Celebratory Secret Mixter!
Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) (NiGiD):
Mon, Jan 15 9:31 AM Help :: Stream all tracks
Thu, Feb 9 7:33 AM Help :: Is there a limits in how many sample uploads you are allowed per day?
There is a new upload policy: only one upload in one week. Either a remix or a s...
Tue, Feb 7 1:38 AM DIY :: Love_Sucks
You Always Hurt The One You Love - The Mills Brothers ;-)
Mon, Dec 19 8:53 AM Pluggy Plugs :: Share Hope for the Holidays
Thu, Dec 15 2:14 AM Announcements :: Hope for the Holidays Remix Event
Thank you spinningmerkaba, appreciated!
Wed, Dec 14 7:23 AM Announcements :: Hope for the Holidays Remix Event
I clicked the wrong button and uploaded http://ccmixter.org/files/NiGiD/55237 I...
Wed, Oct 26 1:32 PM Announcements :: NEW UPLOAD POLICY: ONE TRACK PER WEEK
That's great news, thanks Snowflake
Fri, Oct 21 10:35 AM Announcements :: NEW UPLOAD POLICY: ONE TRACK PER WEEK
I understand, what needs to be done, needs to be done. However, one remix pe...
Sun, Jul 3 4:39 PM Announcements :: New Stems Browser
Yes, it works. Maybe I just have to get used to it. I found the info on the old ...
Sun, Jul 3 1:30 PM Announcements :: New Stems Browser
When I remove the 'beta' it says 'Can't find stems template'. When the 'Remix tr...
Sat, Jul 2 4:49 PM Announcements :: New Stems Browser
I applaud your hard work, but today I checked the stems page, and found the butt...
Fri, Sep 4 7:06 AM Announcements :: An Overdue ccMixter Update
Great job
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