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Issue with Serving Asset Files via Docker and Nginx Proxy Pass

I am working on a project using Docker and Nginx. I am trying to serve asset files via Nginx on port 80 and proxy pass requests to port 8080. My goal is that when the project runs with Tomcat and a ...
Melih Yelman's user avatar
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Default font family is getting changed in the server after upgrading from tomcat version 8.5 to 9 [closed]

Recently our team has upgraded tomcat version 8.5 to 9 and we see below changes in our report generation: In Tomcat 8.5 when we generate a pdf report from an excel file we noticed below behaviour ...
Sandeep Das's user avatar
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Navigator.sendBeacon() sending ping and 403 Unknown Error

In my Java app,a jsp is calling another jsp as below, \\ below function is inside abc.jsp function sessionMark() { navigator.sendBeacon('logger.jsp'); setTimeout(sessionMark, 2 * 60 * 1000 ); } ...
Vinayak's user avatar
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steps to follow for Tomcat version 6.0 to version 9.0 migration

Please provide the steps to follow for Tomcat version 6.0 to version 9.0 migration. Thanks. Background: I have access to WAR file from existing Tomcat server 6.0. No access to source code to the ...
Rohit's user avatar
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Tomcat NIO(non-blocking) Connector Threads Getting Blocked

I am using Jersey web framework with Scala language for one of their services. This service is using NIO(non-blocking IO) connector with Tomcat to handle requests asynchronously. There are 10 ...
Aamir's user avatar
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When we leave session for 30 mins idle time, after that we are getting Erorr communicating web server status:403 in latest version of tomcat 9.0.91

In my application When we leave the session for 30 mins idle time, we will get warning message like your session is about expire, due to inactive, please click ok to continue, after clicking OK then ...
Gopal's user avatar
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Jenkins Boot Failing after upgrade to JDK 17

We are running Jenkins 2.426.3 on Windows servers and Apache Tomcat 9.0.89 currently with Java JDK 11. We tried switching to JDK 17, but ran into this error when starting Tomcat: 16-Aug-2024 16:46:00....
Jim OShea's user avatar
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Tomcat fails on Debian

I have a server with Debian. I have installed in it Postgis spatial database and geoserver with tomcat9. Sometimes the Tomcat server crashes when there are many users using it, which seems normal to ...
Javier Aguilar's user avatar
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I need to migrate tomcat 7 to tomcat 9 but getting some error in security

I need to migrate tomcat 7 to tomcat 9 but getting some error in security, But getting error "metadataGeneratorFilter" is already define as bean <bean id="metadataGeneratorFilter&...
Archit maheshwari's user avatar
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Thymeaf cannot resolve templates when run on tomcat

I have a springboot application and i configured it to package as a war below are the changes i did. pom.xml ... <packaging>war</packaging> ... <dependency> <groupId>org....
mohd sabahat's user avatar
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Autowire RefreshScoped bean in ServletContextListener contextDestroyed, error: Error creating bean

I am building a web application that is meant to be running in Tomcat, and I need to make sure this webapp has a graceful shutdown during restart or redeploy, so I've invoked some beans' shutdown ...
LiamFu's user avatar
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Embedded tomcat 9.x : no content in 404 response

I am using Embedded tomcat 9.0.75 version. When i hit http://localhost:8080/abc URL which is not exist then tomcat is giving 404 HTTP response code with NO content. As per my previous experience , it ...
VJS's user avatar
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Check if client connection is alive tomcat9? [duplicate]

Let say we have a spring web application called Client and another spring web application called Server and both are deployed on tomcat9, client is making a request to server and server is now ...
Kumar-Sandeep's user avatar
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How to programmatically (in Java, not XML) configure JDBC connection pool in Tomcat?

here is a simple app that starts Tomcat from code: public class TestStarter { public static void main(String[] args) throws LifecycleException { Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(); ...
ipolevoy's user avatar
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Pass variable from to tomcat application xml file

I am trying to pass a env variable that is set in script to an application property file in .XML, with no luck Something like this: ( export DB_PASSWORD=my_secure_password ...
Dino Daniel's user avatar

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