
Reynaldo Salamat's user avatar
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NullPointerException when I invoke method from @Schedule of @Startup @Singleton bean

When I try to invoke method of @ViewScoped Bean from @Startup @Singleton bean I always have an error NullPointerException. I use @Schedule annotation method to call @ViewScoped bean method, why it ...
Pegus's user avatar
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Primefaces 14 and Java 21, Error in streaming dynamic resource / Connection reset by peer [duplicate]

I'm using @SessionScope from org.springframework.web.context.annotation.SessionScope; It happens when I download the file using p:fileDownload <p:column styleClass="w-4rem"> <h:...
Chit Ko Ko's user avatar
-1 votes
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Eclipse autocomplete for java variables/methods not working in xhtml files [duplicate]

I recently migrated project to Java 17, primefaces v13, myfaces v4, Jakarta (from javax), and spring boot For older project, if I pressed ctrl+space even for java classes/variables in .xhtml files, ...
Himanshu Joshi's user avatar
-1 votes
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JSF OCPSoft automatically redirect request of unwritten URL to rewritten one

we are using OCPSoft Rewrite library to create pretty rewritten URLs. This works great and as expected but we now want to redirect the original unwritten URL to its rewritten since the same resource ...
djmj's user avatar
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How to write latest JSF (pom.xml)? (NoClassDefFoundError:ApplicationFactory) [duplicate]

I use JSF project generator ( )(choose: Jakarta EE 10) and try to write some JSF page. But met many problem, and last: /jakartaee-hello-world/pom.xml <?xml version="1....
Robert's user avatar
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The class 'packageName.DonacionBean' does not have the property 'donar' - Action method not detected? [duplicate]

I'm facing an issue with a Java project that uses EJB and JSF, and it's been quite frustrating. I have a simple setup where an XHTML file calls a method defined in a managed bean. Here's my .xhtml: &...
freire's user avatar
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p:calendar time picker is displaying in a wrong position

When I click on the box it should open a popup in which you can set both hours and minutes. This is how it should appears This is how it usually appears This is the part of code corresponding to the ...
Alessandro Bigherati's user avatar
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Primefaces import enum all option does not work with JSF PROJECT_STAGE is set to Production

I have this Java EE Web project where I am using Primefaces for UI components. I am using this import enum feature provided by Primefaces with an all-suffix. When my JSF PROJECT_STAGE is set to ...
Amit P's user avatar
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Error "websocket is null" with <f:websocket> in a JSF page

Context : Jakarta EE 10, Payara 6.2024.7, Web profile. Java 21. My application uses the OpenAI API and LangChain4j for un "customized" Chat. In a Web page a form sends a question into a ...
user1643352's user avatar
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Primefaces native upload not working with PrettyFaces (OCPSoft Rewrite)

I need to migrate my application to Jakarta EE 10, and here are my current configurations: JDK 1.8 Primefaces 12.0.x PrettyFaces 3.3.3 I have updated my pom.xml with the new dependencies, replacing ...
Marco Tedesco's user avatar
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PrimeFaces Theme Designer Stuck on "Setting up..." – How to Fix?

I'm trying to use the PrimeFaces Theme Designer to customize the theme for my JSF application, but when I load the Theme Designer, it gets stuck on the "Setting up..." screen and never ...
zahraa's user avatar
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Display value on each bar of the primefaces Bar Chart

Is it possible to show value on / in/ above each bars on Primefaces BarChartModel. I did not found this functionality. I use primefaces 13.0.0 i jsf application. I woul like to have somthing like this:...
Eiten's user avatar
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