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Correspondence vs Mapping in ontology

I'm currently studying about ontologies and ontology alignment and I'm a bit confused about the concepts of correspondence and mapping. I have looked into many bibliography and yet none manages to ...
Costas Ginos's user avatar
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What is Tone Mapping Operator?

Can the Tone Mapping Operator (TMO), whether global or local, be commonly understood as processing the XYZ values of all pixels in the input image, with the TMO handling each set of XYZ values and ...
pointnemo's user avatar
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Mapping Image Field With automapper

I have tried a lot to practice Automapper, but I could not edit the data table, I have an object mapping error. I an showing you my code here. I would appreciate it if you could guide me or if ...
hamed's user avatar
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Mapper class between API and DB field properties

I would like to implement a kind of mapper between db data and some other data like obtained from the response of API. The expected behavior is following: class IData: a: str = ('db_a', 'type_a') ...
Anton's user avatar
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Json values does not update after SpringBoot3 update

I updated my application to Spring Boot 3 and trying the existing controller for a PUT request and it does not work for a json. Regardless of the values that I sent even in controller level it always ...
Stack Over's user avatar
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measure distance between nearest points on a road [closed]

I have a layer of multistrings (main roads) and another layer of points (houses/buildings etc) I want to the check if the distance between point A and point B alongside a specific road is less than 10 ...
MatiasSc's user avatar
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When a certain range of values ​does not exist in the original data, how can it be displayed in the legend? [duplicate]

I tried to present some ranges of values not existing in my original data in the legend of output figure, but only the text showed up without color and size. Here is my original data: merged_data<-...
Nightowl's user avatar
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How can I change the individual values to a range of values in the legend when plotting the world map?

I want to adjust the legend from the single values to value ranges, and also combine the color and size together. My code is as follows: library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(sf) library(...
Nightowl's user avatar
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How to plot a map based on actual latitude and longitude?

I have a region divided by longitude and latitude. I know that the distance of 1 degree of latitude is 111,320m, and the distance of 1 degree of longitude varies with the latitude. The size of my grid ...
Nightowl's user avatar
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How to fix the value of a specific color of Legend?

I try to use two sets of data Data1 and Data2 to draw the yield (median_mafruit) in the same area. I want to fix the colors between different value areas for legend. My code is as follows: library(...
Nightowl's user avatar
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MapStruct set field value to a result of another mapper method

Given classes public static class Source { private int a; private int b; } public static class DataHolder { private int c; } public static class Target { private int a; private ...
Юлия Руденко's user avatar
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MapStruct: multiple same flat sources to multiple same targets

I want to map this DTO : public class BikeDTO { private String wheel_1_color; private String wheel_1_shape; private String wheel_2_color; private String wheel_2_shape; } To this ...
Gerald's user avatar
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Lagging Issue In TableView

i have 19 JSON files, and you load this data and perform mapping based on the characters typed in a UITextField. The issue is that the UI becomes stuck and laggy when you scroll or type a lot of ...
Muhammad Bilal Raza's user avatar
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Search exact string match over multiple fields Opensearch

I'm trying to get all documents that have a specific value in one or more fields. I'm currently using Opensearch v2.13. Here's my mapping : { "settings": { "index": { ...
tycyly's user avatar
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Mapperly: how to do mapping multiple sources to a single type with `required ... { get; init; }` properties?

Is there any way with Mapperly to return a new object from multiple sources? something like this: [Mapper] public partial class Mapper { public partial VehicleRecord From(VehicleContract Vehicle, ...
Tar's user avatar
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