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A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Intriguing game! I like the usage of blurry visuals and zooming in on specific things in the background. I felt like it helped get a lot more mileage out of the limitations of being able to use only 1 background. I like the mystery of the situation the characters were in. You did a great job giving enough information to the player to help them understand the situation but not completely spell out everything that’s happening. I felt like I had more questions than answers at the end. Would be interested to see a follow up to this! Great job on this!

This was very impressive! First off, the character art for the Lottie looks amazing! I love the colors you used and just the overall style for her. The background is also very nice, I like the small detail of moving the background character shadows up and down to give an impression of a busy convention hall. Story-wise, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of depth this short story had. I felt like I got a lot of insight into the author by her interactions with Lottie. The subject matter the narrative goes into is one any creative type can go through and it’s genuinely nice to see the perspective of that subject from a fan’s point of view, especially when it challenges the author’s viewpoint. Overall, this was pretty amazing! You made a really compelling game given the limitations of the jam! Looking forward to whatever you work on next!

Very cute and fun game! The art for the girlfriend is adorable! I love all the expressive faces she makes! The background was also well drawn. The story is pretty wholesome and silly. It’s an interesting idea to let players choose the culprit at the beginning. I think my only feedback would be that the karma system seems to not relate to one of the endings? At least for Ending 1 it didn’t seem to matter, it was based on specific choices? It kinda caused some confusion for me at the end when I was trying to find all the endings. Regardless, I still had an enjoyable time with this. Great job!

(1 edit)

Neat game! The premise is pretty intriguing and I like that the player has some significant choices to make based on limited information. The art style looks great as well! The option to turn flashing lights on or off at the beginning was also appreciated! I only wish the ending was a bit more conclusive even if this was a result of the limitations of the game jam. Overall, I still had a good time with this! Great work on this!

Great Visual Novel Game! It’s very well written. I like all the characters, I’m wondering what the secret of the main character will end up being! The art is also great as well! Overall, the demo is very cute, flirty and fun! Looking forward to the full release!

Neat RPG Maker Horror Game! I love the art and monochrome color scheme. I felt like the art pop’d out in places even though it was black and white. It’s really well done! The narrative and writing was also good. The cult was pretty creepy and I like the depiction of their twisted religion around the main character.

Spoilers ahead:

This is a personal nit pick, but I didn’t really feel satisfied with all the endings. I thought they were good endings but they all had somewhat similar negative outcomes. It would have been nice to see one truly positive outcome or at least one that didn’t involve the main character and/or her partner getting killed / stalked again. I know many horror games do this where there’s usually no good outcomes. In this game’s case, it would go in line with depicting how obsessed this cult is with the idol that they’re never going to leave her alone. Still, I can’t say that I felt “fulfilled” after playing. It was more of a “well, that sucks for her” feeling. Again, it’s a very personal nit pick and I’m sure many people won’t mind the results of the endings.

Overall, I did have a good time with this game. Looking forward to whatever you put out next!

Very entertaining game! The writing is comedic and I found myself smiling and laughing at the dialogue throughout the game. The voice acting accomplished what it set out to do: make Hana sound incredibly annoying in the best way possible. (I hope your voice is okay!) I also enjoyed how expressive Hana’s face was at points. Overall, I found this to be an incredibly enjoyable experience. Awesome job, would be Hana’s friend IRL.(Well, maybe.)

(1 edit)

I enjoyed my time with this! I played and liked the original as well. This one is more of the same but it’s a perfectly enjoyable sequel. Some puzzles from the original return just with different solutions. The brand new puzzles are great additions. I really liked the hint system in this one. Hints are divided into different steps for the puzzle, which lets the player choose how much information they can receive. The answers for the puzzle are also available in case the player gets completely stuck.

Depending on who you are, you may find the puzzles to be great brain scratchers, or utterly confusing. I thought they were a good mix of both. When I looked up the solution to some puzzles, I thought “Oh yeah, if I spent a bit more time thinking about that I probably would have drawn a connection here and there.” But then there were some where I was just like “Yeah I probably would have never figured this out without a hint or the answer.” I recommend really trying to push your brain to find the solution. It can be a pretty gratifying experience.

Finally, the game continues its great visuals and surrealism. The music helps a lot with this. It makes for a pretty relaxing puzzle solving experience. I hope a third game will push the surrealist aspects even more.

Overall, I had a good time with this. I paid 2.00 USD on Steam. And played the game for about an hour or two. It’s a pretty fair deal in my opinion. Great work on this!

I had a fantastic time with the demo! It’s impressive how much content the demo build has already! The gameplay was solid, the character felt great to control and platform with. There’s a good amount of weapons and items to experiment with. The level designs are pretty great as well. (I loved those minecart sections, they were insanely fun!) The music and art are also well done! Overall, great work on this and I’m looking forward to the finished game!

Neat point and click game! Exploring the phone is pretty charming and offers a great insight into the phone owner’s life. The art style is pretty great as well! Overall, it was short and sweet. Great job on this!

Sure! You can link the video!

