Dojo 1.8 release schedule

In preparation for the release of Dojo 1.8, trunk is now in feature freeze, which means this code is considered feature complete for Dojo 1.8. This is the last step before a beta release. The release schedule is currently as follows:

Now: feature freeze
June 22: beta 1
July 13: release candidate 1 (note: if additional beta releases are necessary, each release will push this out by 1 week)
July 20: Final release (note: if additional rc releases are necessary, each release will push this out by 1 week)

Thank you to everyone that has helped make this release a success!

One thought on “Dojo 1.8 release schedule

  1. 1) Can I use any dojo, dijit or dojox API in my mobile web application ?
    2) The tutorials page lists a number of fantastic techniques :-
    Can I use any of these in my Dojo Mobile application ?
    My questions originate from the fact that Dojo does not have a clearly separated API for mobile applications like SenchaTouch does (SenchaTouch API are clearly separate from EXTJS API).

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