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Debezium CDC example from a python django mysql source to .net core elasticsearch destination using kafka.

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Outbox Pattern Implementation using Debezium and Google Protobuffers

This is an example POC that shows that you can profit from Debezium for an Outbox Pattern implementation while also having the benefits of Google Protobuffers.

A very nice example of using CDC for an outbox pattern is given in this Debezium blog post by Gunnar Morling. Normally, when using CDC in an outbox pattern implementation, the Kafka message contains additional information about the schema, event key, etc. This is a problem for us since we don't want to lose the perfomance benefits that protobuf is giving us by using JSON serialization/deserialization. Another problem is that the downstream services need to be aware of the Debezium JSON schema while consuming Kafka messages. We want the downstream services to be aware of only the protobuf schemas.

Debezium is an open source project for change data capture (CDC).

This example has a few components to demonstrate the utilities.

  • A dockerized Django web application that stores data in a MySQL database. This application writes the events to an outbox table in a protobuf binary serialized format.
  • An Apache Kafka docker setup with a Kafka Connect container that has the Debezium MySQL connector installed. The Debezium connector listens to the MySQL binlog for a specific outbox table and pushes the changes to a Kafka topic
  • A .NET Core React application with a PostgreSQL database that consumes this data.



  • Just docker :)

To get the docker containers up and running:

docker-compose up -d

To create the django tables in MySQL:

docker-compose run --rm --no-deps python_app python migrate

To add some polls from admin page, create a superuser

docker-compose run --rm --no-deps python_app python createsuperuser

Using the username/password you just generated, you can later visit http://localhost:8000/admin/polls/question/ and create some rows after setting up CDC.

Grant the required MySQL rights to django so that Debezium can do it's job. (This is done automatically using a volume in the docker-compose.yml file) To do this yourself, go to Adminer UI at http://localhost:8080/. Login using:

Server: mysql
Username: root
Password: pass
Database: djangodb

After logging in, click "SQL command" and I executed this:


The next thing to do is set up Debezium by sending a cURL command to kafka connect.
You can read about the Debezium MySQL connector configuration at

To send our binary Protobuffer data, we will use the same method as Avro configuration explained here: This configuration is critical since we do not want the default configuration that will produce to Kafka using a Debezium JSON structure. This Debezium JSON structure would force our downstream consumers to also depend on that structure instead of a simple proto definition. That would also mean we would be losing the serialization performance and data size efficiency of Protobuffers since the data would be JSON serialized/deserialized. To achieve this, we are using the ByteBufferConverter class as our value.converter and we disable the schema information with "value.converter.schemas.enable": "false"

Open a new terminal, and use the curl command to register the Debezium MySQL connector. (You may need to escape your double-quotes on windows if you get a parsing error. Just use PostMan IMO). This will add a connector in our kafka-connect container to listen to database changes in our outbox table.

curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" localhost:8083/connectors/ --data-raw '{
    "name": "cdc-python-netcore-connector-outbox",
    "config": {
        "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector",
        "database.hostname": "mysql",
        "database.port": "3306",
        "database.user": "django",
        "database.password": "django",
        "": "cdc-mysql",
        "database.history.kafka.topic": "cdc-test",
        "database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kafka:9092",
        "table.include.list": "djangodb.polls_outbox",
        "transforms": "outbox",
        "transforms.outbox.type" : "io.debezium.transforms.outbox.EventRouter",
        "value.converter": "io.debezium.converters.ByteBufferConverter",
        "value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
        "value.converter.delegate.converter.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"

Create new poll questions using the admin page at http://localhost:8000/admin/polls/question/add/ to trigger Kafka events.

To see if everything is running as expected go to our kafdrop container page at http://localhost:9000/ You should see the topics and produced messages.

To prepare a protobuf file between python and .net core, I wrote a proto file: /proto/question.proto. To install the protobuf compiler on a Mac without problems use:

brew install protobuf

And run the following command inside the proto folder (I've already included the compiled output of the proto file in this repo).

protoc question.proto --python_out=./output/python/ --csharp_out=./output/csharp/ --descriptor_set_out=question.desc

We now need an outbox table to implement the outbox pattern using Debezium. I created the Outbox model for this:

class Outbox(models.Model):
    id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False)
    aggregatetype = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    aggregateid = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    event_type = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_column='type')
    payload = models.BinaryField()

You can read the Debezium documentation for details. The payload column is special here since it will hold the binary serialized protobuf value and it will be passed transparently by Debezium to Kafka. This way, the downstream services can consume this payload without any dependency to Debezium.