Neat game! Even though it was short and sweet, there was a good amount of units and buildings to utilize. I did quickly get to a point where I just created a bunch of units at once and they overpowered the enemy, to the point where I won when I wasn’t even looking! Regardless, I’d love to see an expanded version of this! Great work on this!

Holy moly, this game is so much fun! First off, there is a bit of a learning curve with all the mechanics. It does take some time to get used to. But once you learn how the game works, it’s a very fun and rewarding experience! There was a large variety of cards to choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. With so many randomized options in the shop, there’s a wealth of strategies and builds you can end up with. The season mechanic adds a lot of depth to decision making as well! The actual card battles are also a lot of fun. Actions being telegraphed by the enemy helps the player with making important decisions such as what to use to get high powered and when to rest. Even though enemy actions are telegraphed there are a few surprises for those first time encounters so it keeps new players on their toes.

Some feedback:

  1. When setting up your garden, I wish there was an “Undo” button in case you plant something in the wrong spot.
  2. When Overpowered the screen has a red outline and it shows a negative impact on your health if you take an action, however I wish there was more to signal when you’re overpowered because I often ended up taking an action when I was overpowered by mistake. I think the visuals to signal this is fine but there definitely could be an audio cue or sound to play to signal this as well.
  3. I ran into a minor bug where I beat a boss and I had to end my turn in order for the game to register that the boss had been defeated.
  4. I think this game could be elevated even more with some good audio! (The BGM is great though and makes for a relaxing and focused experience.)

Overall, this game is awesome. Hard to believe this is only a demo! There’s so much to enjoy! Amazing work on this! Looking forward to seeing the full release!

Thanks for reaching out and asking me to try out the demo. I like the concept a lot! The writing was great! It painted the scenes and stories well. The art style was colorful as well. I’m interested to see how the full game turns out! Thanks again for asking me to play and good luck with the rest of development!

I had a great time playing this! The voice acting was well done! I like the art style and UI design. The mystery behind the murderer was pretty intriguing! Overall, it was a fun time! Great work on this!

Neat game! I like the Xael’s design a lot! The UI is well done. The story itself made me want to know more about Xael and Prin’s lives before the events of this game. It also made me wonder about the lore of the world they lived in. That’s a great thing to accomplish with the limits of the jam! The multiple endings were nice as well! Overall, great work on this!

This was adorable! I like the color choices a lot! The UI looks really nice as well! The story was wholesome and you did a great job telling it with the limited word count! Great work on this!

Spooky visual novel! You did a great job making the game have some genuine tension with all the jam’s limitations. Even though most of the game takes place in the dark, I felt you painted a picture of the situation really well which added to the horror element of the game. Great work on this!

Neat visual novel! The ghost girl was cute! I like the writing, I got a good chuckle from the humor! It was a short and sweet time! Great work!

I had a fun time! Upgrading your characters as they pass through to then fight a boss is a nice twist on the tower defense formula. Felt more like a management game at times which was a neat touch.

Some feedback:

  1. The presentation of information is a bit rough, but after taking the time to read everything and learn it was easy to get the hang of.
  2. Although there’s already a lot of information, I felt that some essential info was missing from the UI. First, it would be nice to see the positive and negative output of matter that is being generated so that you could plan accordingly and not spawn too many towers vs energy generators. Second, I didn’t know how many bosses I defeated so a counter for that would be nice. Lastly, once I beat the final boss, it would be nice if there was an end screen! (Unless I missed it for some reason, maybe I clicked too fast or actually only beat 4 of the bosses? Was hard to tell regardless.)
  3. Sound effects and/or music of some kind would be a nice touch. Especially if a boss has been defeated, a satisfying sound for their defeat would add a lot to experience.
  4. In addition to sounds, some visual effects for the defeat of troopers, bosses or units being upgraded would be nice.
  5. When I bought the final spawn speed upgrades, it seemed like it wasn’t taking the cost of energy, so I essentially just got it for free once I hit enough energy output.
  6. It’s a bit rough to place everything willy nilly, a traditional grid-based system to place towers might help streamline tower placement a bit more.

Regardless, I had a fun time! Great work on this! Hope to see more!

(1 edit)

Neat game! The switching mechanic is unique! There’s a lot of thought that goes into what you need to switch into to get to the goal, which makes it very satisfying to get to the goal. I think I broke the level in two stages even so it was pretty cool to solve the puzzles in an unintentional way.

Some feedback: 

-There were some weird collision issues with the moving platforms. I would often get squished/clipped underneath while being to the left or right of them while they were moving. If anything I would expect them to push me.

-When I gave a platform the properties of a frog and stood on it, my character wouldn’t stay still and would often slip off, resulting in death.

Regardless, I still had a great time with the game. I would love to see an expanded version of this! Wonderful job on this!

Neat idle game! I like art and presentation a lot! There’s a good amount of flavor text to read about the fish you catch, which helps kill time while waiting for catches. I also think there was a good message at the end! Overall, I had a fun time! Great work on this!

