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How to remove 404 errors of the web service from the console?

How can I remove the 404 error from the Web service from the console? I managed to remove the 404 from the web service by adding a condition (if the web service parameter is not null). But I could ...
Lebki's user avatar
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How to keep an anciant form saved with new version in ORBEON?

How to keep an anciant form saved with new version. I have saved a form in our application.this is a screenshot in below for my form in builder and Runner: After that i added a new field using (form-...
Lebki's user avatar
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Proper way to reference a form with AngularJS while conforming to XHTML 1.1 standards?

.NET is removing the name attribute from the form element I've defined in my master page: <form name="aspnetForm" runat="server" onsubmit="if (typeof(_spFormOnSubmitWrapper) != 'undefined'...
Aron Foster's user avatar
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xhtml error when working with panelGrid

i'm getting an error in xhtml.. the code is: <h:form> <h:panelGrid columns="2"> <h:outputLabel value="Name:" /> <h:inputText value="#{}" /&...
DaianaB's user avatar
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JavaScript only validating the first field

So basically I'm trying to create a list of input boxes which need to each be validated before they can be submit. I'm a very basic beginner at JavaScript and HTML and would appreciate any input as ...
Dylan Owen's user avatar
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Using HTML5 input types in non-HTML5 project

I would like to use input type="number" in an XHTML1.1 application. W3c Input types page says "Input types, not supported by old web browsers, will behave as input type text." But can I use HTML5 ...
Capuchin's user avatar
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Does input readonly attribute works for text and textarea only?

Does input readonly attribute work for text/textarea? If yes, why not it works for select ?
Anant's user avatar
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JQuery disappears when wrapping datatable in a form

I'm trying to create an h:datatable that has a selectBooleanCheckbox at each row, so I have wrapped the dataTable in an h:form element. My dataTable also needs to support pagination and searching. ...
user1795370's user avatar
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Using onclick="alert('')" to confirm answer [duplicate]

I am writing an XHTML form, and I need a little help. I have used a button to allow the user to reset. When the alert triggers, I want it to give them the option to proceed or cancel, but all I am ...
Danny Wilson's user avatar
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If XHTML does not allow nested forms, then how/why does this validate? Is this code ok to use?

I'm working on a webpage that lists several rental reservations from a database. I think I may have built myself into a corner. I originally had each row end with 3 cells, each one containing a tiny ...
KMurphy's user avatar
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How does Send() works in Orbeon forms?

First of all thanks to Orbeon developers for such a beautiful form builder. I have created my own forms, Now on click of save button I don't want to save the form data (Field inputs) into the database....
Prasad's user avatar
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Orbreon - 2 input fields

I've just started with Orbeon forms and cannot figure out the simplest possible thing (I guess). I want to have two input fields : one for name, the other for surname. Here is my code : <html ...
pzeszko's user avatar
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PHP array display does not display all columns

I managed to get the checkboxes to POST the data and displays each on the checkout page but the problem I have is when it gets to 4th column it stops when it hits a certain char limit also how would I ...
harris's user avatar
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How to send checkbox through form in a table

I'm trying to make a shopping basket page that will, when the check boxes are ticked, display the songs on the shopping basket page. I think I am close I just need the last bit. Database code: <?...
harris's user avatar
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Form action URL - Plus to space

I have a form in my wordpress theme. I want add a "plus" to space in url. My source code: <form method="get" id="searchform" action="/search/" onsubmit="return false;"> <input type="text" ...
mentoran's user avatar

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