Set up Gemini in Colab Enterprise for a project

Before you can use Gemini in Colab Enterprise, your team needs to perform the setup steps that are described in this document:

  1. Optional: Purchase a subscription to Gemini in Colab Enterprise. Gemini in Colab Enterprise is available to try at no cost during Preview.

  2. Activate Gemini in Colab Enterprise in a Google Cloud project. An administrator typically performs this step.

Optional: Purchase a Gemini in Colab Enterprise subscription

Gemini in Colab Enterprise is available to try without a subscription at no cost during Preview.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Gemini for Google Cloud page.

    Gemini for Google Cloud

  2. Click Gemini in Colab Enterprise.

    The Gemini in Colab Enterprise pane is displayed.

  3. Click Get Gemini in Colab Enterprise.

  4. Choose the billing account for which you want to enable Gemini in Colab Enterprise and click Continue to Admin for Gemini page.

    The Gemini in Colab Enterprise page is displayed.

  5. Click Review terms and turn on.

    The Turn on Gemini in Colab Enterprise page is displayed.

  6. To enable Gemini in Colab Enterprise, click Purchase.

Billing is now enabled for Gemini. Next, you must activate Gemini in Colab Enterprise in one or more projects that are associated with this billing account. Users won't see Gemini features until you activate Gemini in at least one project.

Activate Gemini in Colab Enterprise in a Google Cloud project

To activate Gemini in Colab Enterprise in a Google Cloud project, an administrator needs to enable the Gemini for Google Cloud API and grant the Cloud AI Companion User roles to users.

  1. To enable the Gemini for Google Cloud API, in the Google Cloud console, go to the Gemini for Google Cloud page.

    Go to Gemini for Google Cloud

  2. In the project selector, select a project.

  3. Click Enable.

    The page updates and shows a status of Enabled. Gemini is now available in the selected Google Cloud project to all users who have the required IAM roles.

  4. To grant the IAM roles that are required to use Gemini, go to the IAM & Admin page.

    Go to IAM & Admin

  5. In the Principal column, find a principal for which you want to enable access to Gemini, and then click Edit principal in that row.

  6. In the Edit access pane, click Add another role.

  7. In Select a role, select Cloud AI Companion User.

  8. Click Save.

All of the users who have been granted these roles can access Gemini for Google Cloud features in the Google Cloud console within the specified project. For more information, see Use Gemini for AI assistance and development.

Advanced setup tasks

Instead of using the Google Cloud console or the gcloud CLI to grant predefined IAM roles, you can do any of the following:

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