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Epub: trying to resolve issues

I am having problems uploading an epub file to Ingramsparks (fixed not flowing as I am uploading a picture book) as attached. I am advised that this is a coding issue. Accordingly can anyone ...
Obstaclesaregood's user avatar
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docx4j replace placeholder with (x)html converted into WordML, but in result document I see WordML markup tags

I have a code that replaces placeholders like ${NAME} to the plain text. I use docx4j and docx4j-search-and-replace-util for replacing placeholders. It works fine, but now in the one of fields "...
MichaelSun's user avatar
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Display video/audio using XHTML

I have an XHTML document that I am parsing using JTidy, but Inow want to include video content. JTidy strips out the <video> elements, and I am told that this is because <video> is not a ...
user1636349's user avatar
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Why does JTidy strip out <video> element from XML?

I am using JTidy to process XHTML documents, and I now have one containing a <video> element, which JTidy strips out. Here is the code: import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.tidy.Tidy; import ...
user1636349's user avatar
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Why the lang attribute is not allowed for html tag?

In PHP Storm 2024.1.6 I wrote an empty HTML page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html> <head> ...
Mark's user avatar
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XHTML Document contains SVG namespace. Generating XML Schema Errors

I have an XHTML document with two namespaces. That's because this XHTML document contains SVG tags and if the SVG namespace isn't included in the XHTML document, the SVG won't display on the webpage. ...
Speedlearner's user avatar
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I have an XHTML page and the body onload event refuses to function

I have a body onload function in my XHTML and Javascript pages. For some reason the onload function won't run and I don't know why? Here is my XHTML code: <html xmlns="
Speedlearner's user avatar
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Jodit XHTML mode - or close void tags

Is there an XHTML mode for Jodit? Or a way to have void tags like <br>, <hr>, <img> closed by the editor. I'm finding that Jodit is overriding those closed void tags with their &...
ron0's user avatar
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Positioning an input button and overriding SVG

If you make the beginning coordinates and ending coordinates of the Bezier curve equidistant, then you can duplicate Bezier curves. If you click the button, a second Bezier curve will appear under the ...
Speedlearner's user avatar
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Xquery expect return found ;

When I run my current XHTML page, I get the following error: Retrieved_Data <?xml version="1.0" ?><exception><path>/db/apps/HTML_Student/SVG_Bezier_Curve.xq</path><...
Speedlearner's user avatar
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Different number of <br>s in XSLT rendering in Chrome and Firefox

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="#style1"?> <!DOCTYPE message [ <!ATTLIST xsl:stylesheet id ID #REQUIRED> ]> <message> <xsl:stylesheet id="style1" version="1.0" ...
hbghlyj's user avatar
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Using setAttributeNS for changing SVG Path Arc element

I'm trying to store the coordinates of my SVG Path statement inside the eXist database. Here is my XHTML code: <html xmlns=""> <head> &...
Speedlearner's user avatar
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how to redirect the 400 error in tomcat 9 version with custom error page

i tried to redirect the 400 error with my custom error page but its not working. 400 only not redirect, 404 and 500 its working fine 1: <error-page> <error-code>400</error-code&...
Ganesh Kumar's user avatar
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88 views SVGs to Wikimedia, how to overcome XHTML issue?

I was hoping to make SVG diagram with, and upload it to Wikimedia, so it could be used on Wikipedia. However,'s svg uses XHTML and Wikimedia has banned XHTML for security concerns. ...
Chlodio's user avatar
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JSF Composite Components: Facet Content Not Rendering Through Nested Components

I'm facing an issue with rendering content passed through facets in nested composite components. Despite the facets being recognized as not empty, the content inside these facets does not appear on ...
AndySpu's user avatar
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