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A member registered May 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the update ! Looking forward to your translations 

I see.  That is good to know! Thank you for the clear answer 

Are  the other updates still happening ?

This is the Sakurabito version of the game, featuring the heroine's face and slightly more male-targeted edits to the CGs. It is not the switch version with the extra content

Hello, i wanted to know what happens if the goal isn't met. On kickstarter, backers are not charged until the campaign reach it's goal. Is it the same for Ko-fi ? Or will you provide a refund if you can't reach the goal?

(1 edit)

Thank you for the link! And sweet, i will be sure to get it if you guys do 

Hello, the discord link doesn't work anymore, would it be possible to have a new one? Also, will the add-ons be available for digital tiers after the campaign via backerkit? If so, will it be possible to buy photocards individually ?  

Hello, is there a chance for the artbook to be released as a DLC on Steam ?

It is alright! Take your time. I am glad you are still translating

Your new art is superb. Glad to get news. Take care!

I see. Thank you for answering ! Glad there still will be dual MC option 

Hi! I wanted to know if there was a possibility of new CGs for female MC to make it even with male MC. I know you are really busy right now with DLCs and updates, just wanted to know if you maybe considered it for in the future 

Hello, i was looking at page and saw there was two missing games. If i search their name on the search bar, the games appear, but if i go to their profile, they are not there. I was wondering why 

I see. Thank you

Hello, i would like to know if it is necessary to play the female Li route to get the full story or it can be skipped 

They actually replied to a tweet 11 may ! They are still working on it they said 

So, this is the definitive version of the game (excluding extra content)?

I see. Thank you for the detailed answer !

Saw this game on queer bundle, does it have queer characters ?

The game has queer characters ?

Interesting concept, clever writing, surprisingly deep conversations, lovely love interests with lot of personality, beautiful art and a gameplay to top it off! Played multiple times to get all dialogues and it did not disappoint ! Did not expected quality like that for a free game. Can not wait for your next projects 

Even though the line were re-used because of the jam, you did a wonderful job making it flow naturally. The VA also really fitted the character. Had a blast getting all the endings 

Did the UI get updated so that we can see the endings we get? I saw that you mentioned it on your twitter last year, but when i downloaded the game, it still doesn't have the menu 

Really original game! The art was also superb 

The VA did a fantastic job! Short and really cute 

It was a really fun play! I really like how you drew the Cgs. The end got me AHHHH, I GET IT NOW. Also, Dan was such a mood LOL 

Thank you for translating this wonderful game !

Insane quality for a free game!

Really cute and fun game ! All the guys were adorable. I like how their manner of speech differed from one other and the honorifics were kept. Really a great translation. Can’t wait for future games !