Available reports in Migration Center

This page describes all the available reports in Migration Center.

Report types

The following table lists all the available report types in Migration Center, with a description of their content and the available output formats.

Report type Content Available formats
Total cost of ownership (TCO) A presentation of the options for migrating your groups of servers and databases to Google Cloud, with their associated costs, based on migration preferences that you specify.
  • Google Slides
Detailed pricing Cost information at the asset level for groups of assets. It also provides recommendations for the target asset on Google Cloud and the associated costs based on the preferences that you specify.
  • Google Sheets
  • CSV file
Assets inventory List of assets collected during the assessment. This report is useful if you want to export a list of all the assets that are in scope for the migration.
  • Google Sheets
Assets performance The performance metrics collected for your assets, such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and disk IOPS. This report is useful if you want to export a list of all collected utilization and performance data for all the assets that are in scope for the migration.
  • Google Sheets
Network dependencies Detailed list of dependencies for each collected asset, including IP address, port, protocol and service. This report is useful if you want to export a list of all network dependencies for the assets that are in scope for the migration.
  • CSV file
License report A presentation of the options for migrating your groups of servers and databases running software that requires a Microsoft license to Google Cloud, with their associated costs, based on migration preferences that you specify.
  • Google Slides

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