This is an addictive experience! I really enjoyed creating this tiny world and attempting to optimize as best I could. Spending prestige points to upgrade the output I get at the cost of starting the world over makes for a satisfying game loop.

If I had to give some feedback, I feel the cost of purchasing water and fire tiles is a bit too steep. I think maybe half the cost would be a bit more reasonable for both. (Just my personal take!)

Overall, this was a very satisfying game. I’m definitely going to play more of it and go for all those achievements! Great work on this!

This was a fun time! The turn-based gameplay is pretty fun, being too reckless with movements can get you killed easily, so there’s a bit of thought you have to put into moving around the grid during the early-mid game. When you get enough power-ups, it’s pretty easy to move in a circle and just watch all your weapons destroy everything without too much thought. Regardless, I like the concept a lot though! Looking forward to seeing how this develops! Great work on this!

Very charming game! The characters were cute and the dialogue was well written! I like the art style as well! The brother character gave me a good laugh! Overall, I had a fun time! Great job on this!

Thank you for playing! (Sorry for the very late reply!)

Thanks so much for playing! Also, thanks for the Linux confirmation!

Awesome and promising demo! I love the art-style and animation, it’s very faithful to Metal Slug. Gameplay-wise, controls felt tight and there was a good challenge in difficulty! Overall, I’m looking forward to more! Great work and good luck with development!

楽しい! I enjoyed this a lot! I didn’t know this was based on a popular song until I played! The game itself is pretty fun. My highest score was 2017. Great work on this, it’s a fun tribute for the song!

Neat game! The mansion had a lot of rooms so it was a good challenge to get through! I did feel a bit tense at times as well! I had a fun time! Great work on this!

Neat game! I like the atmosphere, it was very creepy and somewhat oppressive! The dialogue is well written and does a great job of painting a picture in the player’s mind. Seems like a lot of the meaning of this game will be different based on the person who plays it, which makes for a nice experience. Good work on this!

(3 edits)

Chill puzzle game! I like the way the mechanics of the game were taught! It felt very natural to pick up and it made the puzzle solving experience in later levels very satisfying! There are some good brain teasers! The chill music helps make this a relaxing experience. Overall, I enjoyed this a lot! Great work!

Neat game! I love the art style! The team building aspect was also fun and satisfying! I think I got kinda lucky with the recruits I rolled, but I still felt like I had to put some thought into the team I was building, which is a good feeling! I did feel like the missions ran a little low toward the end, maybe 2-3 more would have helped the end game. Overall, I had a great time! Great work on this!

Neat game! It’s short and sweet. I like the character designs, they’re cute! The story is pretty wacky and while I can’t say I understood it all, it’s still very charming! Gameplay-wise, exploring around and discovering power ups is fun! Overall, I had a good time! Great work on this!

Great puzzle game! It's a very relaxing experience. There's a good challenge with the puzzles. I like the character designs. The music helps create a relaxing atmosphere. The environment and art design are pleasant and look great as well. Overall, I had a lot of fun! Great work on this!

This is awesome! I love the design of the spirits and the world. The music and sounds help add to the dark atmosphere. The bullet-hell gameplay is simple but it’s paired well by the spirits you capture and level up. The variety of spirit’s abilities make for a good progression system and give a great incentive to use every spirit you capture. I haven’t beaten the game as of this comment but I’m definitely going back in! Fantastic work on this!

Neat game! I like the wacky concept of the game! The characters are fun thanks to the incredibly charming voice acting!

Some feedback:

  1. It would be nice if there were subtitles, but given the time limit of the jam, it's totally understandable why they didn’t make it in. If there’s a post-jam update, it would be a great thing to add!
  2. Some things like the mold and doors could use a texture to add some polish.
  3. The lady sitting at the desk gets stuck behind the door, which is very funny, but also probably a bug.
  4. Gameplay wise, I wish there was a little more to the puzzles. I was mostly swinging an axe around.
  5. I think I got a bad ending? I’m not sure how to save the character on the box in the 3rd area. Tried pushing them around but it would rubberband back to their original spot.

Regardless, I had a fun time. Great job on this!

This game is a blast! The massive amount of different units you can have allows for a large variety of potential strategies. It also makes for some very funny combinations. The different terrain and constructs you can have also adds a lot of depth to the game. I really like the art for units and bosses as well, it's a great retro throwback! I’m definitely going to be playing this a lot more! Awesome work on this!

(2 edits)

Fun game! It was short and sweet. Geronimo controls pretty well, dodging and attacking feels very responsive and clean. There’s a nice challenge of not getting hit at all and defeating the cat under a certain time. One very minor piece of feedback: It’d be nice if there was an “exit” or "restart" button on the end screen. (You can press r to restart, as it says on the game page, which I can't read apparently. :P) (When I played it full screen, I got stuck so I had to press alt + f4.) Regardless, great work on this!

Incredibly fun game! It’s a bit hard to control but I think that adds to the chaotic fun of this game! I like the sound effects. The music track is poppin! The quotes after each death are funny as well. Overall, I had a blast! Great work on this!