To populate the outbox table, I used the save_model method of admin view:

def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
    super().save_model(request, obj, form, change)

def create_outbox_record(self, obj):
    ts = Timestamp()
    proto = QuestionProto(,
    outbox = Outbox(

The SerializeToString() method here is the google implementation from the python class that is auto-generated using the proto file. Contrary to its name, it gives us the binary representation of our payload.

In the .NET client side, I created a standart .NET Core React startup project and built from there. I added a single node Elasticsearch and Kibana to the docker-compose file for storage.

Since this is a web project, we need a background service to use as a Kafka consumer.

public class QuestionConsumerService : BackgroundService
    private readonly string topic;
    private readonly IConsumer<string, QuestionProto> kafkaConsumer;

    public QuestionConsumerService()
        topic = "outbox.event.question";
        var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
            BootstrapServers = "host.docker.internal:9092",
            GroupId = "hus-dotnet-consumer",
            AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest,
        kafkaConsumer = new ConsumerBuilder<string, QuestionProto>(consumerConfig)
            .SetValueDeserializer(new MyDeserializer())
            .SetErrorHandler((_, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Consumer Error at SetErrorHandler: {e.Reason}"))

I used host.docker.internal to connect to Kafka since the .NET application was running in my machine and kafka was running in docker. Just using localhost:9092 wasn't enough since ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=localhost wouldn't working for zookeper, kafka-connect and kafdrop. In my host machine, host.docker.internal resolves to the Hyper-V virtual machine that docker uses and in the internal containers, it resolves to the correct internal IP of docker VM which routes the port back to the kafka container. This way, Everyone is Happy.

Another gotcha was the deserialization of the payloads. At first I was using the example provided in the Confluent docs:

kafkaConsumer = new ConsumerBuilder<string, QuestionProto>(consumerConfig)
            .SetValueDeserializer(new ProtobufDeserializer<QuestionProto>().AsSyncOverAsync())
            .SetErrorHandler((_, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Consumer Error at SetErrorHandler: {e.Reason}"))

But I got a Confluent.Kafka.ConsumeException saying "Local: Value deserialization error". To better see the problem, you should take a look at the InnerException:

System.IO.InvalidDataException: "Expecting message Value with Confluent Schema Registry framing. Magic byte was 8, expecting 0"

The ProtobufDeserializer<T> provided by Confluent wasn't working since it was expecting the payload to be serialized using the Confluent serializer and I was using the default Google implementation to serialize the Question protobuf values in my Python code:


So, I wrote a simple deserializer of my own that would work using the Google implementation provided in my generated C# protobuf class:

public class MyDeserializer : IDeserializer<Question>
    public Question Deserialize(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, bool isNull, SerializationContext context)
        if (isNull)
            return null;
        return Question.Parser.ParseFrom(data);

To store the received payloads in Elasticsearch, I created a simple Question class since the protobuf auto-generated class contained lots of utility code:

public class Question
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string QuestionText { get; set; }
    public DateTime? PubDate { get; set; }

Saving the payloads in Elasticsearch was pretty straightforward. No connection string was needed since the default is localhost:9200

void SaveMessage(QuestionProto val)
    var question = new Question
        Id = val.Id,
        QuestionText = val.QuestionText,
        PubDate = val.PubDate?.ToDateTime()
    var settings = new ConnectionSettings().DefaultIndex("question");
    var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

To display the latest saved payloads, I created a simple controller:

public IEnumerable<Question> Get()
    var settings = new ConnectionSettings().DefaultIndex("question");
    var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
    var searchResponse = client.Search<Question>(s => s
        .Query(q => q.MatchAll())
        .Sort(q => q.Descending(question => question.Id))
    return searchResponse.Documents;

Then I modified the FetchData.js file to fetch from this Controller. The gotcha here was that the fields names in the received data in javascript side weren't matching those in the C# model. The default serializer in .NET converts to PascalCase fields to camelCase.

{ =>
    <tr key={}>