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I have an XHTML page and the body onload event refuses to function

I have a body onload function in my XHTML and Javascript pages. For some reason the onload function won't run and I don't know why? Here is my XHTML code: <html xmlns="
Speedlearner's user avatar
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Positioning an input button and overriding SVG

If you make the beginning coordinates and ending coordinates of the Bezier curve equidistant, then you can duplicate Bezier curves. If you click the button, a second Bezier curve will appear under the ...
Speedlearner's user avatar
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Xquery expect return found ;

When I run my current XHTML page, I get the following error: Retrieved_Data <?xml version="1.0" ?><exception><path>/db/apps/HTML_Student/SVG_Bezier_Curve.xq</path><...
Speedlearner's user avatar
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Using setAttributeNS for changing SVG Path Arc element

I'm trying to store the coordinates of my SVG Path statement inside the eXist database. Here is my XHTML code: <html xmlns=""> <head> &...
Speedlearner's user avatar
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How can I configure prettier to stop turning "&gt;" into "& gt;"?

My work situation does not allow the use of some characters such as ">", "<", or "&". Instead, we use the html entity equivalent in the JavaScript. Prettier ...
Tyler Pedraja's user avatar
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Quill rich text editor not keeping font size on copy/paste

I am using the Quill rich text editor V2.0 on an xhtml page via Javascript. When I copy and paste text from MS word to the editor the font size is lost, this also happens on the demo on https://...
TiredFrontEnddev's user avatar
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How to tell if loaded page is true XML-processed XHTML or not, using devtools or JavaScript snippet

Inspecting Firefox system page that is displayed when connection to remote server fails shows clear signs it is a true application/xhtml+xml page: There is explicit xmlns="
myf's user avatar
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Pass value from text file into a html paragraph

I have a text file populated dynamically from another javascript. Owing to require/bundle issues and many, many other problems I am just writing the results to a text file. I now want to display the ...
TheIronKing's user avatar
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How are Elements in an XML DOM Updated?

So far this is what I understand: The DOM is a diagrammatic representation of all the elements on a webpage which are called objects. These objects/elements are displayed and constructed as a tree or ...
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HTML Entities to add a break-line into a link [duplicate]

in Blogger code <a class='whatsapp' expr:href='&quot;; + &quot;*&quot; + data:post.title + &quot;*&quot; + &quot; - &quot; + ...
Sulty's user avatar
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remove closure slash '/' from img tag of XHTML

I have a string txt1 that stores an image. Its value is in XHTML, i.e. the element is closed: <img src="happy.gif" alt="Happy face" />. But I need to remove that closure ...
naya khattar's user avatar
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how to iterate through this array of objects in javascrip [duplicate]

szefitoo's user avatar
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JavaScript <script> contents being commented out on conversion from JSF XHTML to HTML

I've loaded a JavaScript script at the end of the <h:head> section of a JSF XHTML page: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//...
Jeremy Jacobs's user avatar
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How to get the original case of element names in (X)HTML DOM in javascript?

I read that HTML is always turned all upper case from both Node.prototype.nodeName and HTMLElement.prototype.tagName but that XML elements that are not HTML are left in their original case. This is ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
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Can I replace the expand icon (▶) of the <details> element in XHTML?

In the questions Can I replace the expand icon (▶) of the <details> element in absence of <summary> element? Can I replace the expand icon (▶) of the <details> element? information ...
albert's user avatar
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