
Template documentationview · edit · history · purge ]
This documentation is transcluded from Template:DiseasesNav/doc.

Shows a box with standardized subcategories relative to:

  1. A disease or related health problem or
  2. Grouping (a root category) of diseases or related health problems.


{{DiseasesNav |s1= |s2= }}

Template parameters

s1sufix for usual categoriesemptyrequired
s2alternative sufix for anatomical pathology categoriesemptyoptional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the main or gallery namespace (unprefixed)

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users

See also

For more documentation, see Template:DiseasesNav.

If your native language is not English and there are words that appear in English in the transclusion process of this template, you can add the translation (of the untranslated item) in wikidata by clicking the link that appears on the last column of the next table.

Included category
(beginning of standardized category)
Sufix/es English label Label for current language = en
(link to Wikidata)
Radiology radiology (Q77604)
Ultrasound images of
Ultrasound videos of [a]
[b] s1 Ultrasound ultrasound (Q162564)
(image (Q478798), video recording (Q34508)) [c]
Echocardiographic images of
Echocardiographic videos of [a]
[b] s1 Echocardiography echocardiography (Q216933)
(image (Q478798), video recording (Q34508)) [c]
X-rays of s1 X-ray X-ray (Q34777)
 Cast X-rays of [d] s1  Orthopedic cast orthopedic cast (Q1526584)
 External fixation X-rays of [d] s1  External fixation external fixation (Q920565)
 Internal fixation X-rays of [d] s1  Internal fixation internal fixation (Q1667915)
CT images of s1 Computed tomography computed tomography (Q32566)
MRI of s1 Magnetic resonance magnetic resonance (Q419039)
PET images of s1 Positron emission tomography positron emission tomography (Q208376)
Scintigraphy images of s1 Scintigraphy scintigraphy (Q1130465)
Bone scintigraphy images of s1 Bone scintigraphy bone scintigraphy (Q1928938)
Anatomical pathology anatomical pathology (Q683455)
Cytopathology of s1 or s2 Cytopathology cytopathology (Q1881849)
Blood films of s1 or s2 Blood film blood film (Q886475)
Gross pathology of s1 or s2 Gross pathology gross pathology (Q5610516)
Histopathology of s1 or s2 Histopathology histopathology (Q1070952)
Other other (Q1433373)
ECG of s1 Electrocardiography electrocardiography (Q79785)
Endoscopic images of s1 Endoscopy endoscopy (Q212809)
Cystoscopic images of s1 Cystoscopy cystoscopy (Q246090)
Colposcopic images of s1 Colposcopy colposcopy (Q912741)
Laparoscopic images of s1 Laparoscopy laparoscopy (Q675754)
Fundus of s1 Fundus fundus (Q203222)
OCT of s1 Optical coherence tomography optical coherence tomography (Q899552)
Otoscopy of s1 Otoscopy otoscopy (Q11801024)
Epidemiology of s1 Epidemiology epidemiology (Q133805)
 Maps of../..maps [e] s1  Map map (Q4006)
  World maps of [f] s1   World world (Q16502)
Staging of s1 Cancer staging cancer staging (Q1752284)
File format file format (Q235557)
Audios of s1 Audio audio (Q26987250)
SVG s1 Scalable Vector Graphics SVG (Q2078)
Videos of s1 Video video recording (Q34508)
  1. a b Please, also set this category as a subcategory of Videos of ...
  2. a b If exists Ultrasound.. and Echocardiographic..: Only is displayed Ultrasound
  3. a b If both formats (images and videos) exist
  4. a b c It is showed between parentheses after X-ray. Please, also set this category as a subcategory of X-ray ...
  5. Only if Epidemiology.. exists, it is showed between parentheses after Epidemiology. Please, also set this category as a subcategory of Epidemiology..
  6. Only if Epidemiology.. and Maps.. exist, it is showed after Map, both between parentheses after Epidemiology. Please, also set this category as a subcategory of Maps..


In Category:Cancers of the reproductive system, and its standardized subcategories:

{{DiseasesNav |s1=cancers of the reproductive system}} produces:

In Category:Diseases and disorders of the nervous system, and its uses s1 and s2:

{{DiseasesNav |s1=diseases and disorders of the nervous system |s2=the nervous system}} produces:

In Category:Heart septal defects, it uses only one subcategory for Echocardiography:

{{DiseasesNav |s1=heart septal defects}} produces:

| Radiology: Echocardiography · X-ray | File format: Video recording |

In Category:Congenital diseases and disorders of the heart, it uses two subcategories for Echocardiography and appears Image and Video between parentheses:

{{DiseasesNav |s1=congenital diseases and disorders of the heart}} produces:

| Radiology: Echocardiography (Image, Video recording) · X-ray · Computed tomography · Magnetic resonance | Anatomical pathology: Gross pathology · Histopathology | Other: Electrocardiography · Epidemiology (MapWorld) | File format: SVG · Video recording |

In Category:Fractures of the human humerus, it uses two subcategories for Category:X-rays of fractures of the human humerus: Cast and Internal fixation between parentheses:

{{DiseasesNav |s1=fractures of the human humerus}} produces: