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<img> not being refreshed with jQuery

I am developing with xhtml, LAMP and jQuery 2.0.2 on Debian 7.0.0. I am using the following php-generated element echo "<img id=\"displayImageID\" src=\"" . $DisplayFileName . "\" alt=\"...
OtagoHarbour's user avatar
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Using jquery to set / unset boolean attributes the HTML5 way

I wrote lots of code following XHTML rules, so I have things like this: <input type="text" name="Field1" disabled="disabled"> <input type="text" name="Field2" readonly="readonly"> Thanks ...
Marcovecchio's user avatar
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how to refine/filter search result from mysql database using php?

i am trying to develop my website and need some support. so my web page searches for a product's information and return an appropriate result.It works perfectly fine when user search through a keyword ...
kiran patel's user avatar
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Finding multiple PHP generated inputs with Jquery/Javascript

I can't seem to figure this one out.. I am trying to use Javascript to select an input value. The problem is that the form is being looped through a php array that gets eve which makes every single ...
csechols's user avatar
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Converting Select list to Jquery UI Autocomplete

I have the following select box I am replacing with Jquery autocomplete: <select name="selectarea" onchange="findCity(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);" id="sel" /> The Jquery UI ...
Jim's user avatar
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php parsing jQuery form serialize wrong way

I have one problem... These are names of some my html form elements: name="password" name="meta[naziv_firme]" This is my jQuery var data = {action: 'edit', form: $('input', 'form#edit-...
Brickr's user avatar
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How to validate multi-checkbox state?

I am using position absolute's validation engine for my form. I would like to check whether at least one checkbox from group is selected. In examples it is done by setting the same name attribute for ...
mkas's user avatar
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Select a xHTML tag and store its properties into an array using jquery

how can i use jquery todo: 1- read a specific URL 2- store a specific xhtml tag values into an array 3- pass this array to PHP script these are the tags <img class="...
bogha's user avatar
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how to make all users on site share a universal timezone using php or javascript?

I'm using this great jQuery timepicker It gives a string something like 07/20/2011 01:13 am I have this situation where users on the site can schedule ...
brybam's user avatar
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Integrating jquery tipsy plugin

I'm trying to integrate tipsy plugin. But its not working., I already using another jquery plugin. Its called orbit slider. Project page Orbit slider This is the tipsy home page Tipsy I'm trying to ...
PrivateUser's user avatar
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Page refreshes on submit click with ajax

I have a small commenting system that I have modified and try implement into the site. It's in 'ajax'. When the jQuery with HTML is embedded into the page the commenting system works fine - i.e. when ...
Rod Rig Gez's user avatar
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Simple slideshow with navigation

I need help making a simple slideshow to display images with a simple navigation. I do not want anything flashy - just a basic slideshow with a previous/next navigation and text that displays what ...
tdubya's user avatar
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Blog for PHP, XHTML, CSS, jQuery and etc [closed]

So, I am surfing around in the Google, using different keywords for finding a nice blog that would have great and exciting demos with how-to's about web design and programming. But efforts have no ...
Marko's user avatar
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How to swap stylesheets with a link

I am developing a site using PHP, XHTML strict, and jQuery that will be flexible to support both mobile and desktop devices, using the Responsive Web Design approach and serving different stylesheets ...
Mike Eng's user avatar
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Is it possible to make and submit a form using jquery/javascript only using `.html` extension for page.?

Is it necessary to change the extension of page from .html to .php or .aspx to make a working form? I'm making a single page website. I need to make a form on the page with 3 or 4 field. and the data ...
Jitendra Vyas's user avatar

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