Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Decades: 2220s - 2230s - 2240s - 2250s - 2260s - 2270s - 2280s
(stardates 2250 to 2259; or from reference stardates circa 1/94 to 2/00)
Centuries: 22nd century - 23rd century - 24th century

The 2250s was, on Earth's calendar, the sixth decade of the 23rd century. Some stardate systems simply have this decade fall from stardates 2250.0 to 2259.[1] The reference stardate system assigns stardates 1/94 to 2/00 in this decade.[2]


Events of various dates[]

Events taking place from reference stardates cannot always logically be corresponded to modern years or canon dates in most cases, so they are listed on separate pages, with the 2250s corresponding to certain dates circa 1/94 to 2/00.
This article or section is incomplete
This article is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.


additional notable people
Gorkon, son of Toq • Alohk Ixan • Warren Quinland • Kristof Blaque • Jublik • S'rrel • Zheng

Mirror universe[]

additional notable people

Alternate realities[]


References and Notes[]

External link[]
