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menuitem issue on migration Primefaces 6.2 to Primefaces 8.0

I'm involved in a migration of a Java Web Application from Primefaces 6.2 to Primefaces 8.0. After resolving all issues as per official migration guides the application works properly except for the ...
mulivieri's user avatar
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How to update a particular repetative div (with different data each time) on a page without reloading entire page?

I am using wordpress and have set up latest posts archive as front page. I am using a plugin to show post publish time in the format "time ago". I wish to update this time ago stamp ...
Ayush Gour's user avatar
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primeface migration problem with ajax events from 6.2 to 7.0

hello please i need help ; i have a working simulation in my web page that has some buttons with bean methods that works fine and updates some components in the page using p:componenet_id and works ...
amine kacem's user avatar
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Understanding Ajax requests to update page content when SQL Query Response changes

I am writing a page update which works with PHP to read a SQL database the page echo's the contents in a div section 'track_data'. yet it doesn't do this update idk I have JavaScript script which I ...
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p:ajax blur event on p:inputText is not invoked when p:commandButton is clicked

I want to pass data to back bean through ajax call on command button click. I have a form with couple of input text fields where each field is having ajax blur event. Every thing is working fine in ...
Venu's user avatar
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p:InputText prevent pressing enter

i have a problem with this primefaces component in my view xhtml. I builded a searchbar that filters elements in a list based on the value of this inputText component with an ajax call on event. ...
lowestresolution's user avatar
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JSF form validation with AJAX and validator class [duplicate]

I have an assignment for university where we shall validate form input with AJAX and a Validator Class. Now, I have used AJAX in JSF for filtering a list. But I don't know how to combine it with a ...
Moglash's user avatar
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alert box pops up with the error during the selection of a radio button

We are implementing the functionality where the text box is disabled or enabled a jsf input component depending on value of another input component which is a radio button. The functionality works, ...
liliangarcia's user avatar
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How to trigger ajax and update another dropdown when user select dropdown

I am implementing a dropdown change event and on change event, another dropdown should update the value based on selected dropdown value. I tried with my actual code and don't work. later I tried ...
Neerajkumar's user avatar
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How can I check more than two conditions inside oncomplete

I have 4 conditions to check, I want to check it inside oncomplete statement. I recognized that I can check only two using if else. If I use if -> else if -> else if -> else if to check 4 conditions ...
svennnx3's user avatar
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How to change HTML element for f:ajax [duplicate]

I am wondering how I could change/replace the type of HTML element that is rendered when I am using an ajax component in jsf? example: <f:ajax render="regionGroup" > ...
MaxOvrdrv's user avatar
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Update Nested Panel from Backing Bean

I have a panel with sections. Each section is separated by a div and has elements in it. I’m trying to update some of the sections from the backing bean based on a poller. The poller calls a bean. ...
Alan's user avatar
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f:ajax doesn't render DataTable with a value choosen from selectOneMenu [duplicate]

I'm trying to use a <f:selectOneMenu> to show a dataTable based on the previously chosen value. The DataTable doesn't be rendered, I tried also <f:ajax render="tabella"> or without the ...
Albyx97's user avatar
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how to execute (or not) an ajax call based on a condition

I need to execute a call using Ajax, but first, I also have to make a validation on my backing bean's method. Based on a boolean returned by this method, the ajax call will be executed (returned true) ...
Guilherme Barboza's user avatar
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Change input value with jsf & Ajax

I have a problem with the display of what I want. Basically I have a dropdown list and on change of what is inside the dropdown list I want some input of the page that fill in on it own. Here is one ...
Sox -'s user avatar
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